Storage Card issue - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Is there a fundamental difference between how the Storage Card is handled between Mobile 5 an Pocket PC??
After several different problems I have now managed to get PrymeNav V1 to install and run - up to a point.
The Map Installer claims the storage card is full and will only install maps into Main Memory. Unfortunately most maps are too big to install in MM.
This version of PrymeNav predates Mobile 5 and I assume that it would install to SD card on older versions of Windows. So what's the problem now??
As far as I can tell PrymeNav doesnt set any registry entries or have an ini file.


install TTN5.21 from SD card?

Does anyone know a way to install tomtom 5.21 straight from sd card on wm5, without having to install via my PC/activeysnc?
I can do it on my xda2i by just extracting the cab from the 5.21 exe file and putting that in the 2577 folder on the sd card. Works great, so if I get a device lockup and have to hard reset, I'm not going to get caught out and have to trek home for my PC just to reinstall tomtom. I just insert the SD card and everything installs itself. Sweeeeet.
But try the same on the wizard (and I guess any other wm5 device) and the install fails. I'm guessing its just a tomtom thing as their site does say you can only install using activesync. But thats so lame. It would be great if someone has found a workaround?
Install 5.1 first onto the SD card using the howto (and test). Then install 5.2. Move the new files that 5.2 CABs insist on putting in main memory (in /Program Files/Navigator, /Contacts Navigation, /TomTom) to the corresponding directories on the SD card (Note that the directory names are slightly different - keep the 5.1 names).
I've not had to test 5.2 yet, but 5.1 seems to work OK running purely from SD after a hard reset (i.e. with nothing installed to the PPC). The only thing I had to do was recreate the shortcut in the Start Menu. You might not be so lucky with the Contacts integration, but I don't use any of that.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it hasn't fixed the problem.
I've got around it by just copying across the file from the 5.21 exe onto the main memory of wizard and running it from there. This 1 cab file seems to install everything that the 4 cab files installed in 5.0 and 5.1.
It would still be nice if it would install straight from sd card, but at least now I don't have to install from my PC anymore - which was the main problem.

