Wanted: O2 Active Software - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I played with a friend's Wizard the other day (XDA Mini S actually) and liked the O2 Active software on the today screen.
I know lots of people have been trying to remove it but I'd like it to replace WA2 and WAD with something that I can use single-handed instead. I liked how you can use the shortcut bar on the left with the navigation buttons.
Is there any way to get O2 Active onto my JAM (Magician)? I know Wizard is WM5 but surely it's just an app?
Let me know,

Hey Bro..Dnt try The active thingie its a pain in the behind to uninstall and takes a lota space
If ya still want it let me know..

Really? Hmm...
Just wanted to try it out before I hard-reset so feel like I have nothing to lose! Kinda feel like it may manage to replace a few other things I have running which take up space anyway.
If someone could post it that would be awesome.

Have fun bro ..dnt say i didnt warn u.

Ok, point taken, it's ****e!
My mate had tabs on the today screen part of Active though, things like System and Apps, seemed much more useful. Does anyone know if that stuff is available?

Try this its the O2plus for the Atom cracked for the Magician

the o2 active looks good, not to usefull tho, n when i installed it, i found a few bugs. because i am on PAYG in the UK, i wanted to select PAYG in the UK, problem was that it wouldnt let me. it installed all the internet settings for contract, because of that, the internet stopped working. i also found that it does not let you add extra today bars, and it has its own one, this one doesnt show half the time. when i make a call, it constantly vibrates, that got really anoying, lol. otherwise i thik it is a good app, lol.

??? ill change what i sead earlier, doesnt work on my MDA compact with SPB pocket plus, but does work with a hard reset. does any one know a reason for this? an how to fix it?

HELP !!!Anyone Know how to
load o2 active on to the o2 xda exec and where to get the software or settings to do it as i cant seem to find it anywhere .


VGA files here!!

This is as far as its got so far
ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Universal/VGA so far.zip
Note to have your own windows boot screen replace with your own welcomehead.96.png
You use at own risk, nothing to do with me, but ive not had any troubles so far. This will create a security hole in your WM5 windows system.
thanks for the efforts carnivor, but i dont think the ftp is working, or basically i cant access it. tried the browser and an ftp client. cannot connect to the server, it times out.
access the ftp through there
Would love to give it a go, but just not quite brave enough - anyone post any screengrabs of some popular screens to see?
Thanks a bunch for creating the zip file, Carnivor. Makes things nice and easy
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
rilot said:
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
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Those files were set with Read Only and System attributes and Activesync refused to copy those files to my Jasjar until I removed those attributes. After that they copied fine.
Thanks for the files
wicked, just popping them onto me JJ now, i was going to ask if someone could post them from another phone, the site was down, it was horrible i was awfully lost without it
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
joebongo said:
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
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Allow MSN Messenger to work when in real VGA mode. Without them the app just hangs or fails to start up.
Ok, those dll's are purrrfect!!!!!
ive attached the latest vga stuff time date stamped
its got the msnm dl''s alldone in it.
also i dont really think the phone skin is going to be a major problem, i see on buzz's site they're skinning the phone app, i used a couple of the tweaks to change my qvga dialler background, so maybe the rest aint as hard as first thought. I say that in the tense that buzz prob speant hours of brain cells working it all out.
Ohh rilot, you are a deamon, msn this res is wicked!!! 22 contacts in landscape mode, godda be some kind of a record, i mean its actually useful now, better than the usual 2 is it? hehe
Can anyone post some screengrabs?
I'll try to get some screenshots up tonight.
here ya go, was before i started playing with the ozvga settings tho, looks better now
Carnivor, looks lovely: get the feeling that guy in the first pic just felt his trouser pocket distend and rip with the jasjar. Man, I'm afriad to pocket it and get a hernia. But it has such a nice solid feel to it, like a mini tombstone. They should advertise that as a feature! Engraved...
I've also noticed that I can feel the electric charge buzz when using it and holding the metalic top. I'd be careful of using it in the bath!
Carnivor: how do you find wisbar's skinning? Does it impact on speed? It's quite cool.
wisbar is good, the .12 is alot better, but you do still notice the improvement when you close it.
buzz, i was refering to buzz_lightyear, a guru on things wm based
Ok I'm a nOOb here, can someone tell me what to do with the .CAB file in the archive ?
Carnivor, this is just awesome! Working well with WA2 AND WAD! Quite surprised was I!
Some issues I am having that u may already know how to solve, in which case I'd appreciate ur input:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
- Some dialog boxes only show half the text b4 the yes/no buttons overwrite the bottom part. Any ideas?
- PIN pad is all overlapped; not a big deal
- BUT, phone pad is a bit of an issue; too small and I have to turn off quickdial. Any ideas on this?
- My SIP keyboard loses its skin. Can the skins on buzz's board be applied somehow?
- Calculator keys too small; do u know of a working calc app cos I truly need a calculator available at all times
- My oh-so-pretty WA2 and WAD hi-res themes need to take a trip back to low-res world else the buttons are too big! Darn!
I'm gonna try sticking to this mode. Hell, all the apps I've got working well on WM5/VGA work just as well under this mode, so why go back? and PIE is OH SO PRETTTTTTYYYY!!!!
PS: What do u use for screen shots on WM5? Would like to post a few of mine.
craigiecraigie4 said:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
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hmmm.... that's what i'm thinking - for the Today screen anyway. i wanna be able to read the stuff here with a glance, and the teeny fonts make that difficult. is there anything we can do about this?

