General Wizard performance and stability - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have been in charge of getting a mobile solution deployed for some of my colleagues and a number (60+) have selected to use the Wizard from varied mobile vendors around the World. There seems to be massive variation in the stability and performance of the devices as shipped. Reading several forums etc it seems that a bad experience is a reset 1-3 times per day and a good experience is a reset every 5-7 days. My coleagues using T-Mobile MDA in the US are having a bad experience. People on Vodafone in the UK seem to be having a better one. What are other experiences in terms of reset frequency and does anyone believe a particular ROM is more stable than others?

Resetting Wizard
The latest T-Mobile UK build is excellent.
I had to reboot 3-4 times a day with the previous buil, but this one is less frequent than weekly.
I don't use much software on it - putting up with the stock calendar etc, but it all serves it's purpose.
Main uses:-
GPS Monitor (my own proggie)
Tom Tom 5.21
Pocket Excel (standard stuff)
Weather Panel
PIE Plus (this is a fantastic add on to PIE)

The original US didn't seem to be the most stable thing I'd come across. After applying the 2.17 ROM found here, however, it was *very* stable. I can go days without having to reset it. I've found a few things that really help stability, too:
Don't overclock. If the software you use is worth a damn, you don't need it.
Don't use today plug-ins. They suck up memory and cpu time, they don't give it back, they don't play well with others and they destablize everything over time. I've found it best to keep the today screen as clean as possible.
Note how apps behave and replace those that don't play well with others.

Since putting the new T-Mobile ROM on my phone Ive only had to reset when my games (which arent build for the device) mess up. Seems perfect so far!

Yep, a lot more stable and faster since getting the latest T-Mobile ROM. Now got it overclocked which is causing no problems but extra benefits.
Plus I found PhoneAlarm by Pocket Max recently which I think is a brilliant.


Wizard Overall Performance... are u satisfied?

I have a Cingular 8125. I bought it only a couple weeks ago, and I have to say that if it wouldn't have been for these forums and all the tips tricks and hacks that are being discovered here - I would have taken this devvice back to the store... I have days when I love it and days when I hate it - but overall I have to say that I just barely satisfied with the performance. It just feels like the OS (wm5) is to intensive for the processor in these devices.... and is it just me ... or does anyone else feel like they also are a BETA Tester for this devices and this platform in general .... cause let's face it - these things are not for everyone - it takes a über-geek like me and you to use one
Anyway, I am rambling, but - share your thoughts...
Yes i am, with it overclocked, upgraded rom and various hacks lol... Plus it gives this forum a boost - most problems are fixable
The 195 Mhz of the Wizard are enough for PDA/phone activities. But it's too little if you want to do more wiht your device. For example, when streaming mp3 via WiFi and then immediately encode to A2DP, the machine CRAWLS.
And it is getting worse with WMV video: it won't playback any QVGA WMV videos, too slow of a cpu (tried both WMP and TCPMP).
So, it depends how you use your device.
the 8125 processor 195/200mhz is just as fast as the Verizon/Sprints Xscale 400mhz process just different chips that clock speeds differently. it's like comparing a Intel Centrino 1.5ghz to a 2ghz mmx the centrino can blow past the mmx chip in a benchmark... but anyway the device is pretty fast being that it's small and can hold a decent battery life.
a lot of people add tons of plugs to there device that really slows it down. crappy coding in a plugin can make the 8125 really slow
I have to concur with phlojo on this: I migrated from a Himalaya (XDA2) & WM2003SE onto an MDA Vario. I was seduced by the prospect of built-in wifi, smaller footprint and WM5, but I have been severely disappointed by speed, memory space and stability. The poor stability is probably due to lack of memory, but there are other 'features' :x that infuriate, like a hit and miss alarm. Today I got 2 at the same time - but I have known it to miss alarms or to lose WEP keys, which is a PITA to type in as you can't paste the key on WM5; you have to type manually.
It was suggested in this thread that these issues were caused by additionally installed user applications. All I can say it that I'm only trying to run the same apps as I did on my xda2 (GPS map finding, opera & TCMP). At the moment I give it 6/10. If I find a smaller memory footprint rom to download, this might go up.
I think those considering the upgrade version of this phone need to check the hardware specs before taking the plunge. I've got this on a 18 month contract, so I'm stuck with it for a while.
running wm5 on a vario is like running winxp on a celeron 700
definatley needs more ram as well
Hi everyone,
I was quite concerned when I went from my Dell Axim x50v to the MDA Vario.
I was worried that the jump from 624Mhz to 180Mhz would be a bridge too far!
And it nearly was.....until I upgraded my ROM to 2.17.x.x, now it is reliable, doesnt randomly reset without warning and the performance is very good.
