Calender Issues for recurring appointments - HD2 General

I have been trying to enter birthday as an all day and recurring appointment.
When you do this for the month that it is (ie. if i do it for december atm). Its fine. When I try to jump forward to January and set another 'all day' and recurring appointment (recurring on the same day every year), nothing happens after I press the 'done' softkey (I mean it goes to the day screen, but has no appointment added). I can only make an appointment if i do it as an 'all day' and 'does not repeat' and then go back and edit it to be recurring. Bit of a pain when you want enter birthdays for the year ahead.
Anyone got this problem or know a solution?

i have this issue as well i did let htc know about it with a long list if other problems. they then started investigating the sms problems and now they have "enough data" for a hotfix they want to close the ticket, not sure though if they meant to fix this issue as well.
As for a workaround make a non-repeating appointment, fill in all data as you want it but just a single appointment save it then edit it to make it repeating, worked for me at least.

Thanks mate
I gathered the way to get round it but it just another thing that seems not to work properly on this phone. I so want to believe its a good phone but I keep finding these bugs which make me lose faith. Anyhow, my 14 day returns ran out today so I'm stuck with it for the next 18 months! HTC and wm7 better sort it out.

I hear that, I'm in the same situation, however I don't think I would take it back overall it is a nice piece of kit just too many bugs. been thinking about getting a no hassle replacement but I really don't think it'd do anything, just need to wait for htc to do the patches, then for wm7

I have taken to using the WM 6.5 calendar when adding or editing things. This is not a WM 6.5 issue it is an issue with the Sense UI calendar. Go to Start -> outlook folder-> calendar. You get much better functionality its just not as finger friendly or pretty.

Weird thing is that when you try to enter these 'all day, yearly recurring events' nothing happens in the sense UI calender nor the outlook calender (having entered via the sense UI calender), but if you sync with my phone you get all the phantom events in that calender!


TF3D does not update appointments - big problem

Hello @ all,
this is my first post and that is why I would like to say "hello" to everybody first
My touch HD arrived last week and I am very happy with it, but I do have a big problem that goes on my nerves!
When I add new appointments, TouchFlo3D shows the appointments just one day before, saying: Tomorrow:...
Ok, let's say, I have an appointment today at 7 pm and I had one this morning from 9 to 10 am. Now, it is quarter past three (where I live) and the Touch HD still shows me the morning appointment instead of not displaying it as it is already over.
When I now start the calendar and edit an appointment, as for example the evening appointment from today and save all changes, then TF3D updates and only shows the appointment at 7 pm.
Why doesn't it update the appointments by itself? It cannot be the intention to either restart the device or to edit something in the calender, can it?
yes, have the same probs.
Appointment from 9-10 o´clock and at 10:30 o´clock the appointment still at the home tab. The bigger problem is, when you are have the sound-option "vibrate on appiontments" active, the vibration is at 10:30 still activated without an appointment around 10:30
same problem here......
Damn...well, I do not have remind functions activated...but nonetheless, it is not acceptable the way it is.
But according to many german user do not have this problem. I'm suprised that it works in many cases correctly. So what could it be? I hard resetted the device three times already but no change.
same problem here. I checked the date settings (didn't change anything) and went back to the home tab though, everything was ok....!!!
It is annoying, but is corrected when I update and save another meeting, then the old meeting disappears finally from TF3D. Seems to be a problem updating between the Winmobile calendar app and TF3D. So either MS or HTC have to come up with a fix.
I've the same problem and i am a german user
Switching trough the tabs or reactivate Tf3D will fix it here.sometimes a restart from the device also works.difficulty to say
Appointments do not update
I have the same problem. I had an all-day event marked in my calendar for yesterday. This morning it was still showing on the TFL3D today screen.
I went into the calendar and came back out to see if the appointments would update, but they didn't.
Had to soft-reset for the appointments to update. Surely HTC don't expect people to soft-reset every morning so that the appointments update? Has anyone worked out a fix for this? Mr HTC, please can you fix this!
Same problem here.
If I close TF3D and load it again, the calendar is ok.
lamajstro said:
Hello @ all,
this is my first post and that is why I would like to say "hello" to everybody first
My touch HD arrived last week and I am very happy with it, but I do have a big problem that goes on my nerves!
When I add new appointments, TouchFlo3D shows the appointments just one day before, saying: Tomorrow:...
Ok, let's say, I have an appointment today at 7 pm and I had one this morning from 9 to 10 am. Now, it is quarter past three (where I live) and the Touch HD still shows me the morning appointment instead of not displaying it as it is already over.
When I now start the calendar and edit an appointment, as for example the evening appointment from today and save all changes, then TF3D updates and only shows the appointment at 7 pm.
Why doesn't it update the appointments by itself? It cannot be the intention to either restart the device or to edit something in the calender, can it?
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My HD with DUTCH language has the same problems After a few calls to HTC Europe in UK its now finally registered as a known issue and I'm assured that they work on a hotfix to solve this worldwide problem.
A temporary work-around is to programm a daily 'empty' appointment from 0.00 till 0.00 without any alarms or whatever. It will show up on your hometab like all the other appointments, but it will trigger it to refresh the data each morning the 0.00 passes.
michedenhaag said:
A temporary work-around is to programm a daily 'empty' appointment from 0.00 till 0.00 without any alarms or whatever. It will show up on your hometab like all the other appointments, but it will trigger it to refresh the data each morning the 0.00 passes.
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same problem here, i just added a 0.00 to 0.00 apportionment, will let everyone know if it work by tomorrow. Thx michedenhaag for the fix
One week visibility
Do you know if it is possible two have one week visibility for the upcoming events on the home of the TF3D instead of one day ?
I've the same problem and also with my mail. I let my device retreive mail every 10 min from an Imap account. But when I turn on the device then it sounds and vibrates that there is new mail. But with TF3d off it will ring as soon as my mail enters the box. So I think that TF3D has a bug with updating from the registry.
Another user with the same issue. And just like sstolk, I also noticed that emails and sms messages only update after I unlock (as in resume from standby) the device.
Another one and the same problem....
i have the same problem, i hope for a fix.
A possible (temporary I hope) solution is to rely on ActiveSync.
Create a fake exchange profile in ActiveSync and set it to update every 5 minutes (might create a connection, unsure). From what I saw so far, every "sync" forces TF3D to update. Might not be foolproof, but for now it has worked for me.
Ok, the last suggestion turned out to be false hope.
But I have a new theory. My TF3D calendar worked just fine for 3 days now (without any resets). What changed? I have not connected the phone to my PC during these three days. So the new theory is that when syncing stuff over activesync TF3D somehow fails to reconnect to the database - turning it off and on after a sync might perhaps solve the issue.
Still haven't found a permanent fix for this...
Anyone else experiencing it? Any idea how to fix it?
Let's hope they post a fix soon! If anyone finds a solution, please post it in this thread.

