Disabling superfluous com ports - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I'm looking for a way to disable some superfluous com ports in order to increase the number of free ports (for incoming bluetooth devices); mainly the infrared port which i have never used so far.
I think i saw something about that somewhere but a google search does not give any results.
does anyone know?

You can take thier driver entries out of the registry, then they'll never be loaded. Check out HKLM\drivers\builtin and just delete keys that you don't need. Of course that all goes away after a hard reset....
BTW, why do you need to do this? As I understand it, the bluetooth chipset monitors connected devices completely independently from the COM port setup. The number of COM ports on your device shouldn't limit the number of bluetooth devices you can manage. And I think there is a max of like 7 BT devices you can have connected. Maybe I'm wrong... goodluck!

You can take thier driver entries out of the registry, then they'll never be loaded. Check out HKLM\drivers\builtin and just delete keys that you don't need. Of course that all goes away after a hard reset....
BTW, why do you need to do this? As I understand it, the bluetooth chipset monitors connected devices completely independently from the COM port setup. The number of COM ports on your device shouldn't limit the number of bluetooth devices you can manage. And I think there is a max of like 7 BT devices you can have connected. Maybe I'm wrong... goodluck!

This may be related to something called 'Ghosted' or hidden ports...
(read this: http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;315539)
The MS site above basically says to do this:
Right-click My Computer.
Click Properties.
Click the Advanced (tab).
Click the Environment Variables (tab).
Set the variables in the System Variables box. Click New: Variable name: devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices, Variable Value: 1
Reset PC.
Now to delete those nasty COM ports (now that we can SEE THEM!!!)...
Right Click 'My Computer' -> Properties, Hardware Tab -> Device Manager.
View -> Show Hidden Devices
You can now expand the 'Ports(COM & LPT)' tree and see all those extra nasty COM ports: Right click & select 'uninstall' to remove each individually.
Et Viola?

You would want to do this if you're trying to ActiveSync using BT: There is a 'bug' (restriction?) in AS that means that you can only use COM ports in the range of COM0 to COM9 - Now if your PC that can use COM1 to COM255 (which, stupidily enough, can only assign itself sequential port numbers) is stuck at say COM17, you're buggered (Like I was)!
Now if you think I spouting crap then GREAT - I would love for you to say 'Andy dude, you're spouting crap mate, let me educate you'... :wink:
I say this because a mate of mine said that you >don't< have to match COM ports - i.e. think real world - Just because COM ports on the back of devices are numbered differently, doesn't mean you can't connect them together... The jury's out on this one :?

Aren't you guys getting confused - I think he's talking about COM ports on his Universal, not on his PC...


hacking the SD-GPS driver to support COM6

I have the Pharos SD-iGPS hardware (SD card GPS)
It insist on installing to COM4
if it fails, like it does on my XDA II with 1.60 (COM4 = BT)
it reverts to "COM0"
this "COM0" is accessible via software (ZTERM)
but most GPS software can't find it (they are hard-coded COM1-9)
I've searched the SDGPS.DLL, and I can see it exports
COM_Close COM_Deinit etc ... a whole setup of COM io.
I hoped to find, hard-coded "COM4" but I've got no luck:-(
How do I proceed? this is a 19k driver inside s DLL.
Can I disassemble (which tool?) and find what syscall set for COM4?
Can someone tell me what I need to look for in Binary/Hex editor?
Having looked at the way the PPC load devices,
I believe the answer is to add "Index 7" or something similar
to the resitry regarding this driver
It lists
Prefix COM
It is my understading that, "Index" provides the COM port#,
and by default it is the "next up".
The system uses COM1 - serial COM2-phone i/o COM3-InfraRed
so by default it should go to COM4
Yet this causes a problem (MS BUG?) with the COM4/COM5 for BT.
I will try to add to the above registry
Index 7
and see what happens ...
Did this work for you? If so, what registry key did you enter exactly?

COM1: occupied!!!

Did anyone have the same problem:
Most of the times, opening the serial port on COM1: works fine. But sometimes, after a hard reset for instance, opening the port fails. If one checks through the eVC++ Process viewer, one sees that the corresponding DLL got loaded by device.exe.
I couldn't fathom out what app causes that problem, it must be one that comes with the device, as it happens after hard reset. ActiveSync is activated for 'USB, so this shouldn't cause it.
Any idea what app blocks COM1: ?
Device :Qtek2020
You can make a wrapper around COM1 driver and log all processes that are trying to open it. This will help you to find the program. But as far as I see only WMODEM app uses COM1. Or maybe system at startup checks all COM ports for a modem.
It was the beam, thanks a lot for your answers. It gets activated by default after hard reset. Looks like a bug to me: that ircomm which is mapped to another virtual port number should block COM1..