I use Tube 2 quite a bit and Tom Tom 5.21 and find there is little noticable difference to the Axim.
I am sure media encoding and streamng would be a totally different kettle of fish though - 180Mhz is just not enough for this kind of 'work', I am sure the Axim would struggle with this too!
The question is, is this really what you want to do with your Phone/PDA when theres such good 'tools for the job' such as the Sony PSP?
as a new user to the ppc scene. i dont really know what to expect. i should be receiving my 8125 very soon..
It set to come stock with whatever cingular puts on it..
any advice from the start? im really new to this whole rom thing so dont know what to do exactly..
ive read on here that overclocking boosts performance?
Im really impressed with mine, it works twice as good as i expected it to and thats with minimal hacks, its not even overclocked
im using the latest O2 ROM and i cant say i notice any slowdowns at all.
as i've said before, it performs so much better than my old XDA IIi and thats a 500Mhz WM2003 device!
i honnestly cant complain about it in anyway ... well 1 thing i spose, the stock headphones are horrible, but they work
Mediocre phone barely useable for business
I came from a kyocera 7135, treo 650 to this phone. I had two purchase 1 program and install 3 third party apps to get the functionality of the 7135 on the treo. As for the 8125 wizard this phone is a toy. I use my phone and pda functionality to the fullest and its just been extremely frustrating. DPAD navigation is a joke if it exists for the application. Phone integration with the PIM is worthless just try to copy a phone to the clipboard it only allows to save as new contact. MS made a big deal of respond to missed calls with an sms on the treo 700. Why exclude that feature on this version. Like everything they do nothing is consistent. My favorite flaw though is something that palm does very well. Hard reset the device and your screwed. Apparently not everything is backed up. You are required to reinstall many apps.
Performance the device has to be overclocked. Its performance isn't even acceptable out of the box.
To make the device usefull you need to overclock, install a few apps for menu navigation, a few progs for system maintenance, upgrade rom, make varios registry changes. If it this forum didn't exist I would have sold the phone bought another Treo.
The device or WM5 is good on two items. Wifi and web browser. Palm droped the ball on this big time although the newest version of blazer is supposed to be much better there is still no wifi.
MS needs to work on their PIM/Phone integration and the dpad for the device. the dpad hould navigate to all controlls and menus on the screen.
anyway just my gripes.
- Richard
I love my Vario. Everyone I show it to loves my Vario. That's even without google maps mobile, which I got working today.
Yes it is slow out of the box, I ran it for my first 2 months at default speed, I only setup overclock a few days ago, but now I have it overclocked 20% 24x7 and it's so much better.
I am totally happy with it. Of course I would love the faster CPU and UMTS and scrollwheel of the Wizard II, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I am happy with the software side. Very happy. It is the first XDA that I can rely on for receiving phonecalls, which afterall is what its for. Hell, its the first one where caller display works properly.
An overclocked XD mini-s plays QVGA videos fine for me.
I bought it knowing it would need hacking, but yeah, were it not for these forums and me being a phone nerd I'd wanna take it back.
I am not happy with hardware. The gap between the botom of te screen and case is appauling. Stuff gets down there, then the touchscreen stops working and its an arse to get out. The stylus falls out and the black paint flakes off.
Also, it randomly fried my 2GB mini-SD card, something which I have never forgiven it for as I still have not managed to replace it. Using this device without a card is impossible. If you have more than 5 photos on it, it constantly comes up with low memory errors.
The main reasons for the dreadful performance are two.
first, the processor has very small data and instruction caches. second, wm5 has this great nifty trick where system calls from a user-space process gets intercepted by the os, run, and then the results go to the process. Or something like that.
Plus, a significant portion of the os and user interface must be .**** i mean .NET which makes it even slower.
I use the custom 2.17 rom available on this site and I'm quite happy with it. Granted, I don't use it's every available feature or play mp3s and video with it often, but I do now and then, either as files or streaming off the web, and it all works fine. I was overclocking for a while but found I didn't really need it and haven't used it since the 2nd or 3rd week I had it. It's definately slower than my old Blue Angel but WM5 is so much smoother in operation than 2003SE which makes up for it. Also, just like with a pc where the keyboard is faster and more convenient than a mouse, the keyboard is much faster and more convenient than the stylus and I avoid pulling out the stylus when at all possible.
I guess everyone's milage may vary but my experience has been a very good one.
Wizard Performance
I must begin by saying that I really love the Wizard after using the ROMs and hacks on this site.
My first Windows device was a n xv6600 with verizon's EVDO network. The xv6600 has a 400 mhz processor. It was very fast but had horrible battery life, poor reception, and had to be soft reset all the time.
