A lot of people trying to write programs that can transfer data over a phone call seem to end up giving up because they think their device is not capeable of it. I put this little app together to make it possible to demonstrate the data transfer on ppc phones. If this works on your device then you can implement similar functionality.
download bellow:
It will only work if the program is running on both the calling and answering ppc at the same time.
0)Make sure the phones on your ppc's are turned on.
1)copy the exe to both devices.
2)run the exe on both devices.
3)press "startup" on both devices.
4)(both devices) a series of dialogs will pop up, if you see one labeled "celular line" press yes. If you know your phone uses a line called something else press yes to that instead. If you press no to everything the program will try to get the correct line, but may fail. If you want to choose again restart the program.
5)on the calling device put a phone number in the edit box at the top. I am no expert on numbers around the world so I have just let whatever you put there go straight in. If the number fails its got nothing to do with this program.
6)on the calling device press "dial". wait until it says connected.
7)on the answering device the incoming call will be shown. If a caller id is available it will be displayed. The ppc inbuilt phone is not stopped by this app so you will not be able to press the answer button. Instead wait (normally the default is 3 rings) and my program will answer the call itself.
8)two way communication is now posible. Data sent from the "data to send" edit box on one ppc will be displayed on the "received data" window on the other ppc. As this is a simple program the display will just show the last 25 digits to keep the latest info in the window.
9)when done press "hangup" on one of the ppc's
The data is not just sent in a direct way. It gets broken up into packets and they are timed as they are transmitted along with some error checking. The timing is rather generous so it slows the transmition down a bit, that along with all the actions being displayed to the user.
This works well between my xda mini and xda I. It dose not work on windows mobile 2005. Because of the expense involved in phone calls it is dificult to debug. If any messages do pop up it would be nice if you could post the number on the dialog and a description of what was going on. This program cost me $150 in phone expence, so enjoy.
could you post the code , please ?
i have to make an application that need to receive file from server with data call.
(excuse my english)
best regards
I will not post the entire code, this is to let you know if it is worth the effort trying. Almost everything contained within this program that is related to tapi can be seen in posts already on this board. If you have a specific question I would be glad to post code relating to it.
When you say you need to retreive a file from a server, you should know that tapi data calls do not go through the mechanism that ras or sockets use to let the operating system get a ip and port for communication. Your program is responsible directly for the communication. It would be terrific if you could write code to replace the missing incoming ras components from pocket pc. I have not so I could not show any code for that.
If the server you want to connect to is not a pocket pc based device, ie it is a normal pc, then tapi is not the best solution for you. I suggest using sockets, its designed for that kind of thing. ppc to ppc tapi data calling is like a last resort kind of programming. It is forced on us because either the phone networks don't give us usefull ip's for sockets or the api's are not fully implemented in ras. Alternately you could look into using the compact framework 2.0 and c#, I think I read somewhere that incoming ras would be included there.
just one question...your application uses TAPI, isn't it?so TAPI is supported by mostly different mobile device?Am I right?
ppc 2000 supports tapi outbound only.
ppc 2002, wm2003, wm2005 all support tapi inwards and out.
The hardware can vary, I only have the devices listed in my sig. For all of those (that are phones) tapi data, in/out is fully functional. If you are using a phone card (ie one that plugs into the expansion port) its capeabilities may be different. Often those only support gprs (not tapi). If you have anything with XDA in the name its OK.
Thank you for your advise but I have a specific problem using HTC
Wizard. I need to connect a server using a V110 modem in order to create
data link between a PDA and this server. I developed a code (VB .net)
for PDA and independent cellular phone using standard AT commands. I
tried to develop a similar approach with HTC Wizard but it seems it is
not possible to send AT commands to the modem (cellular line). To
develop your code you should have solved this problem using TAPI. Could
you explain me how to initiate the cellular line so that I could create
a V110 link.
