Wifi problem - Networking

I hope someone can help me. My new xda exec will not detect wifi anywhere. I can get it to work when sync lead to my laptop but I just found out it is routing to my laptops network connection. I have gone through all the settings and cannot find anything wrong it just keeps on saying scanning network

Hi Simba1623,
I'm new to XDA's but have been playing with WiFi networks for a while.
So i'll have a couple of guess's :wink:
Is the router broadcasting its SSID ?
Do you have spare IP's available ?
Have you added the MAC address if you've got MAC flittering switched on ?
All are common causes for devices not finding the network.

Thanks for responding. The id issue is sorted as when I first setup the xda it did work and asked me for password and worked fine. Then the following day stopped. There is plenty of address left and it won't work anywhere. Regarding mac address I have no idea but will cheack with a friend. When I bought the XDA I was assured it would pretty much work out of the box...... and it did for one day Thanks again :?

Try to delete the connection settings associated with your router (in the wireless manager), hopefully that should allow you to "discover" the router again and fingers crossed it should stay working

Thanks I just I tried that. It didn't work straight away but following full shutdown and battary removal it seems to be working now. Fingers crossed it stays

Wifi signal almos DEAD, very strange
Hi, My O2 Exec has problems with the WIFI connection, no matter where I go, if O2 Exec isn't really near the access point, will not detec or connect to the wireless network.
when I say near, is around 1 meter from the access point antenna, if I go more tham 3 meters, goes almot 100% oofline and 4 meters even detect. It happens at home and at work, in both locations my laptop works fine 40m from the access point and my nokia 9500 (cel I used to have) goes 30m, I've made this tests of distance today.
So... seems to be on My O2Exec the problem... ... I think started when I upgraded the ROM to latest build available at my-xda.
Please, any clue? I already changed performance/battery from the control panel/wireless and even reset many times, updated the rom again.. no clue at all...

mac address
i am new to networking esp. wifi. i am not sure how and from where can i get mac address for my device, its a siemens sx66 (w/o cam) have upgraded to ivan's latest rom. please help

o2 atom wifi issues
Hi there,
I also have had the same problems with my o2 Exec, when I first turned it on, it wouldn't detect any access points, after driving myself nuts with trying to work out what was wrong, I eventually put it down to the phone. so I rang O2 and they told me to send it back. Strangely just after that phone call it detected the network and has been working fine. Until last night when it decided that it couldn't connect again. It still sees the network, but will not connect, even though it says that it is available.
Also a couple of days ago the speakers in the phone stopped working after I used the radio with the headset. After putting the headset back in and pulling it out about 20 times. it did work again. but not before I went CRAZY AND HARD RESET THE DAM THING.
I hate this phone, I have owned the o2 mini and the jasjam, this is the worst of them........
I am selling mine as soon as I get O2 to replace this piece of crap.


Can't connect to local WiFi...errrrr!

