caller id monitor - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi i have problem some times caller id show just number when someone call me sometimes(same number) show name from contacts how to fixit

Same thing here...
Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not... Actually it has only worked a couple of times...
At first I thought I was closing the ID Contact Monitor when I used an application close button (Battery Back from Omega One). But then I noticed that it still does not work even without the app closer.
Any clues?

I believe that this is probably down to the 32 process limitation of WM2003 on the XDAII 28 processes open automatically as you open programs the XDAII will close what it thinks isn't needed any more.
Can anyone confirm? :?

Hmmm... It could very well be that... :roll:

If you don't use the "permanent save" feature, then you can delete the 4 flashman files out of the \windows\startup folder.
this gives 4 more process slots. Making the number of running processes at startup more in line with a normal XDA.
wasting 4 process slots on 4 different programs that do the same thing to 4 different databases is rediculous. Having them running even when the feature is turned off is also rediculous.

Yes, thanks... I deleted the task I don't use and now IACaller is working fine ever since...

I've upgraded to the new ROM, and only the lesser 19 processes now, meant to alleviate this problem.
In addition, it's a newer fix of Caller ID.
And even more, I removed the FOUR flashman/mem processes from startup too.
And even then, I find after just half a day of running apps and stuff, Caller ID no longer shows a photo, and requires a reboot to work properly.
Not happy at all, not in the slightest. Not in the least bit impressed, because i see little else that can be done to fix this, so no likliehood of a solution.
VERY poor to say the least.

Are you using an application closer like Pocket Plus or Wisbar?
If not, I suggest you use one. Remember that whithout an app closer you are consuming valuable resources and the X only minimizes them.
Best regards,

I was using SideBarX.
What I find however, is that this is the WORSE thing to use, as it closes ALL apps, so if the Caller ID HAD happened to just recently update itself, it would close that too, so in effect, closing the very thing with any potential to fix things.
Alas, I find the only thing that works, is to do a soft reset twice or three times a day.
Not a great loss given how quick re-boot time is, but a bit of a stupid solution nonetheless.
Additionally, I find another slight issue, in that if I get an SMS, when I click the notification envelope on the top bar to open it (if I had left it, not catching it straight away, so the first pop up of it had already gone) then the 'speech bubble' that appears with the message in, is REALLY slow now after the new ROM update, taking a second or two to draw itself properly. I can see the outline of the bubble for a fair while before the bubble 'draws' on screen properly.
Sadly however, it even does this after a soft reset to speed things up, so I am very concerned about this aspect of things.
It worked a lot faster before the update.
The rest of the update has been a good thing for me, but I am a bit angry about the Caller ID problem still being here at least for me, but more worryingly, I am concerned at the apparent speed slow down for some things! Especially as I have read tales of others experiencing this too.
But overall, its nothing earth-shattering I guess.

As far as the CallerID problem, at first I was having the same problems but I managed to fix this by removing unwanted items on the startup folder (remember the 32 process limit?) and by using Pocket Plus, since it allows you to exclude CallerID from closing.
I also use ScaryBear Software's Check Notifications to remove duplicate events on my system's databases.
Good luck!

Pocket Plus? Cheers mate - I'll go search now.
Here's hoping it works.
Also, the new ROM is only meant to have 19 things running. I have further removed the four flashman files from startup.
Do you know of anything else I can remove?
Cheers mate.

Can't find Pocket Plus mate (at least not as a free app).
Any link for me please?

I don't remember what things where in the Startup folder but this is the stuff I have now:
CheckAutoRun.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ChgDfLnk.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ClearTemp.lnk <--- I installed this
MMReg.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
Pocket Plus.lnk
VoiceCommand.lnk <--- Microsoft's Voice Command
Cheers and good luck!

You can find it here

Hi all,
I've the problem with with my XDA II and IA Caller ID. It works for one or two hours and then impossible to see a picture. The only thing to do is a soft reset.
I've checked the processes and I'm now with 16 processes (using PHM Task Manager to see the processes) and when the problem occurs, the IA_Caller_ID process is still active.
For information, I use WisBar advance to really close my programs and I kill ActiveSync every time I leave the XDA from the cradle.
Thanks for your help...

