Pocket Outlook Sending Emails - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok here is what I have now.....
Work: Lotus Notes Domino Server (beyond secure no outside access unless I VPN)
Using WirelessMail for Domino
this forwards my email to a free mail2web account which then is synced to my mobile.... great alll is well BUT
when I reply to emails they see my [email protected] address which puts me in violation of something.....
So what I have done is
setup my person POP3 account on the phone and on my website I have my reply to and from email alias as my work email
so here is how it works
recieve an email at work
WirelessMail for Domino pushes entire message to mail2web
mail2web configured on my phone so I get it immediately
when I reply I use my POP3 settings and reply
goes to my pop3 account and then gets sent to recipients (with work info)
When I do the send it does a full Send/Recieve I don't want that because it takes so long I just want to send......
Is there a way to just send


Anyone using the mail2web personal exchange service

Hi All,
Can anyone using the mail2web personal exchange push email service tell me what its like.
I use AOL email IMAP4, and dont want to change my email address.
So does it work??
Does it display in your in box the correct senders address that I can hit reply and it still work.
Does it take a copy from my AOL account and place that copy into the mail2web exchange account?? therefore allowing me to continue using my aol email online not the mail2web account.
Any information quirks etc would be much appreciated.
Yes. I am using it with Gmail at the moment and it works perfectly. If you use the email agregator settings then Reply button works fine. However, this feature does not work with all Email providers. If it doesn't work then you can set your AOL, etc email to forward all messages to your mail2web account. Pressing the reply button may or may not work in this case depending on how your email provider forwards messages
my views on this are complex
first mail2web is a very good service, and can be used free so its difficult to complain. The push email works very well. There are a few things you need to know:
1. Only sends emails using your mail2web.com account (i.e. can not send using you current email address, like 4smartphone.net can)
2. pop3/IMAP scan is only done once an hour. Better to fwd email, as the user above says, however then you don't have the benefit of SPAM scan on you host email (e.g. if yahoo). mail2web has SPAM scan but I think yahoo's is best
If you want a more professional service, 15min pickip on pop3/IMAP pull or sending out emails with you other email address mask then you need to pay $3.99 a month for 4smartphone.net.
If you are completely nuts, have loads of cash, are a control freak and have a broadband connection at home, you could buy a Windows Server, Exchange 2003 and setup your own push service :twisted:

Simple email setup question (I hope)

I own a domain and I'd like to set up an account on it ([email protected]) which will be pushed to my 8125. I checked with mail2web and they said I'd need to use their business plan since I'm using my own domain. Are there any other solutions someone could give me? I like the mail2web contact syncing feature since I don't have my home Outlook contact list cleaned up well, but I'm more interested in the PUSH feature.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I just forwarded my email address to mail2web email. Not a good solution but works
or you can set it up as pop3
What do you mean by "set it up as a pop3"? Set what up as a pop3? And how does that get the mail pushed to my phone?
Pop3 mail won't push... its not direct push. You can have your phone connect and download email through a pop at certian time intervals... but its not instant like direct push... pop won't sync either
But it is a way you can get your mail on your PDA, so its better than nothing...
That was my understanding as well, General. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something there. So it still sounds like the best/only way for me to get the email pushed out to my phone is to use the mail2web service.
If anyone has any other solutions, please let me know. Thanks again for the help.
The other option is to pay for it... There are companies out there that host exchange server. As long as they have Win2003 (with some SP installed) - Push is instantly available.
I use Push email service provided by 4Smartphone (www.4smartphone.com). You can also go to www.port88.org. A.Kelly has a couple of posts on this site where he's providing free Exchange mail service...all you have to do is email him.

Help me understand mobile email

I'm new to the whole mobile email thing. I recently bought an 8525 and I'd really like to set it up for push email but I just don't have a good understanding of what to do and how to do it.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Is there a wiki for mobile email? I have about a half dozen POP3 accounts now that I'm accessing via Outlook 2003 on my PC.
Thanks in advance
Dave the Noob!
Hi Dave...i feel this is something which isnt particularly documented in the wiki so you wont get a standard "Read the wiki etc.." reply hehe
The BEST thing i ever did was to get a gmail account, and route ALL my emails through it, by applying tags to the emails you receive you can easily tell which account they are from. Pop3 accounts can be checked at regular intervals by gmail so no problem there, and if you filter them appropriatly you can get certain emails pushed to your phone via an exhcnage account. You can get a free push email account (exchange account) using mail2web.com's service.
The best thing about doing this is gmail's spam filter works VERY well, and you get 2GB of space.
I personally get selected emails routed to my push account (kindly provided by walshieau....not a public service) , and also the exchange account holds my contacts and appointments.
After a ROM flash all i gotta do is sync with the exchange account and my contacts/emails and appointments are restored.

Email help. (please???)

hey all,
At work we have a pop3 server and because it's not visible to the Internet (mail gate server sat in DMZ) I'm unable to get my phone to pick up my work email directory from the pop3 server.
I've created a new googlemail account and put a forward on the pop3 server at work to forward a copy of all incoming mail to my new googlemail account.
I can then pick up my work mail by getting my phone to receive the googlemail account.
During the setup proceeder on my phone I managed to set the 'reply from' address to my work email address so when I reply to a mail I received through googlemail, the recipient can hit 'reply' and it will go stright back to my work address.
My problem is that if I send mail from my phone using the above system I have no record of that mail in outlook on my PC at work.
Is there a way to sync the sent items from my googlemail account on my phone to outlook's sent items on my work PC??
Cheers in advance guys

Amazing email problem trying to find a solution HELP

I have encountered an amazing email problem with hotmail or anything else.
Using my new Touch Pro2 with same settings as I have in my TyTN2 and an live.com mail account (registered as pop3) only 1 mail on 50 arrives this evening.
All mail I send from monday to today arrives when they wants and maybe never.
I never received any errors in return ... all seems good.
I have change outgoing smtp server from smtp.live.com to another and so on and sent mails never arrives. (as it mail account registration was corrupted)
I setup today an another mail accounts with outgoing smtp server( that I tried to use with my hotmail account) and all sent mails arrives.
I have two mail under my hotmail sent items account under pocket outlook (or outlook very light) that I need to forward or backup them (Urgent professional task) as a proof.
Impossible to save them as .msg file or sync them to my computer or forward them using hotmail account or another account.
I have loose one day on this so if someone have a solution or a product (backup, sync or anything else) ... many thanks in advance
So here is my question.
I tried to find a solution ... doing some searches
Under Pocket Outlook is possible and if how to
- forward a mail from one account using another account
- how to save an message as "save as .msg" in outlook 2007 (to keep mail structure)
- Synchronize all mail accounts under a pocket pc to outlook 2007 (including all pop3 account and not only the outlook account) to retrieve sent items
- Backup 1 or 2 mails only (or more but not an account totally) and restore them under another account to forward them
or any other solutions that could "extract" two lonely sent items or mail to transfert them ?
Thanks in advance to all for reading me.
Kind Regards
Help I hope
I hope this helps you out. IMAP works excellent for me
willonuts said:
I hope this helps you out. IMAP works excellent for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for your answer.
Live mail account does not have yet IMAP.
I have tried through my computer because my phone provider block IMAP over 3G.
Kind Regards

