Problem with XDA Exec Rom update, please help! - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Downloaded the XDA Exec Rom update on to my laptop and then went about the install and followed the instructions. The next thing I know an error message pos up and when I look at my PDA the screen has gone completely blank!
I have hard restarted the PDA and just can't now get it to work. All I can see on an unlit screen horizontally at the top is 'USB' and at the bottom 'v1.00'.
ActiveSync will not recognise the device so now completely nadgered! Has Windows Mobile been completely wiped off the PDA?
Please help if you can!

Exec problem
I'm no expert but I had a similiar problem and resolved it as follows.
Disconnect the USB cable from the PC. Reboot the PC. Reconnect the USB. Run the ROM upgrade again and all should be well. I hope..... :lol:

I had this happen late last year, hard reset the device (using the two minus keys on the top row of the keyboard, at the same time press and hold the stylus in the reset button), then connect and re-run the new ROM installer, it wil take quite some time, about 50 mins if memory is correct, but this did work - Mke

Thank you very much indeed, it has worked! Have a fantastic day :lol:



ok I just got my mda out of the new box it was working fine.
I tried to update the rom, everything went well until 88% when the pc outta nowhere shut off. I dont know why it did this , my pc never turns off.
now its stuck in the RUU red green blue screen
some one plz heeeeeeeeeeelp
sometimes you can begin the update process all over again, and the rom flash will recover and complete.
Don't fret dude, all is not lost, I take it you didn't make a backup of your device to SD? Well no worries go to this thread try to read up as much as you can there to make sure your not doing anything wrong, it's better to take an extra 15min reading then spending 1 hr worried about your machine. Question 2 I think applies to you:
"Q2 : What to do if the device hold at splash screen after upgrade?
- connect the device with usb cable
- hold the "voice dial" and shortly press the reset button by stylus
- release the reset button and wait for the USB color screen
- download and run the shipped ROM upgrade program (with .exe file extension) e.g. ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/HTC_Wizard/Roms/
- you device will be bootable again.
- then start aWizard and run through the 'e', 'u', 'w' one by one. Of coz you have to connect your phone to ActiveSync before running the 'e' option. "
I hope your able to fix your problem bro, good luck!
Jesus, your title makes me want to hit you in the nose. Learn to spell
As for the update, I've never had a problem fixing it by doing what the poster above said. Mine was totally dead at one stage.

xda mini s help required quick please

i recently jsut received new xda mini s from insurance company after i broke last one, i cant make a claim within 6 months so i need help, i was setting up software last nite after clickin corparate mode and after i installed pocket controller i run the software on xda and clicked video settins and trest and now the xda has crashed and wont load past the operator screen do you know how i can resolve this prob
phone has been on for 22 hours now, shall i jsut drain the battery down some how and install it all agaain, i ahve tried hard resetting it that dont work and have tried soft erst that dosent do anythin
please help thanks
chadders said:
i recently jsut received new xda mini s from insurance company after i broke last one, i cant make a claim within 6 months so i need help, i was setting up software last nite after clickin corparate mode and after i installed pocket controller i run the software on xda and clicked video settins and trest and now the xda has crashed and wont load past the operator screen do you know how i can resolve this prob
phone has been on for 22 hours now, shall i jsut drain the battery down some how and install it all agaain, i ahve tried hard resetting it that dont work and have tried soft erst that dosent do anythin
please help thanks
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What method of hard resetting did you try?
If hard reset does not work get to the bootloader screen (multicolored) by holding down camera button and preset reset button.
You can then reflash your rom - does not have to be activesynced to do this - as long as you have a small 'usb' on bottom left of bootloader screen when connected to pc it should work.
I guess this is the rom thats already on your device ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/o2/Xda_Minis_Upgrade_v2.21.4.101.exe
whats the boot loader screen, all the phone loads upto is the bit before windows mobile shows when you first turn it on
comes up with 02 logo, jsut tried tgettin bootloader up does fone have 2 b off or on
chadders said:
whats the boot loader screen, all the phone loads upto is the bit before windows mobile shows when you first turn it on
comes up with 02 logo, jsut tried tgettin bootloader up does fone have 2 b off or on
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Turn phone off - then press camera button and hold - press power on button whilst still holding camera button. Bootloader screen should come up (multicolored)
right so far i can do all the stuff u said what do i do once i have got the usb bit in the bottom left hand corner
chadders said:
right so far i can do all the stuff u said what do i do once i have got the usb bit in the bottom left hand corner
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Just download the rom mentioned above - connect device to computer (does not have to activesynced) and run the rom intaller and the rom will install.
how big is the file
chadders said:
how big is the file
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50mb or so, shall take a while to download :wink:
and once that has finished do i just install it and that will flash the rom will it and the phone will work again yeah
chadders said:
and once that has finished do i just install it and that will flash the rom will it and the phone will work again yeah
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I certainly hope so
how long does it take to do this and what info will i loose off phone
chadders said:
how long does it take to do this and what info will i loose off phone
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The rom install usually takes 10 mins or so - dont worry it usually stalls a while around the 70-80% mark a while - just wait and be patient until its 100%. It will return to factory condition so all your data will be lost i am afraid. If you have synced with outlook before your pim info can be restored from there.
i was only jsut settin it back up anyway and it didnt work just now the update but it dont the error revoery adn its working again done 75 so far
Just tried to upgrade my XDA mini to this new ROM (v2.21.4.101). Everything seemed to be going swimmingly - I installed the ROM and the thing booted up ok. I then did a soft reset before all the o2 stuff installed. I then went to do a restore (having previously backed up using spb backup) and it almost completed but then the mini s rebooted itself again.
Ever since, it will only get as far as a page which has most of the bar at the top of the screen (the signal strength icon, battery strength and GPRS indicator are all there), but not the start button. Underneath that is just a blue screen with the Windows Mobile logo. The backlight will come on if I press any of the buttons but otherwise it is not responding.
I've tried holding down the camera button and pressing the on/off button and also camera button and the reset button, but neither of them seem to do anything.
I've tried reinstalling the rom from the PC but it says it can't find my device.
Rather bizarrely, if I call myself from another phone, the device rings and says incoming call, so the thing obviously isn't totally dead.
What can I do to sort this out?