[HOWTO] Partition SD card

Transcend and several other manufacturers make 4GB SD cards these days. They're great if you use your HTC device as MP3 player or Camera, as they offer enough space for thousands of songs and pictures.
My device, the HTC Universal, handles them just fine. However some applications, most notably the Camera application, don't like it.
Why some apps don't like it
The main problem here is the way in which they calculate the free space.
the processor is 32-bit, which means it can handle numbers ranging from 0 to 2^32. 4GB is exactly 2^32 bytes, so that shouldn't be the problem.
The problem is that applications sometimes handle the number as signed, which means that it differentiates between negative and positive numbers.
With signed numbers, the last bit is actually used as the sign (positive or negative), and the new range stretches from -2^31 (-2GB) to 2^31 (2GB).
Up to 2^31, the unsigned numbers and signed numbers are the same, but after that the last bit is set in unsigned numbers, which means that if treated as signed it will be seen as a negative number.
So if you have more than 2GB free, and the application mistreats the number of bytes free as being signed, the application actually thinks you have less than 0 bytes free
How to fix this?
There are several ways to fix this. The most simple one would be to have a simple dummy file so you always have less than 2GB free. This works for the camera application, but any miscoded application taking a look at the actual size of the disk will still screw up
The other solution is partitioning your SD-card. This means that you actually split the SD-card up into several virtual SD-cards of smaller sizes. So one SD-card of 4GB could be seen as four of 1GB (my set up).
This way you still have 4GB of storage, but applications will not get confused as it's split up into several chunks.
Before you start remember to back up the current data on your SD-Card. the procedure will completely erase your SD-card. You might be able to retain the data by using partitionmagic's resize partition features, but you'd have to test yourself.
Also I'd like to mention that although I tested this procedure myself, I can't garantuee it will work for you. If it renders your SD-card useless, I can not be held responsible.
My set-up
This tutorial was written using:
- T-Mobile MDA Pro (HTC Universal)
- Windows XP SP2 MCE (equivilant to Pro)
- Transcend 150x 4GB SD-Card
It might work with a different set-up, but I can't garantuee anything
- Windows Mobile 5
- WM5Storage (do not use CardExport2, you need the ability to turn off "Removable Class"!)
- Big SD-Card
Let's get started
Just follow the following steps
First, make a backup of your SD-card! the following procedure will erase it!
Next, install WM5Storage. I will attach a copy of version 1.53 with this post, but you can get the latest version here.
Just copy the .cab file to your device, and execute it from the file explorer. Just make sure you install on the main memory, as the SD-card becomes inaccessible during the procedure
Start WM5Storage. On my device, WM5Storage did not put anything in the start menu or the today screen, so I had to launch it through the file-explorer. You can find it at My Device\Program Files\WM5Storage\.
Be sure to untick both "Read-Only" and "Removable Class". Optionally you can set it to light a LED on read/write, but that's not neccesarry for this procedure.
Disconnect your device from your computer.
Insert the SD-Card if you haven't done so already
Hit "Activate" (bottom, right)
Re-connect your device to your computer.
From now on all steps are done from the PC
Wait until windows has recognized all "new hardware", and you have new a new hard-drive listed in "My Computer".
Open the control panel (Start -> Control Panel)
Go to either Performance and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools (category view) or directly to Administrative Tools (Classic View)
Double-Click Computer Management
Go to Computer Management (Local) -> Storage -> Disk Management (might take a little while to find all drives)
In the bottom view, find the disk that has your SD-card in it (You can find out by looking at the contents through "My Computer", or by seeing which disk is added once you plug in your WM device)
Right click the partition (white block ), and choose for Delete Partition
In the just created "Unallocated" space, right click, and choose for New Partition
In the wizard:
choose for a Primary Partition
For size, enter 1024MB (or if there is no more remaining, just the remainder). Ofcourse you can also choose your own size
Assign any drive-letter you want (or none if you only want it to be accessible on the WM Device).
Format the partition as Filesystem FAT32, Allocation unit size Default, and pick any volume label you want (You will only see the volume label on the PC, on the WM Device it will just be "Storage Card X". Also tick "Perform a quick format"
Wait until the bottom line in the new partition reads "Healthy" (wait for it to format basically )
Create as much partitions as you'd like (just resume from right-clicking and picking New partition)
You're done partitioning! If you want, you can fill the contents of the SD-Card now before you deactivate WM5Storage
Disconnect the device from the computer
Next few steps on the Device
Click "Deactivate" (same place as "Activate" was before )
Close WM5Storage
You're all done! have fun with the multiple storage cards you have now
I've put quite a bit of time in this tutorial, I'd appreciate if you at least told me if it worked