Do you put pictures in your SD Card ?
If yes, try with pictures in your phone memory.
I have the same problem with ringtone in my old Qtek (first generation SPV by Orange)
Sometimes, the sdcard is poweroff to preserve battery life...
test and come back ;-)

THe picture is in "/my documents" none on the SD card

Now it's new, sometimes the XDAII doesn't ring at all. The screen lights on but no ring and no information. :shock:


Phone Application

I am new to the whole PDA form so please forgive me if this is obvious but I have not found the answers on this site.
I have an O2 XDA mini s and am slowly getting the hang of it.
Problem: On closing all running programs in task manager I loose the use of the phone keypad, pressing the green call button brings up the phone application but minus the number keys, calls can still be made through contacts. A soft reset is required to recify.
?Related problem: In task manager, there are programs running that are not visible on the list (if I press below the last visible item something is selected and I can "goto" it.
Plus on occation the listed item takes me to a different program ie. selecting media player takes me to Word (no set pattern though).
All help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
StefanF: what task manager are you using?
Sorry, just to clarify, PDA is "as out of the box", so just the WM5 task manager.
Thanks for your interest, I have followed several of your posts and seen your site. You have some great programs I would like to use, particually like the big phone buttons and close application tool but am quite scared of this thing.
It may be a while before I mess to deeply.
Stefan: that sounds like an odd problem.
The built in task manager is useful but not very comprehensive.
If you want to view all running tasks etc, there are much better programs out there, many are freeware. If you can't find any better, check out one I've posted here:
It's not written by me, I've just re-added some features.
Note - closing the phone (cprog.exe) is not a particularly good idea unless you really need it, because some other apps expect it to be loaded (eg contacts)
My programs
Some are ok. You might want to try my program VJOkButt if you just want to close apps to keep your memory healthy. But that's subject to taste and it's not clear how useful - although on the Wizard, it might be helpful.
The big phone buttons are actually just for the universal, it's not designed for Wizard. Basically it's for VGA phones that are using the ful VGA hack.
I've got some other stuff coming out soon. Stay tuned :wink:
Phone application
Thanks for the info.
I think, from what you have said, I need to know what I am doing to shut down the phone application as it is never my intention.
Pitty about the big button program. Why is there not full customisation of the screen (as in desktop PC's, can change the size of buttons, scroll bars... both of which are to small for finger use on this)
As a side note, when I am in an application the menus and any selections within make a click upon pressing ie. in word, Menu>Cut each selection makes a click. I have all tap sounds off but the only way I can stop it is to turn the master volume all the way down. Any ideas?
Once again, thanks.
You have to overwrite some of the default sounds with empy sounds to disable all click sounds. At least that's what I did, but that was a long time ago..basically you use your pc, make an empty .wav file, and overwrite the necessary files in your \windows\ folder. If you're interested in doing this and need more help, shout out!
Closing the phone - yes, you would probably not close it without knowing what you're doing. I presume when you're not using the task manager you're not having the phone problems?
Try a program called CETuner to help play around with your scrollbars etc. It's good for modifying colour themes and various settings on the go. Another program worth looking at is Tweak 2k .net.
Many thanks.
Personally i'm currently using Magic Button to close apps and act as a task manager.
It allows you to close or minimise apps, and by clicking the "house" icon on the windows bar you can also close all, soft reset etc. Final point on it is that you can see X number of running apps and touch to swap to them, or "hide when inactive" and "keep alive" so you dont close (or even see) some apps - i keep messages & phone in this state to improve response times but close use close all to kill everything else.
Danger using Task Manager
I had the same problem. Ideally you should use Start/Settings/System/Memory/Running Programs to close down active tasks. Yes, the Task Manager does it and you can launch it from the menu, but it is a bit dangerous (as I found out). The Phone app appears in Task Manager as an unnamed icon and its icon looks like the Windows Media Player one (at least it does on my XDA Mini S). Shutting this down will do exactly what you describe (I started a thread called 'Help I'm stuck in Contact History on this).
By all means use Task Manager if you want to, just don't shut all apps, leave the unnamed 'media player lookalike' icon.
Cheers. :wink:
To the original poster:
I had this problem when i got my XDA at first. To be honest, i think its the o2 active stuff that messes up the phone app.
My suggestion is this: back up any important data, then do a hard rerset of your phone. When the screen comes up about Standard, Corporate or Basic install choose the Corporate option and use the passcode 0506. this will allow you to use the phone without any of the o2 crap and since i done it i've had no problems with the phone.
just to let you know, this will stop the phone setting up its own GRPS and MMS settings, but if you phone o2 ar go into a shop then they will happily send them to you.
Hope this helps.
Task Manager or Active ?
I suspect that it is shutting down the phone app that's causing the issue not Active. I agree, get rid of Active if you don't like it (I use Basic so I still get the MMS settings), but I don't think Active is the cause.
Just my humble opinion of course.
I'd completely overlooked that StefanF was using o2. I'm an O2 and Orange user, but O2 active has never touched my system. Sounds like that's quite an oversight by them if the O2 Task Manager allows you to close the phone app... not recommended!
Oooer indeed
My friend has an XDA Exec (Universal) and he had lots of problems with the phone app which I strongly suspect were much the same thing. (although his apps in task manager were not unnamed, he had multiple phone apps running). I didn't know the Task Manager was an O2 add-on, I assumed it was a WM5 feature.

