Activesync and Exchange server - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have an O2 XDA mini S.
I have spent about 12 hours trying to configure it, and am having a complete nightmare. Am completly stuck and hoping someone can help me.
I have put in all the settings on the XDA and told it to sync with our exchange server. The device connects and you can see it syncronising eg Calander 6/6, emails 60/60.
So it all looks like it is working I then go into my outlook email folder on the device and all my folders are there but they're all empty. I have altered the syncronisation options so it syncronise all my folders for the last 3 days, but still nothing.
Strangely if I create a calander appointment on the XDA it does get syncronised back to the calendar on the exchange server. The same if I send an e-mail, the e-mail does get sent and ends up on my exchange servers sent items.
So basically anything created on the XDA gets synced back to the exchange server, but anything created on the exchange server does not get synced across to the XDA. Even though when you connect it looks like it does.
We are using Exchange 2003 SP2, and ActiveSync Version 4.1.
Any help would be very much appreciated as we have bought 5 of these XDA's for all the top brass at my company and they are breathing down my neck asking when they are going to be set up.

I'm sure you have already checked, but are the folders set to synchronise within Outlook on the device.
Menu/Tools/Manage Folders and put a cross in the appropriate boxes.
Apologies if you had already done this.

Thanks for the reply and yes I have already done that.
To clarify some of my earlier statements I am trying to do this wirelessly using GPRS, but to rule out any firewall problems (we use ISA 2004), I have plugged the device into my PC using a USB connection I have then changed the server address to the local address and the same thing happens.
The only slightly odd thing I'm doing is using an HTTP connection as I can't get the certificates to be accepted on the device for an HTTPS connection.

Duplicate post deleted,

Try this link
for me it works fine so I will try to help... but lets try the link first.

Have checked through our configuration with regard to the above link and everything is fine.
I just don't understand as the XDA appears to connect okay, and seem to be uploading from the server, it can also send things back to the server. It just doesn't actually recive anything.
It's so frustrating eg it will say reciving 0/61 e-mails it will then go to 61/61, eg like it has dowloaded them, but when you look nothing is there. It must be talking to the server though as it knows how many e-mails there are.

Not much help here..............
..............but I gave up with our exchange server !! 8-(
I, too, couldn't get past the certificate error.
Really pi**es me off !! Yet I can lie in bed @ home and VPN onto the server desktop via my XDA and my home WiFi switch/router and read my emails via the server's IE via the company intranet.....<shrug>
I HATE MS sooooooooooooooooo much !!
Enough redundant posting already !!

I agree
I agree it's crazy about the certificates, it's just bizarre that it doesn't give you the option to accept the certificate anyway. As I'm stuck with using HTTP now which is obviously not very secure. Well I would be stuck using HTTP if I could get it to work, but as posted before it just doesn't.
So stuck with dowloading my e-mails using IMAP, and syncing my calandar using a usb cable, which is not ideal.
Anyway once again any insight or help would be great.
Method 2 is what I've had to do to my exchange server to get anything working.

Have already made the changes discussed in the article, as before I did that it was erroring out, now it appears to dowload the e-mails but nothing happens.

Thanks for the tip!
I needed this info!

Further info............
....................O2 have told me via dataservices support there is a problem with self-certification - This has come from Microsoft who have said there is an issue.
O2 and MS are working on a fix but no timeframe as yet - a number of users have reported the issue.
Third party certificates are OK apparently - I have tracked down a free source - but whilst i have got a personal email certificate for my PC I can't get throught the documentation to obtain a certificate for the Exchange server at work. This is because, I think, we don't have a domain that's linked to it - we just VPN to an IP address......if anyone can help work out how to submit a valid certificate request, I'd be very grateful

Further info............
....................O2 have told me via dataservices support there is a problem with self-certification - This has come from Microsoft who have said there is an issue.
o2 and MS are working on a fix but no timeframe as yet - a number of users have reported the issue.
Third party certificates are OK apparently - I have tracked down a free source - but whilst i have got a personal email certificate for my PC I can't get throught the documentation to obtain a certificate for the Exchange server at work. This is because, I think, we don't have a domain that's linked to it - we just VPN to an IP address......if anyone can help work out how to submit a valid certificate request, I'd be very grateful

so you are unable to set up the sync between your O2 and the exchange server? or you cant get the HTTPS to work at all?
my colleague is using a QTEK9100 and he managed to get the push mail to work. the sync with exchange server seems to be working. he couldnt get it work before this because exchange server need to have HTTPS enable, so we endup getting a digital cert from a vendor.
so now he is happily getting email push to his qtek. and sync works fine as well. i am yet to get my unit so i cant say much about the setting need to be done but there must be something missing here.