When I first got the 8125 Wizard, I almost sent it back. it was slow and locked up often. Next, I tried the Qtek Test ROM which worked better and had A2DP. However, I was still resetting all the time.
Now I'm running Exelencin's 2.17 Custom ROM for TMO. It works very well. The unit performs all tasks just as fast or almost as fast as the xv6600 (Blue Angel) which I still have and use as a benchmark.
I'm hooking up to the Wifi at work and home between 900 and 1200 kbps. That's faster than the EVDO speeds on the Blue Angel. The Wizard streams video from the web very well on Wifi. I'm getting Edge connections through TMO in SLC from 60 to 95 kbps. Though the EVDO is supposedly 3 to 4 times faster, it sometimes takes just as long to download some pages.
I use a ton of BT devices, including but not limited to:
I-PHONO 450RX and MOTO BT820 stereo headsets; Jabra headsets, my HP laptop with BT, and my Audi A6. The Wizard works much better than the Blue Angel. The Wizard even transferred all my contacts directly into the Audi. The BT connections are clearer and work from a longer distance.
I use a variety of foreign language dictionaries, read my mormon scriptures on the wizard. These memory intensive programs actually run faster on the Wizard than the BA. I put all programs on the sd card except one's like voice command which must be in device memory to work well. I also keep all pictures etc. on the mini sd card. Voice command can also be activated with my jabra or moto stereo headsets.
All in all, the Wizard rocks with the right ROM and settings. The battery life is simply outstanding. I can go one to one and a half days without a recharge.
The only time I get the wizard running slow is when I have half a dozen programs running. I wish programs would close when closed. I'm tired of going in the memory settings and shutting down programs I've already closed.
All in all
I have an imate Kjam which I got in MArch this year. I have installed and removed TONS of software and only had to do one hard reset as a result of crap dictionary software. I only have a speed issue when opening large Word docs with tables in it. Otherwise I am a happy camper with my device. I will not use the overclock software as I believe you are looking for trouble.
I will never go back to a regular cellphone now.
I regularly use mortplayer, TCPMP with full feature movies, Media player and Real One Player, and I have NEVER had speed/memory issues.
Remember guys that this little sucker has a DUAL CORE processor!!! It handles graphics BETTER than other faster clock speed processors.
Something else to keep in mind for those with issues with video playback is that the 1.0 version of TCPMP is basically built from the ground up. They are reporting a VERY large increase in speed all round.
Yes you may have to fork over some cash to get all the codecs but for a player like TCPMP I dont think that $20 or so is that big an ask.
Lastly - and something I think is overlooked often - The wizard is a pretty fair phone with good battery life. I bought the unit because it was reviewed as a useable phone, sure I wanted a PPC as well but the phone had to work and not die in 1hrs use.
If all I had wanted was a PPC I would have bought something else, but I hate single taskers and to me the wizard is a great multi-tasker.
Good and bad
After applying a bunch of the tricks available on this site, I am overall quite happy with the T-Mobile MDA, over the Treo 600. I also agree that this site is necessary, but treocentral's forum was necessary, too: every advanced device needs educated users to achieve full functionality.
The biggest nuisance to me is not the speed but the fact that it is not responsive for a long time, 20 seconds or even more, occasionally.
The second biggest nuisance is that I can't search my 700 contacts for a keyword and get an answer in a realistic amount of time. On the palm, that took a couple of seconds; here, even overclocked at 240, it takes 20 minutes. What is with that?
The third nuisance is caps/shift lock, which is mostly that I am used to the Palm method and partly that the palm method makes more sense (turn on sticky with a double press, turn off with a single press of the caps or shift key).
Better things about the MDA: multitasking. wifi. VOIP. Today screen with SPB weather and diary. Runni8ng programs from the mini-SD card. Sound quality (phone and music).
8125 Works Like A Champ
My Cingular 8125 Is absolutely Fantastic...
Previous History...
I had a Samsung x427m freebie Phone and a Used Hp1910 Pocket Pc Off ebay...(150bucks) Did everything I wanted at the time... Played movies encoded at 220bit just fine... Plus I'm Cheap... had games... NES Roms... Mobipocket.... mp3's Liked the 3.5 screen...Kept it for 3-4 years...
1gb minisd Card
Motorola h500 Bluetooth Handsfree
1 Delux Black aluminum Case...
Firest thing I did was Update the Rom...
I knew That I would need to do that Much before I started any Computer geek will tell you you to find the newest Firmware/
added to use my motorola H500 Bluetooth Handsfree To listen to good...
Did the Wifi Update so It would actually connect to my wifi... I like
Kept Wisebar Advanced off... Decided that it Slows up stuff a little, and doesn't like landscape with the only theme I'd actually big deal,
Installed Battery Pack Pro... A MUST HAVE... lets you setup custom little icons to quickly pick application or game to run.... and will let you endtask Without having Wisebar on there... also shows battery time left and memory...