Help!!! my atom life is dead

I don't know what happened to my Atom Life. After switching off the wifi, it became frozen. Then I made a soft reset and it went through the o2 welcome page and windows mobile page, then at the next page it hangs with the white screen with the blue time/signal bar on top. Nothing happen after that. I try hard reset by removing the battery but no prevail. I email o2 supports but their reply are very slow. Please help!!! thanks
reinstall the rom
roblyh said:
I don't know what happened to my Atom Life. After switching off the wifi, it became frozen. Then I made a soft reset and it went through the o2 welcome page and windows mobile page, then at the next page it hangs with the white screen with the blue time/signal bar on top. Nothing happen after that. I try hard reset by removing the battery but no prevail. I email o2 supports but their reply are very slow. Please help!!! thanks
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Same thing happened to my phone weeks ago... I use atom pure. With the help of these forums and moderators i was able to solve the problem.
Have you done this and experienced the ff:
1. take out battery and sim leave for 30 mins to 1 hour
2. fully charge the battery then insert the sim
3. soft reset and hard reset. in the hard reset it stops at a screen where it says its processing the d deletion of files (restoring where it first started)
4. open using soft reset and camera click
... yellow/green light is working
Solutions below were given to me by one of the Senior Members here in this forum (jiggs) and my phone is now working well...
You just have to upgrade your ROM to correct the problem. It seems that the ROM (software) in your device has been corrupted, and is not functioning correctly.
You can download the latest ROM at the
To update your device, do the following:
1. go into bootloader mode: press CAMERA+RESET(Stylus) simultaneously for a second
2. ignore the display
3. connect the device to PC with USB to miniUSB connector
4. Run the upgrade ROM from
5. just follow the instruction on screen... basically, you will just click on next, next, next, and watch it till it finishes.
This procedure, however, erases, everything on your device. So, if you have something in there, it will be gone after the upgrade.
Hope you regularly back up your files...

Touch Screen not working HELP!!!

