Basic email options questions....please bear with the FNG! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I read the thread near the bottom of the first page on Outlook Express use and, while it gave me some info I could see the real use for - it dawns on me I have not yet seen addressed some more basic question on email I had.
My main email is a webbased thing from my DSL provider (yahoo type DSL account) and I keep my email there as it has enormous, already paid for storage. That is my main email, but I have a redirector from a friend that autosends to it. All of my email is fully accessible by either and I only have the one distinct account.
I used PC based Outlook once to try to tag a "return receipt requested" option instead of the one I used from yahoo and was furious when it siphoned off all my saved messages to the local machine and reset the pointers to erase all the webstorage. I never did bother to find out how to avoid that pointer reset and just made sure I never fired up Outlook Express ever again, as I wish to retain the web based storage.
Oh, and my main machine will be onlne nearly 24/7 on the DSL and can be used in that manner. I do intend to make my MDA my main device, however, not the main machine.
So any recommendations on what to use and how to set it up so I can send and receive email from the MDA in conjunction with my current setup, using the main web storage as the main storage, hopefully without resetting "read" pointers like PC Outlook Express did earlier - and hopefully with all contacts all synced without manual reentry.
The phone comes in today or tomorrow and I can't wait to set up the basics to start using it!
Thanks in advance.


Mac OS X sync, notes sync, pre addressed sms and mms set up

Things I have learned regarding SPV M500 (magician) and Mac OS X
Pocketmac does not work. I have purchased both the pro and lite versions of this software and I can categorically say that it does not work. I managed to get it to sync with entourage contacts and address but the email support is very bad and after 24hrs of trying ity still does not work properly. The support system does not work either, I had several tickets started to try and resolve the problems but the support staff repeatedly requested information that I had previously stated in the original ticket requests. There is one redeeming aspect of my dealings with Pocketmac and that is that they did give a refund upon request; could this be because they are aware of the problems?
Switch to Missing Sync, it is the recommended software of mac and after using it I can see why, from the first connection to the first sync it was all plain sailing, it keeps you informed about choices it is making during the sync and was very stable. I can now sync ical with tasks and contacts. First class software. Once set up you can add and email account on the device and it allows a pass through with the settings for .mac auto detected. You simply set the delete period to 7 days on both the mac and ppc the messages are then synced on both. Avantgo works ok although you have to start the sync from avantgo, it is not automatic like on activesync.
The next problem was notes, I bet most of you work on the net on your mac and at some point want to some information from your mac to the ppc as quick and simply as possible, I searched and searched for software to do this but to no avail. Eventually I found some. What you need is an account with they allow a free account for notes, tasks and lists, it is a web based system that seems to work a treat, to allow sync between the systems you make their page an avantgo personal channel to be viewed on the device (the first time you sync do it while connected with the ppc, it will ask for a username and pass. The next thing you need is the desktop widget for os x, they connects to the backpack site and shows you previous messages in real time on the dashboard, you can add or edit items. Every time you sync avantgo picks this data up and adds it to the device. You can also add notes and lists etc through avantgo which consequently adds your data back to the widget.
How do you create an icon on the today screen which will open pocket outlook with a new message already addressed to your chosen contact. Again I looked high and low for a solution to this, my preivous post mentioned using wizbar and specifying mailto:yournumber as a command to start upon button press, this works well but as was pointed out by one of the replies it does use a lot of resources just to do a simple task, this is not necessary. I have been a calligrapher user for a while and have never really looked into the features too much, I now know that you can ad a command which can be activated by a simple written command with a circle around it, the command you need to open the mail app and address and txt is as follows:
This when activated will start p outlook with a pre addressed message.
Finally MMS message setup, I would guess that some of you have unlocked phones and need to set up mms, I am with virgin and tried the settings they provide although as you probably know the syntax is very different on a wm device so it can be quite confusing, this is a really simple tip but one that I overlooked for quite some time, I tried different settings over and over again and they would not work until I realised that the tele number you input to address the message must not have any spaces I know if sounds really stupid but I use calligrapher a lot and I was putting in the recipients number via the pen and there were obviously spaces in the number, all the messaged were being rejected for this reason and nothing to do with the settings, I felt very stupid but thought I must point this out to newbies like me.
2 other tips that I was not aware of until reading some other posts are: -
speaker phone on the magician can be activated by holding down the green call button in a call.
Pressing the green button followed by the : -
Right directional button gives call register
Left directional gives speed dials
I was not aware of either of these until reading the groups.
Hope the above helps, I am very much a newbie but love tinkering and will not rest until the device is how I like it.

