How to develope an answering machine!? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm trying to develope an answring machine. I just want to know how and with wich commponent/dll etc. I have to play wave through phone line? (I want to play wave and say please left your message after beep but I don't know how to play the wave through phone line (GSM))?
*I need .Net help!

Hi qteks200.
Have you tried searching for previous entries on this query:
My own post/poll -
Have a glance through many, many of these unsuccessful posts on the issue; try searching for the word "poll" against my username, vijay555.
At least one set of developers, led by user "Rain" on this board, have stated that they are developing an app to help with this by intercepting the audio path drivers for the phone line. Try researching this type of stuff.

vijay555 said:
Hi qteks200.
Have you tried searching for previous entries on this query:
My own post/poll -
Have a glance through many, many of these unsuccessful posts on the issue; try searching for the word "poll" against my username, vijay555.
At least one set of developers, led by user "Rain" on this board, have stated that they are developing an app to help with this by intercepting the audio path drivers for the phone line. Try researching this type of stuff.
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Thanks for answering my question, but my problem is not to recording files, I want to play a wave file before begin recoding!

Your problem is more fundamental then that, which is why I directed you to those links.
Due to hardware limitations of most of the HTC phones, no one has managed to play sounds down the phone line, or record from the phone line directly. It may be possible to interact with the phone line at a driver level, but I've not seen it done yet (although maybe very soon!).

I could be wrong, but It was my impression that if you can record both conversations of a phone call then there should be the ability to make an answering machine app, one that will at least be give the caller the ability to record a message.

Sure saqer, but that assumes that you can record both sides of the conversation. Teksoft are releasing their app, which does something clever to record both sides of the phone call, but currently on the market there is no easy way to record both sides of the call (through software, not just loud speakers)

I use a software called vito can record both sides of the voice call...I've used it and it works and I'm not using my loudspeaker to do so
edit: okay forget that....I don't know what made me think it only does one end...but it works for both ends very well when calling my voicemail, which I find rather strange. like you said in another thread I think, Vijay is supposed to come out with an app that does both ends without the need of a microphone...release date TBA in think they're gonna be able to do it?

I'm quite sure they can, they've done amazing things and I doubt they would annouce it without some motivations. I have some ideas too, but too busy to think of right now...

I hv the complete ROM dump of gsmart i..but can't extgract with mamaich's tools..see if some one can help..

Personally, I don't mind having an answering machine that records via the speaker-phone, as most answering machines do give you loud speaker mode upon answering. As a matter of fact, I vaguely remmeber that the Symbian version of answering machine does that as well (eg answering using loud speaker). And, I'm also wondering, what happens if you can turn the volumn waaaay down before recording? As far as I can remember, if you get the caller to be in the loud-speaker, you don't have to get the mic to pick up the message on the loud-speaker, right?
So, assuming that you guys can go ahead with answeing using the speaker phone mode, do you think getting the loud speaker to play the message and pick it up on the mic so that the caller can listen to it? Such app will be useful if you were to keep your phone, speaker side up in your empty, quiet room. You will be in trouble if you were in a meeting.

hdubli -I've dumped the gigabyte rom before, and although you can extract the answering machine, it doesn't work on HTC hardware AFAIK.

Has this been tried on a quanta device? Like the HP rw 6800 series?


Text to Speach Ring Tone Possible?