I have Exchange 2k3 SP2 using my own certificates, an XDA Mini and XDA Exec with O2 GPRS all using push email fine. No issues with O2, Exchange, Microsoft or anything - it just works!
The only thing I did need to do on the XDA's was to import a copy of my Certificate Servers root certificate.
Have been using this with Exchange push for a couple of weeks and before then used the same setup with XDA IIi's using Exchange Activesync.

I have Exchange 2k3 SP2 using my own certificates, an XDA Mini and XDA Exec with O2 GPRS all using push email fine. No issues with O2, Exchange, Microsoft or anything - it just works!
The only thing I did need to do on the XDA's was to import a copy of my Certificate Servers root certificate.
Have been using this with Exchange push for a couple of weeks and before then used the same setup with XDA IIi's using Exchange Activesync.

Lucky You, RB............
.............I, too have imported the server certificate but neither I nor O2 could get it to install on mine or their machines.....that's when they told me about the issue..................
It's a valid certificate cos our server works as it should !
The real crazy thing is, I can VPN to our server using my XDA via my home WiFi router, see the server desktop via mstsc and open my exchange mailbox using the company intranet in IE - all on my XDA in my bed !!!
Security ?!!? Pah!!!!

Which certificate have you imported, the certificate on the exchange server or the ROOT certificate from your Cert Server?
You need the ROOT CERTIFICATE not the Exchange Web Server certificate

We're running...........
........SBS 2003 SP2 with Exchange Server
The certificate is the only one we have for the server as a whole.............

If you click on the certificate and look at the certification path tag, what does it say...(Can you post a screen shot of it?)


Receiving corporate email

I can dial into my company network using my XDA and dialup, ok. Does anyone know how I can receive my corporate emails? I suspect I need some software for the XDA which can access MS-exchange servers, is there any such out there?
corporate mail
all i can tell you is the way we do it at our company. exchange has web access so to access our corporate mail the address would be
type in your login and password and bob's your auntie.
no special software required.
Hmmm. I gave it a try, no luck. maybe it is blocked by our firewall. :-(
POP server
I can do my corporate e-mails trough a pop3 server, and with the nice patch I can do my private e-mails trough a hotmail http account.
works perfect
So check if you have a pop3 mailserver account.
Similarly I check my corporate Exchange server with Pocket Outlook using IMAP4 (can get folders other than Inbox). I also get my Yahoo email using POP3.
Hmm - no idea how to use IMAP4 or how to get them through e pop3 server.
I don't know much about how mail works, i just usually collect it and send it. details on how to set these two possible solutions would be most welcome.
Why don't you ask the IT dept ?
At my work place, I can access email remotely though the web interface of Exchange / Outlook. I still have to be connected the RAS service here though as the server is not advertised on the internet.
the problem with that is two things...
the XDA is not a company issue thing, so they will probably not like me doing this.
Our it dept is ridiculously crap.
Icarusbop are you useing vodaphone on your xda ii
Yes, I am using vodafone. I have a company mobile, calls are paid for by company, so I obviously wanted to use the voda card in my XDA II
if you got an exchange server, you can add activesync and outlook mobile access with server 2003 and get your email auto updated thru text messaging. I have the whole set up hosted out of my apartment

Push Email with Exchange Server?