Installed MS Voice Command...
Installed Sprite Backup Another MUST HAVE... Make a quick backup when everything you want is running perfect and everything is installed...
Mobipocket reader Pro.... BOOKS>>>>BEST PROGRAM EVER FOR THIS...
Full Screen, From TXT and other pda formats... Scrolls Best way to Read a book in the Known universe...
TCPMP --- VIDEOS --- Need I say More.... full lenght dvd is about 100mb an hour... at 248 bitrate
Age Of empires Gold ---- Works Good... Good Game.... Still Wishing for AOE2 on PPC
Pocket Tombraider... Works Good... Amazing....
OverClocking Utilities
I've Tested it with the defaults 200mhz 240mhz and 252mhz, seems stable with all haven't compared battery test with them yet
Cingular 8125... Finally SET ME
I still need to Put Pocket Music Player on there... Don't care for Mediaplayer10 but media player 10 works ok...
I encode movies from dvd using Lathe around 248 bitrate... Plays them Perfect... without needing to overclock over 200 don't know why anyone would want higher bitrate on such a small screen...
Games - Havn't tried NES yet, but SNES was still too slow...Oh well... I'm fine with Super Mario Brothers 3 --- I'm Still afraid to Remap the phone on and off buttons for games... don't want to miss a
Tested Battery at 200mhz... thats what I keep it at... looks like playing a movie 248 bit and music and movies, reading, with blutooth off, wifi off,
will give you somewhere about 6-7 hours... WOW... my old PPC only would go for 2h 35min... Oh... the Screen Brightness was at 50% which is what my old pda looks like at 100% and looks great... brightness could go Way higher but not Necessary (wow did I just say that)
Bluetooth... H500... number 2 Handsfree device Cost me 35 bucks including shipping on ebay... Works Very Well When Close to device... Like 7-10 feet...
I use a phone like almost never.... But using the BT to Voice Dial Numbers Is Great...
I was afraid to get this because of the suposedly slower 200mhz processor... what a joke... This is way faster than my old Pda clocked at 300mhz...
I'd say the only drawback is the 2.8 screen, but it seems no to make much difference...
Price... $400 bucks... I bought it New Off Ebay... Unlocked... payed about 50 bucks more than cingular sells it for but keeps me from their stupid 2 year contract... seems worth every penny...
a friend of mine returned hers after about 5 days because she didn't know any computer stuff... had lockup problems because she didn't update Rom... The usuall These arn't for the completely computer illiderate...(at least straight out of the box) But I'd be hard pressed to find a better Device...
I'm pretty happy with my 8125. It's zippy enough for me. I even have Wis Bar Advance 2 loaded along with a bunch of other today plug ins and it's fine at the factory 195mhz clock speed (Though I've recently up'd the clock speed to 228 just because I can, feels zippier w/menus and webpages). It's never frozen up on me, I use Explorer A LOT (3-4 hours a day minimum) for browsing email and webpages at work. I have my Motorola H700 BT headset with me at all times so bluetooth has been turned on since I've had the device. This is the best phone I've had so far. Kicks the **** out of my Treo 650. I was a hardcore Palm user (Owned many Clie's and a Treo 600+Treo 650) and it took me a lot of convincing to "try" the 8125 but now I'm just in love with it :wink:

My 8525 lasted one week

I'm looking for advice. Should I stick with the 8525 or get something else.
I'll return it for a new one, but now I'm getting nervous as I read about folks having similar problems with freezing. I do need a reliable phone / pda. While it worked, I liked it, however, the 8525 froze at least once a day, would, at times, balk at making calls, and finally had the phone / internet functions die. It was never dropped nor abused. I did the fool active sync. fix and installed a task manager and a program to re-map the ptt button to voice activated calling. Those are the only changes I made. I am trying to figure out if my bad phone is an exception or the rule.
So, from the standpoint of reliability, would you recommend to stay with the 8525? I do have a choice, and I can change my order from the 8525 to almost any phone. I am considering a downgrade to an 8125. Two of my collegues have them and they are reliable. Any thoughts?
All I can tell you is I have not had any of those issues with mine.
I'm probably jinxing myself, but I've had mine since mid-January and so far all is great. I power it off and on each day, maybe it helps, who knows. I've also had the occasional freeze and boot-up sometimes freezes but I think those are normal pda things that you just learn to deal with. If you are within your 30 days and you think it's unstable just swap it with a new one.