I understand more clearly what you want to do now. Unfortunately I have never attempted to use at commands. You said I should have solved this problem in my app, but the point of using tapi is to not have to deal with at commands. Tapi is good for sending data, its my "guess" that whatever the commands you want to send could be generated by tapi to look like whats expected on the other end (assuming the typs of transmitted data match. eg dose the size of one at command correspond to >= the size of one char?).
I think that you would not be able to communicate directly with the modem with at commands until you have stopped tapi/ril from using the port. Again, I have not done this. Search this board to find how to do that. Once you have, try your origional code again. I doubt your normal phone functionality would work after that.
Sorry I could not be of more real help.
I dont have PPC but I do have smartphone instead..
Does the program require CSD line or can use normal GSM? Can you create one similar program that can be used in Samartphone wm5?
It uses normal gsm, ie a voice call. The underlying class in my program can probably work on smartphones, but I do not have one. To be honest I think smartphones are dying. Normal ppc phones are the same size now so to put too much effort into smarphones seems less attractive.
My PPC wm5 cannot dial, the other PPC show CONNECT but...
I was using HP Ipaq and Dopod PPC, The HP Ipaq when dialed it show dial number but nothing dialed to other party. Latter Dialed from Dopod It was shown CONNECT but no connection is establish to other party...
Could you give me the reason. If I am using WM5 is the case, what OS that you are using?
How about using CSD line instead could it possible running properly? Do I need to install certificate and signing the application(exe) as to make the program running in WM5, is what happen to smartphone certain API under privilage zone.
It is my mistake the MyTapUser.exe find in both HP and Dopod
I am sorry since I just bought the SIM card and the provider put some procedure before I can use the line. After consulted the shoper, The shoper activated it for me. Walla! I tested again it worked fine...thanks to you...master!
Some networks can also cause problems. I use vodafone and its 100% ok but I put an optus prepaid in and nothing happened at all. If I understand correctly the network should only be interested in the bearer mode. I use LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE - the same as a voice call so it should be ok. When experimenting with that sim, they will not do anything with a call that contains a LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM in the call params. Very strange considering they have no use for knowing this.
I am pleased it worked for you. This is realy very old and I will be removing it from my site soon when my new stuff comes out. Even if the myTapiUser seems to work, remember that it is not checking the contents of the transmition. Bad weather for example could cause information to be missed. There are probably problems receiving on the HP that you may not have noticed. Is it the same HP made by quanta? If the HP can receive data after answering an incoming call I would love to know about it. Can you confirm this?
This is my report..
I am using prepaid no csd line.
Device Info
1.HP iPAQ TI OMAP1510 - 2003 PPC(memory-57.04MB)
2.DOPOD PXA270-520MHZ WM5(5.1.1..1700)(memory-50.19MB)
HP Dialed Dopod
- HP received data from DOPOD immediately after data was sent.
- DOPOD received data from HP after next sequence of data transmit from HP(sometime error 0052 occur)
- HP received immediately data from DOPOD
- DOPOD receiving data from HP after the next sequence of data transmitting.
- error trigger 0052(assembly packet...) in DOPOD
data send perfect 100% correct...
May I know whether, If this method can be used sending digital stream of data, such as, compress voice or image?
Yes it can. I have not done voice because the flow of the transfer would be very different from what I want. If you want to see voice transfer in action over data calls google cryptophone.
In about 15 hours I will be releasing my program. Come back then to see what it can really do. I need to make a page for it on my site and get screen captures etc. Its 2am here so I can't do it now.
incoming call how to get connectted?
I can dial to the receiving phone. My receiving phone use ril to detect the incoming call. After the detection, I can press the green button to answer. My problems is why everytime I answered the call it failed.
I did like below procedure, when ril detect the incoming signal
Is it the correct way to answer the call? Why 'lineOpen' produce error result?
Can You give the correct way to answer the incoming call for modem like communication.