How to use the WM5 GPS App?

Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
WM5 GPS Application
Hi Chris!
I have an O2 XDA Mini S and i am missing the GPS Menue in WM5 and i think it would be helpfull in connecting with my GPS Bluetooth receiver.
It sounds that you know how it is activated so that i can try some changes. Would be nice to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
ßeta said:
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I tried your soluce but it doesn't work on my Qtek9100 (Orange SPV M3000). The registry key is changed as shown, but after a soft reset, the "redirect" key reappears and my modifcations are not applied.
Does anyone have an idea ? :roll:
you must make sure that the changes are saved after the registry changes
otherwise as you say nothing happens
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
Is anybody able to help with my original question?
Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
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lskb: I don't use GPS and don't have one, but I enabled the GPS settings page anyway.
It seems fairly descriptive to me, but I would guess, the Programs page basically deals with programs that have difficulty connecting to certain com ports (ie it's used for com port redirection).
So eg, if TomTom MUST be configured to a GPS receiver on COM2, set your settings in the Programs tab to COM2.
Hardware is the actual "physical" com port the gps receiver is linked to. Again, depends on your bluetooth setup/hardware pairing. But eg if your GPS receiver is connected to COM4, set this to COM4. Baud will typically be dictated by your software/hardware setup.
Access is for apps that don't like sharing the bluetooth/GPS receiver. Leave it as it is, ensure the first two tabs are correct, and if you're having troubles but you're certain they're Tab 1 and 2 are correct, or you know for a fact other people have found it helpful, untick the Access checkbox.
Thanks for that, but I have a question. When you say hardware, you mean something phyiscally connected to the Wizard or by a bluetooth connection? If you mean the latter, then I am not sure that that is correct as the range of selectable baud rates looks wrong.
Thus, my bluetooth gps is installed on an outgoing com port 6 in the bluetooth settings area. The baud rate specified for my gps is 38400. Am I supposed to set the hardware com port to 6 (despite the fact that it is already set in the bluetooth area)? And if yes, how do I set the baud rate, as 38400 is not capable of selection....
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
well, i have exactly sam eproblems like Iskb. I set the hardware port to com 6. (Vario and Navilock BT unit). Then, when i am trying to connect to my BT module, there is no chance to establish the connection at this given port. I am forced to choose another one (ie COM7). I thought that the GPS manager would work in some way like GPSgate do, but it seems not to be true
make sure in the original com port area the bt modem is not listed on any port,
after you have enabled the com port in the new gps icon and then selected it in the navigator software, change the new gps icon port back to none, and then you can create a "New Outgoing Port" using the original com ports link.
hope this makes sense to somebody :?:

