Ebay gone wrong - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Ok i brought my universal an orange m5000 just before xmas. Got it off ebay for 370 i think. Was a contract unwanted upgrade.
Got it spot on. But was locked no prob orange unloced it for me for 20 pound. Am a o2 user myself.
Had lot probs with it orange kept baring me. Not bad in the end the seller got a new phone sent to me from orange. Nice man. So becareful buying phones off ebay. if the seller wasnt nice id been stuck.
Iv upgraded my system from orange. As the orange os is crap. Now running the latest o2 rom in corp mode 0506. Not bad seems smooth.
I then went on a mission to find a way to close progs. Why on earth they leave it to run stuff in the background i dont know!
Tried Magir Button, seemed nice. But bit buggy for me. Id end not being able to get back to the desktop or getting the phone screen to go away.
Am currently running wisbar, wow lovely software. You can close stuff with it and what a lovely start menu u get. Using the latest beta version. Uming and arrring about it though. It slows the startbar down. I press start and have to wait 4-5 seconds. WIthout the bar its umm instant.
But I have having recent progs being displayed. Wisbar gives you the option to hide them, it also shows every prog u have.
Oh and resco is the way to go. Currenting using a very nice keyboard from resco, resco photoviewer replaceing the windows one wow very nice.
Also want resco internet radio and explore. Yet to find those (cough cough).
That my software build not forgeting tcp um movie software.
Am just sad i get the delay with wisbar but it more then makes up for it by closing down apps and having a nice prog menu. Anyone found a real good prog for closing down progs?
Also anyone mention any prog which they cant live without?
theres my story to date

Frankly, I like Magic Button. It works best if you make the Phone application stay open rather than close, but it's unobtrusive, and works really well.

yeah i like using Magic Button too. and it's free!

sorry to say but it was all going well till it went off topic...
Would never get one off ebay since there are to many barred phones being sold there.
Also, you might get an exec there on the cheap but you can kiss that sweet 24 month warranty good bye so don't go being to adventurous with the mods.