Thank in advance,
As far as ril goes I know little. You should have opened the line before the call was offering, this includes negotiating the version of tapi to use then finding the correct line then using lineopen. All this has been covered in other threads. The values returned from the api calls are self explanitory so checking them is useful.
The use of linegetid is less straight forward but again it has also been covered in other threads. The thing to remember is that after you use lineanswer to answer an offering call, do not imediately call linegetid. You need to wait for the connected line state. Also check the dwCallbackInstance when looking at line states because as I found with the atom, you need to be sure the results are relevant to your program.
I know that what you really would like is some code but its too complicated to sumarize in a few lines. The best thing to do is start from the beginning ( lineInitializeEx ) and work to the end result ( LineGetID ) checking your errors along the way. You will need another thread to do the checking of the state of the line, and it will have to be properly synchronized if you don't want unexplained crashes. If your program is answering the call, don't touch the phone buttons. When you answer the call cprog.exe owns it and you will not be able to access it. Also is there a reason you are mixing ril with tapi? I would guess it complicates the issue, why not just use tapi or just use ril?
Ril or TAPI
Yes! You are right, either one can be used. I am a little bit confused about the two. Just remember I am new to this kind of development. After sometime I am testing the use of RIL and TAPI both can give the same answer, but better use TAPI from the beginning. And I have to kill the cprog.exe and RegisterHotKey for green button first.
I want to ask you something. Why after several attempt of LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING event, there is no LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING trigger, as this event use to lineAnswer? And what should I do when the LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING event trigger?
Thank in advance
Sorry, I may have been a bit loose with the terminology. Its a while since I coded that part - Line states, line messages I mean. LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING is obtaine this way....
First off, use the event notification method, not the callback window. Wait for the event using WaitForSingleObject then Use lineGetMessage to get a LINEMESSAGE. If the dwMessageID of the LINEMESSAGE is LINE_CALLSTATE then check what call state it is (eg is dwParam1 equal to LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING etc). You can then take action depending on what you want to do, like answer when offering.
I never see LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING because it is not needed by my app because the line messages suffice. Killing cprog.exe on a users device before its neccesary could lead to missed calls, also when it is not running the caller just hears the ringing tone so it seems like they are being ignored. I have also found that the os restarts it again anyway after a while (actually it seems like it dose this after the device has powered down and when a new call comes in).
What is the different when using event and callback function
What I understood that we can use either event or callback function to gain message from TAPI. I am using the callback function to get the LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING, which is different than you, where you are possibly using the Event method (lpLineInitializeExParams->dwOptions = LINEINITIALIZEEXOPTION_USEEVENT - I think you are using this one!).
I still cannot get the status of LINECALLSTAE_OFFERING. Some of the events caught are LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE and LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN. What is the meaning of LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN stated in the MSDN line is open by other application, does it means that cprog.exe is conqured the line?
The reason I said to use the event method is that I have only done this with it. I could not give any advice about the call back method (although i guess it should give the same results), if you can get it to work then its fine. How are you getting LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE & LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN? LINEDEVSTATE_XXXXX have nothing to do with LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING. Are you checking for a LINE_CALLSTATE in your call back? I think in the call back method this should be sent to your program.
//it is offering
All LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN is telling you is that cprog is also using the phone to wait for calls (normally cellular line).
If LINE_CALLSTATE it means a call is comming and you can find out about it (eg if its offering). cprog.exe dose not do anything to the call unless the user presses a button or taps on the notification. It dose nothing to the line, cprog will be aware of the same messages that you are and if you set up tapi to use data on a line then unfortunately cprog will also ring when data calls come but other than that there are no issues with it to worry about. If you need proof of this just donwload the current version of GSMbeam and in the settings change the spelling of cprog. When a data call comes in you will see GSMbeam monitoring it then the cprog notification will come up over that monitoring the same call. The program that answers the call first is the one that owns it, until then its not altered.
Hi everybody
I finally got a valid handle using lineGetID opening the "Cellular Line" device.