There seems to be lots of free and open source text to speach code out there:
So, wouldnt it be cool to have your universal say 'Incoming call from <contact name>' instead of your usual ring tone? It gets right around the problem of having to open up the screen to see who is calling.
It would also be a great gimick for people with other phones too. Talking ring tones havent even been done by Nokia yet. 8)
RyanZA said:
There seems to be lots of free and open source text to speach code out there:
So, wouldnt it be cool to have your universal say 'Incoming call from <contact name>' instead of your usual ring tone? It gets right around the problem of having to open up the screen to see who is calling.
It would also be a great gimick for people with other phones too. Talking ring tones havent even been done by Nokia yet. 8)
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Microsoft Voice Command do that and more...
If there is a program to read your incoming sms.....
Artosoft said:
Microsoft Voice Command do that and more...
If there is a program to read your incoming sms.....
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Wow, thanks.
Yeah, incoming SMS would be good. :wink:
RyanZA said:
Artosoft said:
Microsoft Voice Command do that and more...
If there is a program to read your incoming sms.....
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Wow, thanks.
Yeah, incoming SMS would be good. :wink:
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There is the Fonix range which can read your email, but I don't know whether it'd be able to read your SMSes too.
Not to be a stick-in-the-mud, but why would you want SMS-to-Speech?
"Dot Dot Dot Forwardslash dot dot dot Open Bracket dot dot dot", and that's just the first line of one of those cutesy smsses. Or the ones where each letter is converted into it's visual brother, but with umlauts and all the other diacritical marks (accents, breves, circumflexes, spiritus and hooks)? To the english speaking person, the letter "ß" looks like a funky "B", but in germanic, it's an 's" sound.
And "Ur th bst 1 n da wrld" (not a good example, but you get the idea) does not translate well if not heavily interpreted first.
It'd be a "neato" feature, which you'd uninstall after a day's usage.
Can Microsoft Voice Command read up a contacts name and tell me that?
.. Microsoft Voice Command is it worth buying?
Messed around with MS voice command a bit.. havent been using it much before because I dont need the features much over the built in thing. I tried turning on the announce incoming phone calls option, but its really soft. (Far too soft to hear). The normal ring tone plays for a second, then goes soft and I assume the voice command is trying to speak after that, but its too soft to hear, even with the phone next to my ear.
I agree, I love the Voice command function that tells you who's calling but yes it is way to quiet so I usually turn it off, it needs to be load and not trying to swap between the ringtone and voice command telling you the person who's calling. So yes a specific program to do this as a ring tone would be great.
Interesting thread. This is a great idea, but I have to say, MSVC does the job so well, it's probably not worth expanding beyond there. However, I'm looking into a general text to speech solution for PPC.
Our best bet is flite, which is a relatively large install and doesn't sound very good.
However, an easy way for you to start thinking about this is to check out the app WordBook. I think it installs a version of the Flite dll. You can copy text and get it to speak it straight back to you. The speech is quite poor quality, but it gives you an idea. Now I imagine you can access this externally, and so you can intercept SMS, calls etc and get it text to speeched.
However, since MSVC is installed in traditional SAPI form, it should also be externally accessible.
Voice Command
I have just tried the demo of Voice Command on universal, but i couldnt get button on bluetooth headset to activate it. Also it would be nice if the caller name being read out would be good over the bluetooth headset.
Can and of the genius's on this site create such a programe. Or anyone know of any other programmes.
Using the phone in clam mode means you dont know whos calling, and as i use my bluetooth headset all the time, it would be nice to know whos calling.