New O2 Xda mini s

I'm new here but I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get rid of the O2 customizations. I've unlocked it with the unlocking tool but I cannot get a Rom for I-mate to clear the O2 rubbish as I am not allowed to join clubimate without a valid imei number.
I've checked xda-developers ftp site for the correct rom but i cannot find one anywhere.
Please help me
You don't need a new ROM, and with the UK mini S, it's probably best to leave the supplied one alone as, amongst other things, the hardware keyboard layout is different and you'd need to re-patch the keys and symbols back onto the right keys from the i-mate defaults.
I let the full O2 install happen to see what it would install (aside from the 'Active' rubbish) before I did a hard reset to clear it all out. During the reset, when it says 'installing customisations in 5 secs' (or whatever the exact msg is), do a soft reset with the stylus in the hole in the side, and voila, native Wizard, but with correct keyboard mapping... Don't worry, your SIM unlocking will survive the hard reset.
Then, get Total Commander because there are some cab files in the extended ROM that you might want like the MMS editor, additional ring tones etc...
I've got a Qtek 9100 and a mini S (now on Vodafone) and the overall build quality of the mini S is much higher.
Hope that helps?
Right, I've done exactly as you said. I now have no O2 stuff there. I've got total commander on my phone but I dont know what to look for to get gprs and mms settings back.
Can you help please
sloane said:
Right, I've done exactly as you said. I now have no O2 stuff there. I've got total commander on my phone but I dont know what to look for to get gprs and mms settings back.
Can you help please
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Sure, the choice of what to add is entirely up to you, but here's what I added...
during the customising bit that you stopped when you soft reset, the contents of the Extended ROM are installed. Autorun.exe reads Config.txt and all the cab files listed there are installed. We want some of them.
Point Total Commander to '\Extended_Rom\ and you'll see them all. I looked at the extended ROM on my 9100 and tried to find the equivalent O2 cab files. Even though I had already configured MMS connection and server details, the MMS inbox didn't show up until I installed the cab file with MMS1 in the name. I also ran the RingTone one, SmartDialing and, I think, Signed_Version.sa (because my Qtek phone had a similar file, even though I'm not sure what's in it).
I've got a Voda SIM in, so I set up the two GPRS access points for web and wap( only used for MMS). Raphael over at BeyondTheTech.com has the MMS settings available as cab files to d/l and install, to save typing them in by hand. They must also be in the Extended ROM cab files, but I didn't need the O2 ones, and couldn't tell from the names, which cab they were in. The k-jam comes with all the carriers' settings in conveniently named files, and that's what Raphael has listed.
If I had had more time, I might have installed them all, one by one to see what each contained, but I was going out and wanted to take the mini S with me.
Hopefully, that will get you a good way there, but if you are stuck with any other bits, yell and I or somebody else will help I'm sure...
Good luck,
Try these files for phone settings
To get rid of the O2 interface I just removed it from the Startup directory in Windows, there are two files, both with O2 icons and then did a soft reset. Although I imagine there's still some O2 trickery lurking around on my device, I didn't have to add any new settings or anything that required me to switch my brain from inactive to mildly inactive.
Eradificator said:
To get rid of the O2 interface I just removed it from the Startup directory in Windows, there are two files, both with O2 icons and then did a soft reset. Although I imagine there's still some O2 trickery lurking around on my device, I didn't have to add any new settings or anything that required me to switch my brain from inactive to mildly inactive.
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Hi, im thinking of just removing those two files from start up as i dont want to do anything too extreme to get rid of 02 rubbish and the method of hard resetting sounds a little tricky, not sure i'd be confident doing it as i only just got the phone.
Have you noticed any error messages since doing this? Does the 02 rubbish not just appear again next time you do a soft reset?
Just let it do what its doing and then choose basic install. Then remove the 02 active in startup to stop the annoying message.
My wizard is running fine like that with all the mms settings etc.
Ok, i haven't hard reset but i have removed the 02 active thing in start up and its no longer appearing on the desktop now. Phone seems a bit more responsive.
tom99 said:
Ok, i haven't hard reset but i have removed the 02 active thing in start up and its no longer appearing on the desktop now. Phone seems a bit more responsive.
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If your happy with how its performing then dont change. However if you hard reset and opted for a basic you should see even more of a speed increase. But like I say if it aint broke it dont need fixin

