Devices getting really warm while charging - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I dont know why, it just happened now.
My 9100 is getting really hot while charging.
Wifi on and charging while playing MP3s.
Is that normal??

Turn the wifi off and it won't get as hot. The reason is because with wifi on the device as a whole draws more current to charge the battery and power the wifi at the same time.


Weird battery behaviour + device gets hot

So my battery is at 56%, I hook it upto the charger it's been on the charger for a good 2 hours now. I unhook it and my battery suddenly is at 30%...
Also I've noticed that my device gets hot, not burn your hands hot but noticably warm hot.
Should I be worried? Could there be a short somewhere, the device is just 3 days old.
was your wfi turned on during charging?
Yes it was
that sounds really bad especially since it didn't charge
did the light come on? you might want to consider getting an exchange
Yes the light did come on and the charging symbol did apear on the screen.
If wifi is turned on and set to best performance, and if you have backlight set to remain on when connected to external power, your device will drain more power that charge.
that will explain your battery/charge/heat issue
Actually I can confirm this shouldn't be true. I turned WiFi on, turned my brightness to maximum and always on. In about 10 minutes I went from 52% to 54%.
I was using the wall adapter to charge it. USB charging might be too slow to replenish that kind of drain.
definately exchange
you don't want it to blow up

Ipaq 612c wont charge when HOT

Does your ipaq 600 series stops charging when the unit becomes hot from "over" use.
I was using wifi for about an hour doing stuff and suddenly it stops charging using the charger. I thought the charger broke so i tried the PC's USB but same deal, won't recharge battery (LED light did not light up)
I shutdown the ppc let it cool off then it works again (recharging).
Has this ever happened to you?
no I haven't been let my ipaq be hot enough to have that happen. But then i guess it is a protective measure, you don't want your ipaq explode when charging anyway lol
how hot was your ipaq?
it has an operating temp of -10 to 55° C
i would assume all functions of the ipaq will stil work while within this range, so unless your ipaq was hotter than 55c it should still charge.
Remove the cover and see if the battary feels hot? maybe your battary is no good? (which would also explain your other posts of short battary life)
yes i have the same problem on my 912. Seems to be a good feature from HP when the device battery became so hot, it will suspend the internet connection and charging activities. But after you let it cool for about 10 minutes, it will recharge itself automatically.
I cant say exactly how hot it was since i don't have a device to measure exactly how hot it is.
But it gets hot enough so that you can't concentrate on what your doing (especially when reading something)
I get worried that it can get hot enough to make that other components in the device breakdown faster than it's supposed to.
I have never had a device that gets this hot from use. I guess HP knew from the beginning their device will get this hot from just normal use.
I'm asking for a battery replacement from HP. Some users here have reported improvements from using a different battery not released by HP.

[Q] Strange Battery Issues

So I noticed last time that while the phone was plugged in to charge, the battery started to drain instead of charge, even though I wasn't using it, which was kind of odd since it drained pretty quickly. Unplugging and plugging back in seemed to fix the problem, but when i tried to charge the phone today, somehow the battery instantly jumped up to 100% and it doesn't show up as charging.
Is this a software bug, or is there something wrong with my battery?
I've been having similar issues. i would leave my phone plugged in all night and it would be charged to 80% when i wake up in the morning.
Yeah, sometimes mine charges really slowly too, but in the screenshot the battery doesn't even charge and drains faster than when it is idle.

[Q] Wireless Charging Problem and Overheating Connection Issue

tl;dr at bottom
I recently purchased LG's WCP-300 Wireless Charging Pad for use with my Nexus 4 (Rooted, Stock ROM, Franco Kernel r127).
Last night after running my phone down to ~8%, (with some bump charging a few percent points with a cable during use) it got really hot. Once it got hot, all connection dropped. The phone showed greyed out wifi and cell service bars, and I could not send SMS or access the web.
Once I let the phone cool down and rebooted, everything was fine. I figured that it was a normal response for the phone to prevent itself from overheating and was okay with it. When it overheated I was in a Google+ hangout.
Here is where the wireless charging comes in. I put it on charge last night, and when I woke up this morning my phone was around 60% power. Looking at the attached screenshots, the phone appears to have stopped charging a couple hours later, and thinks it has been on battery power for over one day. To me that indicates that the phone did not realize it was charging.
If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
tl;dr: Phone overheated, dropped all connection. When phone cooled and I rebooted connection came back. Wireless charging pad only charged phone for a couple hours from ~8% to ~60%. Solutions?

[Q] Battery sometimes not charging/ draining on charger connected

Hello, it has been happening to me for last 2 days that when I put the phone on charger, the battery sometimes charges at an extremely slow rate (14% to 23% in 1.5 hrs), and sometimes it even discharges while the charger is connected. I am attaching the battery screen here.
You can see that first it goes down from 100 during morning to evening. This is normal behavior owing to my usage. Then I charged it and up goes the curve with a high angle because I use a good charger. This is also fine. Then I disconnect and heavily use the phone again and then put the phone on charger overnight. This is where the problem starts!
Now you see, first of all the battery starts going up then it suddenly starts dropping while still on charger. I woke up to find 23% battery after charging overnight. I noticed in the screenshot that my phone was constantly waking up all night long, may be this could have been the problem. So I connected it to charger again to see the battery level rising in front of my eyes. But again, after 3 hours I found that my battery is 51% and the curve has started to fall down again, and this time there were not enough wakeups.wakelocks.
I am using a powerful charger. It is made in china but it charges all the phones in my home perfectly. I also tried on another charger (also probably china) with the same results on my phone only.
I am using the stock rom, unrooted (can't root version 182.*.*.*)
Do you have thinks running in the background while you charge? Mines charges a lot faster if I turn off internet, kill background apps.
Also is it overheating while chsrgeing? You get a better charge if the phone stays cool
And third your phone might think the charger is a computer. I say this because mines charges really sloe when I connect it to a computer, like 12% per hour. Try a third charger, diffrent brand and wattage compared to the ones yoive tried. it might help.
yes there are background apps but there hasn't been a change which triggered this. the background have worked fine before.
no overheating issue. in fact, this device always feels cooler.
I've always used this charger, my whole family uses it without any issue but now the problem just started happening to me. and even with me the problem is not constant. I just charged up to 50% without any problem. there is one thing left to try. that is, I should try to restart in safe mode and try charging in that mode. if that works fine then it's definitely an app, otherwise the issue may be bigger.

