Saving all of the phone settings - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I'm coming from a Treo 650, which when it was synced saved all of the phone settings as well as the normal data exchanged when a sync is done. This came in very handy when I had to get a replacement Treo because all I had to do was sync the new phone and all of my previous settings were there.
In trying to figure out why the wi-fi on my Wizard is not working I've tried several different firmwares without any success. I'm going to take the phone to a T-Mobile store tonight to see if they'll exchange it for me. I've made a lot of configuration settings in the phone that are going to be a pain to reset again (after having done it numerous times with different firmware versions). Is there a way to backup and restore all of the phones settings at once? I assume that this would involve backing up and restoring the phone's registry. Is it as simple as copying the registry off the phone with something like Total Commander and then putting that registry back (with the same firmware and software, of course) on the new phone?

I tried spb Backup recently and it seems to restore everything. They have got a free trial for like 30 days, which should be enough for your purpose, but you need a mini SD to backup to.
I do not know if any issues arise when you try to restore to a different device than the one the backup was originating from. I *guess* it should work alright, but you can ask the folks at spb. They seem to be pretty responsive.

Yes use spb backup, registry backup alone will not do the job. Spb backup will work fine as long as device is the same model and the ROM is the same.

Full restore
I use SPB Backup and have done several full restores. When I install software, I first do a backup, install teh software, and if it doesn't work well (an all too common phenomenon), I do a hard reset and restore, since it is hard to remove software otherwise.
No settings need changing, it is a full backup.


SPB Backup automatic repeating

SPB backup's automatic backup feature is very useful -- it backups up everynight and keeps only the 3 most recent ones-- but lately it has begun looping. That is, when the system comes back from reseting, the automatic starts again. Has anyone else experienced this? The symptom is that it hangs in startup after the automatic reset, and if you then reset using the stylus-in-the-hole, it starts the backup a second time.
The backup is completed successfully, so that isn't the problem.
I do have skschema running, but it automatically runs things hours after than my backup is set for.
You probably have a duplicate notification queue problem. Use the attached program to clear duplicate notifications - in settings tick both boxes. If it still does not clear up - use sktools better for stubborn notification problems. And if still no joy try uninstall and reinstall.
Thanks, but
Memmaid said no duplicates, and more importantly, only the one spbbackuprunner notification.
I run spb backup and have not had a problem - perhaps it is clashing with your other problem, try disabling skschema if possible. Have you tried a reinstall of backup with manually removing any lnk's registry keys etc... before reinstall.
I run SPB backup off the miniSD. It survived a hard reset without needing a reinstall, remarkably. So the only SPB Backup item appearing in windows is the backup runner that starts the automated backup.
I don't want to disable SK schema for the following reason. SPB Backup performs a soft reset, and when it does, the icons for programs that are on the minisd card don't appear in the PHM Traylaunch, I think because the miniSD isn't yet available at the time that the "run on reset" programs are run. So I have SKschema run the PHM Traylaunch a bit later.
The thing that is peculiar is that SPB backup completes a backup successfully; it just launches itself again afterward. I have it set to run at 1AM, and about 80% of the time, that is what it does: run, perform a soft reset, and stop. The other days, it launches again before the soft reset is complete (e.g. before the today screen appears). It is as if the time is wrong as the device comes out of the soft reset, telling it to restart.
The backups, even when it makes more than one (canceling prevents this, however) actually work; I did a hard reset one of the times as it came out (before I understood that it was actually launching a backup) and the backup copies restored perfectly.
Hi, I tried the same after a hard reset and had spb backup running from my storage card but did not seem to run that well, so it is now on main memory and runs perfectly. Secondly what rom are you using? because when i upgraded to aku2 the refresh problem with phm traylaunch has gone and icons from programs on the storage card always show up.
Good to know
I'm using the regular T-Mobile USA ROM; I haven't gotten around to upgrading. But it is good to know that the new ROM will likely fix that (and other) problems.
I have a new idea which might be related to the problem. spb backup often doesn't start if the MDA is turned off; I have to remember to leave it on to reliably create a backup. I think the backup repeating problem only arises when the MDA is off, which may cause spb backup to start late (due to the usual timer wakeup problem).
The other thing that SK Schema does for me is to create a one-click program to first erase the deleted mails, then check mail, thereby eliminating deleted mails from the server.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Alternate solution
I came up with a different solution -- I've set it to not soft reset after a backup, but then perform a soft reset later using skschema.
Actually, does anyone know why spb backup wants to perform a soft reset after the backup? Does this serve any purpose?
I like doing a soft reset, though, because over the course of a day I go from 15MB of free memory to about 7MB, even though nothing else is running, and this way I start the day charged and capable.
Another solution
Another solution is to turn off SPB backup's automatic softreset feature, which I've done, and then configured skschema to later perform a soft reset.
I like having a nightly soft reset, since I have a memory leak somewhere (going from 15M to 7MB over the course of a day), but does it serve any other role?
Re: Alternate solution
prestonmcafee said:
I came up with a different solution -- I've set it to not soft reset after a backup, but then perform a soft reset later using skschema.
Actually, does anyone know why spb backup wants to perform a soft reset after the backup? Does this serve any purpose?
I like doing a soft reset, though, because over the course of a day I go from 15MB of free memory to about 7MB, even though nothing else is running, and this way I start the day charged and capable.
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I can find no real benefit with spb backup when it does a soft reset after backup. Glad you got it sorted