O2 Active UI Battery NFO Ext Rom 1.13.188

Hi wondering if someone can help.
In the latest rom update from O2 if you install the active UI it will give you a battery today plugin which is quite handy.
Now my question we all know the ActiveUI is horrible will slow down the exec and take up to much space. Is there anyway of stripping out this battery today plugin form the ActiveUI and creating a cab file so it will just install this part. I think the file that is needed from the ActiveUI is BatteryNFO.
Many Thanks
Wow 50 views and still no one got an answer????
Got to say I'd love this too. I've tried other battery monitors, and none are as good as that one.
Ok i have been looking in to this since i posted and have extracted the signed_UNI_o2AUI4_build88.cab file to my home machine. From What i can see there are 7 files that could be related to this 4 of which start with batter~1.029 and so on the other 3 start with power_~1.070. is there anyway of telling what these files are actually for.
Im no expert at this but surely it can be done as i have seen people have ripped the connection settings from this cab file before so surely the same sort of thing can be done with this.
i agree...looks quite nice this battery plug-in...hope sum1 finds a way of getting it as a cab file soon
Still looking in to this and not going to let it beat me to.
Has anybody ever used this software before.
MagicCab PocketPC CAB extractor 0.63
It looks like it is going to do what i need and be able to strip out the battery today plugin from the cab and even tell us what reg settings we need to enter to if i am reading it right but before i commit myself to the $10.95 has anyone ever used it before to clarify that it will do what i need it to do.
If you want something more professional use WCE CAB Manager.
Why not use Batti ?
It gives you just as much information, doesn't take up valuable Today space or slow down your machine, is visible in every application not just Today, and runs in just 20K. And it's free
So far with the advice given to me by ibendlin about wince cab manager and after several hard resets (trial and error thank god for spbpocket backup lol) i have manged to get half way there. But i am having a problem getting the skins to work
As you can see i have manged to sort the today plugin but im having problems getting the skins working even after a soft reset.
Maybe someone can offer some advice i will gladly forward the cab that i have created so far if anyone can offer some suggestions.
Ineedtoys: So far i have manged to get this down to 14kb as for the space on the today screen user preference really, but thank you for your advice on batti.
Anyway off to bed will work on this some more tomorrow
OK, if you dont activate the ActiveUI thing in programs then you can have life without it. To get it to go away now that its on goto \windows\startup and delete the ActiveUI file in there. You cant seem to unistall the program. I just avoid the icon like the pluage.
There are more complex ways of getting what your looking for, but this one is simple and effective
ps. then soft reset
Hi James
Tis true what you are saying and this way will work but unfortunatly you will also get about 10mb worth of extra programs installed from the activeUI which take up the oh so precious Device storage space where the actual battery bar it's self only takes up around 14kb
But thanks anyway