phone app not closing

Hi. I've used the phone a bit, and I have GSPocketMagic++ but the phone app won't close with the X. Plus, even worse, in the menu I can see that there are 4 instances of the phone running! i.e. Seems like every time I go to the phone interface then it has a new instance in the list. (GSPM seems to be fine and great otherwise.) Thanks.
Now with another app, I'm seeing strange behavior on the part of GSPM (not closing another app and keeping it always on top), unfortunately, I'm guessing it's GSPM but it could also be the phone app.
what do - as a sufferer of this also s use magic button - free . . it solves it about 50-6-% of the times - but this is still my main cause to reboot . . .
I wrote an app, VJPhoneToggle or something, that will close cphone.exe
I've also written a generic task killer.
However, you should know that closing cphone.exe is not advisable. On my Mio A701 it puts the phone in flight mode and prevents calls coming in.
On the HTCs, trying to commence a call from the contacts screen will cause an error.
But otherwise, it's a good way to save a bit of memory. I wuoldn't really advise it though.
re the various instances of cphone running. Probably unlikely - more likely is that the various dialogs in cphone, eg callhistory etc, show up as seperate entries.
VJOkButt can help close some of the dialogs sometimes. But VJPhoneToggle is probably what you need.
As Vijay was hinting - you can get rid of the app by putting the device into flight mode. But the purpose of that eludes me. It's a (Pocket PC) phone after all...
MB doesn't really close the phone either.
Need to try the phonetoggle - lol i am still a vijay-virgin!!!

Very Strange problem

Hi! I was using the device normally. Suddenly, all of sudden, the screen went on full brightness and the device started vibrating oddly. A pop-up message came on the screen notifying me,"main battery very low". The battery was 91%. My unit is just 2months old. Also, one more pop-up comes which says,"unidentified USB device".
Also, I went to the settings>>memory. Strangely, it showed the memory devided into 2parts(just like WM2003)
So, I got 3 questions..
1)Anyone got any clue what/why happened?
2)Has anyone else experienced this?
3)What can I do to avoid this problem in future?
I have been an active member in the forums. But, this problem is something, I have never heard of. Please help
I had something similar and I put it down to an application I used to close programs instead of minimising them. I had the full brightness, and the memory panel showing the old WM2003 screen with the slider to adjust between programs and storage.
Have you been doing anything similar? If so try it for a while without the app that closes programs, and let WM look after its memory.
Hope this helps
matt1971 said:
I had something similar and I put it down to an application I used to close programs instead of minimising them. I had the full brightness, and the memory panel showing the old WM2003 screen with the slider to adjust between programs and storage.
Have you been doing anything similar? If so try it for a while without the app that closes programs, and let WM look after its memory.
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Exactly, it happened to me just 1day after I uninstalled Wisbar Advance2. Actually, I m software reviewer too and I try out many apps(was trying the official beta of handyswitcher from past two days). Handyswitcher used to minimise the apps and let them run in the background.
But, now, wisbar advance is up again and so far so good because now I close all the apps after I use them
Still curious to know why it happens? And what are you doing to stay out of this problem?
i got it too once, no idea why it happens though...
Midget_1990 said:
i got it too once, no idea why it happens though...
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Which task manager do you use?(considering the fact that you dont get this 'odd' screen now). Also, were you using a task manager at that time?
Looks like the people who are letting the windows manage the memory are more prone to it(?)
BTW, congrats on becoming a MOD *clap* *clap* *clap*
I've had the same problem with mine too... sometimes when im writing a semi-long email or txt, the screen goes to full brightness, then ANY program i try to load, says its unsigned... all the text goes white, and i have to reboot to get back to normal.... PLUS i'll lose any recently saved txts/emails/notes :S
REALLY annoying... no ones every come up with an explanation :S
Plus i don't have any extra installed apps, and ive tried several different ROMs... so hmmmm weird!
Just happened again ASA I had taken-off wisbar advance 2 for a while.
It appears that it happens when you leave multiple apps in the background. Second reason can be, what Pooper said that it mostly happens when you are typing a SMS in messaging app.
Interestingly, this never happens, when the device is in Tablet(portait) mode
Now, activated wisbar advance again, no problem. But, it takes away lots of precious RAM
I think WM6 beta is better choice to avoid the issue. I use WM6 CE 5.2.1413 (internal 17913.0.3.0) rom 2.21.01 CHS (S-Chinese). I have not ocurred the issue you have mentioned. good luck.

