WIFI connection issues with Prophet (spv M600) - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hi all,
I have a big problem with my Prophet and its WIFI, I didn't manage to connect to anything.
First, I had the Orange French rom.
When i tried to connect to my hotspot with WPA protection, although the prophet could see the hotspot, try to connect to it, connection seemed to stay blocked... status was "connected to network" but no IP given (DHCP is activated on my hotpot).
Then I read that WPA wasn't well supported by WM5 so i put a WEP encryption on my hotspot. This time the prophet connect and an IP address appeared in wifi sttings, but connection reseted all the time... connected, not connected, connected again, not connected...
impossible to stabilise the connection.
I tried on another hotspot without encryption, and same thing, connection reseting again and again...
Now I've just tried with the last dopod rom which I've found right here, but no change, the wifi connection is impossible.
I'm kinda lost, dunno what's going wrong with something that should work without any problems...
Does someone ever seen something like this?
Could it be a material failure?
Thanks a lot for your help!!! :wink:

It was a hardware disfunction, replaced today with another prophet which works fine

New Prophet Revision out ?
I Just got my XDA Neo (o2Germany) 2 days ago and because i´ve read about the Dopod Rom beeing faster, i upgraded immediatly.
The Problem now is the bad Wireless performance, i never get a good connection - Still if i am right next to the Router/Accesspoint...
Did i understand you right that this is a Hardware failure ?
Can I correct this with a different Rom ?
The Problem is that i cannot give it back to o2 now, because of the Dopod Rom - Maybe i have to try the Downgrade Method presented yesterday...
Can you give some more information about Wlan performance ??
THX !!

First of all, did you try the wireless connection with your first original rom?
And what do you mean by "never get a good connection", could you explain that point? does the prophet connect and disconnect?
You must know that wifi performance are kinda poor on this device from what I heard and what I saw... you'll never get something like your laptop for example.
But I'll do some test at home and see how it's going now that I can really connect (I never could before, so I never really tried :wink
Anyway, in my case it was clearly hardware as I have the problem on my Orange rom, then I had the same problem with the Dopod one.
Now I just received a new prophet, and it worked fine on the first try with the Orange rom...
I'd like to try with the Dopod again but until they find a way to downgrade, i won't take the irsk... or maybe yes, i dunno

First of all: Thank you for answering so quick !!!
Yes i can connect, and i can also Use Opera, Internet Explorer and so on...
But i think it is really slow, i never got the connection far away from "poor" ...
Even the original o2 Xda neo rom was not better...
I will have to try some different Roms when downgrading will be made possible i think.

you said your o2 rom wasn't better? is that right?
it is slow for me too (right now i'm on my prophet over wifi)... but i don't think the rom would make a big difference, i mean, the dopod us supposed to be the fastest...
I think the device itself have a poor wifi...
could you confirm that your o2 rom was as poor as the dopod or did i get it wrong?
maybe you could also test your connection speed too.

If you tell me how i can test the Connection, i can do for sure !
I did not "really" test the o2-rom, i started the XDA and after Windows was ready, i saw it is quite slow in the menue - wireless was detected and i connected but signal quality was exactly the same bad thing i have now.
Edit: TXRATE is "Auto", after 2 Minutes or so it drops to 2Mbps

408 Kb/s is what I get when I run a basic speed test.
that ain't bad... and I t ink pocket IE is quite slow too...
We are not on a PC after all, the proc speed also affect the connection speed.
I think that it's already nice to have wifi on a little device like this

I`ll do a DSL-Speedtest, i think this is what you did, too ?
Downloading is very fast can you give me a clue wehre i can exactly see the speed?