yeah but the newer people to the scene might not like playing about with things. I've only just got use to playing about with stuff and up untill now I've been using this solution.
Now i've had the phone a wee while i'm happy to start going for corporate mode but was easier not to when i was just getting use to the whole PDA type stuff
I know what you mean we all had to start somewhere right lol.
I stopped using the the personal install about a month after i had my exec it was only through advice from these forums that i actually found out how much space the activeUI took up and also how much it slowed it down.
I use this one:
it shows 2 lines: one for main Battery status and one for Backup Battery status (no more exists in WM5); it works well
tried this one but I still think the one in the latest rom release from O2 looks sharper/prettier....
Yeah i'm planning on giving up the basic mode soon.
let me know how you get on, as I too like this battery meter.
I Have done it, Sort of. Still a few bugs but i don't think i will be able to sort these limited knowledge and already about 10 hard reset's.
I have been using now for around 8 or 9 hours now and all seems to be fine after the install no memory loss or anything.
Works well in True VGA to.
congrats m8..any chance of u posting the cab file here?
hiya scotjen,
dont mind you posting it out here??
damn, I still have a Champions League game against Arsenal later.
got to get back to training soon
Well done.
What bugs are you still experiencing. Maybe someone could advise you further?

Wanted: O2 Active Software

I played with a friend's Wizard the other day (XDA Mini S actually) and liked the O2 Active software on the today screen.
I know lots of people have been trying to remove it but I'd like it to replace WA2 and WAD with something that I can use single-handed instead. I liked how you can use the shortcut bar on the left with the navigation buttons.
Is there any way to get O2 Active onto my JAM (Magician)? I know Wizard is WM5 but surely it's just an app?
Let me know,
Hey Bro..Dnt try The active thingie its a pain in the behind to uninstall and takes a lota space
If ya still want it let me know..
Really? Hmm...
Just wanted to try it out before I hard-reset so feel like I have nothing to lose! Kinda feel like it may manage to replace a few other things I have running which take up space anyway.
If someone could post it that would be awesome.
Have fun bro ..dnt say i didnt warn u.
Ok, point taken, it's ****e!
My mate had tabs on the today screen part of Active though, things like System and Apps, seemed much more useful. Does anyone know if that stuff is available?
Try this its the O2plus for the Atom cracked for the Magician
the o2 active looks good, not to usefull tho, n when i installed it, i found a few bugs. because i am on PAYG in the UK, i wanted to select PAYG in the UK, problem was that it wouldnt let me. it installed all the internet settings for contract, because of that, the internet stopped working. i also found that it does not let you add extra today bars, and it has its own one, this one doesnt show half the time. when i make a call, it constantly vibrates, that got really anoying, lol. otherwise i thik it is a good app, lol.
??? ill change what i sead earlier, doesnt work on my MDA compact with SPB pocket plus, but does work with a hard reset. does any one know a reason for this? an how to fix it?
HELP !!!Anyone Know how to
load o2 active on to the o2 xda exec and where to get the software or settings to do it as i cant seem to find it anywhere .