Thanks in advance
timha: there are about 90 threads on the VC+Clam issue. Non successful, but helpful...
vijay555 said:
Interesting thread. This is a great idea, but I have to say, MSVC does the job so well, it's probably not worth expanding beyond there.
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I dont know about that. Have you tried using the announce incoming calls option? On my universal, no matter what settings I try, its simply impossible to hear what VC is saying while the phone is ringing. So for me, VC definately doesnt seem to be doing the job very well at all.
Has anybody been able to get VC to properly announce the caller ID?
No VC is to quiet, so useless
Aaah, ok, I don't use my universal as a phone, and just remember it from the Magician, when it would announce calls. I think there's a thread around trying to resolve this issue though.
Voice Command has a known problem of being extremely quiet on the Universal.
Somewhere on this site there is a fix CAB file that ostensibly makes the volume higher. I hadn't found a major difference, but look for it and try.
The announce works best if you turn the ringtone off and use annouce only (make sure your normal volume - not ringing volume - is turned way up)
No good, its still very soft. Having the volume on full is also quite a hindrance, since you have to keep turning it up and down all the time. As they said back in November, we'r going to have to wait on an update to make voice command properly compatible with WM5. There doesnt seem to be any move by Microsoft to actually do this, though.
Strange that nobody has really used voice caller ID on the Universal before - it seems the obvious choice for a ring tone to me on a phone like this.
The hack for increasing sound - never tried it, but it involves, IIRC, changing the attentuation type in the notification settings.
I only have Voice Commander. Is it different from MSVC? I keep looking for the announce incoming calls but couldnt find it. Voice Commander has been in my phone when I bought it so I just use what's available but it gives me so much headache. When I say "Call John", it gives me several names that dont even sound close to John. Grrr! I even put tags on the names individually but my VC is so deaf! Is it because of my bluetooth headset, VC or is it the phone's fault?
I've been using this for a couple of years now:
Type your message, pick and voice and download the WAV
Nice and easy and works VERY well so check it out
RyanZA said:
There seems to be lots of free and open source text to speach code out there:
So, wouldnt it be cool to have your universal say 'Incoming call from <contact name>' instead of your usual ring tone? It gets right around the problem of having to open up the screen to see who is calling.
It would also be a great gimick for people with other phones too. Talking ring tones havent even been done by Nokia yet. 8)
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aside from microsoft voice command; what i use is mortring...i'm sure you guys are familiar with this allows you to assign ringtones and sms sounds to individuals in your contacts. using the xda's microphone, i made my own ringtones by recording either my voice or someone else's. example; i deal with a lot of raw material suppliers and i get calls all the time. when this guy working for a foundry calls me up; the sound i recorded goes "mr. johnson is calling". for others whom i've developed good relationships with, i asked if i could record their voice and use it as a if my supplier from an aluminum die caster calls my xda goes "hi robson, this is ch lim". sms' are easy since you can do the same and assign them for that particular contact. when i receive and sms, my xda goes "text message from ____". for the people who call me that are not in my contacts list; the default ringtone i've set sounds off. this is very convenient for me when i'm driving or the like, no need to look at the phone and simply activate the bluetooth headset.
you don't really have to go and search the net for ringtones all the time; you can use the xda's recorder to actually make them. the format output is in .wav file. for text to speech for sms, i agree that would be a very interesting feature...flite is a good app...perhaps vijay can link up something for sms? but then that would probably violate the license thingee for flite...
2 pence