I managed to do this quite easily with my PDA2K, but I'm having a heck of a time getting connected to my WiFi LAN. Has anyone managed to do this yet? Not GPRS, but WiFi.
Turn up the power level to max performance
I had trouble connecting to my home wifi (well it would appear to connect, but pocket IE wouldn't "locate" any pages). I ran ethereal on my home linux gateway and saw that it was getting its DHCP address properly and performing DNS lookups and even getting the responses. I wish there was ethereal for the Pocket PC, because what eventually made it work was that I turned up the power to maximum performance (instead of in between that and maximum battery). I guess the power level was just a tad too low such that the DNS queries weren't making it back to the 9100/Wizard device. Everything has worked like a charm since including Skype and a voip phone I use to connect by my home PBX called SJPhone.
Turns out I can't connect with either device now. I can get on with my laptop without a problem.
The manual sucks on this topic, but what's the best way to connect to a network?
Just bringing this back to the top. Still no connection at work, home or Starbucks.
is the Wizard any better than the BA?
Sorry tnw I can't help - I am wondering whether I should ditch my BA and go for the Wizard... do you think the Wizard is an improvement over the BA, or is it a downgrade?
I really liked my BA when I bought it. I had a the crappy HP from Tmobile which gave me nothing but problems, so getting the BA was great. I still like it. I saw the Universal in person and while it looked cool, I was getting tired of having a big pda/phone so I really didn't want to buy it. Its bigger and heavier than my BA, so that pretty much turned me off.
I read about the K-Jam on The Register and 48 hours after that had one in my hand. I really, really like it. I was looking for a smaller device than the PDA2K and having seen the i-Jam before, I thought this should work perfectly....and it does. I'm really glad I didn't go with the Universal. But, to each his own. The keyboard on the K-Jam is great also, screen is good, speaker is loud, speakerphone is perfect, camera is good....I really have no downsides to it....except I can't get on my frigg'in wifi.
If you don't mind the size, go for the universal. If you're tired of the size and weight of the BA, go with the Wizard. Overall, I feel the Wizard is a huge improvement over the BA. Phone and BT work perfectly! If you buy it from Expansys, you have 14 days to play with it. 14-day return policy.
Re: Turn up the power level to max performance
funnymanva said:
I had trouble connecting to my home wifi (well it would appear to connect, but pocket IE wouldn't "locate" any pages). I ran ethereal on my home linux gateway and saw that it was getting its DHCP address properly and performing DNS lookups and even getting the responses. I wish there was ethereal for the Pocket PC, because what eventually made it work was that I turned up the power to maximum performance (instead of in between that and maximum battery). I guess the power level was just a tad too low such that the DNS queries weren't making it back to the 9100/Wizard device. Everything has worked like a charm since including Skype and a voip phone I use to connect by my home PBX called SJPhone.
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I am getting the same, will not locate any page, though wifi settings show signal strength. Changing to settings suggested did not work for me, anyone else had this and resolved? Other than that loving the MDA Vario (Kjam)
happy bunny
finally got working. not too sure what I did but a couple of soft resets and undoing setting a specified IP address. now typing this on the couch using wireless network. Kjam now staying Ijam (MDA compact) likely to be on ebay soon.
Re: happy bunny
allanbach said:
finally got working. not too sure what I did but a couple of soft resets and undoing setting a specified IP address. now typing this on the couch using wireless network. Kjam now staying Ijam (MDA compact) likely to be on ebay soon.
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What did you change? I've been playing with this all day long. I'm writting this on my laptop over the wifi I should be able to connect to using my kjam. I spent a couple hours at Starbucks today as well.
Any hints would be great! I can get on GPRS without a problem, if that makes a difference.
My T-Mobile (UK) MDA Vario will not connect to my home 802.11g network. If I switch to mixed 802.11b/g mode the Vario connects and everything is well. The Vario can see the "g" network and knows which encryption is in use but it will not connect. I've read that Australian versions will connect to "g" networks, as will K-Jams and 9100s.
T-Mobile (UK) told me that they have chosen to disable "g" access. I am stunned. I've been trying to find a way to re-enable "g" access but so far no luck. I have hard reset and loaded no external ROM files whatsoever but that didn't fix it. I'm now trawling through the registry to try to find something but I don't actually have a clue what to look for or where.
If anyone has a solution to enabling "g" access on the UK MDA Vario please post. It is the only disappointment I have with the machine.
My KJam was able to connect to g network but on 11M, and regularly dropped the connection and connected, and in an hour of use it halted on WiFi (the pda works, but you get hourglass and nothing more if you enter wifi settings, or try to turn wifi off). I restricted the access point to 802.11b.
i can connect to my AP with no problems if it unsecured. if i turn on encryption it does not get an ip. if i enable mac filtering it works, but removes the mac from the AP when i disconnect.
afaik some APs have problems communicating with mobile devices.
Re: Turn up the power level to max performance
funnymanva said:
I had trouble connecting to my home wifi (well it would appear to connect, but pocket IE wouldn't "locate" any pages). I ran ethereal on my home linux gateway and saw that it was getting its DHCP address properly and performing DNS lookups and even getting the responses. I wish there was ethereal for the Pocket PC, because what eventually made it work was that I turned up the power to maximum performance (instead of in between that and maximum battery). I guess the power level was just a tad too low such that the DNS queries weren't making it back to the 9100/Wizard device. Everything has worked like a charm since including Skype and a voip phone I use to connect by my home PBX called SJPhone.
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thanks!!!!!! i have been busting my nut with this!!!!
I am having the same problem like this. .. but how did u guys fix it?