Outlook mobile steals focus

Hi there.
I have a little issue with outlook, when it syncs up my imap account it steals the focus and shows up as the active window. It does it wether there is new mail or not, but not every time. Same thing when the device is sleeping, i wake it back up and it shows my inbox even if outlook was closed before going to sleep.
Has anyone else had this issue (and maybe knows how to fix it) ?
Same thing happens to me also, it's not all the time but sometimes and I can't tell whats going on to make it happen.
I'm using pop.
Annoying it is though.
I had this on WM6.5 Kaiser ROM but havent had it yet on the Leo
any luck with this issue. just read some essential feeds and the mail application pop up about 10 times
I haven't had this problem for quite a while now. I haven't changed my email configuration but i did change roms a few times since then (netnrg and energy mostly). So i guess the issue is somehow fixed in recent roms.
Stop Outlook stealing focus
Make sure that Outlook is running
Go into Task Manager
Press and Hold on 'Outlook E-mail'
Select 'Add Exclusive' from the pop-up menu
You can confirm it has been added by going to the 'Exclusive' tab next.
Not sure why this is required, but this means that Outlook will always be running in the background and won't need to pop up on top of other apps (was very frustrating for me when watching movies and this would happen).

Assorted Calendar/Appointments Issues

I have a variety of issues with the Windows Mobile calendar. I tried some of the others that are available but stuck with the original because it was the only one that would show the names of my clients in a weekly view. If anyone is aware of others that will do this let me know.
It seems like when I first got my phone that I could alter repeating appointments and it would apply the changes to all appointments after the change but would leave the preceding appointments alone. This has stopped and I can update a single appointment in a series but any changes done to all the appointments in the series change the previous appointments now.
I have also experienced a problem after the change to British Summertime. All of my repeating appointments are now an hour later than they should be and I cannot find a way to change them without stopping the series and re-entering the appointment. There must be a better way!
It seems like there was another issue but it is late and my brain is dead. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Me too!
I'm interested if anyone can answer this also. I have tons of forward appointments that jumped an hour forward.