Using multiple GPS apps simultaneously - A small investigation

Searched all forums for ( GSP , Comports, Multple, split comport, duplex )
I have no troubles using any GPS app on my Universal (MDA Pro)
However, using...... GPS gate (buyware)
....or the free GPS splitter that comes with
Microsoft Virtual Earth Mobile (freeware, GPS icon suddenly appears under settings-connections after install of Microsoft Virtual Earth Mobile,
....or app found at http://www.gpsmeter.com/ (browse to portsplitter)
i am still unable to successfully run two GPS apps at the same time.
Don't get me wrong, I DO succeed in getting two GPS apps READ the data.
Both apps will show connection , for instance TomTom together with my own app PocketReperion, but tried with Visualgpsce http://www.visualgps.net/VisualGPSce/ and a lot of other apps too.
Symptoms : Even though successfull in setting up various comsplitters to send data to 1 virtual port, and have multiple GPS application accessing them, I am unable to get that situation stable.
So the concept on a lot if ISO layers has been proven, why the hell doesn't it work for longer that say a minute, 4 minutes, not at all, 10 seconds...
It seems that most comsplit apps are rather "reset" intensive (tested on clean device) and even when it does work for a while something will lockup and a reset is again necessary.
Does anybody use the blue GPS icon (free after install virtual earth mobile) to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Does anybody use GPSGATE to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Does anybody use the PortSplitter linked to above..to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Please share your thought and expierences with me as I really really want to solve this issue. Be it for my "own" app, but also for all the other ones out there.
GPS port splitting multiple GPS apps on 1 receiver
Small BUMP : Doesn't anyone use portsplitting in whatever form, or am I really the UeBerGEEK here ?
It Works !!
All I had to do is download http://www.gpsmeter.com/ portsplitter as discussed in the other threads, HOWEVER......
Instead of what manuals seem to say, even from other softwarez like GPSGate, create TWO or more VIRTUAL ports in PORTSPLITTER!! Connect each GPS app to a DIFFERENT VIRTUAL PORT.
Also, when pairing and configuring your GPS, try taking a high Comport like 9. Go down one if no success.
Then when configuring PORTSPLITTER, don't be alarmed that your COMPORT isn't in the drop down list, MANUALLY enter "COMx" without the usual ":" where x stands for a number..the high real COM portnumber you configured when pairing/setting up.
You must use your keyboard or the stylus to manually enter the Comport if it is not in your dropdown list in PORTSPLITTER..
for speedreaders :
install PORTSPLITTER http://www.gpsmeter.com
use highest physical COMport available to pair your GPS
Define TWO virtual ports (instead of what seems to be written everywhere or am I really lame?)
Connect each Application to different virtual ports
My setup on a T-Mobile MDA Vario II (with Cingular ROM)
Physical Port 9
Virtual Ports in PORTSPLITTER 4,8
Hardware COMport in PORTSPLITTER (COM9 had to manually enter it, it was unavailable from drop down.... .... ...)
TomTom Navigator mapped to virtual COM8 (Didn't show up in TOMTOM until PORTSPLITTER running and connected to GPS.. ..)
Reperion *sweet favorite GPS app" mapped to Virtual COMPort 4 (Reperion eats all ports, no problems there....)
Please o please report...

Asus VivoTab Smart GPS port

The built-in GPS works fine with the map/GPS programs from Win8 Microsoft Store. I have several desktop map programs (e.g., MapPoint, Microsoft Streets 2013, OziExplorer, etc.) which look for a serial or USB port in order to talk to the GPS unit. Does anyone know how to get these programs talk to the internal GPS unit (e.g., COM port #, baud rate, etc.)? THANKS.
That information may be available in Device Manager. An alternative, somewhat silly but actually viable option: hunt up a copy of Hyperterm (or similar) and, assuming it runs on Win8 (I haven't tried), check your COM ports for GPS traffic and tweak the baud rate until it looks like NMEA (I assume that's what your software expects).
With that said, it's possible that the internal GPS doesn't use the standard ports at all, and instead just uses the new Windows Location APIs. That would probably mean you would need to write a cross-over program that uses the new APIs to retrieve the location, translates them into NMEA, and pushes them to a virtual COM port. Probably possible to write, but not trivial. I hope/assume that the Location framework can be used in desktop apps, but I haven't actually checked; Metro apps may not be able to access COM ports in which case you would need to write to some inter-process-accessible resource that can be reached from the AppContainer - a loopback network connection or possibly a file may be workable, I don't know if named pipes are reachable - and then a desktop application to connect the metro app to the virtual COM port. HUGE kludge, I know.
GoodDayToDie said:
That information may be available in Device Manager. An alternative, somewhat silly but actually viable option: hunt up a copy of Hyperterm (or similar) and, assuming it runs on Win8 (I haven't tried), check your COM ports for GPS traffic and tweak the baud rate until it looks like NMEA (I assume that's what your software expects).
With that said, it's possible that the internal GPS doesn't use the standard ports at all, and instead just uses the new Windows Location APIs. That would probably mean you would need to write a cross-over program that uses the new APIs to retrieve the location, translates them into NMEA, and pushes them to a virtual COM port. Probably possible to write, but not trivial. I hope/assume that the Location framework can be used in desktop apps, but I haven't actually checked; Metro apps may not be able to access COM ports in which case you would need to write to some inter-process-accessible resource that can be reached from the AppContainer - a loopback network connection or possibly a file may be workable, I don't know if named pipes are reachable - and then a desktop application to connect the metro app to the virtual COM port. HUGE kludge, I know.
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so there is no app that will work with the built in gps even for desktop mode? I tried Maps(that comes with windows 8) and only locates my ip not gps position

