Speaker phone volume issue?? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

just tried to use the speaker phone for the first time and the volume is extremely low! i set all my volumes to max so now where is the speaker phone setting hiding out at?


Microphone sensitivity for phone calls

Is there a way I can change the sensitivity of the micro for making calls? People I call find my voice volume is rather low... Btw, does it change automatically when I change the phone speaker volume (so lowering the speaker volume also lowers the microphone sensitivity)?

Ear Volume

Is it just my phone or is the volume from the earpeice very loud on the HD2?
I have turned my down as far as I can get it & it's still well loud when I hold the phone to my ear.
That's just weird. On my device the earpierece volume was far too quiet. On max I kept on reaching for the volume rocker upwards...
If I turned it up over half way the earpiece vibrates & it's deafening.
Yes it is loud.
Makes a change - usually its people complaining that its too quiet
Yes, with mine device is the same!
I've lowered the volume control in-call to the minimum (without any bars visible) and it is still too loud.
Nedd a fix for this, my ear are going to melt!!!
yes its to loud.
i dont know exactly, but is there a setting the advanced config for the ear volume?
EDIT: maybe i found a solution. I set the setting in the "sound & Display", that is coming after the profiles, on off. In german it is called "eine lautstärke", i dont know exactly what this is in english It is the setting that controlls that you only use "one loudness" for system and the ear. After set to off i think i can put the ear volume very low.
phatair, i dont think that has anything to do with the ear volume.. it says "mutural volume" (or something) about ring tone and system volume.
i agree the current ear volume is too loud, i can put my phone on the desk and still hear it loud and clear on the lowest volume..

Is it possible to set different volume setting for earpiece & speaker?

I don't like the fact that I have to turn the volume up once I switched from speaker to earpiece and the opposite.

Raspy click sound when turning volume off using rocker

Hi, does anyone else's volume off click when using the rocker switch to turn the volume down sound a bit odd, it sounds like its too loud and is distorting the tiny speaker. Its more then you usual bloop noise I get a raspy click over the top as i the speaker is damaged in some way, had this since new, kept meaning to check this out.
I get it every time I turn the volume to max from off, but sometimes when I turn volume to zero from max, its like something is rattling in the speaker, hard to explain.

Headphone volume extreamly loud after update(headphones disconnected)

Hi there,
After finally updating my phone yesterday I recieved a message saying "headphones disconnected", now when I plug my phone Into speakers or headphones the sound is extremely loud and broken and the lowest volume setting is as loud as the original max volume setting.
Is there a way I can tweak the default system volume settings ?
Thanks so much in Advance.