wi fi connection problem

My mini s seems to have a problem connecting to my home network. When i switch the wi fi on it searches but does not connect. I hard reset a coyuplke of day ago and switch on the wifi and it found my network then promted to enter key, which i did. The phone then connected no problem. No when i switch wifi on it doesnt connect. I go into network cards tab and look what networks are available and my network is there with available next to it but the options have all change (key be given out auto etc...) so i change them to the correct ones etc.. but still it doesnt connect? What i'm i doing wrong? I has worked in the past but not now. I have not installed and 3rd party software and my router is working fine (laptop downstairs works no problem off network).
any ideas
i just reseted my router and renamed my homenetwork and assigned a newwep key. started wifi on mini s and it connected straight away to the my newly named network. switch wifi off then on again and now it wont connect. it see's the network and says its available but wont connect. under the settings the network key has changed. it's defo a problem with the phone cus everything else works fine (laptop, psp). it's just not saving the network info???
and ideas???
think it could be because i've upgraded to o2 new rom??? Could somebody with the latest UK o2 rom please confirm that ther can connect to the networ?
This also happens to me with the latest O2 ROM.
What you have to do is to manually connect and perservere by going to Network Cards, tapping the network and then select Connect. It may take a few go's but it will connect eventually.
Report back how you get on.
You may want to set up your router to assign a fixed IP address to the Mini S's MAC address as well.
Sounds like the problem I've been having. I've also got an O2 rom and am having problems connecting to any wifi network, even though it worked fine the first time.
I've tried going to the network cards page and clicking connect, but it hasn't worked so far. talkingbollox - when you say 'eventually', how long are you talking?
I'll also try assigning a fixed ip address later, but my hopes aren't high.
when you say 'eventually', how long are you talking?
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Sometimes 2 attempts, sometimes up to 20.
20! I probably tried about 10 times before I gave up. Surely this is a fault. You shouldn't have to waste so much time just to get a connection! :x
I tried MAC address filtering too but that didn't seem to work.
Do you think this is a O2 ROM problem or a hardware problem? If it's just O2, I think I might try a different ROM. Any suggestions which ROM to use?
My Mini S came already with the latest rom I think, and it works fine with my router (BT Voyager 2110)
Are you guys using the 802.11g reg edit?? Maybe thats why its not working, I actually did the hack before I ever turned on my wifi so I don't know if it worked without it. Try it My wizard connects with my router in G only 8)
Search the forum you will find loads of posts about it, and I think somebody has even made a cab file that does it for you, along with some speed tweeks that make your system faster.
It must have taken me in excess of 40 goes to connect last night.
Yes, I am using the g mode hack. My Voyager 2100 is set to broadcast in both b and g (i.e. mixed) mode.
I had the same problem... what I did was just entering the dns adress of my router.
So the ppc doesn't wait for the dhcp server to asign it .. it works great when surfing at home !!!

8525 and wifi

I've been a palm user for ages but now but i was trully missing wifi capabilities on my past units... Since my enfora wifi sled for treo died on me I made research for a new smartphone that would do wifi and I ended up picking htc hermes.
Everything works fine so far BUT WIFI(the sole reason i went for that unit).
First test : I have an old netgear wep and 802.11b only router at home used as a switch. Tried to get it to work with it with wep no go, without encryption no luck. Says connecting, then all of a sudden, the network becomes unavailable for few seconds and then pops back as avail... tries to connect again, unavail and this goes on forever...
Second test : there is a unencrypt wireless network detected, said to myself I would *try* it. Magic, it gets an ip and everything. I can connect to the AP with IE. I didnt tried to axs internet or do further, it was connected !
Third test: @work, Ive read on forums ppl had working wifi with WPA+tkip. At work I have a couple of linksys WAP54GX, so i did setup a WPA + TKIP wireless network. It worked the first day. I was pretty happy, finally wifi DID work. Could SSH to boxes browse internet everything was fine.
The day after, I decide to install opera mobile. It worked like a charm for an hour... then all of a sudden everything was slow as hell -> soft reset. To my suprise, the config that was working few mins ago wasnt working anymore... Now even the WPA+TKIP setup that was working few hours ago stopped working. Same deal, connecting... , then wireless network goes unavail, goes back avail and fails to connect.
Anyone experienced similar issues ? I doubt its HW related since it did work for a day... and i still can connect to the unsecure wifi from neighboors (that always worked). Is there any application or tools or simply logs I could dig in to figure out out what is going on ? I mean if it wont connect id like an error msg not the whole ap go unavail for 1 min then pops back like nothing.
Is there anything avail for troubleshooting wifi connections in windows mobile or we only have the M$ way of having no information whatsoever ?

