No sound with alarms - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all. This is strange. Yesterday, everything was working fine. Today, none of my alarms are sounding (that's neither 'tasks' nor 'appointments')
I've checked the obvious stuff like whether the sound file is corrupted or not (it works fine and I even changed the default sound to play for alarms)
Even the normal pop up window isn't showing either when an appontment or task is due.
Has anyone got any advice - this is going to be a BIG problem for me if I can't solve it as I've got a very very (very) poor short term memory and need the alarms to remind me to do even the mundane things in my life
I tried creating a few test/new entries and they don't display or sound either
Try this (check notifications) and use it to delete any duplicate notifications you have in the queue. When the notification queue gets too long it stops working, and alarms depend on the notification queue. You can then use the clear notifications program to help stopping it happening again if you like.

Hi shuflie - thanks for the tip. It made no difference, so I'm guessing it must be something more serious!

The good news...I tried same resolution
The bad did not work
So...I did a hard reset and that solved the problem!

Hard reset - sorted it!
HI All - Yep, I had to hard reset mine too! The good news - it's all working fine now...
The bad news - one of the 'cabs' that auto loads as part of the O2 set up, wouldn't install (' does not exist') resulting in me having to call O2 to manually set up email/mms/internet conections.
I also don't seem to have 'o2 active' anymore (but maybe that's a good thing
Seem to have oodles more storage space too...but everthing is working fine
Wonder what's missing???


caller id monitor

Hi i have problem some times caller id show just number when someone call me sometimes(same number) show name from contacts how to fixit
Same thing here...
Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not... Actually it has only worked a couple of times...
At first I thought I was closing the ID Contact Monitor when I used an application close button (Battery Back from Omega One). But then I noticed that it still does not work even without the app closer.
Any clues?
I believe that this is probably down to the 32 process limitation of WM2003 on the XDAII 28 processes open automatically as you open programs the XDAII will close what it thinks isn't needed any more.
Can anyone confirm? :?
Hmmm... It could very well be that... :roll:
If you don't use the "permanent save" feature, then you can delete the 4 flashman files out of the \windows\startup folder.
this gives 4 more process slots. Making the number of running processes at startup more in line with a normal XDA.
wasting 4 process slots on 4 different programs that do the same thing to 4 different databases is rediculous. Having them running even when the feature is turned off is also rediculous.
Yes, thanks... I deleted the task I don't use and now IACaller is working fine ever since...
I've upgraded to the new ROM, and only the lesser 19 processes now, meant to alleviate this problem.
In addition, it's a newer fix of Caller ID.
And even more, I removed the FOUR flashman/mem processes from startup too.
And even then, I find after just half a day of running apps and stuff, Caller ID no longer shows a photo, and requires a reboot to work properly.
Not happy at all, not in the slightest. Not in the least bit impressed, because i see little else that can be done to fix this, so no likliehood of a solution.
VERY poor to say the least.
Are you using an application closer like Pocket Plus or Wisbar?
If not, I suggest you use one. Remember that whithout an app closer you are consuming valuable resources and the X only minimizes them.
Best regards,
I was using SideBarX.
What I find however, is that this is the WORSE thing to use, as it closes ALL apps, so if the Caller ID HAD happened to just recently update itself, it would close that too, so in effect, closing the very thing with any potential to fix things.
Alas, I find the only thing that works, is to do a soft reset twice or three times a day.
Not a great loss given how quick re-boot time is, but a bit of a stupid solution nonetheless.
Additionally, I find another slight issue, in that if I get an SMS, when I click the notification envelope on the top bar to open it (if I had left it, not catching it straight away, so the first pop up of it had already gone) then the 'speech bubble' that appears with the message in, is REALLY slow now after the new ROM update, taking a second or two to draw itself properly. I can see the outline of the bubble for a fair while before the bubble 'draws' on screen properly.
Sadly however, it even does this after a soft reset to speed things up, so I am very concerned about this aspect of things.
It worked a lot faster before the update.
The rest of the update has been a good thing for me, but I am a bit angry about the Caller ID problem still being here at least for me, but more worryingly, I am concerned at the apparent speed slow down for some things! Especially as I have read tales of others experiencing this too.
But overall, its nothing earth-shattering I guess.
As far as the CallerID problem, at first I was having the same problems but I managed to fix this by removing unwanted items on the startup folder (remember the 32 process limit?) and by using Pocket Plus, since it allows you to exclude CallerID from closing.
I also use ScaryBear Software's Check Notifications to remove duplicate events on my system's databases.
Good luck!
Pocket Plus? Cheers mate - I'll go search now.
Here's hoping it works.
Also, the new ROM is only meant to have 19 things running. I have further removed the four flashman files from startup.
Do you know of anything else I can remove?
Cheers mate.
Can't find Pocket Plus mate (at least not as a free app).
Any link for me please?
I don't remember what things where in the Startup folder but this is the stuff I have now:
CheckAutoRun.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ChgDfLnk.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ClearTemp.lnk <--- I installed this
MMReg.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
Pocket Plus.lnk
VoiceCommand.lnk <--- Microsoft's Voice Command
Cheers and good luck!
You can find it here
Hi all,
I've the problem with with my XDA II and IA Caller ID. It works for one or two hours and then impossible to see a picture. The only thing to do is a soft reset.
I've checked the processes and I'm now with 16 processes (using PHM Task Manager to see the processes) and when the problem occurs, the IA_Caller_ID process is still active.
For information, I use WisBar advance to really close my programs and I kill ActiveSync every time I leave the XDA from the cradle.
Thanks for your help...
Do you put pictures in your SD Card ?
If yes, try with pictures in your phone memory.
I have the same problem with ringtone in my old Qtek (first generation SPV by Orange)
Sometimes, the sdcard is poweroff to preserve battery life...
test and come back ;-)
THe picture is in "/my documents" none on the SD card
Now it's new, sometimes the XDAII doesn't ring at all. The screen lights on but no ring and no information. :shock:

