No Google on TMO USA GPRS? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

For some reason, I cant get to ANY google website when I am using GPRS/EDGE on the Tmobile USA network.
No Google Search, Gmail, Maps etc.. Nothing. Any other website works. When I try to access a google site, it locates, and then stalls on "opening". It happens in PIE, Opera, MiniMo.
When I use Wifi, I have no problems. It only doesnt work when using GPRS.
This is on the Tmobile USA network, with a vario and stock tmo rom (

Try this link, does it work?

I have the exact same problem. It's very weird and VERY annoying.

Sorry, for some reason this double posted. Good way to start my posting here on this forum

I've had my Tmo MDA for a month now & never have gotten anymore than "page cannot be loaded" with google. WiFi works same as yours.
Dont know if it helps but..
* I can get to google using the phone as a modem for my laptop.
* If I use the MSN proxy (go to vista live beta, search for google, choose the mobile version) this works
* I wonder what other sites dont work but should
* rom is what the unit shipped with. Registry unchanged exept for bumping the cache in a few places for speed.
lastly, check this

I have the same problem. The thing is it worked for the first week or so. I bought my MDA the day it was available on Feb 21. Would T-Mobile have somehow blocked it a few weeks later? I will say I am running the Custom 2.17 ROM, but I have had this problem before and after the ROM upgrade.

I actually got to the google page, but searches dont work. Either does gmail, image search etc.. etc.. etc..
This is really annoying. I use gmail for all of my mail, and google for ALOT of stuff, without it. I am lost

I have had my KJam since November, used in the past many of times especially the GPRS, but I mainly work from home on my wifi. Today I noticed I could not get any thing to come-up on google while using the GPRS, with a timed-out error message. It sounds like we may all need to inundate tmo's wireless group with calls to get them to fix something on their network end of things.

Before we storm the castle
What locations are you in? Could it be a timing issue with whatever your access point/tower is and Google itself?
I just tried from the Eastgate neighborhood in Bellevue, WA using my T-Mobile MDA and was able to do a couple of quick test searches on Google (using the and /pda URLs) and completed each search successfully.

Re: Before we storm the castle
chiaspod said:
What locations are you in? Could it be a timing issue with whatever your access point/tower is and Google itself?
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I'm in NYC.

Try Mobile Leap at It's a simple interface to a bunch of search engines and I was able to get a return from google using it via the phone.

Great idea markgamber! That works great!

Mine works ok. Im in Florida, usa. Thanks for the search site though...

Click the thread in BryanP's post in this thread and look on page 2. there are a few fixes you can try there.

In DC metro area and can only hit the .pda site. Called TMO and they said that it is a known issue and are trying to figure it out. It affects most google services. Call TMO and *****.. lets get this resolved.

Wow this is really an Issue, this is crazy I have to go thru all this trouble to get to goole and my gmail. Im in NYC and I have the same problem I cant get to the gmail or google, well it hits but it doesnt search for anything. I have to use netfront with proxy set to to get to the sites anyone has any other solutions for this ?

Google time out issue
This time out behavior happens to me in Philadelphia and in New Orleans but works in Florida.

I actually called T-Mobile yesterday about this. I got upto a level 3 tech who exclusivly deals w/ MDA and other devices. He said this is an issue they know about and they're working on it. There was no ETA though, but he said they're seeing what the deal is.
I got 100 free minutes for complaining. Oh well.

maybe I should call too and get few hundreth minutes as I just got the service.

Something I noticed is that when I was visiting Detroit, Michigan I could not access google at all, but all other sites worked. As soon as I touched down back in Los Angeles, CA google was working just fine again.. weird but maybe something to look into?


google me this...