Hi all, im kind of new to this but i just read about push email with exchange server and i was wondering how i could use it with my mda vario. I've already installed an updated rom with push email but i dont know how to use it. can any one fill me in on this? thanks for any help.
You need a Exchange 2003 server with at least SP2 installed. Also a UMTS/GPRS connection because is not working over WIFI.
Bitfrotter 8)
Go to, sign up there. Than put the settings from the website in the Exchange Server settings in Active Sync on your PPC. Set your current email address to automatically forward your email to your mail2web email address. Enable GPRS and enable push email from the Comm Manager and bingo, push email is yours.
Ok, ive already signed up with mail2web but i want to automatically retrieve hotmail emails. i don't see an option on hotmail to forward all my emails to mail2web. am i missing something here? sorry, im inexperienced and all and these are probably lame questions and all. but please help me out. after reading that article i got hyped up in doing this. thanks for any replies.
Bitfrotter said:
You need a Exchange 2003 server with at least SP2 installed. Also a UMTS/GPRS connection because is not working over WIFI.
Bitfrotter 8)
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I've gotten DirectPush to work over WiFi... Maybe that was an earlier ROM version though... I don't recall the circumstances under which I got it to work.
MS says that Direct Push does not work over WiFi. WiFi does not allow disconnected connections (in other words, a connection that allows for the data stream to be suspended). If WiFi did it, it would require a continuous connection that would drain the batteries at a very rapid pace.
Setting up Exchange for Direct Push is pretty easy. I set up ours in about 5 minutes.
One of the coolest things you can do with a correctly configured Exchange 2003 system is with the Mobile Admin pack (free download from MS). It allows you to tell the PDA that it needs to "self-destruct" in case the phone is stolen. A remote wipe will do a hard-reset on the phone, deleting all data not stored on an external SD.
I usually get my email on the MDA faster than Outlook on my desktop.
If any Exchange admins are out there, I can post how to set it up if anyone needs help.
Yes please!
Hotmail has deleted the possibility of forwarding mail automatically a few years ago in the free version, only Hotmail Plus subscribers can use this option. With gmail however it is still free. So a basic hotmail account will not be able to use Push over Exchange. You can however sign in to MSN Messenger on your device and will then be notified as soon as an email arrives on the hotmail server. This will cost you extra data charges though, since contacts coming online will also result in data transfer to your device.
Romp said:
MS says that Direct Push does not work over WiFi. WiFi does not allow disconnected connections (in other words, a connection that allows for the data stream to be suspended). If WiFi did it, it would require a continuous connection that would drain the batteries at a very rapid pace.
Setting up Exchange for Direct Push is pretty easy. I set up ours in about 5 minutes.
One of the coolest things you can do with a correctly configured Exchange 2003 system is with the Mobile Admin pack (free download from MS). It allows you to tell the PDA that it needs to "self-destruct" in case the phone is stolen. A remote wipe will do a hard-reset on the phone, deleting all data not stored on an external SD.
I usually get my email on the MDA faster than Outlook on my desktop.
If any Exchange admins are out there, I can post how to set it up if anyone needs help.
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that would be awesome if you know of a tutorial anywhere on this..
so by creating an exchange server as romp said, you can sync any email including hotmail? well that's really a bummer that microsoft disabled forwarding on hotmail. Its mainly my primary email which all my friends/family know. so it would be a miracle if anyone knew how to sync hotmail without subscribing to their hotmail plus.
Well, getting outside emails are a bit more complex. This is usually for a business, but there are plenty of POP-to-Exchange plug ins that would allow getting Hotmail emails. Of course, you would need the Hotmail Plus for the POP.
My answer was more concerning the Exchange Direct push question, not the hotmail one.
Where I work (yes, I did set up the Exchange system) we have GFI spam filtering and virus filtering ( and they have a POP2Exchange bridge included. It just checks the account, downloads any POP emails, and drops it in the right mailbox.
Exchange is a complete system, not just mail. It has webmail, Windows Mobile direct push, calendar, contacts, and more. Unless you are in a company with Exchange or Small Business Server, its not a cheap thing to do for a home network.
If you DO have Exchange at your office, run to the IT guy and hurt him until he sets your phone up on it. Its all the functionality of Blackberry and more, built into Exchange.