Mhm, after a new Hardreset a interruped the *.cab file installs with the first reboot - The System is much faster now. The Wireless Quality is not better but i can Download and Phone via Skype without any Problems and interruptions.I Think my System had an overload, now it is fast and it works.
I will test the wireless range tomorrow...


wifi help, yes again i know...

i read pages of threads on this forum, but im not getting nowhere fast!
I'll start at the begining, mda t-mobile original rom, working as it should, upgraded the rom several diff ones and not working, tryed the origainal rom and not working!
rom now on the mda,
ROM version
radio version 01.13.10
protocal version
ExtROM version
ive intsalled DJVW WLAN 302.11g Activator 1.0.cab
Now the problem, when the wifis switched on it takes awhile to even detect the network, my old ipaq would be conected as soon as switched on?
when it does detect the network it trys to conect for about 2mins then gives up ( in same room as router )
it wont conect but i can see the mda has downloaded about 20kbs of info, but can get no further?
Am i missing something here?
Also where do you go to check you have the latest drivers, updates, newest rom etc
Thanks for taking the time to read this :wink:
I have found that i am having similiar problems with Wifi after updating to the latest qtek 9100 ship ROM on my qtek 9100 device.
the device can "see" the WIFI but it will not/connot "use" it.
Ya same here. I can turn on the wifi but it doesnt connect anymore ! I know fopr sure that there are at least 4 wifi connections around me normally but I dont see any of them !
I had this problem but was able to fix it by giving my router my DNS settings (that I got from my ISP).
For some reason, certian routers will not serve the MDA with any sites unless it has the IP address of your ISP's DNS server.
This should take care of your problem.
If this doesn't work, go to your public library and see if you can get on their wifi. This will help you troubleshoot to see if there's actually a hardware problem.
Actually the problem i had is unusual in that i could connect to any open WIFI zone aswell as our work and home one, BUT it will not carry any traffic AT ALL. Only uses GPRS NO wifi.
I actually hard reset the device yesterday and ensured that Push email was switched off - WIFI is functioning fine now.
There is still one problem. When i cannot the device to my PC for an active sync. It will sync with the PC but throw an error when trying to sync with exchange server via the WIFI.
The error on the PC active sync is
"The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions
SUpport code:85002003"
It also throws an error on the device.
This is a right pain and did not happen on the previous version of the ROM. It means i have to do a seperate exchange server sync when disconnected from the PC. ANyone have ideas on how to fix this.
Incidently, another thing I have noticed with the NEw ROM is that contact lookup is noticeably slower - sometimes I have to wait for a few seconds
before the contact i am searching for actually comes up. This is in comparison to the immediate results of searches in my old ROM.
right ive reload a rom, and the wifi works, then after adding each of my aplications, ive tested the wifi conection, i found wififofum being the problem.
now i know the developer of wififofum has an wizard himself , that runs this aplication no problems, ut on mine it seems to just freeze the wifi, giving a rssi signal of 90 no matter how close or far im from the source?

Wifi problem

I hope someone can help me. My new xda exec will not detect wifi anywhere. I can get it to work when sync lead to my laptop but I just found out it is routing to my laptops network connection. I have gone through all the settings and cannot find anything wrong it just keeps on saying scanning network
Hi Simba1623,
I'm new to XDA's but have been playing with WiFi networks for a while.
So i'll have a couple of guess's :wink:
Is the router broadcasting its SSID ?
Do you have spare IP's available ?
Have you added the MAC address if you've got MAC flittering switched on ?
All are common causes for devices not finding the network.
Thanks for responding. The id issue is sorted as when I first setup the xda it did work and asked me for password and worked fine. Then the following day stopped. There is plenty of address left and it won't work anywhere. Regarding mac address I have no idea but will cheack with a friend. When I bought the XDA I was assured it would pretty much work out of the box...... and it did for one day Thanks again :?
Try to delete the connection settings associated with your router (in the wireless manager), hopefully that should allow you to "discover" the router again and fingers crossed it should stay working
Thanks I just I tried that. It didn't work straight away but following full shutdown and battary removal it seems to be working now. Fingers crossed it stays
Wifi signal almos DEAD, very strange
Hi, My O2 Exec has problems with the WIFI connection, no matter where I go, if O2 Exec isn't really near the access point, will not detec or connect to the wireless network.
when I say near, is around 1 meter from the access point antenna, if I go more tham 3 meters, goes almot 100% oofline and 4 meters even detect. It happens at home and at work, in both locations my laptop works fine 40m from the access point and my nokia 9500 (cel I used to have) goes 30m, I've made this tests of distance today.
So... seems to be on My O2Exec the problem... ... I think started when I upgraded the ROM to latest build available at my-xda.
Please, any clue? I already changed performance/battery from the control panel/wireless and even reset many times, updated the rom again.. no clue at all...
mac address
i am new to networking esp. wifi. i am not sure how and from where can i get mac address for my device, its a siemens sx66 (w/o cam) have upgraded to ivan's latest rom. please help
o2 atom wifi issues
Hi there,
I also have had the same problems with my o2 Exec, when I first turned it on, it wouldn't detect any access points, after driving myself nuts with trying to work out what was wrong, I eventually put it down to the phone. so I rang O2 and they told me to send it back. Strangely just after that phone call it detected the network and has been working fine. Until last night when it decided that it couldn't connect again. It still sees the network, but will not connect, even though it says that it is available.
Also a couple of days ago the speakers in the phone stopped working after I used the radio with the headset. After putting the headset back in and pulling it out about 20 times. it did work again. but not before I went CRAZY AND HARD RESET THE DAM THING.
I hate this phone, I have owned the o2 mini and the jasjam, this is the worst of them........
I am selling mine as soon as I get O2 to replace this piece of crap.