[Q] New HD2 Owner with questions

I just picked up my new (T-mobile) HTC HD2, replacing my iPhone.
As nice as it is the HD2 seems far more complicated to use than the old iPhone.
I have 3 major issues I'm trying to fix and hope someone with more experience can advice me.
1-When making or recieving calls, I find it really hard to hear clearly. I'm not hard of hearing but the speaker seems way under powered. In a slightly noisey environment I have to switch to speaker to hear the caller !!
2-For some crazy reason I can only set 3 alarms, which is driving me mad. I have to keep my old iphone next to my bed to use it's alarms ( I work varied shift times )
3-After finally rearranging all my contacts to HDC happy ( no way of multiple, first name first changes ) I want to import all the birthdays into the calander. Is this possible ? In addition, I have linked many of my contacts to facebook, but the pictures randomly dissappear and I have to add them again. Can I save the complete address book so I can simply reload instead of having to update every picture when they dissappear next time ?
Any suggestions are warmly recieved.
there's an app out there that will add all the birthdays to the calendar. alternatively, if you sync your phone with Outlook on your PC it will add them to the calendar as well.
To answer your first problem, have you increased the call volumne to the maximum whilst on a call with someone? Just hit the volume rocker UP to do so.
And the second, WinMo only natively supports 3 alarms, but there are many programs out there that allow an unlimited ammount. Search the web for "Windows Mobile Alarm Programs" and you should find what you need. I would recommend bookmarking Http:// as well as They have LOADS of useful programs for WinMo, and, as their names suggest, its all freeware stuff.
And three, like xnifex said, there are programs available on the net to sync birthdays and such, or you can use Outlook. Both will require you to manually enter the birthdays in the first time on your device, so you may just have to bite the bullet on this one and spend a half hour entering data. Good thing the keyboard is bigger than the iPhone eh?
Thanks for the advice.
1- Call volume. When I set the phone volume to max in the settings I assumed this ment call volume, however now I realize I have to use the volume control actually during a call to change the volume. Problem fixed
2- Only 3 alarms. Kinda solved. I have installed a great app G-Alarm. Nice simple and well programmed. However It's still sad that I have the alarm logo under the time (desktop) that is useless. Can this icon be linked to my new alarm clock app instead of the standard one ?
3- Calander linking to address book. Yet to download an app for this, but I'm sure it'll be easy to find.
Slowly getting the hang of WM 6.5, still many other teathing problems though.
Thanks again for your help
Can this icon be linked to my new alarm clock app instead of the standard one ?
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cookies home tab mod will alter your life, and allow you to remap the various home screen sections to whatever program you want. Dont forget to get the CHTEditor too.
As samsamuel says if you want to keep the phone stock you should go with CHT...otherwise find a custom rom that fill your needs...or an android build....
Great tip, thanks for that Sam. Starting to get my HD2 the way I want it.
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
If your contacts are messed up I find easier to export as a CSV and then edit everthing in Excel. You can use this for adding mass changes and also to put in multiple calendar reminders. Then when done import it back into Outlook.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
perrygraf said:
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
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I spent 3 months learning how to tweak and setup my leo, very frustrating yet necessary process.
Now my system is fully customized to my liking.
Hang in there, it's worth the hassle!
perrygraf said:
After spending several hours manually changing the first name first (No automatic ordering option).
I finally got it to sync and backup all my contacts to gmail. I added a few new pics, using my PC, then after updating I synced again. Only to find the whole name ordering has gone back to what it was before.
Now, randomly I get first name first and randomly last name first. Do I seriously have to spend another few hours editing each contact only to find next time I sync it will **** it all up again for me ?
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look for contact changer (its in the marketplace i think,) and make sure that your sync options are set to update in both directions.
I'm sure you're right Sam, but right now it's hours after painful hours of trying to get an out of the box product to work. I loved the apps you suggested, they certainly made it more flexible. Thanks for helping me sort alot of problems.
What I don't understand is why only some of the contacts have changed back to last name first. When I view the contacts they all show the correct first name and surname.
And 1 more thing. I managed to link my contacts birthdays into gmail calendar but it does not update my phones calendar when I sync.
perrygraf said:
What I don't understand is why only some of the contacts have changed back to last name first. When I view the contacts they all show the correct first name and surname.
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Its probably something like both the first and last both being in the same field, both in the first name, perhaps.
And 1 more thing. I managed to link my contacts birthdays into gmail calendar but it does not update my phones calendar when I sync.
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You could try Manila Birthdays which will read your contacts birthdays, and allow you to enter them into your calendar. I have read of birthdays being an issue, but mine are already there through outlook, so i never had to solve it.
Thanks again Sam. Manila Birthdays, wicked app, love it.
I've also been playing with an app called mobiwee (, a great phone tracking and wireless file manager app
Worth a look if you're interested.
Cheers again Sam

Bug in the focus software

Not sure if this was covered but the Focus has a bug in the calendar. If I want to make a recurring event I can't make it every other week. I hope they fix this in the next version. It's quite annoying.
I don't know if you sync your calendar with Live, but there are a lot more options when you create the calendar entry in Live and sync it to the phone. I use that for my more custom entries.
For example, WP7 only allows some basic Calendar reminder times. In Live, there are many more options and when you choose one, the Custom option shows up in WP7 even though you can't access it directly from WP7.
I did correct the "problem" in Live. It's just annoying trying to do it online while on the phone and a regular PC isn't available.
That is the way it is when the product is released to the public before it is actually ready.
nathantw said:
Not sure if this was covered but the Focus has a bug in the calendar. If I want to make a recurring event I can't make it every other week. I hope they fix this in the next version. It's quite annoying.
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This is Microsoft, so it is not a bug. It is a feature that keeps you safe from those pesky bi-weekly appointments. They are outdated and nobody should have any need for them anymore.
Get with the program, will you?
Fuzzy John said:
This is Microsoft, so it is not a bug. It is a feature that keeps you safe from those pesky bi-weekly appointments. They are outdated and nobody should have any need for them anymore.
Get with the program, will you?
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I realized that I should have put "missing feature" instead of "bug." Unfortunately for me, though, those darn bi-weekly appointments keep coming back to haunt me. Just when I thought it was safe....
Same boat here... I have had to enter those on my GMail calendar instead.