Did you install your task manager to a storage card? That was a very common problem of freezing for me... two to three times per day. Since I moved all critical apps to the internal memory I've only had two freezes (this was 3 weeks ago) and they were because I was messing with apps.
i had my 8525 for 2.5 weeks and it works great. i have the same hacks plus a few more, especially the bigger button dialer. I did update the ROM to 1.34 (september 2006 version, latest official) from HTC america's official website. Oh, by the way it's an unlocked version using T-Mobile. My biggest complaint is the not-so-firm keyboard. It's ever so slightly slides out in my pocket... Maybe you should flash yours too...
My Out-of-the-box experience was similar to yours. It froze, the bluetooth didn't work at all, ugh. I upgraded to HTC ROM 1.35 and now my Hermes is pretty stable with only one freeze.

Let's face it: HD2 has many problems.

No need to hide. This phone has many problems, still many people seems to ignore them completely. No need to start the "It's your phone, it's strange, I use it a lot and it never happens" saga. The problems are there. And for everyone. The fact you don't notice some bad behaviours doesn't mean the phone is perfect or that your baby is exempt from problems. Let's start:
1) Suboptimal WI-FI performance. On a 802.11g wireless network, connected to an 8Mbps internet connection, the phone can't even saturate the badwidth of the network. reports an approximate 2Mbps download capacity (EDIT for those who cannot distinguish: 2 megabits, not megabytes). Test it yourself: try to download something from a fast website and try to figure out which is your maximum download transfer speed. You will be disappointed. As a comparative, this means the phone can use 1/4 of the available bandwidth. A SonyEricsson Satio can fully use the available bandwidth, instead (someone told me "tell me a phone that can do it. Now you have one).
2) Stanby freeze: it's there. The phone freezes randomly while in stanby draining all your battery juice. Sometimes happens rarely, sometimes happens frequently.
3) Poor memory space handling: after just 20 days of use from a fresh ROM update, my free memory space on ROM is just 36MB. Without installing big things or hacking anything. Sure, there are fixes produced by the community, log cleaners, temp files deletion utilities, etc. etc. Still, it's a quite a disappointement: it means this phone can't work properly in a "factory state" for much time.
4) "Always on" features: nice, apart the fact in random periods of time the services just stop to download data. The Twitter client doesn't work well. Sometimes you can hear a tweet sound, sometimes it downloads data without the sound, sometimes it downloads nothing until reboot.
5) Poor stability in general: the OS crashes frequently. Less frequently than the first shipped rom. Still it's not very stable.
6) Poor support in general with the updates: finally the SMS stuck problem has been fixed but they spent 3 months for it without a valid solution. The camera fix doesn't hide the fact the sensor is defective.
I don't say this to start a flame, of course, but only because I'm frustrated with these problems. And people, instead of spreading words about them, just pump the hype, including some notorious web sites that have no scope but pushing the hype even further. But the truth is another: this phone doesn't work as expected.
I honestly do not have the problems you're describing..
Your "truth" is very different from mine, but ne1 is allowed to have no
Can't comment on all those, but i hear you, defo had some of them and i'm on my 2nd unit after 2 weeks.
With Nokia it took them at least 6 months to iron out the flaws in their released phones, defo the case with N95 & N96, i didn't expect it to be the case on this phone.
SMS fix? is it? or only in 1.66, because the hotfix's don't work on the 1.44 ROM
I would like to add the Audiobooster problem to that list
well, I don't pretend mine is perfect but there are more things to love than to hate about it. regarding the problems, I think you cannot generalize because I've never experienced some of your issues but I'm bothered by other myself. finally I guess it's just a subjective call anyway...
I had some of your problems when my HD2 was on the original 1.48 WWE Hong Kong ROM. However, since I flashed HSPL, Merlion LEO V1.90 ROM and Radio version, it's been faster and absolutely stable. No more freezing/"Sleep of Death"/etc...
jonbaker76 said:
I would like to add the Audiobooster problem to that list
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That one really annoys me too. Still can't find a way to get video and audio in sync without manually adjusting the offset whilst encoding. And HTC still can't get the hang of getting Audiomanager to handle AAC files properly (ie sort albums in track order, or show.their album art). Still, it's a lot quicker than my Touch Pro was ; )
Yeap! I'm very happy that I could be refunded. Too many bugs for such a device.
If you want something that works out the box, get an iPhone
I have none of your issues and i can prove it with tests and videos.
I wish i had an "unlike" button to use it here. You are frustrated because either you don't know how to work with this phone or you have some bad software or even a bad phone. Replace it!
You are emitting false statements here!
PS: I have the phone for 2 months.
I'd love to see a phone or device that was perfect.
Every piece of hardware has its own problems.
I've been waiting for so long for someone to start a thread entitled as "Let's face it: HD2 has many problems". Eagerly watching this thread for some positive and negative input.
All in all, HTC Sense is at it infant stage. This "is" the culprit. Perhaps by end of this year, we will worship it someday...
