Calendar / birthday help - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is there an easy way to enter someone's birthday date? Currently I have to scroll back through the years (cause default date is today) until I reach the date I'm after. Another thing is that when I do this from my ppc, I can't seem to be able to set an alarm, but the option's there in outlook. Finally, is there a way to search the calendar, was trying to find a certain apointment the other day, but couldn't remember the date so had to scroll through loads of days to find it. Thanks.

Entering a birthdate is as easy as editing the contact and in the field: Birthdate just enter the day month and year...
I am sorry, but the second thing: Searching for dates. I can't help you with that!


Anniversary's in Calendar

I hope someone can answer this for me.
How do you put an anniversary in your calendar without putting a start date? Is it possible?
I have an anniversary which shows up with a line through the little arrows which stand for a recurring item.
This item doesn't show a year (number in brackets) after it on my PDA.
I have no idea how I have done this, but would want to replicate it because this would be useful for some anniversary's where I don't know the start year.
I'd like to know if is posible..
i have been trying that too.
If you insert the birthday or anniversary date in the Contacts' details, then it will show up in the calendar with the number in brackets.
Check this, but I think you have to sync the PDA with Outlook on the PC for it to do this, as I don't think the anniversaries or birthdays show up if you just alter the Contact details on the PDA - but try it.
What about for having St Patrick's day showing on your PPC. There is no start year, it is the same day every year so I don't want to have to manually put it in every year!
Any ideas for that?
Just put it in as a recuring item! There is no need to have a start year or even a year count in brackets for this type of reminder
BTW, forget St Pats day and don't forget to add April 23rd
PaulusUK said:
Just put it in as a recuring item! There is no need to have a start year or even a year count in brackets for this type of reminder
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Sorry I don't get this. If I put it in as a recurring item on an anual basis, as an all day event, then next year it automatically has a 1 in brackets after it. I don't see a way of putting it as a recurring item and not getting the year count! If it is weekly or monthly then it doesn't have it, but yearly does?
Please explain further if I am being a bit daft!
Should I put it as a timed entry?
For holidays for a specific country, in Outlook at the desktop go to options calendar options - add holidays, and choose your country. Then sync your PDA and you'll have national holidays.
For anniversary, use the contacts. That way you'll have them on calendar every year. Even if you don't know the year make a guess.

Calender / Appointments

Hi all, I have added friends birthdays as appointments in my calender. They appear in the day view or week view, but not in the month or year view. You have no idea when there is any apopitnments. Is there a way to have say for example the day in bold or a different colour in month and year view?
Also I can not find any place where i can see all my appointmnts? So if i have to look up somoens birthday.. i cant?? If i have to remember what week they are in then go to that week, whats the point. Surely there is a way to see all your appoinments somewhere?
Also what i noticed, is if you complete the birthday field in the contact, thats no use, a it doesnt appear in your calender.. which is strange.. whats the point of having a birthday field, if it doesnt show in the calender?
I have looked at Thembcalc, and although it shows you have something in the month view, you still dont know what. So if I wanted to find out when "Jim's Birthday" is.. i'd have to scroll week by week until I find it. Its not just for birthdays, but any event.. For example you book a concert in advance.. say 3 months in advance.. then you forgot when it is, so you have to find it.. Is there a list or something that you can view all events/appointmenst etc.. sortable by name/date.etc ?
Thanks in advance
Strange, I always get a triangle which indicates there is something at that date in month view, it won't say what it is untill you click on it, but atleast it would show whats on for that month anyway. All day events(like birthdays) is represented as a green square.
tsandu said:
Also what i noticed, is if you complete the birthday field in the contact, thats no use, a it doesnt appear in your calender.. which is strange.. whats the point of having a birthday field, if it doesnt show in the calender?
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if you set the contacts birthday field from outlook (PC), it automatically add it to an appointment...if you do it from PDA it doesn't......very strange....and useless of course to have to set birthday always from PC.....
I have tried adding the birhtday in contacts on the pda, and it hasnt gone into the calender, hence why i added tem as appointments. I dont want to sync it to my home or office pc, as i'd prefer the phone to my my primary organiser. My office has all work related stuff (heaps of stuff), and my home pc is used but my other hals etc, so again has more stuff then just what i need. Oh wells.. i can live with this issue..
however how can i get the list of all the appointments in the calender.. and be able to sort/and search for different fields.. ?

Calender Issues for recurring appointments

I have been trying to enter birthday as an all day and recurring appointment.
When you do this for the month that it is (ie. if i do it for december atm). Its fine. When I try to jump forward to January and set another 'all day' and recurring appointment (recurring on the same day every year), nothing happens after I press the 'done' softkey (I mean it goes to the day screen, but has no appointment added). I can only make an appointment if i do it as an 'all day' and 'does not repeat' and then go back and edit it to be recurring. Bit of a pain when you want enter birthdays for the year ahead.
Anyone got this problem or know a solution?
i have this issue as well i did let htc know about it with a long list if other problems. they then started investigating the sms problems and now they have "enough data" for a hotfix they want to close the ticket, not sure though if they meant to fix this issue as well.
As for a workaround make a non-repeating appointment, fill in all data as you want it but just a single appointment save it then edit it to make it repeating, worked for me at least.
Thanks mate
I gathered the way to get round it but it just another thing that seems not to work properly on this phone. I so want to believe its a good phone but I keep finding these bugs which make me lose faith. Anyhow, my 14 day returns ran out today so I'm stuck with it for the next 18 months! HTC and wm7 better sort it out.
I hear that, I'm in the same situation, however I don't think I would take it back overall it is a nice piece of kit just too many bugs. been thinking about getting a no hassle replacement but I really don't think it'd do anything, just need to wait for htc to do the patches, then for wm7
I have taken to using the WM 6.5 calendar when adding or editing things. This is not a WM 6.5 issue it is an issue with the Sense UI calendar. Go to Start -> outlook folder-> calendar. You get much better functionality its just not as finger friendly or pretty.
Weird thing is that when you try to enter these 'all day, yearly recurring events' nothing happens in the sense UI calender nor the outlook calender (having entered via the sense UI calender), but if you sync with my phone you get all the phantom events in that calender!

