ASP.NET on Exec - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi guys, this is my first time to the site, so hope ur all ok.
I am developing an ASP.NET site that is available for use via a normal desktop pc and/or a PDA.
In order to test this i have bought a HP iPAQ hx2700, a XDA mini and a XDA Exec.
I am using the normal (not mobile) server controls and thye work fine on a normal computer, the iPAQ and the XDA mini, but for some reason they dont work on the XDA Exec?? Anyone know any reason for this? Do i need to upgrade the software on the exec?
Any info would be very grateful. Cheers


Internet Explorer or XDA ll fault

Does any know why the xda ll can’t download the giff images at that make up the map after you enter a UK postcode?
When a old 32mb 200mhz xda can
Is this a fault with the xda ll ?
if the old xda1 were using 2002 then maybe the issue is in ppc2003
maybe it is a issue in ppc2003
but when you are on the road and need to find a address it's a large problem
spoke with 02 about it they said mail the web site
so i did they say tell 02 about it
so round and round we go
i just love the help line's
well it cant be o2's fault since they dont make HTML interpters
at all ms does it's all in software should make no difference if we are talking about o2 or orange or even what cpu your device have it should be 100% up to IE unless some 3th party html program is used
Strange. Tried the equivalent GET on my webserver, and the image URL is logged correctly, so it looks like a problem on streetmap's side. The gif returned by a desktop browser is viewable on the XDA, so it's not a format problem.
Anyway, I use multimap...

Cetificates and XDA EXEC

Hi All, I'd like to get my XDA EXEC to work with Active Sync, but the CERTCHK from version 2003 no longer works on Windows Mobile 5.0 what can i use?

Blackberry integrate with Groupwise for O2 XDA EXEC or PDA phone?

Does any1 know where can I get blackberry integrated with Groupwise for O2 XDA EXEC or any PDA phone? Because where I'm work they're using Groupwise as email server. Pleaseeee..... can some1 help me. Thank you! Have a great day.

O2 Mini or O2 Argon

Hello, I am new to this forum, so first off, hello to everyone on the forum.
I am upgrading to a PDA, and after having a look about, there are 2 which I can get at a reasonable price, and they are the o2 mini s, and the argon, or eventhe o2 xda 2i?
Now which is the best for my money? Some have Windows Mobile 2003 and others windows mobile 5. Can they be upgraded to windows mobile 6 or are you stuck with what you get.
What I want from the PDA is to be able to sync my outlook on the pda and my pc in work, especially for the calender as I have meetings coming out of my ears, and it would make like so much easier if the info was shared. I want Wi-fi and possibly the Sat Nav.
So taking these into account, which is best?
Many thanks in advance for any help that is given.

XDA Exec Software

H iall i recently bought an XDA exec, but the only thing missing was the install Cd rom so i can conenct it to my pc, do anyone know wheere to get this ?
only thing required is activesync which can be gotten from ms
if you use vista it's called Windows Mobile Device Center you dont need a cd