My Challenge!

I have a challenge for every PPC user...
I have tried but due to my lack of knowledge and time I have to give up. So I leave the floor open to anyone out there...
omg...someone please get this stuff out and available...those features are all i need to complete my 8125
lvlolvlo said:
I have a challenge for every PPC user...
I have tried but due to my lack of knowledge and time I have to give up. So I leave the floor open to anyone out there...
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link did not work for me
seriously? it the link didn't work? hmm....just try the main site...should be working fine..the person before you saw it just fine..
Link works.
Nice 'challenge' I hope there isn't any hardware limitation. HTC ought to have these in their new products.
just repost the links directly into the thread so we can get the ball rolling faster. i love the backround noise option is hilarious but at the same time the most useful things ever LOL...just what i need when my GF calls and im not where i told her i would be.
Reposted inside, per request.
elite_is3 said:
just repost the links directly into the thread so we can get the ball rolling faster. i love the backround noise option is hilarious but at the same time the most useful things ever LOL...just what i need when my GF calls and im not where i told her i would be.
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Okay here's my challenge to you...
I came across this link over at XDA:
So I did a little Google'n to see where this phone was available...and of course it's not available to us telecommunication-ally challenged US folks.
So here's the company that sells them; but of course they're in Dubai:
After some more research I found the new updated ROM for this phone, and so I proceeded to unpack it so I could find the applications I wanted.
So--my challenge to you is who can provide for us the following applications from this ROM?
1. Answering Machine (Figure 7)
2. Background Effects (Figure 11)
3. Phone Recording (Figure 12) - granted I don't think this will work on the phone I want to try it on
4. Java Applet (Figure 27)
5. Voice Recorder (Figure 30)
6. Filter SIM and Send DTMF (Figure 20)
7. Magnifier (Figure 24 and 25)
All items should be in their own respective cab files for easy install for anyone who wishes to use it.
Thanks and Good Luck!
You can download the dumped rom from here
You'll need 7-Zip to unzip the archive. 7-Zip is available at
lvlolvlo said:
seriously? it the link didn't work? hmm....just try the main site...should be working fine..the person before you saw it just fine..
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seriously, when i clicked on it last night it didnt work.. however it works today.. maybe the site hiccuped, or maybe i clicked on it wrong lol
On the Answering Machine....
First the Wizard has a hardware limitation that prevents call recording unless you are using speakerphone. I would assume this would eliminate the Answering Machine ability.
Second, my assumption would be that it would be in the PhoneDialer App. So you would need to install their Phone.dll and the control panel applet for the settings.
Third, a registry dump would be useful to see any hooks to the AnswerMachine.dll.
kyphur said:
Third, a registry dump would be useful to see any hooks to the AnswerMachine.dll.
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Any thoughts on where to get the registry dumps?
I'll do some more Google'n
I would love to see someone rip out the answering machine. I think a lot of people woudl find this very useful...
I just took the java app (exe) out of the dump and dropped it in my storage card on my mda. it seems to start up fine. i dont have any jar files handy to try out. It shows an option to install them from either the storage card or "my documents". Im no tech wiz but it seems like someone who knows what they are doing could get all of these features, or maybe some of them from this to work on a wizard.
phony said:
I would love to see someone rip out the answering machine. I think a lot of people woudl find this very useful...
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Incase you missed my previous comments about the answering machine:
kyphur said:
On the Answering Machine....
First the Wizard has a hardware limitation that prevents call recording unless you are using speakerphone. I would assume this would eliminate the Answering Machine ability.
Second, my assumption would be that it would be in the PhoneDialer App. So you would need to install their Phone.dll and the control panel applet for the settings.
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Due to the hardware design of the Wizard, WM5 has no access to the incoming audio stream. bluetooth routing is also done independent of the OS as I understand it. There simply is no way to 1) send audio out to the GSM Phone conntection or 2) record to other person.
The idea of an answering machine on your Wizard is a pipedream.
Previous post deleted.
Nice challenge, I'm interested in the answering machine.
I would be interested in the Cyberon Voice Commander which appears to add a lot of features to the relatively inferior voice speed dial we have. Also the Easy-Touch Menu would be nice, it adds the option of phone profiles and a few other handy items on one menu. It looks like it's a non resident program also so it would be handy for our performance challenged phones.
I don't have any experience with ROMS, otherwise I would attempt this myself. Is this possible?
kyphur said:
Incase you missed my previous comments about the answering machine:
Due to the hardware design of the Wizard, WM5 has no access to the incoming audio stream. bluetooth routing is also done independent of the OS as I understand it. There simply is no way to 1) send audio out to the GSM Phone conntection or 2) record to other person.
The idea of an answering machine on your Wizard is a pipedream.
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Wow I am glad I didn't know this when I downloaded and installed PMRecorder. Although the calls are quiet (unless using speakerphone) they can still be heard. But I assure you they work. If we could get the answering machine to turn on the speakerphone automatically, we could even screen calls!
Maybe the answering machine is a new upgrade to Voice commander!