SPB Backup Meltdown

SPB backup has a reset problem written about elsewhere, but mostly it has worked for me. More importantly, when I had to do a hard reset, I was able to restore without difficulty. (The only times I've had to do a hard reset, however, was when SPB backup got in a reset cycle.)
This time, however, was different. Partway into the soft reset, the screen went blank and unresponsive. Something was happening because the phone light came on later, but it stayed unresponsive. After a hard reset, it would work normally, but when I tried to restore from a backup, it didn't work -- the same problem reappeared. This happened even with old backups, including a backup that I had used successfully in the past.
Is there some possibility that T-Mobile updated something without my knowledge? I don't see how an old backup that worked before wouldn't work now.
One thing that might be related: SPB was going to the web in the process of performing the restore. When I shut off GPRS, the program asked for permission, saying it needed something related to Pocket Plus.
In any event, I used my inability to restore from my backup (of course I could get my files and PIM data, just the settings wouldn't restore) as a chance to upgrade to 2.24 -- thanks Xelecin!!!.
Here is what I learned. Don't run SPB Backup from the SD card. Even if it seems to work and gives no error messages, it may not be working.
SPB Diary and SPB Today require a lot of space and time. TodayAgenda gives much of the same functionality as SPB Diary
and I like some aspects of it better. It is even free.

can't restore back up

im using sprite back up, and it keeps failing when i restore.
can anyone recommend something better?
SPB seems to work fine, provided you install it on the device and not the PC card. What is annoying is that there is no error message when you run it off the SD card, it just doesn't restore properly. It seems to work fine otherwise. I use it pretty much because I create a backup before installing software, then if I don't like it, I do a hard reset and restore from the backup, so I use it pretty often.
It has one other feature worth noting. If I need to roll back several days, I can install the settings from that time, then the files and calendar items from a more recent backup. That way, only settings changed in the last few days are lost.
I back up to the SD card but periodically, and manually, move the old backups to my PC. SPB automatically makes a backup every night (stored on the SD card) and keeps the most recent three nights' worth.
Still, I learned the hard way that it won't run off the SD card properly, and had to rebuild the device. (I did get files and PIM items, though.) The silver lining was that I used the opportunity to upgrade my ROM.
spb hangs on me, during start up.
it just stays frozen on the today screen...
That happened to me,
Did you have the program installed on the SD card?
There was a bug, allegedly fixed now, that caused it to restart another backup after making a backup. This could be interrupted.
You might try version 1.5 that just came out, but others like Sprite. I didn't like Sprite because it had conniptions over the fact that I sync with two pcs.

Backup before an hard reset?