Exchange mail services (free / trial accounts available) includes push / aliases

hey guys from wizard forum!
had started this service out to TYTN users and figured i should spread the news here as it seems austindkelly has left these forums (last active >1 month ago). if you guys are looking for push email, please get in touch here's what i posted in the tytn forum:
I'm now offering exchange mailboxes to users (subscription based service). right now i see two, one by austindkelly in the wizard forum (he's disappeared for over a month and looks like he doens't offer his service any more) and one by denial in the kaiser section ($5/month). I thought I'd offer up a similar service starting with the hermes group (cheaper of course) with a few extra tidbits of joy...
- supports iphone exchange services, saves a heck of money over apple's mobileme service!
- outlook web access (with the advanced interface)
- 1gb quota
- both SSL as well as standard port options
- *IMAP access* - you don't even need outlook, syncs flawlessly with your phone.
- *MAPI* outlook access - hook up your outlook on your PC to sync with my service which in turn syncs with your phone. no plugging in ever needed!
- alias included (get your own email)
- changing your password through outlook web access (one-way non-reversible encryption).
I figured it's a bit of an overkill having my own exchange server that's serving a single account (i.e. mine). so why not open it up!
Price is $10 for 3 months, $19 for 6 months.
Please PM me if you're interested... Already have a number of beta testers who I've received only positive responses from so far. I'll probably set up your account within 12 hours (probably less).
And yes, will give you unused credit money back etc etc if you're unsatisfied for whatever reason. I'm really not in this for the money, it's more to utilize something I spent hours building up, plus to cover the costs of my internet / server hardware.
And, as usual, if you need any files hosted for xda-developers just let me know, i'm already hosting over 40 ROM images and serving 5-6gb/day in ROMs from the wiki!
free accounts:
will provide 10 rotating free accounts at any given time for test purposes, will base it off of usage. so if you use the free account, i'll keep it up indefinitely, if not then account will be removed after 14 days and given to the next person in line.
Free accounts do not have MAPI access, have 50mb storage, have no aliases either.
Depending on utilization I may increase this 10 free account limit.
accounts requested from this morning have been set up, please check your PM boxes
few people are asking about synching from multiple sources...
from my understanding i can only give you one alias for your accounts, which means you can't select your "from." however you're free to forward as many accounts as you wish to the account i create for you, but you can only send from one "alias."
another multi-synching thing people are asking is whether you can sync calendar with your desktop and email with my service. sure!! its best that way in fact - that's what i do. i have my outlook on my desktop which has my calendar, contacts, and only sync my email via push on exchange to my server... you can even take this a step further and set up IMAP access so what you see in your email client is the same as what you'll see in your pocket outlook... if you delete from your desktop, whoosh it disappears from your PDA too
happy new year everyone
could i get 1-2 of the existing customers (or 1-2 new members?) to test out the MAPI access with outlook? I got it working for my account but the one "outside" tester i have hasn't had any luck in setting it up. It'd be a great feature to have!
PM me
MAPI (i.e. desktop outlook) access is now enabled
still plenty of resources to use up so drop me a line if interested!
guys, if you're not using your trial accounts, please drop me a PM requesting me to close it down. While i can see last log in dates etc, it's much more efficient if you just drop the courtesy PM
requesting as i've overshot my initial "10 free rotating accounts" by quite a bit
going to take the server down for about 15-20 minutes this afternoon for a quick reboot and offline backup. planning for 3:00pm GMT. please be patient, hopefully it should be done much much faster!
Quick update regarding update in the server!
I know I've had some VERY avoidable downtimes this past few months. Because this is running on a laptop it has been unplugged from the power / ethernet while its been moved.
however good news! I've just purchased a replacement - a nice server
Specs - dual core AMD 5600+ with 2 gb RAM, 820gb storage (for those attachments ).
i'll do the switchover soon as i get the machine, should hopefully take 10-15 minutes as i just need to image the drive across.
once i get the machine i'll push up the trial accounts to 15 or 20 so if you're interested i'll post here when the migration is done and you can drop me a note
can someone who has successfully set up outlook 07 with my service PM me with the settings they've used? i need to get some instructions on my site on how to do it, and i don't use exchange 07 myself...
chamelion said:
can someone who has successfully set up outlook 07 with my service PM me with the settings they've used? i need to get some instructions on my site on how to do it, and i don't use exchange 07 myself...
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Check out it offers free push email for unlimited accounts. I am using it to sync three accounts at once.
UPDATE Now offering Exchange 2010 accounts - fully compatible with latest outlook, html email etc!
Information and registration at