To the developer/creator of HTC Sense, please use your common "sense" when trying to convince people to buy your idea. The first major mistake was SMS failure. Totally non-Sense.
1. have to say the WiFi (at work) is slow (2.2Mbps) but is SO unreliable I'll hold off commenting until I try at home tonight on my O2 LLU connection.
2. never had it
3. doesn't happen to me, currently got 107MB free of storage and 266MB of program memory free
4. other than Twitter client being a bit crap it's fine
5. mine doesn't crash
6. updates are fine but I've not had any of the issues others have had in the first place, less so now running a custom ROM
Return your phone and get an iphone/android device.
This kind of issues, even if I haven't myself had most of those you list, have been around with EVERY WM phone that has been made.
Of course WM is far from perfect, but as someone already said to me the advantages far outweigh them, and I can live with them and the need for tweaking.
1) Wifi speed, show me one phone that can transfer at full G speed. The processing power/memory bandwidth/flash memors speed can't handle that.
It also depends a LOT of the software used.
I do get 1-1.5MB/s (8-12Mbps) transfer on wifi between the HD2 and one of my home computers, with WiFi remote access, and on balanced wifi performance. With Resco explorer, I get 150kB/s...
2) Never had one.
3) Depends... could be just normal, now that the album and browser caches have reached their limits, and would stop there. Stock ROM has a lot of useless stuff on it.
dgtel2 said:
To the developer/creator of HTC Sense, please use your common "sense" when trying to convince people to buy your idea. The first major mistake was SMS failure. Totally non-Sense.
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Sense is fine, but the vanilla Win6.5 fails hard.
And if this thread gets to about page 5, it would probably just turn into another Leo vs iPhone flame war.
For the WiFi "problem": ~ 2 MByte /s is just the normal average speed, even with my laptop I won't get much more on 802.11g .. It also depends on with how many other devices you share your WiFi-channel.
btyeh said:
Sense is fine, but the manilla Win6.5 fails hard.
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What is manila win6.5?!?! Do you even know what manila is? manila = sense!!!
I think there are a lot of 'duff' units, this must be the case with the 'sleep of death' and the crackley call as many of had it but most don't.
I took mine back, got a new one yesterday, no crackles no sleep of death... yet
But true, there are always gonna be problems, it will take months before a near perfect firmware, sorry, rom is out
Thank god for my HTC HD2. No problem here beside the screen shaking. But I hardly notice it.
kilrah said:
1) Wifi speed, show me one phone that can transfer at full G speed. The processing power/memory bandwidth/flash memors speed can't handle that.
It also depends a LOT of the software used.
I do get 1-1.5MB/s (8-12Mbps) transfer on wifi between the HD2 and one of my home computers, with WiFi remote access, and on balanced wifi performance. With Resco explorer, I get 150kB/s...
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SonyEricsson Satio, for example. I download at 900Kb/s with it on the same network (using the same browser, Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3). Poor implementations doesn't mean it's not possible. Do we need 4Ghz quad core processors to use a wireless g network? Obviously not.
3) Depends... could be just normal, now that the album and browser caches have reached their limits, and would stop there. Stock ROM has a lot of useless stuff on it.
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A bad behaviour, even when happens at factory settings is still a bad behaviour. You have a strange definition of "normal". Surely a phone that in 20 days saturate all the available space on the rom cannot be considered "normal". It's a poor implementation of things. A good implementation would have addressed it from the start by allowing the user WHERE to store that files or giving him an option to clear that files without an hard reset. No, it's not normal. Software design it's a much more complicated thing than those "normal" things.
You know you have problems when your best programs are Hd2tweaks, Bsbtweaks and Resco registry editor. And you are continually wiping out your system and trying new roms. Although Xannytech evolution was a good one.

General Stability- What is your experience?

What is your general experience regarding stability with the T-Mobile hd2?
Mine so far has been lack luster. I love the phone, I just wish it was actually stable. My experience thus far has been-
Hangs at lock screen about 2-3 times per day
Texting occasionally lags heavily..
Music app has frozen once
1-2 times per day won't respond after returning lock mode, requires reset.
All the problems I have can be resolved by turning it off and on. So far, I've found myself resetting the phone 4-5 times per day. Anyone having the same experience? Any tips? It's been frustrating. Such an awesome phone, but sometimes it just locks up for no reason and I can't even make a phone call.
akollgaard said:
What is your general experience regarding stability with the T-Mobile hd2?
Mine so far has been lack luster. I love the phone, I just wish it was actually stable. My experience thus far has been-
Hangs at lock screen about 2-3 times per day
Texting occasionally lags heavily..
Music app has frozen once
1-2 times per day won't respond after returning lock mode, requires reset.