Is there a way to backup all my contacts and settings on the micro SD before i hard reset my device?
spb backup and / or dotfred's pimbackup
bbobeckyj said:
spb backup and / or dotfred's pimbackup
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PRECISELY!! I do automatic backups with both on my Wizard at 2am & 2:30am every day (respectively).
Just to see if they REALLY, REALLY work, I reflashed today with the SAME ROM I've been running -- the X-plore 1.1. Then, applied both backups. I only had to reset up my emails accounts and was back up and running in under 20 minutes. Sure beat the usual 3 hours I was spending having to reinstall everything.
newbie2 said:
..I only had to reset up my emails accounts and was back up and running in under 20 minutes. Sure beat the usual 3 hours I was spending having to reinstall everything.
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I used Sprite Backup to restore my phone after flashing to Black 3.5 from 3.0. It has a Device Upgrade option. It took no longer than 5 minutes and the phone is exactly like it was before the upgrade.
remofo said:
I used Sprite Backup to restore my phone after flashing to Black 3.5 from 3.0. It has a Device Upgrade option. It took no longer than 5 minutes and the phone is exactly like it was before the upgrade.
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yes apparently sprite is better, (but i started to try it and it looked like you needed a pc to run it, and therefore no stand alone restorer, so i gave up on it - please correct me if i'm wrong), but spb is free for the first 5 uses
bbobeckyj said:
yes apparently sprite is better, (but i started to try it and it looked like you needed a pc to run it, and therefore no stand alone restorer, so i gave up on it - please correct me if i'm wrong), but spb is free for the first 5 uses
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You need a PC to install it to your device. Once installed it is stand-alone. There's also a PC agent to do it all from your PC if you wish. It makes the flash & restore process very quick & easy. The only thing you may have to do is delete some unneeded items from your StartUp folder. Sprite also has a free trial.

Hard reset: check for safety

Hi there,
I've found a lot of information on the wiki and this forum, and maybe it's because I don't have any experience with this, but I'm still nervous about doing a hard reset... Yeah laugh if you like
I want to perform a hard reset because I've messed around with my HD a lot and want to start with a clean installation.
Because I already once lost all my contacts I just want check if I'll be allright if I do the following:
- All applications (cab), music, photo's, documents placed on storage card
- PIMBackup to make a backup of my contacts
I don't have any troubles reconfiguring my e-mail accounts.
But really, this is it? Or do I miss something? I can't come up with anything more I'd need to backup. Any tips?
Thanks in advance!
dusdus said:
Hi there,
I've found a lot of information on the wiki and this forum, and maybe it's because I don't have any experience with this, but I'm still nervous about doing a hard reset... Yeah laugh if you like
I want to perform a hard reset because I've messed around with my HD a lot and want to start with a clean installation.
Because I already once lost all my contacts I just want check if I'll be allright if I do the following:
- All applications (cab), music, photo's, documents placed on storage card
- PIMBackup to make a backup of my contacts
I don't have any troubles reconfiguring my e-mail accounts.
But really, this is it? Or do I miss something? I can't come up with anything more I'd need to backup. Any tips?
Thanks in advance!
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First off welcome to XDA.
There is various backup software available which you can use. Best free one would be Sashimi which can be used to backup everything including contacts, emails, apps installed, registry changes, settings. However this takes a bit of settings up first time unfortunately. Another free backup tool is PIMBackup which can be used to backup contacts & emails.
There is also 3rd party backup apps like SPB Backup, Resco Backup & Sprite. A word of caution using these though. You can only really use these for contacts, emails etc as changing between roms means settings, registries etc would not be the same on each rom, so if you where to perform a full backup including settings, apps installed etc and then perform a full restore this could cause complications when changing between roms
Thanks a lot Enough confirmation to run it this evening.
I'm not feeling like changing to another ROM. I can't decide what ROM is a decent one, there's too much choice and too much testing involved. I've worked a lot with Linux and used a lot of beta-software, which ended in endless errorsolving. I kinda want a lite ROM which simply works. I already spend 3 hours reading the forum today (I love my job ;-) and can't find the right reasons to choose a lite and stable ROM
So I'll guess I'm going back to the original state of the phone as it was when I bought it a year ago. Or is there any ROM you'd specifically recommend?
All I do is sync with outlook. Then hard reset. It's then just a case of installing what apps you want and re-syncing. simples. By doing it that way you will only get back on your device what you actually want.
Freypal said:
All I do is sync with outlook. Then hard reset. It's then just a case of installing what apps you want and re-syncing. simples. By doing it that way you will only get back on your device what you actually want.
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Yes this is very true, but if you use Sashimi, whole process can be done in 5-10 mins, i.e. everything from flashing to having apps installed, settings changed etc. Only difficulty with Sashimi is the initial setup of it.