I also mastered the wavein/wavout APIs.
What is the configuration that I should set for the various communication structures (DCB, COMSTAT, COMMTIMEOUTS)?
Right now I'm trying to implement a normal voice GSM modem, so I will be able to talk to users with analog telephones. I have i-mate jam with WM2003 (and TAPI 2.0).
Thanks ahead
I solved the problem, but I think there left some more...
Hi everybody
I just thought about an idea of getting this information from the CPROG.EXE. I opened the cellular line device, in a OWNER || MONITOR state and I didn't kill CPROG.EXE. Then I used the lineGetID to retrieve the IO handle and get the communication structures, which I displayed using several message boxes.
Now, I have a question that I can't solve in such a way.
Are there any special things about implementing a GSM voice modem communication, i.e. special data frames I should send/receive the encoded voice, special protocol messages? Where can I find this information?
Thanks ahead
Can I access the voice streams during conversation?
Hi everybody
I discovered that whenever a call is established, automatically I can make talks with my i-mate jam, without any code which implements queues between the microphone/speaker and the line.
Can I manage alone the streams of voice from the mic/speaker to/from line, or at least can I access these data blocks (in order to encrypt/decrypt it) ???
Thanks ahead
Re: Can I access the voice streams during conversation?
you cannot. When the call is in progress your mic/speaker is directly connected to GSM chip by a hardware. Audio does not go through windows.
Little more question
Hi mamaich
First of all, thank you for your answer.
Second, I still have a question about it:
Does this direct hardware connection exist in all smartphones or just in the smartphone I'm using? (and generally how I can know it? does this feature have a name?)
Thanks ahead
more informations
Hi mamaich,
Do you mind pointing me to appropriate documentation backing up the fact that a windows application has no control over the transmited voice once the communication is established ? It's not by lack of trust, I had reached the same conclusion but I need documentation backing me up on this for the company I work for (and that's how I found your post
I am currently working on an application that acts as a voice filter for GSM voice communications. Some codecs require that the communication suffer no loss, no noise nor desynch (that is, it must be able to recover from an error). So far I've come up with several mechanisms to resynch or recover from a "bad state", but they are theorical and I can't figure out how to implement them since they need to act at the transmission level.
Any documentation ? Anything backing up the fact that it is, or not, doable ?
Thanks a lot, feel free to mail me
Re: Can I access the voice streams during conversation?
mamaich said:
you cannot. When the call is in progress your mic/speaker is directly connected to GSM chip by a hardware. Audio does not go through windows.
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You can still access the sound to encrypt decrypt...
What you are trying to do exists for WM5...
That can only access the sound comming and going because it runs at each end. The microphone and speakers work fine and programs that use them can send the data they collect over a call as data to be replayed at the other end. This dose not mean that securegsm (or any program I have seen) can access the streams that normal voice calls use. Many (including myself ) have showed evidence of this lack of functionality in one way or another in other threads. I think the only way to reslove this so that this question stops coming up is for someone to pull apart a device and show what each pin dose on the chips in question. Until then maybe we need a sticky called "answering machines for ppc".
The only proof I would be willing to accept that this can be done would be a working program that can play a message over a call to a person at the other end who is not running any other software ( and not using the system speaker ). Other evidence that the device cannot do this kind of thing can be seen in the inability to generate custom tones. The only tones that work are the standard predefined ones used in linegeneratetone.
do a search for "voice mail" or answering machine or something
those threads have piles of info about the gsm module and windows not being intergrated and voice mail and so gsm voiceover is not possible
It's nearly off topic but can anyone tell me where I can get information about the functions stored in a dll file?
I need to collect some information (e.g. the state of the telephone or the gsm unit). In the easiest way is to call an API function and read a structure filled by the function, isn't it?
But where can I find information about which function is stored in which dll file or which functions exist, respectively?
Thanks in advance.