Notification que is a pain in the arse, can I say arse?

My exec seems to be getting worse daily, I have latest ROM and run in corporate mode and I have nothing else installed and yet the Notifications are really annoying me, half the time they appear and there is no dismiss button to clear them, and even when there is, they keep coming back, over and over, on sms text's, alarm's, missed calls anything and everything. I have soft reset over and over and they still come back. Now I notice my Exec was on charge all night, I have not used it other than for waking me up this morning and already battery is down to 30%, It's only 10:45am! Normally I can go home with my battery at around 70% that's after being on battery all day from an over night charge.
Not a happy chappy!
doesn't sound too normal there matey..time to ring up O2 to do some complaining? mine's an Exec prototype (ROM v: 0.61.00 WWE) and it doesnt' have such problems. i've downloaded the latest rom update but haven't done it yet coz i'm lazy and coz it remaps my keyboard (my prototype has a couple of different key locations)
looks like the latest rom update could have nasty aftereffects...i think i'll put my update 'on hold' for now~~
have you enabled repeating alarms? i find it dodgy and not really well used so had to disable it.
even spb still doesnt support it well
i believe memmaid and or pocket hackmaster has the ability to fix your notifications, or some other bear product but i dont need or use them as i dont have this problem.
Cross-Posted: on Mon Feb 27, 2006 23:31
Hello All!
After 3 weeks of usage of my Qtek9000:
- all the Calendar notifications dissapeared (no text, no sound);
- the Alarms did have sound and vibra, but no text and Notification softbutton on the screen;
- alarms sounds could appear on their selfs on a random time and no Text on the screen.
I've searched the forum and it learned out that it is a Notification Que Issue.
It looks that upon a time, that que is being oversized or some mess (duplicates?) happened in it.
So, after that the "Notification Que" Issue appears.
1. Get the MemMaid \ PocketMechanic app;
2. find and delete duplicates, SoftReset (SR) (no success so far);
3. delete up to 200 CALENDAR.EXE entries, (SR) (no success so far);
4. delete up to 100TASK.EXE entries, (SR) (no success so far);
5. delete .\\notificatiopn.....script... entries, (SR) (no success so far);
6. delete all repllog.exe entries (2) and SR- IT WORKS AGAIN !!! ;
From this case - I dont know which of the manipulations actually brought my notifications back alive (is that really the repllog.exe entry?)
The possible longterm solution may be a 3-rd party App, which performs scheduled Notification Que clean up?
This is a very annoying and awfull BUG in the WM5 !!!
As I don't believe the fillowing ROM releases will fix this critical bug, the only way out - is developing the system app to perform a scheduled Notification Que clean up.
All, please, give your feed back: your experience, knowledge on the subject, etc.
Thank you.
Are you using any of these editing tools that aren't WM5-compliant/compatible?
It's curious, because I (and certainly the majority of Universal users) aren't experiencing the problem you're having. I've been using mine since I set it up in November, and only did a hard reset yesterday because the device started getting a bit odd in the syncing department (my docs filenames being cut off).
In your case I would suggest doing a Hard Reset and not fiddling with the notification queue again, as teh only reason people fiddled with it before, was because of the alarm problem in WM2003.
My notification queue never filled, and I used a LOT of different programs, including beta testing for some PIM management tools.