Ebay gone wrong

Ok i brought my universal an orange m5000 just before xmas. Got it off ebay for 370 i think. Was a contract unwanted upgrade.
Got it spot on. But was locked no prob orange unloced it for me for 20 pound. Am a o2 user myself.
Had lot probs with it orange kept baring me. Not bad in the end the seller got a new phone sent to me from orange. Nice man. So becareful buying phones off ebay. if the seller wasnt nice id been stuck.
Iv upgraded my system from orange. As the orange os is crap. Now running the latest o2 rom in corp mode 0506. Not bad seems smooth.
I then went on a mission to find a way to close progs. Why on earth they leave it to run stuff in the background i dont know!
Tried Magir Button, seemed nice. But bit buggy for me. Id end not being able to get back to the desktop or getting the phone screen to go away.
Am currently running wisbar, wow lovely software. You can close stuff with it and what a lovely start menu u get. Using the latest beta version. Uming and arrring about it though. It slows the startbar down. I press start and have to wait 4-5 seconds. WIthout the bar its umm instant.
But I have having recent progs being displayed. Wisbar gives you the option to hide them, it also shows every prog u have.
Oh and resco is the way to go. Currenting using a very nice keyboard from resco, resco photoviewer replaceing the windows one wow very nice.
Also want resco internet radio and explore. Yet to find those (cough cough).
That my software build not forgeting tcp um movie software.
Am just sad i get the delay with wisbar but it more then makes up for it by closing down apps and having a nice prog menu. Anyone found a real good prog for closing down progs?
Also anyone mention any prog which they cant live without?
theres my story to date
Frankly, I like Magic Button. It works best if you make the Phone application stay open rather than close, but it's unobtrusive, and works really well.
yeah i like using Magic Button too. and it's free!
sorry to say but it was all going well till it went off topic...
Would never get one off ebay since there are to many barred phones being sold there.
Also, you might get an exec there on the cheap but you can kiss that sweet 24 month warranty good bye so don't go being to adventurous with the mods.