Auto switch between VLAN and GPRS

Anyone know if the Trinity can seamlessly switch between WLAN and GPRS depending on network availability? I know the Imate PDA2K can - see http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=3460
snorkel69 said:
Anyone know if the Trinity can seamlessly switch between WLAN and GPRS depending on network availability? I know the Imate PDA2K can - see http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=3460
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Yeah, it works, but it really depends on how you have your device setup and the ROM that you are running as to how the switch over behaves.
Up until the Radio ROM V1.38, I'd say this worked well, but with the new HTC, and custom ROM's with 1.38 and 1.41 Radio, it is a bit of a pain.
As is the norm with WM5, GPRS is on all the time, and in the absence of an Activesync or WLAN connection, will happily use GPRS. Turning on WLAN should make the data flow via that, but I now find that while GPRS is on, often nothing happens at all when I turn on the WiFi, as if both connections are deferring to each other. It often needs me to disconnect the GPRS connection before WiFi cuts in.
Turning WiFI off again seems to be OK- the GPRS connection re-establishes as needed.
NeilM said:
Up until the Radio ROM V1.38, I'd say this worked well, but with the new HTC, and custom ROM's with 1.38 and 1.41 Radio, it is a bit of a pain.
As is the norm with WM5, GPRS is on all the time, and in the absence of an Active-sync or WLAN connection, will happily use GPRS. Turning on WLAN should make the data flow via that, but I now find that while GPRS is on, often nothing happens at all when I turn on the WiFi, as if both connections are deferring to each other. It often needs me to disconnect the GPRS connection before WiFi cuts in.
Turning WiFI off again seems to be OK- the GPRS connection re-establishes as needed.
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The WLan problem is the reason that I haven't yet tried the new cooked roms. I'm still using the Dopod Test ROM along with the new 1.41 radio. My Trinity runs very well and everything works. GPRS is on...I can connect to Wifi, that works, connect to laptop via activesync, that works, disconnect activesync, then wifi works, disconnect Wifi, then GPRS works. I have also never had a problem with TomTom hanging, and most importantly my 4gb TopRam miniSD works flawlessly. Of course after all of the blah blah about memory cards, I'm wondering how long it will work...we'll see. I'm using the perfomance tweaks, the ATIfix and the bass fix.
Matterhorn said:
My Trinity runs very well and everything works. GPRS is on...I can connect to Wifi, that works, connect to laptop via activesync, that works, disconnect activesync, then wifi works, disconnect Wifi, then GPRS works.
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Same thing here with the latest original HTC FRA ROM.
Same also with my Qtek9100.
The only thing I could not manage yet in the Trinity is to set up an automatic shutdown (disconnect) of the GPRS/UMTS data connection after a given time of no use to save the battery life.
Matterhorn said:
The WLan problem is the reason that I haven't yet tried the new cooked roms. .
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Thats interesting!
I still had the same problem as mentioned above with the latest official HTC ROM. I had thought it was the Radio version, but as yours is OK, perhaps it is a hardware issue local to my device? My release Orange ROM worked fine though (but I had to get rid of teh horrid Orange stuff, some of which is in the ROM itself rather than the Ext_ROM)
Cyrus Kourosh said:
Same thing here with the latest original HTC FRA ROM.
Same also with my Qtek9100.
The only thing I could not manage yet in the Trinity is to set up an automatic shutdown (disconnect) of the GPRS/UMTS data connection after a given time of no use to save the battery life.
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I use this little app to turn off my connection and change between radio modes. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=286844&highlight=bandswitch
NeilM said:
Thats interesting!
I still had the same problem as mentioned above with the latest official HTC ROM. I had thought it was the Radio version, but as yours is OK, perhaps it is a hardware issue local to my device? My release Orange ROM worked fine though (but I had to get rid of teh horrid Orange stuff, some of which is in the ROM itself rather than the Ext_ROM)
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I don't think it is a hardware problem. The thing is, I'm not usning an official HTC rom, it is a Dopod test rom that came out even before the first official Dopod GPS rom. I use it because since everything works, there was no reason to go looking for trouble . I've updated the radio to 1.41 and applied the performance tweaks, the atifix and bass fix. I remember at the time that the official Dopod and HTC rom came out that several people went back to the test rom because of stability, radio, and miniSD card issues. That being said I can't wait to try the new WM6 Trinity rom!
Matterhorn said:
I use this little app to turn off my connection and change between radio modes. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=286844&highlight=bandswitch
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Very nice application...
Band switch + time limit to come back to gprs.
I did not read the whole topic yet... I will try the soft today.
Thanks a lot Matterhorn
Edit: Installed and tested. Really great and helpfull tool.