TyTN - recording phone conversations

Do you know any software for Windows Mobile 5 to recording conversations automatically ? I have 1gb card , can record over 20 hours of quite good quality conversations.
Do you know any soft which will do it automatically after I answer or call to somebody ?
Benone said:
Do you know any software for Windows Mobile 5 to recording conversations automatically ? I have 1gb card , can record over 20 hours of quite good quality conversations.
Do you know any soft which will do it automatically after I answer or call to somebody ?
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try vito audionotes
I have just looked on the Vito Technology site but on the PPC version it mentions nothing about telephone conversation recording so I am assuming it doesn't offer this feature on the PPC, just on Smartphones .. is this correct?
Nicky said:
I have just looked on the Vito Technology site but on the PPC version it mentions nothing about telephone conversation recording so I am assuming it doesn't offer this feature on the PPC, just on Smartphones .. is this correct?
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I've tried "Vito Audionotes" and "Resco Audio Recorder" and both got the same problem on TyTN; both only records your side so are useless...
Yes, it is a problem Viva, the way I have got round this is by using the Tytn headphones to make a call but I just wear one earpiece in my ear and I hold the other earpiece next to the inline microphone (you could even tape it there).
I have only ever used the inbuilt note recorder before so when I saw this thread I was hoping that there was 3rd party software out there that would record the other side of the conversation automatically so I wouldn't have to do it this way.
Anyway, thought I would mention my method in case it helps anyone
How about this
starfish_001 first point
1) Download either or both of applications below - NOTE: PM Recorder will only work with some Smartphones, not Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
what is the differebce between PPC Phone and Smartphone ?
I thought my TyTN is a Smartphone but now I think it's a PPCPhone ..
So, there is nothing which can record conversations. It's a pity , phone with so big storage should have this option built-in... what you think ?
The option with some server which will keep my records it's not good for me, I wouldn't let anybody to send my conversations anywhere..
Ok, I will be still looking for some solution and let you know if find any..
Cheers guys.
Yes, TyTn is a PocketPC phone. The most obvious difference is that Smartphones do not have a touchscreen and have a numeric pad.
My C500 (Typhoon) Smartphone wouldn't record telephone conversations either, so I don't think that it's PPC specific. The incoming call simply isn't passed through the OS for it to be recorded.
I read somewhere (sorry, can't remember where) that it was a conscious decision by Microsoft as some operators didn't want that functionality and they were trying to get as many operators onboard as possible. But Nokias can record conversations - even without a beep notification to the caller - so this info may not be correct.
Guys, please DO use the forum serach engine. I've long answrred these question in ALL call recording-related threads started before June 2006.
Please see
Moi herra Ruotsalainen. Your article doesn't mention LivePVR from Softtrends. I tried it and it works, but not for the purpose I wanted it. I am looking for a proper answering machine for WM5, like SmartAnswer I had on my old Nokia 6600.
LivePVR does not work in recording phine calls. They finally admitted this on the handango product page, too. You will need to use it in "speaker" mode like all others... Its just technically not possible.
Well, I have just read the article about recording via the speakerphone but I still prefer my method which I mentioned earlier in this thread.
My method records both sides of the conversation, I think the recording I get is better quality than when you record via speakerphone and the conversation remains private ... I am quite happy with my workaround
When I have wizard, i use (somewhere on the forum) and ....hmm it's record all? (don't remember for 100%).
gromel said:
When I have wizard, i use (somewhere on the forum) and ....hmm it's record all? (don't remember for 100%).
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It will not record the other party's voice, as has already been pointed out in my article (see link above).
However, i's still teh best call recorder app available for the PPC, particularly if you use the WAV postconverter I've discussed in the article.
Applestar said:
LivePVR does not work in recording phine calls. They finally admitted this on the handango product page, too.
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They did false advertising? Everyone who paid for that pretty crapy app could sue them for that. After all, the day after they've released LivePVR I've pointed out in my review it's NOT able to record the other party. That is, they were surely able of the app's inability of this.
abubasim said:
Moi herra Ruotsalainen. Your article doesn't mention LivePVR from Softtrends. I tried it and it works, but not for the purpose I wanted it. I am looking for a proper answering machine for WM5, like SmartAnswer I had on my old Nokia 6600.
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Yup, it directly doesn't mention it; however, the Audio Recorder Bible (linked in from the PMRecorder article; ) does and it also links in the related LivePVR review ( )
The extend of my test was one phone call. I realise now that I did the test with the speaker on.
Microphone picking up the sound from the speaker . . . bleeding edge, huh?
So finally...
I started this thread once again , I know, there is a lot about that on this forum. I just wanted to put this in to TyTN section, because I was dreaming that this model has no hardware restriction and maybe somebody wrote good app for recording phone calls.
I see, it's still impossible to do that on such a gadgetty mobile phone...
It's a pity....
If anybody find the solution please continue this thread or even send me a message please.
abubasim said:
Microphone picking up the sound from the speaker . . . bleeding edge, huh?
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I'm continuously pushing the issue in internal MS forums. Hopefully HTC / MS changes its approach and does implement what Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens etc have been offering for 7-8 years.
Benone said:
So finally...
I started this thread once again , I know, there is a lot about that on this forum. I just wanted to put this in to TyTN section, because I was dreaming that this model has no hardware restriction and maybe somebody wrote good app for recording phone calls.
I see, it's still impossible to do that on such a gadgetty mobile phone...
It's a pity....
If anybody find the solution please continue this thread or even send me a message please.
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OK, will post a note here too when there is a solution. Also make sure you regularly visit the General forum here for my latest posts.