How I solved Wifi problem

Lately I have been reading many post related to Wifi problems in the HD. I had the same. Even I was very near my router I couldn't connect to the net and the signal was very weak.
So I entered my router configuration and I found a solution.
Before, for security options I had: WPA-PSK [TKIP] then I changed to WPA2-PSK [AES] (of course you also have to change your HD connection configuratoin), and now it works great¡¡¡¡
Now I have all the bars for the signal and I can connect very easily.
Hope it works for other people
I have a similar WiFi connectivity problem, but after reading of the poor service provided by most vendors and HTC itself, I will try to gather some more experience with the problem before I contact HTC or my vendor, and hopefully find a solution. Bellow is my experience so far:
I own an HTC Touch HD since January and have a similar problem, only it surfaced last week. Before I had only used the WiFi connectivity briefly. The problems started after I installed an AP on my house expressively for the new PDA. The node is fully open and set to B/G/N protocols.
After a couple days of medium (couple hours per day) use the WiFi connection suddenly quit, the device would try to connect (the top bar showing the WiFi connection animation continuously) and after a few moments gave up with a dialog box stating the current network settings were wrong (even thou they worked fine a few hours earlier).
I tried several hot and cold resets, but only solved the problem after flashing a new ROM; even then the same symptoms reappeared after a couple of days of regular use. Again no re-setting would cure the problem, and now not even flashing the ROM again would work. Nonetheless, some hours latter the WiFi would connect perfectly with the same nodes it refused to before, and in very short time.
I have witnessed this cycle twice and have yet not been able to find a trigger for it, but will keep my eyes open for any tell tale signs, and post any findings here.
I could add to the above mentioned problems.
i got a new hd just few days back.
The wifi worked great. But now it doesnt.
I have disabled wifi, so can start it whenever i require.
I click on wifi button to enable it.
Then open opera, try any website.
it will open fine.
For instance say my email at gmail.com
Now after that if i try to open anysites or even continue with my mail, it shows error saying connection not available.
One of the workaround is to go back to toggele wifi off and switched it on.
Not sure if anyone faces a similar issue.
I's been about a week since my last post and I have already witnessed a couple of cycles of WiFi connecting perfectly and then not connecting at all.
No matter the settings I try after it decides not to connect, it won't. Even to nodes it had connected perfectly and fast jus minutes before.
I thought re-flashing might help but so far has proven ineffective. Once I thought some part of the non-volitile memory was causing the problem since after I cleared the memory I could connect for a while.
Any thoughts anyone?
Same problems here.
For the last hour I have been reading 10ths of threads here concerning WiFi problems.
My HD's WiFi worked fine on my home and outside for about 2 months. Now it doesn't. It reports connection, but no program can use the internet. At best, it seems to be able to exchange some Kbytes the for just a few seconds after a connection is established. Then nothing. Connected but unusable.
Tried everything Internet/My Work/My ISP, WAP enabled/disabled, soft/hard reset, everything.
When connected through ActiveSync everything works fine, all programs see internet.
Has anybody taken their HD to the service? Has any HTC service worldwide identified the problem as hardware and solved it by replacing something?
miskasp said:
Lately I have been reading many post related to Wifi problems in the HD. I had the same. Even I was very near my router I couldn't connect to the net and the signal was very weak.
So I entered my router configuration and I found a solution.
Before, for security options I had: WPA-PSK [TKIP] then I changed to WPA2-PSK [AES] (of course you also have to change your HD connection configuratoin), and now it works great¡¡¡¡
Now I have all the bars for the signal and I can connect very easily.
Hope it works for other people
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I have just encountered a similar problem, but already used wpa/wpa2 with aes. Have tried a hard reset with no joy. My old HTC Touch has no probs connecting via wifi nor does my laptop so I would surmise that the prob is with the HD and not the router.
I am going to try flashing with the latest version of Duttys 6.1 rom and see what gives.
Edit: Tried flashing with new rom with no success. Take a look at this post.
There are a couple of files to download but i only used the second ie this one.
Now no problems and can connect via wifi no probs, ip address assigned by dhcp.
Try to go into WiFi settings and move the power slider to max performance. I need to do it here to access my router. This happened also with my HTC TyTN II, with any recent radio firmware. The original WM 6.0 ROM and it's radio work fine in low power mode, but the new ones appear connected but are always at 1 Mbps and there's no traffic until you move the slider to performance mode.
You go into WiFi settings and you configure manual IP and DNS so as router.
DNS is important.
Whit manual configuration, Wifi work always.
(sorry for my english)
Dubh Llas said:
There are a couple of files to download but i only used the second ie this one.
Now no problems and can connect via wifi no probs, ip address assigned by dhcp.
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Yeah, but what if I 'm not Orange-UK (let alone UK) ?
vcespon said:
Try to go into WiFi settings and move the power slider to max performance.
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1st thing I did. Problem still there.
campotino said:
You go into WiFi settings and you configure manual IP and DNS so as router.
DNS is important.
Whit manual configuration, Wifi work always.
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This is not a solution. I didn 't buy the device to be able to connect to my home WiFi only. What about public hotspots? Or hotels? Or whatever outside your home?

