O2 Atom drivers - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

I do not have a Companion CD for my O2 Atom - can anyone help me where can I download all the drivers?

What kind of drive? you just need ActiveSync

I instaled activesync 4.1 but I can not get it connected with my Atom. I tried USB cable and bluetooth. It always comes up with message "Your device was not detected". Could anyone make a copy of Companion CD and upload it here on the ftp? Thank you.

Something is wrong wiht your USB (cable, port or device). Try to connect another device (pendrive for exemple). You just need Activesync.

U were rite, there was sometthing wrong with my USB hub, though other devices were working with it. Anyway myAtom is now connected thru ActiveSync. Thanx.


Help!!!! windows can't recognize the device

I'm a new to PPC. I've got an O2 mini, I charged the device well just now, but now when I connect the device to my computer, always says that the USB device is not operating well and windows can't recognize the device. Is there anyone could let show me what's wrong? what should I do? Thanks!!!!!
Are you sure you have installed Active sync in your Desktop?
Is your USB cable plugged into a front USB port on your computer??
If so, try plugging it into the back. Some front USB ports do not have enough power to recognize the MDA Compact, and you get that same "USB not recognized" error. Most back USB ports are powerful enough.
uninstall activesync ... reboot system install again ! should work
the comupter may of just seen the modem side of it it happened to me you need to go into your hardware file on your pc and delete any modems you don't recogonize (carefull you don't delete the wrong one (i exepct no responsibility if you do)) and then re install active sync v 4.1 fom microsoft site. then plug it in again good luck
Thanks all you guys. I have got this problem resolved. There is sth wrong with my cable and I have bought a new one. Noe everything is going well.

qtek s200 device driver for windows

am a newbie i just bought a qtek s200 but i didnt find its CDrom included and everytime i connect it to my Pc it asks for the device driver....where can i download the drivers from ?
You should download ActiveSync from Microsoft.com, install it, then plug in your phone. Windows will then automatically install the necessary drivers.
Good luck.
I had the same problem with a normal USB cable.
I lost my cable and the sync does not work with a normal cable ??
Do you have a origional cable ?
it worked thank you
HTC USB Modem driver
ActiveSysnc software is useless, when you need to use your phone as GSM(GPRS) modem via USB connection! I couldn't find out "HTC USB Modem driver". Maybe because I didn't know, what I'm looking for, till i found it.
Anyway here's link http(Colon)//uloz(dot)to/3934398/gsm-usb-modem.zip*
*only address, i'm not permitted to post links yet

Xda Neo(pm300) Orignal Driver Cd

Hi Friends I Am New To This Forum And Also New To Windows Mobile.
I Have Xda Neo (pm300) I Lost My Orignal Cd Of My Phone,so If Any Kind Person Have Its Cd Plz Post Its Drivers Or Mail Me.
Also I Want To Upgrade My Phone Software But Unable To Do That.i Am Unable To Sync. My Phone To Pc.plz Tell Me How To Set The Phone And Pc Ip Adresses What Are Their Values.
rohilla33 said:
Hi Friends I Am New To This Forum And Also New To Windows Mobile.
I Have Xda Neo (pm300) I Lost My Orignal Cd Of My Phone,so If Any Kind Person Have Its Cd Plz Post Its Drivers Or Mail Me.
Also I Want To Upgrade My Phone Software But Unable To Do That.i Am Unable To Sync. My Phone To Pc.plz Tell Me How To Set The Phone And Pc Ip Adresses What Are Their Values.
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Just download and use Activesync 4.5. You don't need any IP configuration.
i already done that but unable to connect my pc to phone. can any one plz tell me exact and step by step method of connecting pc and phone by activesync 4.5.
Delete any partnership you have in activesync and connect your PDA again and create a new one. It must work...
There are no drivers and nothing on the CD that you need.
If you are getting an error connecting to ActiveSync please tell us what it is.
Generally the procedure is simple: Install ActiveSync, connect device.
If you are having problems check the following:
1) Deactivate any firewalls you might have.
2) Make sure your USB drivers (the port and hub drivers, not for the phone) are fine. Try connecting some other USB device to test this.
3) Make sure your phone is connected directly to PC (not through external USB hub) and that there are no other devices connected to the port next to it.

cant connect with pc

evertime i plug my device in my pc comes up with unknown device
how can i flash a new rom if my pc cant see the orbit? cant use active sync either
What's your operating system?
o2 version of windows mobile 6
i read breifly about a dll but i cant find it on the site or cant remember where i read about it
its basically like the orbit is not sending the driver information to the pc, yet the it still charges the orbit when plugged in
Try connecting the Orbit to another PC, or at least to another USB port on your PC. And don't use USB hubs, plug the device directly into PC's USB.

O2 Xda Atom Exec connecting problem

guys, i'm a new user in using this device & i've got a problem connecting my device to my PC.. my device is using WM 5 while my PC is using windows XP SP 3.. i've installed ActiveSync 4.5 in order to connect my device to my pc.. however, when i plugged in the USB cable into my pc, there was an error saying that "Windows CE USB Device" needs to be installed.. i set the source folder of the driver to be installed in activesync folder installed in my pc but it didn't work.. as the result, the microsoft activesync can't connect my device to my pc.. i've tried to reinstall the software, restart the device, restart the pc but none of them worked.. so anyone can help?? thanks in advance..
problem solved... sigh...
I have seem problem with my hp6815
how you solved this?
thank you