I use a mobile application on my Incredible for work, and have no use for the phone number. I figured that by not giving the device's phone number out, this would result in a peaceful state where I could work without being bothered.
Unfortunately, I get about 3 calls (wrong numbers) a day, which cause me to escape out of my business' application.
Is there some way to disable the phone capability, while retaining the ability to use Verizon's mobile data network?
In other words, I'd still be using Verizon's network, I just don't want the phone-call feature. Neither for incoming OR outgoing.
I've searched but cannot find anything.
Thank you in advance!
Added $50 Bounty for any suggestions that do the trick.
We have an in-house app running on DInc's and we desperately need this because .. wrong-numbers keep disrupting our user's workflow.
Would either of these apps work?
Switch the device to a data only plan maybe?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Thank you for the reply.
@Andassaran - There does not seem to be such a thing as a "data only plan" with Verizon, according to them. They claim I have to maintain phone service as well.
@cuban11182 - As far as an *app* that stops calls, the best we've found is "Call Blocker Elite"; however, this still really isn't an ideal solution because it breaks the user out of their app.
Ideally... I would like to have a script that disables the phone-related apps, or does something so that incoming calls cannot come through, while leaving everything else in a working state.
If this is possible using a script that can be run on ROOT'ed phones to disable or "freeze" certain things, that would be fine too! Currently ... We run Titanium Donation on all phones, and I could freeze something if I knew it was not going to cause other problems.
Thank you again for your suggestions!
Your best bet is probably to crack open the phone.apk and see if there's a line of code dealing with this in there. I'm pretty sure there is, just can't remember where exactly and I don't have my laptop with me.
PonsAsinorem said:
Your best bet is probably to crack open the phone.apk and see if there's a line of code dealing with this in there. I'm pretty sure there is, just can't remember where exactly and I don't have my laptop with me.
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PonsAsinorem - This is exactly the type of thing I'm looking for, would be happy to send the bounty if you can help me follow this to find a working solution.. Just one question to get started:
(1) Where do I get a source-code version of phone.apk for the DInc? And, do I have to be sure I'm using a special version based on my radio version?
Thank you,
Phone.apk is a file in your system/app directory. Based on, or in rather, your ROM, not your radio. It's been a minute since I've tweaked it, I'm almost useless right now at walking an inexperienced person through it without my laptop. Ihtfp69 is a lot more experienced at this, he just might help you if you ask nicely.
Pons- I'm sorry, I don't think I explained properly.
I'm aware of Phone.apk and its location, no problem there.
I was asking about (and am confused on this point): That .apk files are binaries that I cannot modify, and I have no idea where I'd get a source-code version of Phone.apk?
Within the apk itself is a classes.dex file which you use smali and baksmali to compile and decompile. So yes, you can modify it, but it does take a little effort. The hard part is figuring out what line does what.
if you have Titanium Backup Pro, use the freeze function to Freeze Phone.apk/Dialer.apk, this should work. If it stops working, flash back to a nandroid backup, which you should make before trying this.
Swyped from my HTC Desire running AuraxTSense 8.2 with Tapatalk.
I went to and choose change plan, then they had a messaging only plan. It was a plan just for unlimited messaging, don't know if you could add data to it, you would still have a phone number,but I don't think you can get calls, just txts.
@Pons- Perfect, thank you. I've tried Baksmali in the past, but the results were pretty obfuscated and I could not make sense of the output.
BTW - something just occurred to me ... will something other than phone.apk be responsible for receiving/fielding calls, then running phone.apk upon the "new call" event?
In an ideal world (if I'm going to be modifying apk's rather than simply enabling/disabling a setting), I'd like to only disable incoming calls. But.. It occurred to me the simple phone.apk mod would be in exiting/disabling outgoing calls.
@BodenM - I'm a bit sketchy about freezing phone (mentioned earlier), and was hoping to only use that in a worst-case scenario. If I cannot determine how to properly alter Phone.apk, I'll look for phone.apk again under Titanium (didn't find it the first time).