snorbaard said:
Are you using any of these editing tools that aren't WM5-compliant/compatible?
It's curious, because I (and certainly the majority of Universal users) aren't experiencing the problem you're having. I've been using mine since I set it up in November, and only did a hard reset yesterday because the device started getting a bit odd in the syncing department (my docs filenames being cut off).
In your case I would suggest doing a Hard Reset and not fiddling with the notification queue again, as teh only reason people fiddled with it before, was because of the alarm problem in WM2003.
My notification queue never filled, and I used a LOT of different programs, including beta testing for some PIM management tools.
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Yes, I will do the Hard Reset, but anyway - after some usage time, the queue will fu**k-up again.
I have 1000+ contacts (most of them with Birthdays Reminders), about 50 appointments per month, and all 3 alarms for wakening up in the morning.
The best solution, IMHO - the tool like "Notification Clear Fix - v1.2",
(Thanks to bonisalive for information)
Originally, this script is developed for WM2003 to fix its notification queue problems.
Now, we need a same tool for WM5 (the script, or no-GUI exe), which could be scheduled to run at 03.00AM evety Sunday
gooroo said:
My exec seems to be getting worse daily, I have latest ROM and run in corporate mode and I have nothing else installed and yet the Notifications are really annoying me, half the time they appear and there is no dismiss button to clear them, and even when there is, they keep coming back, over and over, on sms text's, alarm's, missed calls anything and everything. I have soft reset over and over and they still come back. Now I notice my Exec was on charge all night, I have not used it other than for waking me up this morning and already battery is down to 30%, It's only 10:45am! Normally I can go home with my battery at around 70% that's after being on battery all day from an over night charge.
Not a happy chappy!
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What I use is ScaryBears Check Notifications. After a missed call or txt, I just run this small application on my EXEC to check if I got a script 000 notifications or any notification added to my original ones. All I have to do is press clear and it errases the script notifications and leaves the original notifications intack. Works fine on my EXEC:
dima_the_chief said:
snorbaard said:
Yes, I will do the Hard Reset, but anyway - after some usage time, the queue will fu**k-up again.
I have 1000+ contacts (most of them with Birthdays Reminders), about 50 appointments per month, and all 3 alarms for wakening up in the morning.
The best solution, IMHO - the tool like "Notification Clear Fix - v1.2",
(Thanks to bonisalive for information)
Originally, this script is developed for WM2003 to fix its notification queue problems.
Now, we need a same tool for WM5 (the script, or no-GUI exe), which could be scheduled to run at 03.00AM evety Sunday
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Have you tried Notification Clear Fix on your Universal? From what I heard it does not work on the Universal. Can you confirm?
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Gooroo, I had exectly the same battery problem, after upgrading to the latest o2 firmware. It made the phone virtually useless unless plugged into a power source. The fix was to upgrade to version 1.06 of the radio firmware. Version 1.06 is on this forum somewhere.
I can now use my Exec all day and have bluetooth enabled all day as well