I'll write that tutorial, g0nk.
ok so if we go the mail2web route... i dont need to install exchange 2003 on a pc myself? does it only work on windows server 2003?
im interested in doing this at my job but i want to make sure it is not too difficult
edit.. well we have our own domain email addresses so the [email protected] is not an option..
any suggestions?
Romp said:
Exchange is a complete system, not just mail. It has webmail, Windows Mobile direct push, calendar, contacts, and more.
If you DO have Exchange at your office, run to the IT guy and hurt him until he sets your phone up on it. Its all the functionality of Blackberry and more, built into Exchange.
I'll write that tutorial, g0nk.
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1) Agreed
2) I am the IT guy and it don't work on our server - the rootcertificate won't install to the PPC - an MS acknowledged problem............
3) Please forward ASAP !! Thanks !! :lol:
Is it a self published cert? Because you CAN get any externally issued cert to work just fine. We use a $15 GoDaddy cert with no problems.
The big screw up most people have with the cert (myself included) is that the cert is not correctly installed, even though it says it is.
Cheaper certs are called "Chained" certs. All certs need a path back to one of the big cert companies. So, companies like GoDaddy get approved to be second level cert issuers. IE on the PC will look at the cert and track it back to the main cert issuer. For example, the cert on GoDaddy goes from GoDaddy, to Starfield, to VeriCert. The VeriCert certificate is installed on all PCs.
Anyway, the problem is that the PC can follow an undefined cert path, the PPC can't. If you install the cert on the server, IE on the PC can figure out the whole path, PPC can't. So, the big thing is to make sure the MIDDLE CERTS are installed on the server. Even though everything seems fine, chances are that the middle ones are not (in this case STARFIELD)
The easiest way to find out if the cert is valid or not is try to get to your webmail on PIE. If you get a message about the cert, your server is not set up completely.
For my server, I had no luck until I found the Intermediary Cert and installed it.
Once that was done, my GoDaddy cert worked on the PPC and syncs went perfectly. Once the server has all the certs in the cert path installed, the PPC can validate each level. Until then, its clueless. Most people think you need to install the cert on the PPC. Its the server that needs it.
Does the self published cert only cause problems with direct push? I've got the "old" polling method working. I created a root CA on my server to sign the cert created for the web server and then turned that root CA into a CAB which was installed on the PPC. I should say that my phone doesn't have an AKU 2.xx rom on yet so I've not tested push mail.
This is all outlined in the following doc :
Also look at if you are running a non sbs2003 exchange server in a configuration that doesn't have a front end/back end exchange server configuration. As there are some minor tweeks needed to the registry and to the default web server setup.
If you can do a remote Activesync, then DirectPush will work just fine.
A newbie Direct Push question:
I upgraded my 8125 ROM to the official Cingular June 19 version, and direct push SEEMS to be working great my my Hosted Exchange provider. When new email comes in to my Exchange server and/or a task / calendar / contact is changed on the desktop Outlook client, those get pushed quickly to the 8125.
Problem is, it doesn't seem to work in reverse. For example, IF I get an email pushed to me on my PDA, I read it and delete it on my PDA.....that deletion action is NOT getting syncronized back to my Exchange server. Is that by design, or is indeed something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
not sure if it helps, but you can change when pocket outlook deletes mail, there are 3 options:
on connect/disconnect
I dunno if changing that will help you at all, but its in the pocket outlook options.
I'll shut up now, in case I misunderstood
jmel said:
not sure if it helps, but you can change when pocket outlook deletes mail, there are 3 options:
on connect/disconnect
I dunno if changing that will help you at all, but its in the pocket outlook options.
I'll shut up now, in case I misunderstood
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I appreciate your reply, but my question is beyond centers around Driect thinking is, regardless of that setting you referred to, once the email is deleted on the PDA, the PDA should "reverse-push" that deletion to the Exchange server, and mine does not seem to be doing that.
I hope that is a little clearer?
No, his answer was right. The reverse of the Push is not the same. You have to set the options as Jmel suggested. Its basically to save data.
This allows you to go through your mail, delete all your spam and crap, then update the server. Doing so immediately would be a waste. Recieving/sending emails is considered vital, deleting them...not so much.