Two days ago my phone started to freeze up and the touch screen wouldn't work sometimes. Yesterday the phone froze so I pressed the reset button and when it turned back on the touch screen stop working for good. So I decided to do a master reset hoping it will work again, and now Im stuck on the windows mobile screen (green) and it says "tap the screen to set your windows mobile based device" but my touch screen doesn't work. Don't no what to do, the phone is stuck on this screen, please help!
this happened to me the other day. it was because of a program i had installed. all i had to do is uninstall the program and soft-reset. you shouldnt have master resetted. now you have to reflash your phone. what service and phone do you have? check the other posts for your oem rom. if you cant find it i'll help you with reflashing. good luck.
could b an easy fix wen it happened to me i was freakin i read somewere even the smallest thing between the screen and i dont a good word for it . were the srceen meets the phone one corner of my screen protecter was just between them the smallest peice in there took out my screen i anmost took it to get fixed im not saying u wont but make sure u clean the edges make sune theres nothing u in there first gl
Touch screen problem again
I have the same issue too, after hard-resetting the pda (HTC P4350) it is stuck on green screen with message " tap the screen to set up your windows mobile based device". The problem is touch screen of it is not working for quite a long time and because of this i have been using another p4350, but i think i am so careless and after dropping the second one into the water (it stayed only 3-4 seconds) its usb syncronization stopped to work, it can be charged but no data connection through usb cable (i have checked 3-4 different usb cables). Now i have a lot of information saved in the second one and i need to sync it with pc without using usb cable. I have planned to substitute pim.vol file of the first one with the second, then i will connect the first one to usb and finally sync. But this green screen really make me dissappointed.
Can anyone help me on this matter.
Thank you for all (at least for reading my problem)
sprogo said:
i have the same issue too, after hard-resetting the pda (htc p4350) it is stuck on green screen with message " tap the screen to set up your windows mobile based device". The problem is touch screen of it is not working for quite a long time and because of this i have been using another p4350, but i think i am so careless and after dropping the second one into the water (it stayed only 3-4 seconds) its usb syncronization stopped to work, it can be charged but no data connection through usb cable (i have checked 3-4 different usb cables). Now i have a lot of information saved in the second one and i need to sync it with pc without using usb cable. I have planned to substitute pim.vol file of the first one with the second, then i will connect the first one to usb and finally sync. But this green screen really make me dissappointed.
Can anyone help me on this matter.
Thank you for all (at least for reading my problem)
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use the buttons to navigate to the screen alignment setting...[press the windows key, navigete to settings and click, scroll to bottom tab system, click on screen. Navigate to align screen and click, then use stylus to recalibrate. Hope it works.

Problem while booting my trinity phone

I have got my trinity phone one year ago and never had a problem since last week. When starting my phone, it stops on the first screen (with "orange" logo) and nothing more happens.
I tried to reset it without succeed. The phone is not detected by the "activeSync" to make it flushable.
Help please !
Yves Florent CK
my problem is mor or less the same... only that dont apears any image on screen and the green led is constantly on...
I have loaded a long time ago an old version of ROM Gelly.
This ROM worked perfectly to a friend who suggested to do the same with my trinity.
The PROBLEM is that when i try to open the pda it freezes to the first srceen showing the rom version and after....nothing!
I tried to load again Gelly from the bootloader, it begins to run, it runs about 1% then the trinity makes a flash (this means it loses the connection with the pc) and then shows me again the first screen....
Please i need help!
me to. i try install the rom original and my pda is living again.
try this to
2 things ...
have you tried a hard reset ? (hold both softkeys & hit reset button)
and when flashing:
when you first run the rom upgrade from PC with phone on Activesync, it is quite common for phone to hang at the bootloader screen ...
worry not -
just re-run the upgrade from PC again immediately, without disconnecting or attempting to switch phone off.
(the word USB should be visable on device under the coloured bars)
if you do get hung up at bootloader screen a hard reset should at least get you back to where you were, and you can try re-flash again.
hope this helps,
My trinity won't work anymore...
Hi all!
My trinity wont't work anymore. When i press the ON/OFF-button, the display is lighten up a bit, then the buttons are lighten up. And nothing more.
When i will go to bootloader mode, it is the same.
And when i will to a hard reset, the trinity ask me to press SEND or END key for restore factory default or cancel. When i choose the SEND key, on my display some ridicoulous letters appear, but nothing more.
When i try KITL mode, everything is the same.
Can someone help please?
Because i can't do something on my trinity
EDIT (maybe this can help my helper ):
After some time, the display and the buttons are not lighten up anymore.
When i try to charging the battery, it only works, when the buttons are not lighten up (when i switch on, charging is ok; when the display is lighten up a bit, charging is ok; when the buttons are lighten up, charging won't work; when the display and the buttons are not lighten up anymore after a time, charging is ok)
hi... i have a similar problem.. i tried soft reset, hard reset, but my phone wont go past the boot screen.. previously i just updatet the windows mobile from 5 to 6 and the phone crashed half way throw.. can some one help me.. by the way the windows mobile was one update from the web...
never mind... problem solved... tks anyhow
weezer_88 said:
never mind... problem solved... tks anyhow
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ok solved...
Can you tell how you did it?
weezer_88 said:
hi... i have a similar problem.. i tried soft reset, hard reset, but my phone wont go past the boot screen.. previously i just updatet the windows mobile from 5 to 6 and the phone crashed half way throw.. can some one help me.. by the way the windows mobile was one update from the web...
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But my trinity don't go to the boot screen, nothing on the display but lighten up slightly...
Nevertheless, can you please post, how you solved your problem?
THANK YOU in advance!
I downloaded the original Rom windows mobile 5 from then entered in KITL mode, connected the usb and reinstalled the original Rom, and all was fine...

