ActiveSync issues with Exchange? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I've been having a problem for the past week in that I could not connect to my Exchange Server or passthru to the Internet with and ActiveSync connection.
At least for the moment, on the Connections menu, clicking on "USB to PC" and disabling "advanced networking functionality" seems to have resolved the problem.
Anybody else run into this?
And what is this advanced networking, anyway?
I've also noticed that Sprite Backup would fail with it enabled, so it seems I've solved two problems at the same time...

i had that issue as well the work around i did was connect to my wifi connect my device to my pc sync then disconnect my wifi
still a pain

I've always just connected straight to the server over GPRS/UMTS. I haven't even installed Active Sync on my new PC.

hi Folks,
i have the same issue with Active Sync. I am using Active Sync for syncronizing emails, contacts etc ... I have discovered if you installed the device (hardreset) then you may able to sync with the exchange for the first time. After that you are not longer able to sync it.
I used different ROM's (Dopod, Qtek,O2) all have the same problem. I am not able to sync over Active Sync (4.2 latest and prior versions) with my exchange server. I need to sync over 3G Network and thats a bit expensive over the time with O2.
I think this device is more than incomplete since i am using a Wizard too and i have no problems with the same pc on my Wizard device.
I hope there will be a ROM update really soon that covers many issues discussed in that board here...
At least i am really disappointed about the device which HTC sold over the market.

On mine this works! - nevertheless i am using the IP adress - could be a hint for you guys

do you mean the IP address from the Exchange Server? Or do you pair your device with static IP addresses? :?:

Well ...
I got mine to work after i discovered that the proxy server i placed under gprs connection denied the connection to the exchange server. switching all to MyISP resolved the issue.
If you use a firewall try to look which address the RAPI Manager tries to connect to. Maybe that helps for you to solve your error.

I use the IP adress for the exchange Server name. The connection Between laptop and device is negotiated automatically


VPN forgetting its password/settings after activesync :(

ok here is the setup:
domain and exchange setup on a lan with firewalls and vpn gateway.
I have configured the phone to local sync and remote gprs sync.
I have put in exceptions lists to my intranet for my adresses.
it works fine to local sync and after a restart or 2 i can get the vpn connections going.
but after every local sync with AS 4.1 i get a question to re enter my userid and pw for the vpn connection when i´try to remote sync again. its like it foregets it or looses it somehow.
if I enter them again it works..
I have resetted and reinstalled everying 5-6 times always the same story
has anyone had the same problems??
i feel alone here...
Does anyone use vpn on thir WM5.0 devices??
I cant get it to remember the passwords...I am thinking it might be something ralated to AS4.1 but i am not sure...
your not alone lynxlynx, don't be disheartend.
although i can't help i'm sure someone will. just be patient, your not being ignored.

Cingular 8125 syncing problem

Hi all, im havein a problem syncing my 8125 with my pc with activesync 4.1. when i connect it XP recognixes the phone and a network connection is established, and activesync opens and just keeps saying connecting......the green ball just keeps goin round and round..tried restarts on both phone an pc and tried reinstalling activesync..please help im goin nutz here
It's Probably Your Firewall
I use Trend Micro and I had to create new rules for the firewall. The link below will hopefully get you going in the right direction.
thanks for the help
that link was kinda useful, but im still having problems which i think are related to my firewall software. i use kaspersky anti hacker and i have allowed all the processes for activesync in the firewall setup, but i think its the ports that im havin difficulties with. anyone with expierence with this firewall please help!
Cingular 8125 Sync Issue
I have the Cingular 8125.
One thing I can say is that the Sync between the 8125 and ActiveSync is buggy. For instance, It keeps wiping out my favorites bookmarks on my system when doing a bi-directional sync. - wierd.
Anyways, After playing around with this phone for a few weeks, I do know that ActiveSync uses TCPIP via USB to communicate with the 8125. My suggestion is to temporarily disable any and all firewalls and see if it syncs up. When I plug my phone in I get a new network adapter that shows up and obtains an IP address from nowhere ( as my systems are firewalled from the internet entirely and I don't run DHCP on my network.
I suggest the following:
1) See if Windows see a new network adapter when you plug in the 8125.
2) Disable all firewalls from that adapter.
3) Establish a firewall ruleset allowing data for both your local private network subnet (,, and the 8125 network subnet (
4) When the phone is connected, it shows up in "My Computer" as "Mobile Device".
Hope this helps.
Same problem
I have the same problem with TyTN e Windows Vista/XP... And I have no idea about the way to solve it!
The strange thing is that happens only with TyTN and not with MTeoR!

prob withwifi and exchange server sync when docked

I have had a problem for quite some tome now with exchange server sync and my qtek 9100.
we have wifi at work and I can sync fine with exchange server, however when my phone is docked and connected to my pc it will sync with the pc but not with the exchange server. It complains about a netork problem when cconnecting and I presume it some clash with the LAN connection created via the pc and the pc wifi. I had accepted this and left it at that until recently I did a sync at home where I have a very similar wifi setup. the fone is connected to the pc and does a sync with both the pc and exchamge server fine. both the fone wifi and pc wifi were on and a LAN connection was also created with the pc and phone aswell, yet the phone was syncing fine.
Can anyone shed some light as to what is wrong with my work/phone setup so that it will also sync with the server when docked. The only differnce in setup is that my work wifi on the phone settings is for `WORK` and the home one is for `THE INTERNET`
After Some digging on the forums I found the following threads which have solved the problem
This then brings up the question of what does it mean to be connected to "Work Network", "The Internet", and "Automatic" in the Active Server Settings?