Radio Upgrade also improves WIFI connection?

Hello People,
I have a question,
I'm having big time problems losing my WIFI connection, after like 15 minutes.
It still says that i have a connection and that's correct, only no Internet connection. the only thing I have to do then is disable WIFI en enable, and then it's fine for 15 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less).
I flashed original Roms and Cooked Roms, but the problem persists.
If I update the radio, will it also help to improve wifi? or is it for signal fot network improvement only?
Btw.: does somebody have the same problem as me with there Artemis?
It sounds like you have a hardware fault. An upgrade of the Radio will not improve WiFi reception. An upgrade of the Radio should improve the clarity of your calls and also the batery life.
romac said:
It sounds like you have a hardware fault. An upgrade of the Radio will not improve WiFi reception. An upgrade of the Radio should improve the clarity of your calls and also the batery life.
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Is there anything I can do? the strange thing is, it will happen always after 10-15 minutes. Sure this is a hardware problem? And also what I find strange is that nobody has this issue with a Artemis, (couldn't find anything). If it was a hardware problem, isn't it so that there must be more users with this problem?
crunch81 said:
Is there anything I can do? the strange thing is, it will happen always after 10-15 minutes. Sure this is a hardware problem? And also what I find strange is that nobody has this issue with a Artemis, (couldn't find anything). If it was a hardware problem, isn't it so that there must be more users with this problem?
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it might be a hardware fault caused by something u did (dropped etc). You should be able to get it fixed for free by the company u bought it from, if its under a year old.
I have exactly same problem since upgrading to official o2 wm6 rom - connection to home router drops after about 10 minutes, but wifi light still flashes on orbit /cannot switch comm manager off without soft restting orbit. Tried hard reset to orbit /restoring default router settings, still same.
I have experienced that problem with my HP RX 3715 and Imate Jam also with FS Loox N560.
WiFi Connection drops after about 15 to 30 minutes.
When I changed my wireless router, the problem disappeared.
I use Belkin 802.11B/G
Using a router ?
I would have a go at updating the firmware on your router, it solved my wireless problems (laptop dropping)
Need help drop me a message
DragonRebornUK said:
I would have a go at updating the firmware on your router, it solved my wireless problems (laptop dropping)
Need help drop me a message
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Thanks very much for the reply's, also MN8.
I already have the latest firmware on my router.
I will buy another router to see if the problem disappear.
I had that same anoying problem on linksys access point in office. In home im using edimax, its lose connection too but not that often. I have HTC Artemis. Can someone help me?
btw. 3 laptops use linksys ap in office w/o any problem. Also I dont have any problem with my edimax ap on few laptops. Its only on my HTC Artemis.
I have the same problem.
As you said updating ppc rom or updating the latest router software didn't solve the problem.
What i do is turn off the ppc then turn on again after 2-3 seconds the wifi is working again.
If there is a real solution please share with us....