Can I add notes to dates in calendar?

Hi, I've had my HD2 for just over a week and really pleased with it
What I cannot seem to find is a way of adding a note to a day in the calendar so that when I go back to that day i can read that entry.
Therefore, could I do this with some other software?
Some sort of diary perhaps?
you can add a new note to a day by hitting menu new appointment and put the time as all day if u dont want a specific time hope that helps

[Q] New HD2 Owner with questions

I just picked up my new (T-mobile) HTC HD2, replacing my iPhone.
As nice as it is the HD2 seems far more complicated to use than the old iPhone.
I have 3 major issues I'm trying to fix and hope someone with more experience can advice me.
1-When making or recieving calls, I find it really hard to hear clearly. I'm not hard of hearing but the speaker seems way under powered. In a slightly noisey environment I have to switch to speaker to hear the caller !!
2-For some crazy reason I can only set 3 alarms, which is driving me mad. I have to keep my old iphone next to my bed to use it's alarms ( I work varied shift times )
3-After finally rearranging all my contacts to HDC happy ( no way of multiple, first name first changes ) I want to import all the birthdays into the calander. Is this possible ? In addition, I have linked many of my contacts to facebook, but the pictures randomly dissappear and I have to add them again. Can I save the complete address book so I can simply reload instead of having to update every picture when they dissappear next time ?
Any suggestions are warmly recieved.
there's an app out there that will add all the birthdays to the calendar. alternatively, if you sync your phone with Outlook on your PC it will add them to the calendar as well.
To answer your first problem, have you increased the call volumne to the maximum whilst on a call with someone? Just hit the volume rocker UP to do so.
And the second, WinMo only natively supports 3 alarms, but there are many programs out there that allow an unlimited ammount. Search the web for "Windows Mobile Alarm Programs" and you should find what you need. I would recommend bookmarking Http:// as well as They have LOADS of useful programs for WinMo, and, as their names suggest, its all freeware stuff.
And three, like xnifex said, there are programs available on the net to sync birthdays and such, or you can use Outlook. Both will require you to manually enter the birthdays in the first time on your device, so you may just have to bite the bullet on this one and spend a half hour entering data. Good thing the keyboard is bigger than the iPhone eh?
Thanks for the advice.
1- Call volume. When I set the phone volume to max in the settings I assumed this ment call volume, however now I realize I have to use the volume control actually during a call to change the volume. Problem fixed
2- Only 3 alarms. Kinda solved. I have installed a great app G-Alarm. Nice simple and well programmed. However It's still sad that I have the alarm logo under the time (desktop) that is useless. Can this icon be linked to my new alarm clock app instead of the standard one ?
3- Calander linking to address book. Yet to download an app for this, but I'm sure it'll be easy to find.
Slowly getting the hang of WM 6.5, still many other teathing problems though.
Thanks again for your help
Can this icon be linked to my new alarm clock app instead of the standard one ?
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cookies home tab mod will alter your life, and allow you to remap the various home screen sections to whatever program you want. Dont forget to get the CHTEditor too.
As samsamuel says if you want to keep the phone stock you should go with CHT...otherwise find a custom rom that fill your needs...or an android build....
Great tip, thanks for that Sam. Starting to get my HD2 the way I want it.
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
If your contacts are messed up I find easier to export as a CSV and then edit everthing in Excel. You can use this for adding mass changes and also to put in multiple calendar reminders. Then when done import it back into Outlook.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
perrygraf said:
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
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I spent 3 months learning how to tweak and setup my leo, very frustrating yet necessary process.
Now my system is fully customized to my liking.
Hang in there, it's worth the hassle!
perrygraf said:
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
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look for contact changer (its in the marketplace i think,) and make sure that your sync options are set to update in both directions.
I'm sure you're right Sam, but right now it's hours after painful hours of trying to get an out of the box product to work. I loved the apps you suggested, they certainly made it more flexible. Thanks for helping me sort alot of problems.
What I don't understand is why only some of the contacts have changed back to last name first. When I view the contacts they all show the correct first name and surname.
And 1 more thing. I managed to link my contacts birthdays into gmail calendar but it does not update my phones calendar when I sync.
perrygraf said:
What I don't understand is why only some of the contacts have changed back to last name first. When I view the contacts they all show the correct first name and surname.
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Its probably something like both the first and last both being in the same field, both in the first name, perhaps.
And 1 more thing. I managed to link my contacts birthdays into gmail calendar but it does not update my phones calendar when I sync.
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You could try Manila Birthdays which will read your contacts birthdays, and allow you to enter them into your calendar. I have read of birthdays being an issue, but mine are already there through outlook, so i never had to solve it.
Thanks again Sam. Manila Birthdays, wicked app, love it.
I've also been playing with an app called mobiwee (, a great phone tracking and wireless file manager app
Worth a look if you're interested.
Cheers again Sam