hmm this is annoying- new rom problem

So I put the new rom on my mogul. Love the gps. Love the task manager. However, I've run into a few problems that I would like to see if anyone else has encountered:
When i open an shows me the bottom of the screen..and not the message. not a deal breaker, but annoying.
i had just installed the rom. nothing on it... didn't even put my sd card in. soft reseted around five time to make sure... but when doing ABSO-FRICKING-LUTELY NOTHING the 68-78% of my program memory is occupied. wtf.
you too?
Right now, I have many many ways of turning on the GPS from standby.
So this is my fun part right now.
I got GPSGate, Google Map and AstroGPSLauncher to launch the GPS.
iGuidance 4 need alot of help to get going. iNAV need to work on this fast.
Other than that, it has been OK. I like the upload speed. It make my Remote Desktop more lively OK.
I think life is OK. This is something new on the Mogul, so I can understand it. It can only gets better.
trekkiemogul said:
So I put the new rom on my mogul. Love the gps. Love the task manager. However, I've run into a few problems that I would like to see if anyone else has encountered:
When i open an shows me the bottom of the screen..and not the message. not a deal breaker, but annoying.
i had just installed the rom. nothing on it... didn't even put my sd card in. soft reseted around five time to make sure... but when doing ABSO-FRICKING-LUTELY NOTHING the 68-78% of my program memory is occupied. wtf.
you too?
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SMS scrolling to the bottom upon opening a message is a known side-effect of the registry edit that changes the 4-way navigation button to scroll instead of tab to the next link on a page. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav; 0 will scroll (and open SMS messages at the bottom), 1 will tab
I am running the OEM 3.35 ROM, with all of the Sprint customizations, and on a fresh soft reset I have 22.56MB free memory. After a day of calls, text messages, and web surfing, I usually have 16 to 18MB free. Are you running the stock ROM or a custom ROM? Have you done any registry edits that would affect the free memory, such as changing cache sizes? Also, did you do an extra hard reset after flashing the ROM?
I am having none of the problems you are describing. Where is the option on the poll for "Yes, because these problems don't exist for the rest of us"?
muyoso said:
I am having none of the problems you are describing. Where is the option on the poll for "Yes, because these problems don't exist for the rest of us"?
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I ROM great behavior...this is by far the best that Sprint has done thus far for the Titan, even stock it runs great. I just installed SPB and my memory stays at or near 18-20 and battery never dies on me.
"Yes, because these problems don't exist for me"
i updated wednesday and i use codyppc threaded sms so i dont know about the text prob. but i dont experience any different mem loss than Mario but i dont like that they integrated the tm into the rom cuz i didnt use that either but thats my only issue
well bah. i guess i get the "i just suck" title. i have a severe love hate relationship with this phone,. heh.

cleanRAM problem/Annoyance

Hey there guys, just a quick one for ya.
Has anyone come across a problem with HTC Addicts cleanRAM?
when i click the the icon to clean it starts the process but then runs my email application(default HTC app) also.
It started doing this yesterday with no changes made to my registry or other device settings.
I've tried un-installing the program and then re-installing but i still get the same (annoying) result.
Has anyone else encountered this? and if so do you know of a fix?
Many Thanks
Well, for me, when I run the Level 3 purge, it takes me to the dial-pad screen for a few seconds. Never really bothered me though...
dial pad
level 3 takes me to dialpad also, wierd, but works ok,,
I also get this with Level 3.
...and for me as well.
This is just how it goes with cleanram. If you have done a customized process list than I would suppose thats why it's bringing up your email because it's purging anything in your list so if it's not running already it will bring it up to purge it to make sure it's not in the memory anymore.
Yea the thing is, i haven't ran a custom purge, i just do Level 3, and it doesn't just pop up, it keeps it open :s Thats why it was annoying for me, doesn't look like there is any kind of fix, just something we have to live with. Thanks for your input!
same here
I think I have the problem that after Cleanram, My Contacts and Programs wont open at all. Then calender says Error: Not enough program memory to start program...
This is a great tool but it keeps doing this to me...
I do a level one purge or 2, same thing happens..
any ideas?
feyt said:
I think I have the problem that after Cleanram, My Contacts and Programs wont open at all. Then calender says Error: Not enough program memory to start program...
This is a great tool but it keeps doing this to me...
I do a level one purge or 2, same thing happens..
any ideas?
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Don't use Clean RAM, lol. It's not like you need to use it. I have 576Mbs enabled and I never use Clean RAM, most of the RAM used is just cache so your most commonly use programs will open faster if you don't use it.
I've never got any slow down from not using it.