Skype Sound output switch

I have made a program for my girlfriend wizard so she can talk with skype using the earpiece instead of the loudspeaker...
It might be useful for others too, use it at your own risk, I do not take responsibilities for any damage made by this program...
It also may work with other phones, it is a matter of trying... of course again, at your own risk.
It is very simple, just run the program before a skype call and then bring it up and press "ok" to close.
If someone knows tha if skype broadcast some sort of message while making a call, please send the information to me so I can make a auto-switching program ;-)
Do not let the program running because you can really mess things around, but nothing serious... just annoying.
standalone exe file, do not sell it!!! it is free!!
Check the new program, at:
Thanks man, I don't need it at the moment, but it is great idea.
this is a fix that a lot of ppl have been waiting for but unfortunately it doesn't work on my tytn 2. is there any way that you can make a universal switch or one for the tytn 2?
can someone use this fix to auto-switch when wm6 voip call is comming in?
This is brilliant, brilliant!!!!
I suggest you repost this as VOIP: Audio redirection to earpierce and hopefully the mods can make this a sticky. This is a problem that has baffled many for long.
I've tested with both Express Talk and WM6 VOIP. However WM6 VOIP has got an issue on my phone where the volume is low with lots of noise. However in both cases,the app redirected the audio to the earpiece. Express talk is crystal clear through the earpiece and is what I'll be using for VOIP calls.
Would you care to elaborate on what issues we can expect if we leave the application running for long?
one small problem is after running this .exe, i am unable to key lock my device. so as i speak over the earpiece of skype i have the tendancy to press buttons (eg. hangup) with my face.
pmugabi said:
Would you care to elaborate on what issues we can expect if we leave the application running for long?
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you wont hear your phone ring at all if you leave the device running. all the sounds and notifications that come through the loudspeaker will all now come through the earpiece!
would vibrate still work?
To answer my own question, I tested it and it does! (Well I tested it on my Tilt and it worked)
My own problem now is finding a ROM that works with Skype and Troca2. The one I have now will not use the mic on the phone (whether troca2 is running or not). Either way I am making progress towards my Skype only wizard!
SKYPE and FRING on Sony Xperia X1
Have you managed to make this software automatic??
It may be a good idea if the software would work for FRING and SKYPE only without redirecting ALL the sounds.
Is it possible??
I am having a issue with audio not coming out as mono on MP3 files will this work for that?
could you please make this run on WM2003 also ? i need this for my HTC magician.
thank you in advance...
MarceloFB said:
I have made a program for my girlfriend wizard so she can talk with skype using the earpiece instead of the loudspeaker...
It might be useful for others too, use it at your own risk, I do not take responsibilities for any damage made by this program...
It also may work with other phones, it is a matter of trying... of course again, at your own risk.
It is very simple, just run the program before a skype call and then bring it up and press "ok" to close.
If someone knows tha if skype broadcast some sort of message while making a call, please send the information to me so I can make a auto-switching program ;-)
Do not let the program running because you can really mess things around, but nothing serious... just annoying.
standalone exe file, do not sell it!!! it is free!!
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Thanks for your great share!!!!
Does it work on X1?
I think WM2003 is too old to run
Code ... maybe?
Hi MarceloFB,
This works great on my Xperia X1 (didn't try it with Skype, just my own VOIP app). ... Also have not tried it on my TytnII, don't even think I'm going to bother, since the TytnII hardware (as far as I know) won't support it.
I would, however, love to just put the API call into my own VOIP app instead of having the extra executable.
I have tried:
waveOutMessage( hWaveOut, /*MM_WOM_FORCESPEAKER*/WM_USER + 2, FALSE, 0 );
... as I thought that was the way to redirect the sound on devices where the hardware supports it, but that does not seem to work.
Would you maybe be willing to let me know what API calls you make in your app?
Hi ...
.... Nevermind ... got it working .... and on TytnII as well
Works fine with Fring, Thanks, any idea why Skype 2.5 Beta crashes on Xperia when trying to make a call?
Works on Hermes
I've been testing express talk: and your app reroutes the audio perfectly.
Where do I send beer? I would love a today plugin.
[email protected] said:
Hi ...
.... Nevermind ... got it working .... and on TytnII as well
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Is it possible to guide us how you changed your API to make it automatic ?
I don't know why nobody continued this thread. It is a big problem for all of WM users .
I have WM 6.1 and still the same problem . Damn Microsoft cannot fix this issue ?
Take a look at the first post, I have made a new program with automatic switch, and need people to test it and give some feedback, I intend to make corrections as bugs appears.