I have tried this a couple of different times. On both the 9100 and k-jam.
Using TMO GPRS: I can pull down just about every other website fine, BUT not google.
cannot open completely. only 1kb will load (search box and button) but the google graphic does not display. when I hit search, it times out. If I connect to wifi, google/pda works fine (the entire site works fine on wifi)
I can go into preference and change my display settings to HTML or xhtml while on wifi, but disconnect from wifi and no google while on GPRS. I can search fine on yahoo or altavista, just not google.
It did work at one time, and then magically stopped working.... I did hard reset and it worked for a while and then stopped. I find it strange that neither device will pull up google. Any ideas?
Speedn said:
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I did try this previously and just tried it again. I will hard reset and see what I get. So no one else is having google problems?
hard reset and still cant google on gprs. xhtml, pda, html. errrrr
Can you get to other sites ok? Are you sure you have your settings correct? Have you tried calling the network provider, maybe they block it to make you use something else?
yep, every site I can pull up fine.... yahoo, altavista, intellicast... even my asp webmail. Google is the only one. I even changed the user agent to look like ie 6 in tweaks2k2 and no difference in google but yahoo was fooled. I doubt TMO would be blocking, and I just tried thunderhawk II and google works fine. Thunderhawk is upside down and doesn't let me really use a keyboard... maybe there are options to change that, I just installed it 2 minutes ago.
What I find is strange and is both my kjam and my qtek9100 cannot surf google. how can that be? I have unlimited TMO and use with no other settings. Is anyone using the wap proxy? Maybe that is the difference.
There are some known issues with T-Mobile US and accessing Google on PDA phones (meaning you can't) -- are you using T-Mo? Drove me batty for 2 days with my Magician a few months ago till I found that out
Jeff harris wrote:
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 01:23 Post subject:
There are some known issues with T-Mobile US and accessing Google on PDA phones (meaning you can't) -- are you using T-Mo? Drove me batty for 2 days with my Magician a few months ago till I found that out
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Very odd... I am using T-Mobile in USA on my Wizard and can use Google pda search just fine. GPRS connection. APN: I am down in Atlanta area... Very strange...
jeffharris said:
There are some known issues with T-Mobile US and accessing Google on PDA phones (meaning you can't) -- are you using T-Mo? Drove me batty for 2 days with my Magician a few months ago till I found that out
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ahhh.. maybe because I am roaming? maybe not... I will be back in tmo area this weekend and will try again. Jeff, thanks for the info. I started a more thorough search after I read your comment and found a few things below. It has been one of these issues I have been meaning to take a look at for a week and finally dug into it this morning... and became more frustrated as the day went on.
A few more people having the same problem:
same on the universal:
So I guess I can rest easy tonight knowing it isn't my phones... whew.
It is definately not the phone.
I had the same issue everytime I travelled. (I am on T-Mo) No matter where I went outside of my "home" area, I could not do google searches. It drove me crazy as well.
I gave up and now just use yahoo when I travel. If anyone comes up with a solution, I am all ears.
mixmaven said:
ahhh.. maybe because I am roaming?
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exactly the same happened to me on Himalaya WM5 while roaming.
It was a bug somewhere in roaming center in France...
Well, to be exact, i was roaming in Orange Slovakia.
No probs here over WiFi/Optus GPRS.

push email/can't visit after rom upgrade

After I upgraded to this unoficial rom 2.24 I believe my push email seems to be pathetic, at times only grabbing 1 or 2 emails from a day or so ago.
Then on top of that I can't connect to any related services, I've seen a post about not being able to connect to but I couldn't find it with the search button.
Are you on T-Mobile?
T-Mobile likes to tell me that T-Mobile USA MDA's can't get Google results. Something that irritates me greatly. Well, it would, if EDGE wasn't so slow as to make surfing too painful for all but the most emergency needs.
Well, it worked when I had the rom with t-mobile, I didn't have a problem with that except I know I was always on G and never on E, now I am on E more often but I notice I can't go to or any of the services, so I have to resort to yahoo maps and I don't see the point of the device anymore because I have address and the push email feature totally sucks now so...

Network connection error - market and

Pretty odd if you ask me, I haven't found anything similar with my searches.
Stock EVO
PRL 60670
PRI 1.40_003
Just did a wipe/factory reset. Did not have this issue before the wipe, and don't want to wipe again, just got done getting everything setup the way I wanted.
So here's the situation.
Basically it's somewhat random. Open Market First page loads(cached) but any other searches or categories give me an error "A network error has occurred".
I cancel that, jump back to browser, try a google search to test my 3g connection, one search may work, then I get network errors. But, when testing other websites, ala, it works fine. Go back to google, no dice.
I am then forced to reboot, or force close both Market and the Browser to be able to browse again. But as soon as I pull up Market, and get the error, I'm back to not being able to use google. It's very odd and random, and I feel like I'm going crazy. I've toggled radio, wifi etc to refresh 3g connection, does nothing.
I haven't installed anything new recently, no updates, etc. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues. I have a co-worker having similar stuff with his hero, and another guy from this weekend had the network error in the market. We had 3 phones together, two got network error the other was fine.
It's been about 3-4 days of this.
If I missed some big issue, flame me and everything, I'm just tired of messing with it.
holy moly, this just started happening to me today too. Tried several different roms. Several kernels. Reflashed the newest radio. did a ##768# and ##3282# reset.
You are correct, it is only google affiliated sites that aren't working and i didn't realize that until you pointed it out.
I access sprint sites fine. 3g stays connected with full signal at all times. At this point i can't even log into my google accounts to sync contacts and crap..... this is really irritating me. WTF is google doing?
Weirdness. I live in champaign illinois, where abouts are you? And what gives people? These roms i tried flashing of course have worked before, i am a very technical person and nothing on the phone itself has been messed up. Seems that google may be blocking the phone for some reason.
others are having this issue as well...
I am having the same issues, no google services work, that includes:
Google Talk
Google Reader
Google Voice
pointing a browser at
All other web surfing works fine, all other data works fine, full bars 3G
Tried factory data resets, 3 different roms
Flashed back to stock 2.2 still nothing.
I can't add Google accounts.
Sounds like basically no connection to any Google servers for any of their services.
Seems like its just through sprint though, maybe not, maybe sprints routers stopped routing traffic to Google for some reason.
I have searched the net all day and have been unable to find others with this issue, except for here.
Maybe it is just sprint.
Can any non-sprint users confirm there Google services working ok?
Thank god, I was going crazy trying to figure wtf was going on. No Idea how I missed that thread tho, feel free to close this one.