Exchange mail services (free / trial accounts available) includes push / aliases

hey guys from Trinity forum!
had started this service out to TYTN users and figured i should spread the news around to some of the other boards. if you guys are looking for push email, please get in touch here's what i posted in the tytn forum:
I'm now offering exchange mailboxes to users (subscription based service). right now i see two, one by austindkelly in the wizard forum (he's disappeared for over a month and looks like he doens't offer his service any more) and one by denial in the kaiser section ($5/month). I thought I'd offer up a similar service starting with the hermes group (cheaper of course) with a few extra tidbits of joy...
- supports iphone exchange services, saves a heck of money over apple's mobileme service!
- outlook web access (with the advanced interface)
- 1gb quota
- both SSL as well as standard port options
- *IMAP access* - you don't even need outlook, syncs flawlessly with your phone.
- *MAPI* outlook access - hook up your outlook on your PC to sync with my service which in turn syncs with your phone. no plugging in ever needed!
- alias included (get your own email)
- changing your password through outlook web access (one-way non-reversible encryption).
I figured it's a bit of an overkill having my own exchange server that's serving a single account (i.e. mine). so why not open it up!
Price is $10 for 3 months, $19 for 6 months.
Please PM me if you're interested... I'll probably set up your account within 12 hours (probably less).
And yes, will give you unused credit money back etc etc if you're unsatisfied for whatever reason. I'm really not in this for the money, it's more to utilize something I spent hours building up, plus to cover the costs of my internet / server hardware.
And, as usual, if you need any files hosted for xda-developers just let me know, i'm already hosting over 40 ROM images and serving 5-6gb/day in ROMs from the wiki!
free accounts:
will provide 10 rotating free accounts at any given time for test purposes, will base it off of usage. so if you use the free account, i'll keep it up indefinitely, if not then account will be removed after 14 days and given to the next person in line.
Free accounts do not have MAPI access, have 50mb storage, have no aliases either.
Depending on utilization I may increase this 10 free account limit.
few people are asking about synching from multiple sources...
from my understanding i can only give you one alias for your accounts, which means you can't select your "from." however you're free to forward as many accounts as you wish to the account i create for you, but you can only send from one "alias."
another multi-synching thing people are asking is whether you can sync calendar with your desktop and email with my service. sure!! its best that way in fact - that's what i do. i have my outlook on my desktop which has my calendar, contacts, and only sync my email via push on exchange to my server... you can even take this a step further and set up IMAP access so what you see in your email client is the same as what you'll see in your pocket outlook... if you delete from your desktop, whoosh it disappears from your PDA too
MAPI (i.e. desktop outlook) access is now enabled
still plenty of resources to use up so drop me a line if interested!
Alternative for MS Exchange server for home use
I have been searching for preferably free alternative of MS Exchange server. Does anyone know if there is a program that you could just install on your home computer wich anyways is always online? So that I could do my synchronize needs with my home computer myself? I have Vista installed and I use it everyday remotely for my studying purposes, so it would be ideal just to sync the information between my P3600 and home computer throught internet..
Not really the best thread for asking this, as it's totally off topic.
Start a new thread, thanks
Ok, sorry guys
going to take the server down for about 15-20 minutes this afternoon for a quick reboot and offline backup. planning for 3:00pm GMT. please be patient, hopefully it should be done much much faster!
Quick update regarding update in the server!
I know I've had some VERY avoidable downtimes this past few months. Because this is running on a laptop it has been unplugged from the power / ethernet while its been moved.
however good news! I've just purchased a replacement - a nice server
Specs - dual core AMD 5600+ with 2 gb RAM, 820gb storage (for those attachments ).
i'll do the switchover soon as i get the machine, should hopefully take 10-15 minutes as i just need to image the drive across.
once i get the machine i'll push up the trial accounts to 15 or 20 so if you're interested i'll post here when the migration is done and you can drop me a note
I'd be interested in a test account please if you still have any available? Been using gmail IMAP and a variety of pop3 servers for a while but have never tried Exchange.
Is the 500mb quota your email quota?
What does "alias included" mean?
iamwhoiam said:
I'd be interested in a test account please if you still have any available? Been using gmail IMAP and a variety of pop3 servers for a while but have never tried Exchange.
Is the 500mb quota your email quota?
What does "alias included" mean?
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check your inbox for the trial account
the quota is currently 500mb, i'll bump it up to a gig once the new server is set up, although nobody is coming even close to their quota limit.
"alias" means that emails you send will appear to come from the email address of your chosing - i.e. gmail, yahoo, whatever you use...
can someone who has successfully set up outlook 07 with my service PM me with the settings they've used? i need to get some instructions on my site on how to do it, and i don't use exchange 07 myself...
UPDATE Now offering Exchange 2010 accounts - fully compatible with latest outlook, html email etc!
Information and registration at