MS Voice Command 1.6

Has anyone tried to install MS Voice Command 1.6, does it work? Any recommendations?
[email protected] said:
Has anyone tried to install MS Voice Command 1.6, does it work? Any recommendations?
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I have installed it and it works VERY well. I was really surprised that as soon as I installed the CAB file I was able to say "Play..." then any artist or album in my music library - right out of the box. Voice recognition was incredibly accurate with no setup required (I.E. "Play - A Tribe Called Quest" consistently no probs )
HOWEVER I have actually uninstalled it recently as I was watching the task manager and noticing that the 'VoiceCommand.exe' process was consistently jumping between 1% and 12% with no action from me whatsoever. This is not much and might be tolerable for some people but for me it is an added drag!
this program has some bugs
it will delay the sip and it will mess up the ringtone
however you could change the regisitry to fix it
if you don't need it , better dont install it
X807 said:
this program has some bugs
it will delay the sip and it will mess up the ringtone
however you could change the regisitry to fix it
if you don't need it , better dont install it
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how does one fix this problem?
MrZippo said:
how does one fix this problem?
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for the ringtone bit i dont know hoe to fix the registry
for sip issue u can check out the wikipedia here. if you are not an advance user defintely not risk to edit your registry
I tried it, but, maybe coincidence, maybe not, I found my battery ran down quite quickly. This happened over 3 days, so i uninstalled it, and it has gone back to normal battery time.
Maybe it is something to do with what SamasQ mentions above. Maybe its just my phone.
Did the incoming calls announcement work as well?
For me it was the only thing that didn't work.
Voice dial, running programs, play music, announcing new messages and calendar events - all worked. But incoming caller names did not.
On my old HTC TyTN II all of the above worked.
So I'm wondering, was it just me or don't the incoming caller announcement work on X1?
Draqula, same here, all worked but incoming call announcements.
try going to some website (win-mo experts or something and look for bengaliath, he did some extensive post on this program. I haven't had time to look yet, but its worth a shot.)
BTW, which ROM you using, (UK international?)
fpbiii said:
Draqula, same here, all worked but incoming call announcements.
try going to some website (win-mo experts or something and look for bengaliath, he did some extensive post on this program. I haven't had time to look yet, but its worth a shot.)
BTW, which ROM you using, (UK international?)
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I read the bengalih guide. It was originally posted here at xda forums and helped me a lot when setting up VoiceCommand on the HTC TyTN II.
Now it's available here:
Unfortunately, there was no helpful info for me there.
I found and checked the following registry key...
Incoming Announcements are the function of the voicecmd.exe and the following registry key:
"Script" = "as5p"
"Category" = "VoiceCommand1"
"Sound" = "Application Data\Volatile\TTSCallerID.wav"
... and found that on my X1 there was an extra slash in the location of the wav, but fixing it didn't help.
Let me know if you find any new info.