Universals gone wild!!! Repeating alarms etc

My exec has gone nuts.
First, alarms stopped displaying the message boxes, and as I couldn't dismiss them, they went on for ages.
Now, I get my reminders through from weeks ago through, with no messages, all at once, in a mishmash of notification beeps, and voice command reading them out.
I really have no idea what could be wrong.
I haven't changed anything.
I'd love a fix which doesnt involve hard reset (and yes, I have soft reset it!)
[edit by V: please try to use a useful topic title, and post in the right area ]
XDA Exec, O2, WM5
Check out MamMaid it has an option for clearing notifications.
Read my step by step guide in the following thread to fix your device - this guide does NOT involve a hard reset.
And do not use the built-in Clock/Alarm application any more, it is VERY buggy and almost certainly what has caused your problems (as it did on mine).
Thanks: it helped me also: at last solved a irritating problem. You are a great help!
What do people recommend as the best alarm clock program to use?
My alarm clocks stopped working so relying on the Universal atm to wake me up every morning but today one of my calendar reminders didn't go off and I nearly missed a 3 hour conf call (tragedy I know!!!).
I'm using SPB Time, a bit bloated at over 3MB just for what is basically a clock but it has everything you will need (clock, WORKING alarm, stopwatch, etc).
Seriously people stop using the built in clock/alarms app completely, it messes up your notifications queue over time making reminders not go off properly and all sorts of other unpleasant bugs which just get worse as your device gets older, which is why I suspect we are seeing more and more of these cases a year after the device was originally released.
It is unknown at this time whether or not these bugs are fixed in later WM5 ROM releases, although I suspect not...
skelly said:
My exec has gone nuts.
First, alarms stopped displaying the message boxes, and as I couldn't dismiss them, they went on for ages.
Now, I get my reminders through from weeks ago through, with no messages, all at once, in a mishmash of notification beeps, and voice command reading them out.
I really have no idea what could be wrong.
I haven't changed anything.
I'd love a fix which doesnt involve hard reset (and yes, I have soft reset it!)
[edit by V: please try to use a useful topic title, and post in the right area ]
XDA Exec, O2, WM5
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Ho YES I know this problem well!!! It is a total Pain in the But.
I have tried most tings and the only thing thatw orked for me was a hard reset a finaly a ROM upgrade seems to have stopped the problem coming back AGAIn & AGIN . Well for now anyway.
I think SL9 has the answer I have not tried the exact method given But Did try Memmaid and It did not help. I did not however deselect the alarms first and did not do a Soft reset straight after. These may be the secrets to success. I have not had the problem recently (please NO MORE) so unable to try SL9 method but seems to have worked for many
Here is SL9s method Good luck and thanks to SL9
Yes, I had this problem also. You can perform a hard reset, that will solve it but then you loose all your data and it is a pain! So I spent all day trying to find out how to fix it without doing a hard reset, and here are the results:
1. Open the Clock & Alarms app, and click on the Alarms tab. Make sure everything is unticked and unselected.
2. Install and launch MemMaid ( - Note: MemMaid is shareware that expires after something like 30 days, or you might use another app which allows you to edit the notifications queue), and then press the Jump To softkey and click on the the Notification Queue option.
3. Press the Find Duplicate button, and make sure you say yes to deleting all duplicates.
4. Now you have to scroll through the list slowly, you must find all the ones which have this text in them and check the tickbox: \Windows\clock.exe.
5. Now you have located the rogue alarm notifications and ticked them, press the Delete button and confirm in the next step. Make sure you have NOT ticked/selected any other notifications except the clock.exe ones before you do this step, otherwise it can easily make your phone stop working!
6. Soft reset your device. When it has finished booting, you should notice that it doesn't vibrate madly with alarms for 20 minutes like it used to do before, and you should have a flashing green LED on the right instead of orange
7. Stop using the built-in clock & alarms app if you don't want this to happen again - it is too buggy! Find a replacement alarm app, there are loads of free ones out there!
Last edited by sl9 on Wed Aug 23, 2006 17:50; edited 1 time in total
Thanks again to SL9

Need help.. got problem with my alarm..