Connecting to Exchange Server

My company runs an exchange server for email, and I was wondering if anyknow knows how to connect to them, using the mogul. I went through the setup on the phone, with no success...Are their any additional steps required to connect to the server when you are not on the same network as the server?
Missing Certificate ?
I think you'll have to install the certificate from your Mailserver on the phone to get it working.
Do you get any active-sync error code when you're trying to sync ?
In general you get an error-code in ActiveSync which is telling you what's wrong...
IMHO the best idea would be: aks your IT-Stuff in your company
you need to add a server in active sync with your companys exchange server addy and your username/password
To be clear you need to enter your companies OWA server address. At most small companies this is your Exchange server and at most large companies it is your ISA server.
You access OWA using
You enter: in the activesync settings and you use your username, password and domain to authenticate
You also need to make sure Outlook Mobile Access is enabled on the Exchange Server and on your Exchange Mailbox. You will need to contact your IT Admin to verify these settings.
I'm in the same boat as the OP. I had been trying to hit the mail server directly or via VPN, with no luck, probably due to no certificate. Never thought about OWA. I set this up as indicated in the prior post, and checked 'Tasks' only (just to run a quick test), and it sync'ed fine. I then checked email and calendar, and now it takes me to a company sign-in web page (same page I encounter when using web access to OWA). Weird thing is the page is in the ActiveSync window and does not appear to be rendering correctly or completely (e.g. no 'submit' button). Nonetheless, I sign in and click where the submit button "should be" and the page goes away and it appears to start syncing, only to take me back to the sign-in page again after 15-20 seconds. Any suggestions on how to get past this point? I've tried logging in to OWA from IE, but ActiveSync still brings up this sign-in page. And yes, I've got my userID, pswd, and domain properly set up as well. Thanks.
BTW, my company IT won't help because they only support handheld access for specific company-issued devices.
try using
its a lightweight version that handles easy in mobile browsers (only if your IT guys have enabled it)
as for the OP your exchange settings could vary depending on how your admin set it up, ssl (requiring a certificate) or not. to get the certificate from your company you can dl it from the server
you log in using your mail credentials and you select download certificate chain and select a der 64.
save it to your phone and just install.
chances are though if your company is using a lot of treo's they dont require ssl because you can't install self issued certificates on them (good work palm). so if you want to ask your IT guys their setup and post it here i can try to walk through it with you.
this is my situation and how i got it to work.
Although i tried to internal address of, that didn't work.
I thought about it for a while, and reasoned if i can access my companies exchange server outside the network through a address, then maybe that'll work hahaha
BAM! it did and now it works perfectly fine. Conincidentally, since i started trying to get this going last week, i emailed a few guys i know and the last one who got my email (it was forwarded to try to solve the problem) said that because of security policies, i am not allowed to do this. Ooops!
Here is a quick run down of my settings:
server address:
ssl is selected (checked)
username: exchange/nt workstation login name
password: user password
domain: network domain (we have different domains)
save password is selected
under advanced you can select whatever options you like
next select e-mail, and any other options you want
and you're done!
I also enabled the push email icon and get my email regularly on my phone throughout the day.
Well, i hope that this helps some of you out.
server address:
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just so folks know there is no standard for this, its whatever subdomain your company decided to put OWA on, for my company its
best thing to do would be to ask someone in your company how to access email from outside the office using internet explorer, thats the address your lookign for
Sprint mogul (Titan) WM6.1 Rom update killed exchange server activesync
(Sorry in advance for the long Email) I purchased a Mogul from RS about three weeks ago. For the first week, it worked great! I logged into my company exchange server down loaded and synced email, cal,contacts,tasks ... was very excited. I also got very excited when I started t read threads in this blog .... it seems like there are some pretty smart members maybe someone can help!!
Noticed that there was a new Rom (Sprint TV and improved connection) installed the ROM.
Have spent endless hours with HTC technical support, sprint technical support (not an appropriate name). At times managed to get the email to load but never again Cal, Tasks, contacts. Always able to get sent emails to load (by checking option) . I'm left with a couple of alternatives (any others would be greatly appreciated (actually I really like this phone but I need my email,schedule,etc to work) The error is 0x8503001C there is no exact description about this from MSmobile it seesm to be an awh**** code. Searching on the web provides 1000s of hits unfortunately not just my issue.
o Go to an early Rom WM6.0. So far it seems like to do this I need to unlock the phone then flash the earlier rom?? Since no SIM card I need to hack the registry?? There are several products out there which is best (I do not mind paying for somethng that works well). I down loaded several "Oficial ROm versions ... unfortunately did not write down the number of the one the phone came with.
o Find some way of getting this thing to work well to keep the extra features
o My grace period ends in a week ... cancel with Sprint go to Att but there is not a 3G phone I like ... only Iphone ... it has issues for exchange server??
o I got my wife a Touch at the same time (it runs WM6.1) same issue. Downloaded once my corp email no cal, etc.
o I was told that this Rom was cooked up by MS & Sprint what a disaster
Please, please help ... Thanks in advance
Exchange email and Skype not working after Upgrading Sprint Touch to Wm6.1
The Exchange activesync died at connection and never can sync my company emails after I upgraded Touch to 6.1 Sprint/HTC ROM. Skype also does not work, no sound after first ring, even with I like the GPS and Rev.A speed, and do not want to risk downgrading the ROM. Anybody encounter ssimilar situation?