All the problems I have can be resolved by turning it off and on. So far, I've found myself resetting the phone 4-5 times per day. Anyone having the same experience? Any tips? It's been frustrating. Such an awesome phone, but sometimes it just locks up for no reason and I can't even make a phone call.
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I've found it pretty stable. I have no problems... just as stable, if not more, than any of my previous WM devices. It'll lock up occasionally when I'm experiment with certain apps or settings, but never on normal usage.
Before I flashed to a custom ROM I had all kinds of problems with the phone. It was laggy and was almost unusable. After flashing to a custom ROM all those problems went away. Now I haven't had any problems with the phone and it is very stable now. I would recommend you flashing to a custom ROM if you haven't done so already.
Coming from an HD, I have been using custom ROMs for over a year. However, I haven't yet flashed a custom ROM on my HD2 simply because I have yet to find any problem with the stock ROM (mainly since it's completely up to date and the cooks are using it as their base). So far, I've had only one...maybe two freezes. I'll definitely start flashing custom ROMs once there's an update to manila, but till then, I'll prolly stick with this one (or until i get bored).
(Also, I am a very heavy user, so I'm pleased with just one freeze a week.)
Using stock rom, occasionally using Task Manager to kill something that's sucking CPU, but otherwise very stable. Only hit sleep-of-death twice so far, and rebooted only couple times to fix extreme lag from something unkillable and hidden.
Using my own 8GB SDHC class 6 (instead of crappy 16GB class 2) to cut down battery drain, and using only external GPS. Lots of registry tweaks to turn on power-management, and using BsB Tweaks.
Besides Opera 10 constantly screwing up virtual, runs mostly fine with Garmin Mobile XT, Google Maps, iGo8, Navizon (wow!).
No Problems, What a fine piece of Hardware.
Hello Everyone,
I got my T-Mobile USA HTC HD2 on March 20th,2010 from Walmart 4 days before T-Mobile started sales.
Since I got it, it has been in use 24 hours a day,7 days a week.
Changes I made:
Removed all demo games.
Removed all demo music.
Removed all demo photographs.
Removed all Demo Software.
Removed Google Maps to update.
Got Unlock Code from T-Mobile
Made a few registry changes from this list Here
Installed onto device:
Google Maps 4.0.0 (#81)
Updated Microsoft My Phone
PHM Registry Editor
HTC Wi-Fi Router
Installed on microSDHC Card:
8gb of .wma (lossless) music.
Have the camera store pictures on card.
Bluetooth Stereo Headset:
Sony Ericsson MW600. ( See link in signature )
I am using the stock shipping T-Mobile USA Rom
2.10.531.1 (82076) WWE
Not once, I had to do a reset. (hard reset or soft reset)
Not once, I had any lag in messaging application. (sms or mms)
Not once, I had any lag in the music player.
Not once, I had any problems returning to operation from lock status.(Just slide the lock,poof, back to work)
Not once, I had any problems using the Wi-Fi router as a source of connectivity for my notebook.
Not once, I had any problems with weather location and stating where I am.(pretty cool and accurate)
Not once, I had any type of freezing.
Typical Daily Usage, all running at the same time:
Running Skype.
Running ICQ.
Running Yahoo Messenger.
Running Google Maps.
Sending sms / mms. ( about 50-75 a day)
Listening to music.(On MW600 which controls tracks,play/pause,displays track info)
Answering Telephone calls and placing Telephone calls.(usually on MW600)
Surfing and researching topics on the Internet. ( Sometime IE, Sometimes Opera)
Use Microsoft Office ( mostly excel)
Check and update my Facebook Page.
Things I do:
Once finished for the day, I clear message history and clear deleted items.(sms and mms)
Once finished for the day, I clear the call history.
Once finished for the day, I clear Cookies,History,Cache,Temporary Internet Files in IE and Opera.
In Skype,Yahoo,ICQ, I clear conversations once finished.
I keep the Task Manager, Managed !! Once finished with an application, I make sure to shut it down.
Completely Stable.
A multi-tasking workhorse.
Quick and fast,responsive,no lag or pauses.
A fine piece of electronic harware.
Impressive Sound Quality.
I am 100% impressed and 100% happy with my device.
Thank you,
Hello all,
I have had great stability out of this phone thus far. Only problem I had was a cab that I installed gummed things up for a while, uninstalled it and soft reset and all was good again.
Like any phone, if your going to tweak it or install cabs, do one at a time. Then test the results. See how it effects your phone.
Most of the complaints you hear are unfortunately from people that really don't know what their doing or dont do the research before doing stuff and just dive in installing everything they can get there hands on, and then the end up complaining in the end, giving a phone a bad rap.
Just my 2 "Sense".