Sync with Exchange via GPRS and USB

after trying for hours I really need help:
ELF (Htc Touch)
Laptop with Vista and Mobile Device Center 6.1
Office/Outlook 2007
Server 2003
Sync with our company exchange server both via GPRS (when I'm traveling) and USB (when I'm in the office)
Sync via GPRS works flawless. I configured the exchange settings manually. Synchronization of mails, contacts, and calendar works fine.
Problems start when I connect the device to my PC via USB.
The PC is in this case connected to our company LAN. After I plug in USB mobile device center connects and the synchronization starts. Problem is that it never ends. My device shows "waiting for network" and nothing happens thereafter. In the mobile device center error messages begin to pile up (saying that sync failed).
Aparently the device cannot connect to the exchange server via USB and the PC as gateway (at least, that's what I conclude from the messages). I've been playing with all settings I found but I'm stuck with the same problem.
There must be a way to do this! After all I had that in my old company (Windows xp and Windows Mobile 5), although i had to manually chose which connection I wanted to use.
PLZ Help !!!
I found something!
Our exchange server has for internal (LAN) and external (internet) access different adresses. No wonder that it could not connect.
But there's the next problem: How do I configure so that I can chose the server depending on the connection I'm using? Of course, I could go to the exchange settings and change them every time I want to access but there must be an easier was that allows me to preconfigure two profiles for the same outlook mobile account.
Ideas please ...

Cannot Connect ActiveSync via GPRS using MyWork Network

Very Strange Problem with ActiveSync over GPRS.
I upgraded Imate JasJam WM6.0 to HTC HD2 Telstra WM6.5.
Device uses activesync over Telstra NextG to My Work Network with Exchange Server 2003. Setup the new HTC with the same work network authentication credentials, used the same Activesync credentials for Exchange Mail Server. I now have the default Telstra Internet connection plus MyWork Network connection. The new WM6.5 connections area is a little different but not too difficult. I started it up and worked first time. Fantastic.
I purchased another HTC HD2 and did the same for a work colleague. Once again worked first shot. Fantastic. Couldn't be happier with the trial.
Purchased 10 more for the rest of the team to upgrade their Jasjams. Setup the next one and no worries with the connection but it would not start active sync. Then setup the next one, with exactly the same problem - activesync spins for about 30secs then pops the 'Cannot Connect' error. Then I setup the next HTC and it worked perfectly. The Jasjam upgrade program is now stopped pending resolution!
So we have 3 that will sync to exchange mail and 2 that won't. I still have a drawer full of brand new HD2's so I try other devices, same problem. I move the SIM back into the JasJam, no problems so its not the SIM or the user credentials. So I try using my own credentials into a HD2 that won't sync and get the same problem, HOWEVER, without touching my own working HD2 whule testing the faulty one, my own device will now not sync either.!
The Work Connection dials telstra.corp and my credentials establish the connection OK which does work and can run other remote apps. The cannot connect error has a blank where you would expect to see the number dialed so it means that activesync no longer knows how to connect. If I change the internet connection from Telstra Internet to MyWork Connection then activesync works OK. Then change it back to Telstra Internet and Activesync still works OK, so that seemed to solve the problem, but now the device cannot connect to the Internet. This is all very strange.
Have tried internet/dedicated setting but this seems to ignore me anyway.
Have tried diabling '...Faster Data Sync..'
Device syncs via a USB/PC connection without a trouble.
Anyone got any ideas. Thanks
Workaround found but its still strange behaviour.
On the HD2 the Telstra connections can't be edited so I created a new one and supplied the access point, IP address and proxy from the old JasJam. The HD2 now has my work connection and my own version of the Telstra connection. This seemed to do the trick. I now have Internet from Telstra and activesync via GPRS to my work Exchange Server.
However what caused Activesync to not know how to connect in the first place?
I would appreciate any ideas you might have. Thanks
I have been having exactly the same issue as posted above and have been tearing my hair out for the last couple of days trying to fix it.
I am syncing using ActiveSync on my HD2 ( WM6.5 ) to Google calendar using google sync and was getting the same unable to connect error or ActiveSync just sitting there saying Waiting for Network.
Syncing worked fine if I connectd to my Wireless network but OTA just wouldn't work.
After much googling I came upon this thread so tried setting up a new connection to Telstra Internet but this didn't fix it.
But then I happened upon the solution, so thought I'd spend the time posting it here in case it can help somebody else with the issue.
Open Tools/ActiveSync on the HD2, then Menu/Options.
Highlight "Microsoft Exchange" and press Settings.
Assuming your settings are already entered and correct, press Next until you see the list of what to Sync (Contacts, Calendar etc).
Now press MENU and select Advanced.
Under Connection, change this to Internet (click OK if you get a warming about not using a dedicated connection) , and press Save then Finish, and finally press OK.
As soon as I did this syncing worked via the Telstra Internet connection and has worked perfectly for the whole of today.
So I hope this helps somebody else out there who like me may have been googling for ages trying to find a solution to this issue.
No Activesync Through Telco Connection
I was also having activesync issues. The connection worked fine via WiFi through any access point (home, work, friend's house) but would not sync through Telstra Internet.
I was trying the "internet" option rpalmer68 mentioned when I stumbled upon the "Sync data when roaming" setting in >SETTINGS >DATA SERVICES >ACTIVESYNC.
After turning this on magic began to happen. All working perfectly.
I realised that I still had the "internet" connection set as above and went back to change it when I noticed it had changed to "dedicated".
I am using stock standard Telstra issued HD2 and haven't needed to modified any network connections.
This may be a simpler solution to try with the same outcome.
I had the same problem with my HD2. Changing the "Sync data when roaming" made no difference.
But rpalmer68's solution worked perfectly.
I noticed that I had to set the connection to Internet (this made it work). And then, when I checked the settings later, it had changed itself to Dedicated.
Setting the connection to Dedicated myself did not solve the problem (it changes itself back to blank).