[REQ] Sychronisation Options

I know there are a load of threads out there regarding syncing OTA but I thought I'd canvass some opinions from people to see if my current method can be imporved upon.
A little background:
I use a desktop PC running Windows 7 (build 7100) primarily but also have laptop for taking to Law School with me (also running Windows 7 build 7100).
I (obviously) also use an unbranded Touch HD.
I'm a devoted user of Outlook and it manages all my contacts, calendar appointments and tasks and neatly ties into my Onenote workbooks which I use for Law School.
The Problem
It's surprisingly difficult to keep all of the above in sync! Originally both machines were running Vista and I used my (very old) Hermes to keep the two sets of PIM in sync. This however produced quite a few confilcts over time and things like birthdays would appear repeated over and over again in my calendar.
I'm now using Google Sync to keep my calendar in sync which works well but doesn't sync the categories that entries are set with nor does it allow for attachments to sync with appointments.
For tasks and contacts synchronising I'm still plugging my phone in between the two computers but wondered if there was a more elegant solution.
I'd love to set up an exchange account but most of them are geared for corporate use only and (for example) the Microsoft Hosted Exchange requires a minimum of 5 users before you can sign up.
I'm managing with push email provided by Seven on my phone but would love to be able to have tasks and contacts pushed as well.
So, wise crowd of XDA Devs, would do people suggest? Any other options open to me? I've looked into Mail2Web but can't seem to get it to work properly, likewise Zimbra desktop but I really want to keep using Outlook (there's 5 years worth of information stashed away in my .pst file!).
Suggestions? Please?
As an attorney I know the importance of what your needing to do. Are you using gysyncit? I believe it gives you ota wireless sync for your calendar...not sure about tasks though.
Thanks for the links but it seems as though gSyncit does exactly what the offical Google version does but charges you $9.99 for the privilege?
Google licensed Activsync from Microsoft towards the start of the year rendering (IMO) all the 3rd party options a little redundant for syncing Google Calendar and Outlook.
For anyone reading this, you can find out more details over at the offical Google page.
Have you considered mail2web?
The provide an exchange server for a small monthly fee and offer outlook web access.

[Q] Does email reside on the tablet?