I have successfully ported quite a bit of drivers from x1 and blackstone to raphael.. please try the blackstone wavedev.dll (it must be cooked into rom) - on raphael this updated driver fixes voice command announce problem
Voice Command 1.6 also disconnects the bluetooth headset after you give a voice command. You have to re-establish the bluetooth connection again each time.
I've already removed the Voice Command because of this.
Other than this problem, it works very well in the X1.
The small print below the sales pitch for voice commander states "Incoming caller ID announcements will be spoken via the phone speaker on Sony Ericsson Xperia X1s with a Windows Mobile build prior to 15097.3.0.0. "
Any ideas how to find the build number?
windows mobile build
esco666 said:
The small print below the sales pitch for voice commander states "Incoming caller ID announcements will be spoken via the phone speaker on Sony Ericsson Xperia X1s with a Windows Mobile build prior to 15097.3.0.0. "
Any ideas how to find the build number?
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For windows mobile build Go to settings/system/system info.
I/ve tried in all combination, but coice command don't work with the callar id function. I purcased it, but now refund, don't work!
voice command 1.6 works fine on my X1 too except call announcement. I have tried all the recommended patches, but when I replace the files nothing happens or i get some crashes.
Has anyone tried this allready with success?
many thanks
I have read all these posts and see that most poeple have a problem with the voice caller ID being read out....
I too installed (though a previous version) v1.5 and everything works fine except for caller ID voice read out...
Another thing i found is that it would read email subject headings from my 2nd email account but not from my first email account....might just be coincidence...
Bit concerned now that I read about the 1%-12% fluctuations when you arent even using it....hmmm
Same problem, no caller ID name readout
Same problem, the callerID is not read out.
What version are you guys running of MS Voice Command? There are multiple versions of 1.6.xxxxxx.
I am trying to use it with my BT headset. That is speaking the name into my bt headset after pressing the button on it. Does that work or do I always have to use my phone for speaking my commands?
EDIT: never mind. I got it to work. By restarting the phone (so typical of Windows)
When i installed Voice Command on my Xperia... it errored out at the end of installation, but completed regardless. It is working perfectly in every aspect except announcing incoming calls. It is great when it announces messaes and e-mails so that i know whats coming in and from who...
It did announce an incoming call once or twice... but out of the blue.
msalmank said:
It did announce an incoming call once or twice... but out of the blue.
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Interesting. For me too, that's the only problem. Incoming announcements.
Somebody mentioned it disconnects BT HF and you have to reconnect manually - not true for my Jabra BT8040, it stays connected or automatically reconnects, anyway it works.
Especially useful when driving and getting new messages and next appointments announced by BT HF.
just a question that links indirectly to this thread:
is there a way to remap the button for voice command? somehow I wanted to invoke the voice command app via the earphones' button SE X1 has. so I don't have to grab my phone inside its pouch and unlock it and press either the 2 buttons I mapped em with.