guys need help..
got one annoying problem bout my alarm... ive seem to disable all my alarms but the phone still recognizes my old settings.. how to explain this errr,,, well previously ive set the alarms at 6.00 am , 6.25 am and 6.30 am... after a short while the phone hangs so i soft reset it, then after that i've set the alarm to 7.00 am,7.25 and 7.30 am, (max 3 alarms can be set) but the prob is everyday the phone alarms set off at the 6++am time... even tho ive change them all to 7++AM and there is no way to disable them since only the 3, 7oclock alarms is avaible on the list...
so now i have a total of 6 alarms...
guys how to fix this without hard resetting,,,
Do these 'phantom' alarms show up in your notifications queue?
You need something like Memmaid or Scarybear's Checknotifications to see these.
Look at the ones called calendar xxx or clock xxxx
Make sure from the descriptions that these are notifications you want to keep, if not delete them, also delete any duplicates.
DON'T delete any other notifications, these could be needed by the system to function correctly.
When I had similar alarm problems, I did this and found I had around 500 alarm/reminder notifications, some going way back, and some for May 2047!
When I got rid of these and the duplicates, it came down to around 40 and my alarms and reminders worked properly again.
Hope this works for you
ive downloaded Scarybear's Checknotifications but i do not know which to delete..zzz calender.exe or clock.exe?
Frostlance said:
ive downloaded Scarybear's Checknotifications but i do not know which to delete..zzz calender.exe or clock.exe?
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I am more familiar with SKtools and Memmaid than Scarybear, but the ones to avoid deleting are any titled repllog. If Scarybear has a delete duplicates function then you should be safe to use that. Entries for alarms may have a title such as windows\clock.exe. In sktools I can click such entries and it tells me what alarm it is and when it's set to go off (not sure about Scarybear)
Good luck
PS Get a good Full backup programme like SPB Backup and then you would not need to worry about deleting the wrong thing.
When you first run the app, it marks all the duplicates in red, just press clear to get rid of those.
The ones to look at individually are the ones like:
Clock.exe - then scrolling to the right, these should have an entry under dialog title like "daily alarm" and then dialogue text like "Alarm: Wake up 10.30"
Make sure that all these are for alarms you want, delete the ones which aren't.
the others are:
Calendar.exe, in the dialogue title these say POOM xxxx and in the dialogue text, there is a description of the appointment you have set the reminders for.
You should be able to tell from these if any are in the past ie reminders you thought you had dismissed, or indeed from ridiculously in the future like 10 years time.
Delete the unwanted ones of these.
Also worth checking are Tasks.exe entries
Plus any other apps you have which can put alarms on the system eg some notes applications
Then use the exit button to exit checknotifications and see if this improves things.
The problem seems to arise (on my device) in 2 ways.
Firstly, in the past a reminder will have come up, and I think I dismissed it, or while I was dismissing it, something else happened on the system, incoming call, another alarm, crash, anything really, and somehow the dismiss instruction never seems to have 'taken'.
The other way is using Windows mobile live client. It seems to put notifications in every time you soft reset, so you can end up with a lot of WLM duplicates. It also seems to sync a whole load of old 'stuff' to the device, together with old notifications
If you find this helps, do consider getting Memmaid or SK Tools. I use Memmaid every day to clear junk out of my device. It's not free like checknotifications, but it does a whole lot more and has repaid the investment many times over (they do a free trial). SK Tools does even more, but is also I think easier to do something 'silly' on.
Also, the one thing I couldn't do without is a good backup program. I always take a series of backups. That way a hard reset needn't mean hours of re-installation. Usually about 20 minutes max.
all right..
I did as you said and i think it worked.
Thank you so much for helping.
No probs.
Remember, this isn't usually a 1 off problem. If it does fix things, keep an eye on that queue for a while and make sure things don't build up again.

No ring tone, no alert sounds, WMP not functioning.

Hi, today my HD2 started to behave oddly - when receiving a call the screen wakes up as normal but no sound nor vibration (as preset) comes with it. The same goes for any other alert - SMS, e-mail...When I try to change the tones of any alert the common preview while selecting doesn't cannot be heard. Even worse, when I tried to play any music from my library with Windows Media Player it started to skip quickly from song to song without playing a note, stopped at the end of the playlist. When I tried TCPMP it work without any problem - music and video.
Any suggestion before I will be forced to proceed to the next logical step - Hard Reset? BTW I am on stock ROM 1.66.479.2 (76641)WWE, I didn't install anything new recently nor have beeb experimenting with any SW.
Thank you in advance.
ive had issues with sounds when setting the system temp locations to a location that doest exist (experimenting with a ramdisk, but i suspect the pricipal would be teh same). maybe some kind of system temp location corruption?
hunt down all you can find on clearing temp locations. start uninstalling apps one by one,
(personally id backup and go for a straight hard reset for the hour it takes to be fully fundtional again vs the hours spent fault finding.)
I think I have your fix ...
I just came across this thread and thought I'd answer immmediately because I, too, have sufferred from this issue in the past. It took me a while to figure out why, but I did. Give me about 5 minutes to collect my information, and then I'll respond again...
Here it is ...
I have a document that I've prepared in Microsoft Word to store all the handy registry tweaks and solutions to previous problems. Here's the entry for what I believe is your problem:
Sounds or Ringing or Vibration Don’t Work
There MUST be a directory called Volatile here:
Mobile Device\Application Data\Volatile
The "Volatile" directory can be empty as long as it's there within the main device Application directory.
Thank you very much, will share the result
I face to same problem using HD2, thank you. your point is help me to fixed.
Whoa, you just saved me from a hard reset thanks alot Peter.
PETER HTC you are great! Thanx man!
Thanks I fixed it too