HTC WIFI Problem resolution..........

I have searched a lot on this forum and have not found any solution to the wifi problem on HTC diamond....I am sure there are experts in this forum who have worked around their way and I would request them to post their comments as to how they have got their WIFI talking on HTC Diamond...........
I am trying connecting to my home wireless network. It finds the network but unable to connect to it. Any help please? Has anyone managed to get it connected to any Wifi? I ahve already set the power management to "best performace...no succes.......
(My laptop and O2 stealth does get connected to the same network and it an open wifi connection)...........PLZ Help.....
There is no wifi problem on the Diamond. it works fine for on every ROM I have used.
It sounds like you haven't set the access key in your Diamond.
wi fi problem........
the_scotsman said:
There is no wifi problem on the Diamond. it works fine for on every ROM I have used.
It sounds like you haven't set the access key in your Diamond.
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Would be kind enough to elaborate......Mine is open WIFI router, there is no need for any pass keys......my other phone O2 stealth perfectly connects while HTC diamond doesn't.........
Please do have a problem and that the reason there are so many view on this thread in just 30 minutes....
thanking you in advance for your help........
i've never known any problems, have u flashed a cooked ROM or changed the Radio?
if so, i would try going back to stock and see if it works then, if not, send it back as faulty.
I'm not aware of any 'known issue' with the WiFi on the Diamond either, certainly mine and my girlfriend's both work fine in this respect. If you've never successfully connected to any wireless network then you've got a hardware issue; send your phone back to be repaired and stop wasting time looking for a software solution would be my advice.
Glad that a lot of users doesn't had problem with the wifi, but it's an iminent malfunction, and looks to be a hardware problems...
I had change my rom and radios a lot, and the issues are the same:
Opened the comm manager or the settings-connection-wifi, turn on the wifi, and it's turn off again...
In my case, often worked properly after soft reset, and i often connect with 3g or gprs, but...it's a suck!!!
Step by step......connecting to wifi....
Medulla said:
I'm not aware of any 'known issue' with the WiFi on the Diamond either, certainly mine and my girlfriend's both work fine in this respect. If you've never successfully connected to any wireless network then you've got a hardware issue; send your phone back to be repaired and stop wasting time looking for a software solution would be my advice.
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Would you please step by step elaborate ....connecting to an open wifi network......will be really greatful........
if your diamond is not connecting to your router there is some posibilities. Are you at home or work, at work on the AP you can have security setings and MAC filtering. At home if you have not implement security and mac filtering you can be to far of your router, You must be between -60 and -80 Db max and at -80 it is easyer with a MIMO router, etc...
Got the same problem as you
this is how i fixed mine.
1) I download a radio rom thing and install it
2) restart the device and the wifi is working perfectly.
No problems at all!
Got the same problem as you
I download a radio rom and install it but still turn off again
HTC touch pro problem wifi
I have NOT got connection to secured wifi net. I tried it at home and etc., when I try connect to open wifi, it is OK, but secure wep, wpa etc. is problem,
I reinstall my router at home, I unlocked my HTC and tried all avillable ROM from xda and a chanched different radio.
Now I have got official ROM from HTC - last from page support of HTC,
but problem is here.
I would like restore my ROM, but my pc update had failure and pls help me with this problem.
Try the following:
Change router channel
Try connecting to another router / network LAWFULLY!
Hard reset
Take it to the vendor of the phone