Outlook sync via Outlook Web Access without using web browser?

I used to be able sync to my work Outlook email via ActiveSync / Outlook Mobile Access (OMA). However, yesterday my work IT department disabled OMA on my Exchange server as they do not support anything other than the blackberry. Despite my protestation they are refusing to re-enable OMA. This leaves me with a big issue!
Does anyone on here know of a third party application that can sync outlook emails and calander using Outlook Web Access (OWA)?
I have found an application called Chronobis which is able to sync from OWA but only one way i.e. deleted items on Chronobis will not delete from my Outlook inbox and calendar appointments added won't sync to my outlook calander (or so I believe). Whilst this is a good start it really doesn't get me to where I need to be.
I am desperate to sync my work outlook emails to my new HTC HD2 (its the main reason I got it)!
Anyone got any other ideas / know of any other applications?
Would really appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use a service called Seven.
Thanks for your response.
I've had a look and it seems this could do the job! Seems that the only way to get it was to join the beta programme which I've done but when I put my the vendor in it doesnt give me the HD2 as an option.
Any ideas what handset I should choose that will work with the HD2?!
I've also read compatibility issues with Manilla 2.5 in their forums. Has anyone managed to get this working successfully on an HD2? Also, are you able to move emails to your different folders using this app and have them sync with the exchange?
Is this the best / only app out there for my requirement?
Sorry for all the qus!
Thanks again.
ActiveSync uses OWA. Put in webmail server, username, password and works.
OWA still works, like afterburn said, i got my calendar, email and tsks to synch. lol now all my contacts are on my university email accounts, pretty cool tho.
no need for thirdparty, active sync does it.
dont know what OMA is. but what you want is exactly what OWA gives you.
dont set your owa using HCT SENSE/MANILA SETTINGS. do it through normal out look ad account way. HTC tick boxes for tasks, calendar and other stuff are greyed out and only email is available.
but on the standard outlook mobile all the settings are there.
need a run through of how to set it up?
Thanks for your responses guys.
OMA is office mobile outlook. It is a setting within the exchange server which either allows or disallows a mobile device to access emails through the mail app. Having OWA does not mean that you will be able to access your emails from a mobile device (except through the mobile browser).
Activesync uses OMA rather than OWA so at the moment I'm stuck!
As a result I need an app that syncs via OWA.
Seven seems to be able to do it but I could do with any answers to my qus above.
Happy to be proved wrong on this but one day it was all working fine and the next my exchage server settings had been changed and it stopped working.
Any exchange server admins on here who can confirm my thinking is correct?
Gooner4_1998 said:
I've also read compatibility issues with Manilla 2.5 in their forums. Has anyone managed to get this working successfully on an HD2?
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I'm using Seven on HD2. There were compatibility problems with custom ROMs on other devices based on leaked Leo Manila.
Why don't you use Blackberry Connect on your Wm device? That way, you can sync the same way as Blackberry devices. Of course that requires you to have BB access rights, but since they are so BB happy, you may be able to get that.
You can get it here:
Of course it is not specific for the HD2, and I have no idea if it'll work, but it is worth a try.
BB connect sounds like a good idea, wasn't aware it was a possibility, thanks.
I actually have a BB from work so I know that I am set up for it. However, I work for a company that are very keen on security so there is no way they will give out the settings I would need (its set up by the IT department and then just given to you).
Is there any way to get the info / settings I need from my current blackberry? Ive had a look on it and can't see anything obvious.
Just checked through some documentation on BB connect and unfortunatley it requires that I install ActiveSync and BB Connect on a computer connected to my works network.
As I dont have admin rights on my work laptop I won't be able to do this (unless anyone knows how to install programs without being an administrator!).
Looks like Seven might be the bset solution!
Vangrieg, which handset did you choose to set up for the HD2?
I admin an exchange server, the most common reason for OMA not working is if there isnt a valid ssl cert for the domain, but i can confirm that as you mentioned, it will deffo not work if mobile access is turned off on the user account (there are 2 seperate options for web and mobile access)
i dont see any decent reason why a server admin would disable it, he must be on a power trip or sommert!
Thanks lancemate.
Could the valid ssl cert be the reason even if others in my company are still able to access as before? Its only affecting me. I've set up one of my collegues mail accounts on my phone to see if it still worked and it did without any issues.