@TNS201 - That's an interesting idea. Perhaps there is a way of having a phone number, yet not receiving calls. If Pons idea doesn't work, and Titanium doesn't work, this will be my backup-plan. Thank you!
if you can't find phone.apk, try looking for "Dialer" or something similar.
Swyped from my HTC Desire running AuraxTSense 8.2 with Tapatalk.
Forward the VZ phone# to a bad phone number. Then callers will hear a carrier error. I believe this also keeps your phone from ringing, even keeps it from ringing once.
Your airtime on forwarded calls would be miniscule.
How to Use It
To Activate:
Press *72. Enter the phone number where you want calls to be forwarded. (e.g. *72-908-123-4567).
Press SEND and wait for confirmation. You should hear a confirmation tone or a message.
Press END.
To Deactivate:
Press *73. Press SEND and wait for confirmation. You should hear a confirmation tone or a message.*
Pess END.
Call Forwarding
Forward your calls to another phone number, including your home or office number. Your wireless phone will not ring until you deactivate the service. Airtime applies to forwarded/transferred calls even if you send the call to wireline telephones. When forwarding calls to phone numbers outside your local calling area, you'll be billed for any toll, long distance, and airtime charges incurred. Additional per-minute charges may apply to all forwarded calls. This feature is also known as "Immediate Call Forwarding".
exactly what I was going to say
luvit said:
Forward the VZ phone# to a bad phone number. Then callers will hear a carrier error. I believe this also keeps your phone from ringing, even keeps it from ringing once.
Your airtime on forwarded calls would be miniscule.
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Exactly what I wasx going to say. If you don't wan't calls and don't give out the number, just have all calls FWDed to another #. No?
Regarding a "Messaging Only" plan.
With 3G "Smartphones" (eg Android handsets), Verizon *only* available if medically Deaf or Mute, and they require a doctor's note.
Regarding the Fowarding. The first Verizon rep I had spoken with (about a year ago) claimed it was an extra cost. I just tried the instructions available on the web and so far it seems to be working. I wonder if this will remain active permanently without resetting itself. If so, this may be the best solution, despite being the most obvious..
Your forwarding wil utilize air time, which you have a set amount if minutes anyway. You will not exceed these minutes, so it wil l not cost you anything more than you are already paying. VZ does have an unadvertised plan of $50/mo, maybe even lower unadvertised plans, today.
This wil be awesome for you.
I'm luvit and I endorse this message.
How do I go about locating the "unadvertised" plan?
The reason I ask, I searched the 'net and spoke with 3 different Verizon reps today, and not one of them gave me any option for a data/messaging-only plan.
Another way you could do it, is use do not disturb call forwarding. It on your line already you just call VZW and have them enable it. I did this for one of my kids phone . The silence was bliss. Anyway just a thought.
Edit: sorry the last few post didn't load so I miss this already being discussed.
I happened to be in my local Sprint store that is a repair center, and was waiting on my fiancee to pay the bill when I happened to look through the glass where the techs are at, and they had a memo on the comp screen about the Froyo issues and the first thing they were to do is a ##RTN# to try to clear the issues, then a hard reset if that didn't work. I have my MSL, but IF I do a ##RTN#, do I need any other info to program back into my phone doing a reset that way, or not?
I just don't feel like waiting on Sprint to do it if I can do it myself since the basic hard reset didn't clear all my issues.
Well i just typed that the view section just write all that information down and if you really want to test the reset then do it after your wrote all that stuff down.
Are you sure that's all the info I need? I'd hate to hose myself and have to go to Sprint.
Slovak65 said:
Are you sure that's all the info I need? I'd hate to hose myself and have to go to Sprint.
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well when i activated my phone with that chat thing online all i needed was that DEC/HEX and at one point they gave me the MSID to enter into this one section. Im not sure where i went for that part but if something did go wrong you could just activate again online. you dont need to go to the Sprint store.