I have been trying to figure out email as it runs on Honeycomb (prior to purchase, but this is an interesting question I hope). What I want to do is ditch my computer running windows Live Mail, where all the emails are saved to my computer, and replace with a slinky new tranformer. I realise that a tablet is mostly an online tool, but it has heaps of memory, and I travel too much and still need to access old emails.
But, I cant seem to locate good information regards how the email app operates. Or how others such as K-9 work. So the question is; Do the emails reside on the tablet, can I place into folders, backup locally etc more or less as I do on my PC?
To my knowledge the stock app stores them as entries in an SQL database. You can backup the whole lot, but probably not individually.
Having set up my personal e-mail on my TF I've not been able to setup new folders with the default client, I can't find any option to do this. Also it appears as though a copy of your e-mails is downloaded onto the TF and stays on the server unless you enable the option to delete a message only when you delete it from the Inbox. It'll also only download the first 25 messages the first time round, you'll need to hit the 'load more conversations' button if you want to get more to display.
As for your existing e-mails I'm guessing that they are stored locally on your computer and are no longer available 'in the cloud', is that right? If so that will be a bit tricky to get them transferred over to your TF. If those messages are still in the cloud however you shouldn't run into any problems setting up your account on your TF.
By default POP3 email servers should keep the emails on the server (until it is too old by server's auto-delete definition) and you should be able to download your old emails on your transformer (unless you deleted them from your email app on PC, which will cause it to tell the server to delete it too). There's a reason why I started using Exchange instead of POP3.
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
alhart345 said:
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
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Why do you need to archive your emails? If you need to back the lot of them up, you can. Using a root explorer, you can browse to the /data/data folder on the device and copy the email client folders located within (I believe and to whichever storage medium you like.
Unfortunately you cannot back up or copy individual emails.
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
I think storing much locally goes against how Google and Apple view tablet devices. They view storage as a cloud based resource. So emails and documents are stored on their (or your ISPs) servers and accessed from the mobile device. This ensures that your data is constantly backed up and accessible from any device you have, phone, tablet, netbook, etc.
The downside is that this data is in the cloud so access assumes that you have a connection.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I suspect that part of your problem is that you are using your email folders as a "CRM" database, whereas you'd probably be better off if you could actually move to a true CRM solution. This may be easier said than done if the data volumes (i.e. your email "database" is large) but will probably provide a much better solution in the long run.
I haven't used the stock Android email app since Android 2.0 and my OG Droid, but I'm rather sure that the GMail app will only locally store the most recent emails, either by date or by number, not sure which. My personal email only goes up until the 23rd before it has to 'load conversations', which I believe is grabbing them from the network.
There is a degree of offline email with these recent conversations, as I've typed up emails off-network and they send as soon as I hit Wifi (or 3G in the phone's case). But nothing like the Outlook-level of Offline email. There is GMail offline for PC, so it is possible Google will bring it to tabs eventually...who knows.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I don't use the tablet for work that much, but I understand your situation. eMail is actually a pretty lousy tool for what you're doing. A good practice is to just delete mails as soon as they get to you, get read and the information is used. But, of course, there are times when you will need to keep some of the information a mail came with, but not the email itself. The reason is that email *is not always available*. You either store it on the servers or you store it locally. Being on the servers makes you dependant on an internet connection. Having them locally makes it more prone to database corruption, and simple things such as search, backup and restore are more complex (before I get bashed, I didn't say difficult or impossible, just complex).
I'm used to a Microsoft ecosystem for personal productivity which means that I have outlook and onenote. What I do is:
emails with attachments, where I need to keep the attachment for future reference: I save the attachment and delete the email
emails with information: I drag the email to Onenote and delete the email.
In a PC/Tablet environment there is no reason why you can't do something similar, although it might not be as streamlined as how Microsoft designed their own products.
But, what I picture you being able to use is:
- Mails with attachments - save them to dropbox or get some other PC-Android folder syncing solution. Get rid of the email.
- Mails with information - Save them to evernote or catchnotes and they automatically get synced to your tablet. I think the premium version of Evernote has offline access (i.e. local storage of notes) and Catch does it anyway.
Evernote has a nice feature where you can mail stuff to your evernote account and it will show up.
As you can see it involves that you change a bit how you work and manage information, but if you make this step you can be more productive.
Hi Ferparedes, thanks for the response, took me a while to get back to it. It may be possible to use a notetaker to do this, but I am pondering the steps needed to integrate as you suggest. I take about 100 emails a day, covering say 50 customers and 1-5 new projects per customer, plus ongoing business - folder structure is 3 and 4 deep. I guess, suck it and see is the final result. If working on the TF is so satisfying for everything else, then a way will be found...
Thanks again for the input.
Well, then again it could be that a tablet is not the best tool for your needs, right?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows tablets have been around for ages, no?
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows 8 tablets should appear in spring 2012.
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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It seems like the easy solution is to get internet access on the go. Why not just get a 3g hotspot from your provider? Or, if you have an android phone, set up the mobile access point?
if my experience can help...
Avoiding complex configuration setting up a mail server at home, I've the following config:
- the home pc access my accounts (isp, yahoo, gmail) through pop protocol, with accounts configured to leave messages on the server 15 days
- tablet has same accounts configured with imap access
This way all mails are anyway downloaded and backedup on my local pc, while still being accessible from the tablet.
Of course some diligence is required: if erasing a mail from the tablet while having the pc in standby, the mail will never be available on the pc (but I suppose this is not a big deal: mail has been read and judged to be erased).
My 2 cents