When I called IT they said they hadn't changed any of my settings so I had assumed that OMA was the issue. I asked them to check and to re-enable and they told me they were unwilling to even look at my settings!!! Our IT department has been moved to India which makes it even harder to get any help!
Could an ssl cert suddenly just expire?!
Is there anyway of me to get a valid ssl cert for the domain witout going through IT to see if this is the issue?!
Been doing some more research and want to see if getting an ssl certificate onto my phone will make it work. Absoloutely no idea if it will work but its the last thing I can think off!
Is it possible to download the SSL certificate from my OWA site?
If I double click on the padlock in the bottom left corner I can get the certificate details up on the "details" tab (although there are loads of files and I don't know what I'm looking at!). When I click "copy to file" the export wizard come up but I have no idea where to go from there!
Anyone able to offer any assistance please?
Also, I'm sure this is a stupid question but would I need to put this certificate on my phone or could I use a different one?!
It cant be an SSL Cerificate issue if your Colleague's account works on your device.
It MUST be that OMA is disabled on your account or something else is horribly wrong. As mentioned above i cant see any reason why an Exchange administrator would disable OMA.
Can you connect to your account using activesync on a different device to check whether its the phone or settings on server side?
To help you with using Blackberry Connect as a possible solution here are some resources on how to run programs that require admin level on machines you havent been given admin rights to. Some methods cover your tracks completely and others simply let you create/amend and delete windows accounts and associated rights in whatever way you need.
i would suggest using the first link to create a bootable usb stick that loads a modified linux command prompt. You can then use this to give yourself local admin rights.
I've tried to set up on 2 other phones, bith with no joy so I'm guessing its the server side rather than the phone.
Is there no way that its anything to do with the ssl certificate? Are they set up company rather than by user? Will my suggestion of putting a certificate on my phone definately not work (if I could even find out how to export it from OWA)?!
I also cant see why the OMA would have been diabled so thinking it must be something else!
I share Gooner's concerns and look forward to finding a solution. 1) My company has not yet enabled mobile devices to sync via Outlook Web Access. 2) Blackberry Connect does not yet work on HD2. There is a thread for BBC on this very same forum.
I am confident that a solution will soon emerge for 1) and/or 2).
Audio Oblivion said:
It cant be an SSL Cerificate issue if your Colleague's account works on your device.
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Well, sometimes you need to install the certificate manually on your device to make it work. That's the case where I work - we use a self-signed certificate.
I use zarafa as a direct replacement for exchange, it syncs my emails,calendars, contacts etc.
It allows push email as well.
Hi JMes
After looking around I have found it appears that there are 2 services that will allow you to sync a mobile device using OWA, even if it is not set up for OMA.
Seven - Currently in beta but others have had success with this service on an HD2. I believe that it will sync Calendar, Tasks and Email.
Emoze - Also allows you to check outlook via OWA and offers a free service or a paid for service. Paid for service allows you to remove the "sent from emoze" tag allows attachemnts to be sent up to 2mb (rather than 100kb). Think it costs 10 euros a year.

Mail exchange

Hi all,
I've got a problem with my friend new galaxy s with the email exchange.
I'm trying to configure his clompany email exchange on the phone always give me unable to connect.
Hope u can help me with that issue
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
You sure his company exchange all set up ok? Make sure you are using SSL and that SSL certificates are installed correctly on the server. The sever to connect to is the same as your OWA server minus the https:// like mine for example is
Mail Exchange
had the same issue on my Galaxy running on Froyo JP6 with Exchange 2010 SP1.
It was a problem with security certificates. Fixed it by exchanging the email.apk.
Google for: Fixing Android 2.2 Sync after Upgrading to Exchange 2010 SP1
(as I am not yet allowed to post external links)
Best regards
An issue I had that confused me for ages with the exchange account was that I had forgotten to use my Exchange windows username to login, which was different to my email address alias.
So used to logging in everywhere with email addresses these days.
Is he using an Internet access APN or an internal company one(with no access to internet). If this is the case first try to conect using the internet APN and after you get no resposne from the server try with the Intranet APN. It should work. This was the problem in my case.