Touch H.D. - A review from a W.M. Virgin

I was due an upgrade from Orange, after having used a n95 for the last year or so, which was a device I liked. Works straight out of the box as a phone, with the features you would expect a modern phone to have aready implemented in a user friendly manner. Also has the capability to be updated and personailse as you see fit - mine had orange o.s. ripped out within a day of arriving.
Knowing an upgrade was due I spent an afternoon on the net wondering what to go for. Seriously consider decamping to O2 for an iphone, mainly because of the data tariffs there, but had my eye turned by this new Touch H.D. gizmo. Now partly because a few of my mates already have iphones, and partly because I enjoy being contrary, and also because I hate the way "Apple" are trendy and Microsoft hated, the H.D. it was.
Haggled away with Orange and managed to get 1200mins, 500 texts, 0.5gig data for 45 quid month. So in went my order.
The HD arrived the next day. I excitedly opened the very sexy packaging (I have a very sad affection for gadget boxes and keep them for years - even after the device has packed up!), had a quick read of the quick start, plugged her in and off I went.
Nice looking skin,quick to where you want to go. Seems good.
But then things got sticky. I wanted to find out how to bluetooth contacts over to the H.D. Nothing in the quickstart nor the pdf. I know, I know, I could of stuck me old sim in and copied the contacts over, but this is a new toy and we like to play, right? After a couple of hours got an answer over the interweb about how to do this. Phew. Then did the sensible thing of copying these contacts to the sim for safety. Uh oh - the dreaded duplicate contact showing problem.
Then I decided to try the browser. As per another post I could not connect to wifi for an age, then it suddenly started working. Furthermore, I was getting a constant "xml parsing error" when trying to connect via Orange Internet. Had had the phone six hours now, and had only managed to get duplicate contacts on! Arrggghh, fustration of the nation.
Sent a text to a mate, only had I? No sending confirmation. What is going on? Oh, all messages--->sent. Mmm, hardly immediately user friendly.
I was getting tired, so set the alarm. How primitive thought I. More primitive than I realised when I was awoken and finally worked out that three button presses were required to get the alarm into snooze mode. Three! And only then if you had randomly pressed the alarm icon in the top bar in the hope it would do something - couldn't see this advice in any instructions anyway.
So by my second day was getting very dubious about this hardware, even allowing for the mandatory new device learning curve. Happily I stumbled across this place. Installed all the recommended softwares.
Klaxon - hey, my alarm now works like all the other alarms on all other phones.
Adavance Config - hey now I get an sms sent confirmation, and my phone is faster.
Backup -copied my contacts from the storage card, after running this programme, to my pc, deleted the sim contacts and hey presto! No more duplicate sims, and a safe back up.
I then played around with the advanced connection setting and the connection wizard and bang - my browser now works!!!
Suddenly I start to like this phone. Nay love it. It appeals to the very big geek inside of me. Its hard to use, you have to batter away at it to make it user friendly. It's more like a p.c. than a phone - ding dong! It is more like a p.c. than a phone.
And here in lies a problem I believe for the majority of users who will gets this phone and will be flummoxed by it and bin it back to Orange.
It needs to be set up as a phone first if Orange are flogging it as a phone, and not a p.d.a. as they do Blackberry. Little things, like a decent alarm clock, sms confirmation, instructions for contacts, turn off sim contacts option. A much better wlan interface - akin to the N95 would help. On that device selecting the browser gives you a pop up which gives you the option of orange internet, or if one is available a wlan. A simple click on the wlan you want and you're in. All very easy, and in contrast to having to open up communication, wireless lan, wlan, advanced, to swap to a different wlan.
None of these things would take too much effort to implement, and would make the Touch HD excellent for a beginner out of the box.
Your average user though will find these irritatations unforgiveable in some circumstances, and if the rumours of high returns to Orange are right, I bet the above bug bears have a large part to play in this.
However, once the phone is personalised, and once it is accepted as a computer, then I think it is fantastic. It's gorgeous to look at and hold, there's lots of nice little features- cover flow in favourite contacts is good eye candy for example.
And now I realise Ive got another piece of Redmond in my pocket, I'm even happier. This phone is a geeks dream - the "chic of tweak" perhaps? After four days with it I love it. I'm going to love it even more in months to come when some clever peeps get Android running on it, or when WM6.5/7 comes out.
A fantastic computer that does phone calls, as well. But out of the box, not a fantastic phone.
Just my 2p's worth.
Interesting to read your experience. I'll keep some of those things in mind when I get my phone next week. Do you have links to the software you added from here? (like Klaxon, Advanced Config, Backup...) I know I can search the forum, but I thought maybe you had them handy to post.
Chris Cross said:
Interesting to read your experience. I'll keep some of those things in mind when I get my phone next week. Do you have links to the software you added from here? (like Klaxon, Advanced Config, Backup...) I know I can search the forum, but I thought maybe you had them handy to post.
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Anything for our German friends ( 2-1 ;-) ) :
Advance Config:
Remember also when you get your phone to add "file manager" to your list of programmes. The software is already on the phone, and you need it to navigate to your storage card to run new programmes.
mooro1973 said:
Anything for our German friends ( 2-1 ;-) )
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2-1 LOL
excellent review that provides a good insight for winmo newbies, and I sure recognize my first experience in this, winmo is an acquiered taste and it gets addictive with time because yes, this phone really is an ultraportable PC with a phone slapped onto it. I'm gonna send this to some people I know still sitting on the fence

