Ear Volume - HD2 General

Is it just my phone or is the volume from the earpeice very loud on the HD2?
I have turned my down as far as I can get it & it's still well loud when I hold the phone to my ear.

That's just weird. On my device the earpierece volume was far too quiet. On max I kept on reaching for the volume rocker upwards...

If I turned it up over half way the earpiece vibrates & it's deafening.

Yes it is loud.
Makes a change - usually its people complaining that its too quiet

Yes, with mine device is the same!
I've lowered the volume control in-call to the minimum (without any bars visible) and it is still too loud.

Nedd a fix for this, my ear are going to melt!!!

yes its to loud.
i dont know exactly, but is there a setting the advanced config for the ear volume?
EDIT: maybe i found a solution. I set the setting in the "sound & Display", that is coming after the profiles, on off. In german it is called "eine lautstärke", i dont know exactly what this is in english It is the setting that controlls that you only use "one loudness" for system and the ear. After set to off i think i can put the ear volume very low.

phatair, i dont think that has anything to do with the ear volume.. it says "mutural volume" (or something) about ring tone and system volume.
i agree the current ear volume is too loud, i can put my phone on the desk and still hear it loud and clear on the lowest volume..


Speaker phone volume issue??

just tried to use the speaker phone for the first time and the volume is extremely low! i set all my volumes to max so now where is the speaker phone setting hiding out at?

Adjust volume to 1-19%?

I've seen a lot of posts about volume being too quiet, but none about being too loud. I have a Jabra wired in-ear stereo headset, and putting the system volume to it's lowest, non-muted, setting of 20% while turning down the volume of Slide2Play to it's lowest, it is still too loud. It's not too loud to listen to, I just mean I want to be able to make it barely audible if I have to, for instance if a co-worker says something I don't want to be forced to take the headset off.
Is there any way to adjust the volume to somewhere in the 1-19% range rather than 20% being the lowest?
The headset is pretty comfortable, so I'd hate to have to buy an out-of-ear model which I imagine would be less loud at the lowest setting.
Mind you, I don't want to lower the overall volume. I like that it can be loud too, I just need it to be a little more quiet when I'm in the zone trying to bend a piece of code or SQL statement to my will so I don't miss what people say around me.. hehe.
just open ur headset and put a higher value resistor in it.
hope u understand my words.
Thanks for the advice but I'm not much of an electrician.
I'm more looking for a program, cab or registry tweak that allows for greater control of the volume rather than the simple Mute, Quiet, Medium, Loud, Louder, Very Loud settings that our BAs come with.
I found a cab that allows you to adjust the bass and treble which was very handy, but I can't seem to find one that allows more refined volume levels all around.
hv u tried the SRS WOW HD? it has a tab to adjust the input and output gain it decreases the volume level.
sschrupp said:
Thanks for the advice but I'm not much of an electrician.
I'm more looking for a program, cab or registry tweak that allows for greater control of the volume rather than the simple Mute, Quiet, Medium, Loud, Louder, Very Loud settings that our BAs come with.
I found a cab that allows you to adjust the bass and treble which was very handy, but I can't seem to find one that allows more refined volume levels all around.
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Hmm, that SRS WOW HD does help. Although it seems to like to completely mute my device if I unplug my headphones, or plug them in. It kind of seems like I need to reset the device after I plug or unplug my headset.
Kind of annoying, but music does sound better and I can make it more quiet. Thanks for the suggestion.
Anyone know how to keep it from disabling sound on my device when I plug/unplug my headset?

Earpiece volume

I just got it and noticed the earpiece volume is still low even with the volume turned all the way up.
Is there a setting I missed or maybe a registry fix?
Any help would be appreciated
OS 5.2
ROM 2.13
RADIO 2.10
Don't mean to offend you. I had the same issue but was more of a user issue. I kept increasing the volume not paying attention that I was adjusting the ring volume and not the system volume.
if that doesnt work you may need to return it. My friends HD2 had low speaker volume and low earpiece volume. As much as we tried, we couldn't get it to go.
N1M1TZ - No offense taken, I only adjusted the volume during a call and at max it is still quiet.
I checked the settings/sounds, no adjustment for the earpiece just the ringer and the system sounds.
marduk79 - after doing a little digging I have found that this is a common problem with this particular batch of phones.
The first batch came out and the volume was set way to high that it was actually blowing out the earpiece.
I think I may have found a solution, if it works I will post it.
Thanks for the assist.
So what is the solution... My first one had sweet loud ear piece volume. But alas, the speaker blew. My replacement is alright, but I want it to be a tad bit higher... Lots of years of loud punk rock have made me slightly def I think...
Anyone know if there is a cab or registry tweak or something that will make the volume louder in the ear piece speaker?
marduk79 said:
if that doesnt work you may need to return it. My friends HD2 had low speaker volume and low earpiece volume. As much as we tried, we couldn't get it to go.
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How low? Like so low you couldn't hear it, or just low enough to be annoying? Basically my first HD2 was nice and loud. The new one is about 3 bars lower sounding turned all the way up... Which annoys me because I know the other one was louder and it's hard to hear people if I'm in an environment with a lot of background noise.
I feel like if I tried to take it in to get a replacement they would think I was nuts.
headphone and phone speaker too low
I too beleive the headphone volume is way too low, when listening to music or taking a call on the headphones it is barely loud enough too hear if there is any background noise such as traffic or conversations going on nearby. I have the volume about 75% when listening to talk radio stations, on my headset, no background noise present and it is at normal listening level. So if there is background noise, I need 100% for it to be loud enough to hear clearly. The phone speaker is not much better, when listening to calls on speakerphone the percentages are about the same for equvilent listening circumstances. I have tried "AudioPara3 TMO" and notice little or no difference in sound. Does anyone know of anything that will increase the maximum volume level for both speakerphone and headphones?
I'd like to know if there is any registry hack to increase the line out volume as well. My line out volume is very low, I have to put it to about 50 percent to match what would be the 20-30 percent level of my old HTC Touch (Touch 1 to HD2 - quite an upgrade, eh?? )

notification sound volume

The notification sound volume is a bit low. When I go to wp7 the notification sound is very easy to hear even when the phone is in the jacket, but when I go back to android, it loses the volume.
Any fix or something to make it louder?

Raspy click sound when turning volume off using rocker

Hi, does anyone else's volume off click when using the rocker switch to turn the volume down sound a bit odd, it sounds like its too loud and is distorting the tiny speaker. Its more then you usual bloop noise I get a raspy click over the top as i the speaker is damaged in some way, had this since new, kept meaning to check this out.
I get it every time I turn the volume to max from off, but sometimes when I turn volume to zero from max, its like something is rattling in the speaker, hard to explain.