If you can spare a few coins, I'd also appreciate a donation. You can donate with PayPal to "[email protected]".
nice post, i'm bloging it right away 8)
I have a 2GB SD card. My o2 mini prompt me to format it when inserted. After formatted. o2 mini shows 0.01 MB only.
"My computer using card reader shows 14KB and from Disk Management, it shows 1.86 GB Free. I believe this "1.86GB Free" means unallocated space.
I right click on the unallocated space, but there is no option for me to choose a Primary Partition. It only has 3 options.
"New Logical Drive...",
"Delete Partition...", which is grayed out and
Help! How to allocate this 1.86GB and format it to fat32?
Any kind soul please help me get this 2GB SD card to work with my o2 mini. 1.86GB and not 0.01MB.
is there anyway to rename the partition with a different name? i've tried a lot of ways but in vain... the 2nd partition always follow the name of the 1st partition... any help please?
thanks in advance...
After having lots of problems with my SD card, I already thought that partitioning possibly could solve the problem and, using your howto, I can use my 2 GB SD-card without any problems.
ive done this on a 512 sd and using wm03, used a card reader to do the partition.
actualy worked well for a while if you have alot of files to store in one of the partitions, but ended up being a real pain when you wanted to re-do it
Really nice post and easy too.
hi i tried it.....realyy wonderful....thanks a lot for posting this one...keep posting things lik tis.....
thx for this tips!
I used it for my 2GB MiniSD card, but now I would like to keep my TomTom maps on the second partition, but TomTom can't recognize the map. (Storage Card2\)
I tried by editing the 'CurrentMap.dat' file and set the path to the Storage Card2 but still TomTom doesn't want to read this second partition. Anyone a solution for that?
Nice tutorial. I have problem with reading of my 4GB SD card. Now I'm using two partitions (1GB for cameras and 3GB for my PocketPC). Thank you
I have been trying this but all I seem to be able to do is partition the card but only able to format the first partition s the rest of the card is rendered useless
Any help appreciated
Great tutorial, will link it up from my related articles!
partitioning 4GB help
I've followed you instructions (great job, btw) HOWTO partition SD card....using the file download For some reason, I cannot get past the part after clicking on ACTIVATE immediately after inserting the SD Card. My MDA (TMobile Wiz) keeps locking up and I have to do a soft reset. I've tried reformatting the 4GB Mini SD card a few times and I've actually gotten different results. My last format (FAT32) shows (on PC) 1930MB free and 1931MB used which befuddles me. I formatted it again and it showed 3.78 GB free. Perhaps you or someone could assist me if possible. I bought the Mini SD card off eBay from a reputable seller. It was suppossed to be a Samsung 4GB Mini SD card and I was a bit surprised when it arrived as a SanDisk. Any idea as to why the phone keeps locking up? I also wonder if there might be an issue with the card...I examined the back of the card where the contacts are with magnification and the sides of the black composite show traces of perhaps an epoxy or bonding agent...I think SanDisks QC is better than that. To make things easier, you can also email me at [email protected]
I have cingular 8125 and vista. I tried to use the program wm5storage but when I go to computer management there is not recognition of the 4 gig sd, nor is there any recognition of an sd when using my pda. Anyone know how to get the phone to recognize it (I tried reformatting) so that I can partition. Thanks
I have had some success with 4 GB cards from IntegrityElectronics and TopRam on my T-Mobile MDA running latest TMO ROM.
The problem I am running into a when using apps that are installed on the card and write dat to the card, other files get corrupted and render those applications unsuable. If I limit use to playing MP3 and videos, thing tend to stay stable.
Has anyone else observed this behavior?
Ok, I used the storage program to access the card. Then with the disk
management on XP I formatted the card as FAT for the entire 4gb card.
It looks like it worked. I copied all my files to it. Everything is running.
I have done several restarts with no problems...
Hope it stays so.
Good luck folks. I will report back if anything weird happens.
Ok. So it all got completely screwed.
I guess it got corrupted. My guess is when
I started using the camera. All of a sudden
there are only blank folders on the storage
card with a period as the names. Tons of them.
Nothing else. Any ideas?
And now I cannot get wm5storage to work.
It keeps telling me that something is accessing
the card. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It seems the problem was that there was a hidden Recycler folder on the storage card that would not let me use wm5storage. Probably from
Resco File Explorer... Deleted that with my PC...
Somehow magically my pc read the card. I don't know how to explain
that seeing as it was formatted in FAT not FAT32...
Then wm5storage worked and I paritioned it into 2 halves.
Lets see how that goes.
I hope, well.
This may be a silly question but...
Can't you plug the micro SD into a card reader and use Windows XP Disk Management tool (or any other partintioning tool) to create the partition on the storage card? What's WM5Storage actually doing?
Anyone? Can't one just soley use the Disk Management tool in Windows to partition a SD card?