How can we get this ball rolling?

okay ive had a fair few htc devices, and im a fan of flashing custom roms etc.
i've just ordered an s740 as i think they look like lovely devices and have heard good reviews so far.
Now i've seen olipro's thread which went off topic..
so how shall we get the development ball rolling?
how about a collection to get olipro one of these devices
(going for about £180 - £230 on ebay)
and im sure if we all donate £5 - £10 (or more or less if need be) it wont take us long before we get some good custom roms etc
i know i can't be the only one out there thinking this!
Let me know what you guys think
comon guys
50 views and not one comment?
is everyone really that happy with their device???
I only find 1 thing annoying. When the keypad is locked I am still able to use the keys for volume.
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
r-jansen said:
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
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I think it is pretty good as well but could still use a few tweaks. I would contribute to any of the following on an otherwise clean ROM...
Windows Mobile 6.5 - Well this is an obvious update, especially if HTC never offers one.
Tx9 - Sometimes Tx9 is used and sometimes not in various applications on the ROM. Would be much better if it were one or the other.
Browser System Command Warning - Warning on dialing phone numbers from the browser seems unnecessary if the dialer is going to 'verify the number is correct' anyway.
Key backlighting - Frequently I get a reminder late at night and the phone is locked but the reminder doesn't turn on the key backlighting so I can see which option is which. Other applications are inconsistent as well.
Home start menu All Programs - I would prefer to have the option to not see 'all programs' there.
Home start menu scrolling - I don't like having to choose 'more' there. I would much prefer the scrolling through each panel of nine icons.
1,2,3,4 app - I suspect this is an HTC feature but I really dislike having one more UI to learn. When you flip the keybaord open it shouldn't prompt you with a 1 SMS, 2 email, 3 messenger and 4 exit menu even if it is for 5 seconds. Better to keep whatever menu you are in.
Weather Panel - This seems like it should use the GPS and pick a city. Also, if you turn the phone off or in flight mode and turn it back on it should recheck the GPS and change the city or prompt to change the city.
Option to keep keyboard locked even if open - Well some of us have little kids and they figure out how to get the keyboard open pretty quickly
I don't know what ships by default but some obvious codecs would be AAC, AC3 and any other standard codecs.
Additional Applications
Impromptu Meeting App - The automatic ring feature is great if you use exchange since your phone will go into vibrate mode in meetings. In fact you get kind of dependent on it handling that for you so if you go to the movies or dinner or an impromptu meeting you forget to switch to vibrate or afterward you forget to switch back. It would be nice to have an app to put a placeholder appointment on your calander for an hour or two (which would switch to vibrate) . Even better if it would remove the appointment afterward.
Shortcuts - It would be nice to create shortcuts to applications in something that shipped with the ROM.
Home Page - I know this can be changed in the registry but while someone is at it change the web homepage to igoogle or google mobile.
If I like something on Rose, it is boredom with her when setting/tweaking. Without any "exciting" seeking/trying/zilions of reflashings of ROMs.
And, to be honest, MOST of things on your list ARE included in basic settings and some others are easy to be changed by simple (permanent!) tweaks in registry. I'm lazy to collect here what's where, so just two examples:
Rose IN STANDARD supports not just AAC, but AAC+ and eAAC+ as well, others are H.263, H.264, MPEG-4...
Function of your lovely Impromptu Meeting App you can activate on standard Rose in seconds: just activate Auto in Profiles. OK, it does not vibrate (it switches into quiet mode), but it exactly switches automatically ringing behaviour based on calendar events IN STANDARD. And they're much more such things (avoiding Action Menu, keylock not deactivated by sliding of te keyboard)...
So instead of calling for extra ROM, which will do what's already there, my recommendation would be classic: Read the f..... manual first. And if anybody would see gimmicks like iGoogle on homescreen or GPS based weather as so exciting that it will deserve tens (if not hundreds) of working hours on extra ROM just for these - you'll be a lucky man.
IMHO, spending few hours with searching around for settings and these few tweaks would be much faster and time efficient...
we don't need HardSPL, SSPL would be fine. Perhaps we bribe Olipro
$10 each ? whats his price
I'm sure if one of you lent oli your rose for a bit he could work his magic and get the job done
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
I think this forum is dead no one poast here no one wants to do something with this model..are you so happy with your phones as they are without any improvements?
Maybe if someone could give as a tutorial how to make an HSPL we could do it more fast and we could make the ball rolling can someone do this?i am would be glad to help and do something for this device cuz it`s too awsome :d
shingers5 said:
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
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well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
cmonex said:
well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
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how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
shingers5 said:
how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
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I have no idea... how much is pretty cheap? I don't mind if it is SIM locked. can make SIM unlocker no problem

Almost sold my HTC Touch Pro 2 but ...