O2 Active UI Battery NFO Ext Rom 1.13.188

Hi wondering if someone can help.
In the latest rom update from O2 if you install the active UI it will give you a battery today plugin which is quite handy.
Now my question we all know the ActiveUI is horrible will slow down the exec and take up to much space. Is there anyway of stripping out this battery today plugin form the ActiveUI and creating a cab file so it will just install this part. I think the file that is needed from the ActiveUI is BatteryNFO.
Many Thanks
Wow 50 views and still no one got an answer????
Got to say I'd love this too. I've tried other battery monitors, and none are as good as that one.
Ok i have been looking in to this since i posted and have extracted the signed_UNI_o2AUI4_build88.cab file to my home machine. From What i can see there are 7 files that could be related to this 4 of which start with batter~1.029 and so on the other 3 start with power_~1.070. is there anyway of telling what these files are actually for.
Im no expert at this but surely it can be done as i have seen people have ripped the connection settings from this cab file before so surely the same sort of thing can be done with this.
i agree...looks quite nice this battery plug-in...hope sum1 finds a way of getting it as a cab file soon
Still looking in to this and not going to let it beat me to.
Has anybody ever used this software before.
MagicCab PocketPC CAB extractor 0.63
It looks like it is going to do what i need and be able to strip out the battery today plugin from the cab and even tell us what reg settings we need to enter to if i am reading it right but before i commit myself to the $10.95 has anyone ever used it before to clarify that it will do what i need it to do.
If you want something more professional use WCE CAB Manager.
Why not use Batti ?
It gives you just as much information, doesn't take up valuable Today space or slow down your machine, is visible in every application not just Today, and runs in just 20K. And it's free
So far with the advice given to me by ibendlin about wince cab manager and after several hard resets (trial and error thank god for spbpocket backup lol) i have manged to get half way there. But i am having a problem getting the skins to work
As you can see i have manged to sort the today plugin but im having problems getting the skins working even after a soft reset.
Maybe someone can offer some advice i will gladly forward the cab that i have created so far if anyone can offer some suggestions.
Ineedtoys: So far i have manged to get this down to 14kb as for the space on the today screen user preference really, but thank you for your advice on batti.
Anyway off to bed will work on this some more tomorrow
OK, if you dont activate the ActiveUI thing in programs then you can have life without it. To get it to go away now that its on goto \windows\startup and delete the ActiveUI file in there. You cant seem to unistall the program. I just avoid the icon like the pluage.
There are more complex ways of getting what your looking for, but this one is simple and effective
ps. then soft reset
Hi James
Tis true what you are saying and this way will work but unfortunatly you will also get about 10mb worth of extra programs installed from the activeUI which take up the oh so precious Device storage space where the actual battery bar it's self only takes up around 14kb
But thanks anyway
yeah but the newer people to the scene might not like playing about with things. I've only just got use to playing about with stuff and up untill now I've been using this solution.
Now i've had the phone a wee while i'm happy to start going for corporate mode but was easier not to when i was just getting use to the whole PDA type stuff
I know what you mean we all had to start somewhere right lol.
I stopped using the the personal install about a month after i had my exec it was only through advice from these forums that i actually found out how much space the activeUI took up and also how much it slowed it down.
I use this one:
it shows 2 lines: one for main Battery status and one for Backup Battery status (no more exists in WM5); it works well
tried this one but I still think the one in the latest rom release from O2 looks sharper/prettier....
Yeah i'm planning on giving up the basic mode soon.
let me know how you get on, as I too like this battery meter.
I Have done it, Sort of. Still a few bugs but i don't think i will be able to sort these limited knowledge and already about 10 hard reset's.
I have been using now for around 8 or 9 hours now and all seems to be fine after the install no memory loss or anything.
Works well in True VGA to.
congrats m8..any chance of u posting the cab file here?
hiya scotjen,
dont mind you posting it out here??
damn, I still have a Champions League game against Arsenal later.
got to get back to training soon
Well done.
What bugs are you still experiencing. Maybe someone could advise you further?