Memory Management?

actually I´m trying to install all programs and data which may be helpful for me on my new Vodafone compact s.
But very fast I run into data memory limitations.
I´m using a SD card and the installers give me the choice to install the programs either in the device or in the storage card.
What is your advice:
which type of programs or data should be stored inside the device or on the storage card (compatibility of programs with operation from SD card..., any differences in access speed..., what happens when I change the SD card and the installed programs are missing ...)???
Cheers, Gerd
Almost all my programs are running from my 4GB SD, no problems so far….
But what I do have on main memory (because they’ll slow down the device otherwise) are
1.Resco Explorer
2.Photo Contacts Pro
Hope this’ll help :wink:
All the programs that I use on my Today, I used to put on my device memory. The rest on the SD. Be sure you read the programs, they used to tell us where is the place to save it.
Hello and Thank You for your answers!
The actual state of my investigations is also that almost programs can be installed on the SD card.
One exception: the .NET 2.0 from Micro$oft, which I need for WifiFoFum doesn´t run from the card
Cheers, Gerd
I installed NET framework 2.0 on my SD card, no problems there.
no matter where you instal cf .net it goes to main memory like voice command. safe bet is today plug in's in main everything storage, because crucial updates won't really let you choose. it just appears that way.
Problem: Voice Files for TomTom Nav. 5 on SD
With the voice files for TomTom Navigator 5 I had a problem with installing on SD card:
I installed all (program, maps etc.) on SD card and it worked well, beside that it was not possible to select the stored voices. After installing the voice files in internal memory (doing this, TomTom insisted, that the files allready are installed ...) the voices could be selected in the settings menue of TomTom.
Cheers, Gerd
P.S.: with the largest map (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and Czechia, more than 400MB) TT needs about 1 minute tu start up.

Installng TT6 to microdrive

Hi Guys' - I can't seem to find anything about this (maybe too bleeding edge ) but I don't want to commit my miniSD slot to just running TTN6.
Does anyone have any hacks or proceedures for getting it to run off the microdrive instead. I have the full package - DVD + miniSD.
I tried copying the entire 1GB miniSD to a folder on a 2GB one and trying to manually install from there. It does install but upon running claims it can't see any maps...grrr.
go Tiger!!!
you need to put the maps in the root folder of the sdcard/microdrive
pocket mech
pocket mechanic can move programs from one drive to another, cleaning up the registry, links etc.
but can it move programs from sdcard to another sdcard with only one sd-slot?
well you could still move it to the microdrive first and then change the cards.
mojo2000 said:
you need to put the maps in the root folder of the sdcard/microdrive
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Quick update - Fixed
I copied the contents that were in a separate folder on my working 2GB minSD to the root of the card and one quick install later thunderbirds are go!
Thanks Guys!
new card
well, if you're just upgrading cards.. do it on the pc, with a cardreader to/from your HD.. much faster

Missing Directories on Memory Card

Hi @ all,
since a few days most of my memory card directories disapperaed. There are only the My Documents folder (which is empty, too) and a TEMP folder I created left on the card.
Although I searched for some threads like this all attempts failed.
The space on the card is still occupied and when re-installing programms a new Program directory is created with the same name as the dissapeared one. I have one program when the installer claimed to remove the previous version first before re-installation. So it seems to find something (but I assume in Windows directory or registry).
How will I get the dissappeared folders back? Is there any other chance than formating the SD card and re-installing all programs?
I'm using bepe's cooked German WM6 V0.96 (the last one) and a 2 GB miniSD-Card. It worked quite well since a year now...
Thanks for help,
TC25FFM said:
Hi @ all,
since a few days most of my memory card directories disapperaed... when re-installing programms a new Program directory is created
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
... y lo cagaste, me temo.
trinity, for some reason, spoils the FAT and reestablishes it with new data. the FAT is like a directory of "where to find what on disk".
as yout fat doesn't work properly, especially it doesn't show off the used sectors or clusters, all new storage will overwrite and destroy this way part of your old data.
so if this happens, remove inmediately the sd-card, put it into your PC card reader and pass it trough file appropiate rescue programs and you'll mostly find almoust all files.
so take a breath, download file rescue pgm's to your PC (some work better, others have many options, others ...) and have a try.
after the rescue, format the SD in your PC.
mine is just passing the rescue :-( and it's rescueing about 1600 files yet