[Q] Anyone having problems connecting to any Google sites over 3G?

This evening over 3G I have been getting either no connection or VERY slow connections to anything Google, such as the Market, Google's homepage and the Gmail app. Other sites seem to load fine.. Is it just me?
I'm having the same issue - have a friend with this problem too. Started for me last night. Like you said just google sites over 3g.
Same issues here, 4G I believe also. REALLY cost me some time on my commute having to try over and over again to get some directions to a customer's house... Eventually nav did work (even maps was lagging badly), speed tests were 'ok'. Wierd thing is, both 3G and 4G SEEM to be affected, yet if I wifi to my clear connection at home its just fine (and clear blows, usually I'm using my phone on mobile AP to pay bills because comed doesn't work on clear's dirt-cheap chinese ip's). What's up sprint, why GOOGLE, an integral part of the OS would you throttle for god sakes. All speech-to-text operations fail as well as they timeout.
Are you all stock?
stock rom, but rooted
Yeah same problems here I thought it was juat me
I've got the same issue, Can't download anything from market and can't log into any google services such as gtalk however I do have access to gmail.
I've rooted my phone and running xtreme kernel and epic experience and this has been happening since yesterday.
I can tell you it doesn't seem to just be the epic. I was on my friend's droid and it just seemed butt slow. Well then again, it's a verizon droid too...
I did have a problem with gmail earlier- had to clear out gmail storage/cache and re sync, which fixed it.. Or it just came back by then...
I'm surprised to see this post because I thought my browser was f'd up also. But I guess its just something wrong network wise.
Still can't load but other sites (such as this one, I'm responding via the phone on 3G now) are fine. I can't pin point if its just stock people, rooted people, Epic or EVO people either.. a stock EVO next to me has no problems connecting to Google services. Very strange..
Looks like its not just me either. Maybe Sprint is upgrading their towers or something? I wish they'd tell us these things so we don't go through ridiculous troubleshooting measures for nothing on our phones..
Sprint often seems to have connectivity issues specific to Google services. Couple weeks back when I still had my Evo... I was having issues signing in to google talk. I proved it was on Sprint's end by using Connectbot to create a proxy to and adding an entry for it in /etc/hosts. This fixed the issue completely. Sprint wouldn't admit anything.
Looks like we're back here in Kentucky - it was a data problem on the Sprint side! I'm glad THAT debacle is over, heh.

Internet connectivity issues?

I've been having this problem for a few days now. All of this has happened over a cell connection.
Occasionally, when surfing the net, searching, or clicking a link, I will get a page not found error. It will happen clicking links from pages, trying to launch, or using the search key on the phone.
During the times the net isn't working, the phone reports full connectivity. Also, some apps like Facebook will still work. Some bookmarks will still work.
I was initially getting this on a stock rooted rom, but switched to CM7 and it still happens.
I've tried to force roaming, it still happens.
I also tried to do a profile update when on the stock rom, but I have NEVER, on any of the 3 Shifts I've owned, been able to get it to work
Is anyone else on sprint getting this? My girlfriend (stock rooted evo) has had the same issue, but not nearly as bad.
EVO Shift and XDA app
glad u said this, cuz i've been having the same issues the past few days. specifcally, i'll use voice search which should pull up google but it gives a page not found error. but then i'll just go to another webpage and it works fine. then i'll go back to google and search for something but get a page not found error, even tho 3g is connected. gotta be something with sprints service currently...
also had some issues with texting too, over the same course of time that this 'page not found' issue has been going on, not sure if it's the service or my rom, but i'd send one person a message and it would show in a thread of a different person i'm texting
Well I just talked to a friend who works in sprint intl tech, he said there is a nationwide text outage. So that may be that problem.
EVO Shift and XDA app
Sprint's network is having problems alright. No official word yet but check out this link from Engadget addressing this problem...
SMS/MMS Problems
*EDIT* It looks like the SMS problem has been resolved. Check the link above once again...
Hell the whole network in my area in KS took a dump for about 3 hrs or so today
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Friend who works for Sprint said it's because they're trying to upgrade the Network. But also, some issues. Didn't specify.
Well I've noticed that since last fall (we finally got evdo) the network seems to be going right down the tubes. I used to be able to get around 700kbps, but now I'm lucky if I get 100. No exaggeration.
Sprint needs to get their **** together.
EVO Shift and XDA app
because sprint sucks
This is really getting frustrating. I can open a window in the browser, go to a bookmark and browse just fine. Facebook, weatherbug and xda work. Meanwhile, the google+ app can't connect and if I open a new window in the browser, I cannot get anything to load.
Any suggestions?
I've already done a full wipe, reflashed everything and started over not using any backups.
EVO Shift and XDA app