Rtn just puts it back to factory settings... don't need to reenter mdn or msid
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Ok I just did it...
at first it took me to recovery mode and wiped all data and sht. So I rebooted and because of the rom I was on, I had to do the Android setup again bla bla. Then Hands Free Activation kicked up. Told me that it could not activate my phone >.< But it took me to the Sprint Zone app and I pressed "Activate my phone" and 2 mins later it was activated again.
this fixes gps issues, at least for me :3
according to the sprint customer service tool:
Perform ##DATA, ##RTN, ##DATA Restore, or ##SCRTN (CDMA)
Steps to perform a ##DATA, ##RTN, or ##DATA Restore by device manufacturer for manually programming, performing a master reset, or performing a restore to CDMA devices
Last modified on 01/10/2012
##DATA - Access to the data programming menu when troubleshooting Vision errors.
##DATA Restore - Used to bring back the data programming into the original state.
##RTN - Restores to manufacturer default when troubleshooting errors.
##SCRTN - Restores the field service programming information, but leaves the customers personal data intact (including their applications and contacts).
Note: Not all devices support the ##SCRTN# hidden command.
Only use ##RTN when directed by Programming instructions.
Only use ##SCRTN when directed by Programming instructions.
Decide if you need to perform a ##Data or ## Data Restore.
If ## Data: Select the device and follow instructions:
Connection Cards
HTC and UT Starcomm
Sony Ericsson
Sprint Branded
If ## Data Restore:
Confirm the device is at the 3G programming screen.
Scroll and select Restore.
Enter the MSL.
Tell customer that the device should turn itself off and back on.
Note: If it does not, tell customer to turn it off and back on.
In billing system, change the Vision password.
Update Vision (Data) Profile on the device Menu Matrices.
In billing system, perform Refresh Device (cHLR, SPS, OMA/HCM).
Confirm the customer can access Vision home page
Technical Support:
Only follow these actions when performing a ##RTN.
Go to Device Search Tool and find the Solution Matrix for the customer's phone.
Mandatory Scripting:
Before we reset the phone, it's important to understand that any contact lists, pictures, music, text messages, voicemail, or applications may be lost.
Help save the information the customer wants saved.
Contacts and Phonebook: Use Transfer Sync Backup Restore Contacts for Phones (CDMA).
Text messages: Use Forward SMS Text Messages.
Image and audio files: Use Transfer Music Video and Picture Files to Phones.
Visual voicemail: Use Forward a Visual Voicemail message.
Premium content: Use Premium Content and Downloads Matrix (CDMA).
PC sync for PDA devices:
Tell customer to sync the device with their PC and backup their contacts (Personal Information Management (PIM) files (pim.vol file), corporate directories, calendars, and applications. And to backup data (pictures, music) onto a removable storage card.
Tell customer to re-sync the device to their PC.
If information backup is unavailable or the customer does not want to proceed:
Tell customer to visit a Sprint Repair center.
Create an eTicket.
Provide location of nearest Repair center and the ticket number.
If customer is willing to continue with hard reset, perform ##RTN.
Hard Reset precaution for devices with Windows Mobile 6.0 operating system
Connection Cards
HTC and UT Starcomm
Sprint Branded
In billing system, perform Refresh Device type cHLR and others, as appropriate (SPS, OMA/HCM).
Refreshing a Network Device (CSM)
To Discuss:
Phone is reset to factory default.
Due to network upgrade you may hear Error #16. If so, stay on call for immediate help.
Recover any information lost during ##RTN. Refer to Step 3 or links below.
Programming Methods Overview (CDMA) for PTN and MSID programming
Sprint Picture Mail Matrix (CDMA)
Sprint Mobile Email Matrix (CDMA)
Not sure if this will help at this point. But here it is. Im new here, would this be better to post somewhere else?