Is This Possible??

Alright Peeps, ok, firstly i bought a Charmer (MDA Compact 2 / WM5) it was pink and i decided to change the housing/shell. I opted for the O2 XDA NEO Case as i liked the black, smooth sides, chrome earpiece & Buttons. I know your all thinking why, but i've tried it and every part fits perfectly apart from the button arrangement, I was just wondering if i bought a O2 XDA NEO Keypad which has the exact same connection type as the MDA Compact 2 just the extra 2 buttons, could this work out of the box and recognise all buttons or at least the usual 4 buttons work correctly?, or is there, or could one be made, an application that the buttons could be assigned? please any help would be appreciated, as i love modding my charmer from the wise information within XDA-DEV, your the only site i'd look to for honest answers.
Cheers Bren.
just an opinion, don't go spending money because of it
but from my experience doing similar things with htc smartphones, I reckon it should work, but i doubt it will recognise the extra buttons...
maybe with a cooked ROM?...i don't know.
triplejay said:
just an opinion, don't go spending money because of it
but from my experience doing similar things with htc smartphones, I reckon it should work, but i doubt it will recognise the extra buttons...
maybe with a cooked ROM?...i don't know.
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could there not be some registry tweaks? like adding the buttons manually and moving the others?
i have a button remapping software, but this may be more useless than usefull, i think (it'll probably just move the buttons around) i've bought the shell already and fitted it all buttons work and are in correct place, just the keypad... I'll buy the keypad and fit it coming up to christmas, i'll let you all know the outcome, so if there is any charmers that wish to charm with a prophet/XDA NEO case to the full, i will have the answer.
Any ROM Chefs or Registry Raiders? Help would be appreciated here...
or just shine a little light on the subject.
I think the person who might be able to shed some light is vlodeck, he is a very knowledgeable guy, and he ported gullum's ROM from prophet to charmer
as a mod, he will probably see this thread anyway, and his time is valuable etc etc, so I am definitely not advocating pestering him
....so wait a while but in case it gets missed, FYI in his sig there is a link to PM "if you need help"
*edit, I have no new information right now so I'm not gonna bump this thread but I have to say...
just saw your other thread, and the one word answer;
made me spit coffee all over my monitor as I LOL'd
(translation - read the f***ing wiki please, thanks.)
I understood it, as I've probably spent too much time reading forums like this one recently
Hi guys
I finally read this thread Yes, I do check up the Charmer forums from time to time.
Ok, as to the question. I don't really do the cooking stuff at this time. Basically because I'm not a windows user anymore but there are registry values for soft keys and buttons. I won't tell you were it exactly is right now, but it's there. And taking myself a little in the past I recall some major problems with setting up the keys in WM6 for charmer, you remember it right? Those calendar and contacts buttons were assigned to Start Menu and OK keys, which were unconfigurable, in the registry at least. So my call is, those buttons you want to make work are hardly worth the potential time spent to actually get them working
Hi, the buttons you had trouble with kinda goes with what i want, like you said the bottom two buttons (calendar/contacts) were start menu and ok, as the keypad for the o2 xda neo has start menu and ok as standard bottom two, so that doesn't need changing (that sound like a bonus to me ) the top two will probably get recognised as the answer/endcall buttons (which is not that bad come to think of it, if buttons cannot be configured). its just the two silver answer/endcall present on the xda neo keyboard which probably wont get recognised, and if not, would there be a way in the registry to ADD them, so it would be a little different than altering settings already there? sort of copying all registry settings for one button and adding it alongside another button setting with some configuration.
Thanks Guys...
Well the Buttons worked straight away, charmer to prophet (lookalike)... all the 6 buttons were recognized instead of 4, and all in the right places. thanks anyway.