Almost sold my HTC TP2 but SOMETHING told me to wait .. Problem was I was not happy with anything about it except the quality and feel ... I have been using the iphone for over a year now. got so used to that who interface. Someone said try the SPB Mobile shell .. I did .. had an old version from I don't know how many years ago .. Didn't do it for me ... then I went to see what the latest looked like .. WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT .. After than I installed the idial pad and the icontacts freeware and my phone I believe is going to pass up my iphone. I will be passing that to my son. There are a few apps that I will miss but I might find a replacement if I keep looking .. The most missed will be the program for looking at my eBay auctions and second is something called Glucose Buddy .. iphone just makes things so simple ..
gladd that u searched and did some mods and u love your phone. cuz i do to.
Hmm... why did you get the tp2 if you had an iPhone?
DOUBLE POST .. hmmm .. how did I do that ?
I bought it because I like windows mobile .. I don't like paying to put music on my phone, I don't like paying for ringtones... on too many occasions I paid for something and it got lost ??? I don't know how, but whatever was just GONE and couldn't get it back... ON and ON ... I wish WinMo would react to touch a little better, more like the iphone, but it is close enough.
ALSO: I am a gadget-a-holic. I saw one that someone had and just had to have it ..
theonlynickleft said:
I bought it because I like windows mobile .. I don't like paying to put music on my phone, I don't like paying for ringtones... on too many occasions I paid for something and it got lost ??? I don't know how, but whatever was just GONE and couldn't get it back... ON and ON ... I wish WinMo would react to touch a little better, more like the iphone, but it is close enough.
ALSO: I am a gadget-a-holic. I saw one that someone had and just had to have it ..
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You're.gonna love it a little more...try these two cabs...
yes, I can count...got a little carried away...
telegraph0000 said:
You're.gonna love it a little more...try these two cabs...
yes, I can count...got a little carried away...
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hey telegraph, I know all those cabs except one...could you give a brief description of the HTC small menus cab? I think I know what it does, but want to be sure
sirphunkee said:
hey telegraph, I know all those cabs except one...could you give a brief description of the HTC small menus cab? I think I know what it does, but want to be sure
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It makes the menu in file explorer all fit in one screen...stock and some roms make the menu finger friendly, where you have to scroll up and down to see the rest of the menu options.
At the risk of sounding like I should have my phone taken away from me and replaced with an old Nokia or Motorola .. Is there a ROM that would transform this phone into an iphone sort of ?? What I miss the most is that with the iphone there is no digging. There is an icon for settings and the rest of the icons are applications .. I like that because I feel lost every time I pick this phone up .. Yesterday I had to go somewhere and didn't want to have that, "how do I ??" look on my face so I put my sim in my iphone and left my HTC at home ..
theonlynickleft said:
At the risk of sounding like I should have my phone taken away from me and replaced with an old Nokia or Motorola .. Is there a ROM that would transform this phone into an iphone sort of ?? What I miss the most is that with the iphone there is no digging. There is an icon for settings and the rest of the icons are applications .. I like that because I feel lost every time I pick this phone up .. Yesterday I had to go somewhere and didn't want to have that, "how do I ??" look on my face so I put my sim in my iphone and left my HTC at home ..
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Every Sense 2.5 rom offers you today screen with roll-up-applications-on-a-screen (specially Cookie`s amazing Home Tab + editor), plus every important notifiaction on a screen. If you don`t wanna change your rom, you can install Iphone today, it gives you exactly same screen interface like Iphoney - no digging, just taping and you getin` there. Check it out:forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=508429.
Thanks for the iphone today skin info. I installed it and I am tweaking this and that .. I know windows mobile people hate hearing "I love my iphone." But I will say this .. I HATE THE FACT THAT I LOVE IT .. but I miss all the other bennys that come with owning something OTHER than the iphone .. I am now happy to have the best of both worlds.
Lately my eyes are getting older [ I AM NOT THOUGH ] and I have a hard time with windows mobile, especially making calls while driving. So don't get me wrong people .. I love Windows Mobile. I love HTC phones .. I hate Apple ANYTHING .. but I not only WANT but NEED the big icons etc that I have on my iphone .. I hope to be selling my iphone or giving it to my son if he still wants it, in the near future .. He is actually talking about getting the HTC HD2 I think ..
well i know that you can increase the text size but i myself never really did check to see if it did work since i can see but go under settings -> system -> screen. then go to the text size and adjust it from there. not sure if it would work or not but hope it does do the trick for ya
You can configure SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.3's home screen to be almost a dead ringer for iPhone. I understand the thing about picking up the phone and feeling lost, but only when I'm supremely inebriated, sleepy, or trippin' pretty hard. I got SPB set up with 3 pages of quicklinks for 95% of the things I do with my phone. I like to leave the stuff that can temporarily bork the phone in a place that has to be dug out to find...
DeathmonkeyGTX said:
You can configure SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.3's home screen to be almost a dead ringer for iPhone. I understand the thing about picking up the phone and feeling lost, but only when I'm supremely inebriated, sleepy, or trippin' pretty hard. I got SPB set up with 3 pages of quicklinks for 95% of the things I do with my phone. I like to leave the stuff that can temporarily bork the phone in a place that has to be dug out to find...
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There is also an exact shell replacement that mimics the upcoming WM7.