(edit: I didnt have time to cut out just the info you need, sorry if this is too much info)
matdombrock said:
(edit: I didnt have time to cut out just the info you need, sorry if this is too much info)
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Why do people dig up very old threads?
XxLostSoulxX said:
Why do people dig up very old threads?
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Why do people quote posts that are way too long?
Sent from space...
jaqual said:
Why do people quote posts that are way too long?
Sent from space...
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Yeah just edited it so relax
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Hi everyone. I purchased a sanyo incognito phone, successfully activated it and followed a guide i found here on how to pfash evo to Boost Mobile. I followed all steps without any problem. Did a copy o all correct nv items, copy of nam from donor phone to evo. I successfully zeroed all location (flashed to RUU_SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.29.651.5_Radio_2. and then unrevoked3), did restart and found at ##786# all zeroes in mein and esn. Then successfully write donor MEID (esn was generated correctly and writed by itself). Then i put HA and AAA passwords into the phone.
What i've got now - is fully working internet with 3g (i'm not sure, but speed sems to be pretty fast), however voice and text messaging are not working. Text messaging showing error code 97 class 2, and when I'm trying to call someone i got a srange message from operator (i believe from sprint) - i attached it.
The only thing happen strange to me - when i tried to write all aaa and ha passwords with 0 profile in QPST Service Programming andter flashing it whowes me an error something like ESN has been changed or something.. However i found this on google and somebody wrote that i shouldn't worry about that - all information was written successfully.
In settings about the phone i see next information:
MEID: donors meid
Phone number: correct phone number as on the donor
IMSI: some numbers?
current username: boost mobile user name
prl 60683'baseband
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be gratefully appreciated! I just don't know what to do - i didn't find similar problem on the whole internet! Maybe i was looking wrong?
Thanks for everyone in advance.
and here what I've got in QXDM after writing correct meid into the EVO - check attached picture
should DIAG TX items be zeroes?
grushko said:
and here what I've got in QXDM after writing correct meid into the EVO - check attached picture
should DIAG TX items be zeroes?
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Have you done a factory reset, and re-input the ha aaa passwords. And all other info in service programming? Had to do it with two phones cause i counldnt receive incoming calls or texts. After a factory reset. Then the fresh write, all worked. I cancelled the ota but let it kick in after final reboot. Might be worth a try.
grushko said:
and when I'm trying to call someone i got a srange message from operator (i believe from sprint) - i attached it.
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If Sprint is saying Error Code 16 Switch number whatever and is calling a representative. Your EVO has been flagged. You'll need to let the call go thru answer their identity questions about your Boost account and they will clear it. I just did it 2 days ago. NOTHING else will clear the code 16, ONLY a Sprint Security Specialist can clear it. After they reset your Boost account the voice will work.
Hooray! I did it! It works now! Thank you everyone, and especially Dean_L. Next time when i called any number the system transfered to a representative who asked me a few questions about my account and then reset it for me. Now the phone calling is working. However text message still not working. Trying to resolve that problem now. Thanks again
Fixed problem with text messaging by calling customer service. They asked me what is the phone I'm using and i said Incognito - lie, but it worked!
The only thing left - is the MMS messages. I can recieve them, but can't send! Running miui latest rom. I changed MMS apn (through voice dialer "Open A P N"), but no luck. Is any suggestions on this? Thanks.
Finally i found the fix. It's already been here, but i will post it again. The way to send MMS is to install Go SMS Pro from the market (it's free) and change in settings different mmsc address. The "Open A P N" method is not working. Or i installed SexynSmooth rom, which is sense rom and change mmsc by dialing ##DATA# - and it worked great for me. ANd exen long text messages works too (on miui they not working, unless you install gosmspro and change settings in it to manually partition them).
I love MIUI rom - so far it's the best one, but i don't want to use those forsk like installing different apps and not gonna be able to send long text messages. Hope they will change it in future versions and will app manual mmsc to their application.