Summary of known issues with Galaxy S

OK so from what I can gather looking at this forum and various stuff on the web the issues with this phone are (not in order of importance)
1. UI lags. However, this can be overcome via a 3rd party launcher and some 'Nand' hacks? which pardoxicallly means limited app memory again !
2. The GPS is unreliable. It can be fine one time and refuse to lock on another time?
3. The WiFi connection is also unstable for many users?
4. The battery life is not very good out of the box but improves after a few recharges? However, its still difficult to get a full day if using it heavily?
5. Samsung have a poor record when it comes to updates. There is no guarantee when / if the phone will be updated so it should be bought based solely on the features it has today?
Have I got this about right ? Anything missing or just wrong ? Are there any known fixes for issues 2 and 3 above.
Please note this not an attack on the phone I am considering buying and, as much as possible, I want to understand upfront what the issues are.
Don't forget Kies is rubbish and there's no apps for Android on the Kies marketplace, despite what the manual says.
If you are on a Mac (and presumably Linux) you have to enable USB debugging mode to be able to mount it as a USB storage device.
1 and 2 applies to my phone and I must be having a memory leak issue. My available memory drops pretty steadily throughout the day even after killing all the apps with a task manager. I need to reboot once or twice a day or the phone dips below 100mb. My guess is this is also the cause of the laggy UI.
My gps is quick to get a fix but it drops often for no good reason.
The wifi has been flawless for me, I'm on a 802.11n only network.
My battery is ok, not great but not bad either.
I still love this phone and I would buy again even with these minor annoyances.
Wifi wont reconnect when waking up from standby mode...(sometimes)
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
1- pretty minor problem IMO, i don't bump into it a lot. Let's see what samsung will do.
2- From what i see, after upgrading a firmware the problem is solved, in most of the cases.
3- Seen reports, but i didn't bump into problems with it even once.
4- After comparing with a nexus one, an HTC desire and a motorola milestone, i can clearly say that currently, after 5-7 charges, the SGS has the best battery in the android market.
I manage to squeeze over 3 days of moderate use from my device, or 2 days of heavy use.
5- I can't really say anything about it, samsung does have a poor support record for it's devices.
I'm running firmware XXJF3
1.Lag) applies to me, with any launcher. it's ok most of the time, but when it happens it is very annoying.
2.GPS) No problems so far. Not using it much for navigation, thus. Just for stuff like checking into foursquare and buzz.
3.WiFi) No problems now. I had a strange problem with wlan not working at all at my first day with the device, but I did a factory reset once and since then I never had any problems with networking anymore.
4.battery life) Everything just as with the nexus one or G1: I need to charge it at least once a day, unless I do not really use it.
5.update support) It's annoying, and it's a shame. But except for the nexus one, there are not really better alternatives with better update support out there. At least here in Europe. Motorola and HTC and Sony all abandon their devices after a few month as well.
We can only hope that Samsung thinks this is something that is worth doing better than in the past, and better than the competition currently does. Or that building custom ROMs based on upcoming Android Versions on the Galaxy S is not going to be as difficult as psychoace thinks.
If Samsung fixes the blackout/lag issues soon with a new firmware, I'm going to keep the device. Most of the time it is a great mobile. I even like touchwiz 3.
MetaDude said:
OK so from what I can gather looking at this forum and various stuff on the web the issues with this phone are (not in order of importance)
1. UI lags. However, this can be overcome via a 3rd party launcher and some 'Nand' hacks? which pardoxicallly means limited app memory again !
2. The GPS is unreliable. It can be fine one time and refuse to lock on another time?
3. The WiFi connection is also unstable for many users?
4. The battery life is not very good out of the box but improves after a few recharges? However, its still difficult to get a full day if using it heavily?
5. Samsung have a poor record when it comes to updates. There is no guarantee when / if the phone will be updated so it soils be bought based solely on the features it has today?
Have I got this about right ? Anything missing or just wrong ? Are there any known fixes for issues 2 and 3 above.
Please note this not an attack on the phone I am considering buying and, as much as possible, I want to understand upfront what the issues are.
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1. Yes I get lag. Very irritating on the supposed "most powerful phone around". On original jf 3 firmware though, but will surely try the new rom from modaco as I don't think I could live with this in the long term.
2. Only time I tried to use google navigation, it let me down badly.
3. Generally been ok but for the first time today I had wifi icon but no internet connection. Had to restart phone (toggling had no effect).
I've had other issues as well, complete lock ups, mass storage randomly not working, and other weird seemingly random behaviour.
Overall, so far this has been a frustrating device to live with. Things can only get better I hope.
Latest firmware seems to have solved almost all of these "problems"
Latest firmware released today solved the lag problem.
Not sure about the others. never had problems with the GPS.
Wifi connection was solved 2 firmwares ago