HTC WIFI Problem resolution..........

I have searched a lot on this forum and have not found any solution to the wifi problem on HTC diamond....I am sure there are experts in this forum who have worked around their way and I would request them to post their comments as to how they have got their WIFI talking on HTC Diamond...........
I am trying connecting to my home wireless network. It finds the network but unable to connect to it. Any help please? Has anyone managed to get it connected to any Wifi? I ahve already set the power management to "best performace...no succes.......
(My laptop and O2 stealth does get connected to the same network and it an open wifi connection)...........PLZ Help.....
There is no wifi problem on the Diamond. it works fine for on every ROM I have used.
It sounds like you haven't set the access key in your Diamond.
wi fi problem........
the_scotsman said:
There is no wifi problem on the Diamond. it works fine for on every ROM I have used.
It sounds like you haven't set the access key in your Diamond.
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Would be kind enough to elaborate......Mine is open WIFI router, there is no need for any pass keys......my other phone O2 stealth perfectly connects while HTC diamond doesn't.........
Please do have a problem and that the reason there are so many view on this thread in just 30 minutes....
thanking you in advance for your help........
i've never known any problems, have u flashed a cooked ROM or changed the Radio?
if so, i would try going back to stock and see if it works then, if not, send it back as faulty.
I'm not aware of any 'known issue' with the WiFi on the Diamond either, certainly mine and my girlfriend's both work fine in this respect. If you've never successfully connected to any wireless network then you've got a hardware issue; send your phone back to be repaired and stop wasting time looking for a software solution would be my advice.
Glad that a lot of users doesn't had problem with the wifi, but it's an iminent malfunction, and looks to be a hardware problems...
I had change my rom and radios a lot, and the issues are the same:
Opened the comm manager or the settings-connection-wifi, turn on the wifi, and it's turn off again...
In my case, often worked properly after soft reset, and i often connect with 3g or gprs, but...it's a suck!!!
Step by step......connecting to wifi....
Medulla said:
I'm not aware of any 'known issue' with the WiFi on the Diamond either, certainly mine and my girlfriend's both work fine in this respect. If you've never successfully connected to any wireless network then you've got a hardware issue; send your phone back to be repaired and stop wasting time looking for a software solution would be my advice.
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Would you please step by step elaborate ....connecting to an open wifi network......will be really greatful........
if your diamond is not connecting to your router there is some posibilities. Are you at home or work, at work on the AP you can have security setings and MAC filtering. At home if you have not implement security and mac filtering you can be to far of your router, You must be between -60 and -80 Db max and at -80 it is easyer with a MIMO router, etc...
Got the same problem as you
this is how i fixed mine.
1) I download a radio rom thing and install it
2) restart the device and the wifi is working perfectly.
No problems at all!
Got the same problem as you
I download a radio rom and install it but still turn off again
HTC touch pro problem wifi
I have NOT got connection to secured wifi net. I tried it at home and etc., when I try connect to open wifi, it is OK, but secure wep, wpa etc. is problem,
I reinstall my router at home, I unlocked my HTC and tried all avillable ROM from xda and a chanched different radio.
Now I have got official ROM from HTC - last from page support of HTC,
but problem is here.
I would like restore my ROM, but my pc update had failure and pls help me with this problem.
Try the following:
Change router channel
Try connecting to another router / network LAWFULLY!
Hard reset
Take it to the vendor of the phone

