Reinstall ActiveSync on device - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have had problem since I have installed the new Tmobile 2.17 rom.
Not at the begining but after isntalling a few programs it started screwing up. Now I cant do proper sync with the windows PC it give me a sync error and starts going into Guest mode for syncing.
Is there a way to uninstall activesync from the wizard and resintall a clean version ?
Thank you


active sync recognizes device default as guest..!

just when i thought the 91% loading thing was a problem... here comes another one.!
recently i updatd the ROM it is now 1.52.00WWE , ROM date: 10/23/03, radio version: 1.10.00, Ext rom version: 1.03.29
after the update i realise that the following problems have occurred..!
1. Activesync is recognizing the machine initially as ctota ( default name of my imate) but getting connected as guest. i am not able to make a standard partnership
2. MSN messenger seems to be just an icon.. it doesnt open up
3. Voice command has been corrupted and does not open..!
all this of course happened after the xback up and restore happened in my sandisk 512
not sure if this a problem with the rom update or otherwise..!
did anyone face this problem before?? or is it possible for anyone to gimme a solution...!
cherish tota
when i updated my rom the same thing happent to my msn messenger
it turned out that it were because when it sync'd it got some bad stuff from the messenger update for 2002 and when i uninstalled the messenger update and installed the messenger update for 2003 it fixed it
the msn update id understand.. but what im not able to make sense is the default guest profile.,... usually asks me... if a guest machine comes to sync with my laptop if a standard relationship / guest rltnship is to be made...
also that while booting my comp showing that it cannot open activesync...!! rather surprising..!
any advice??
cant you setup a new patnership which is not a guest ?
no dude.. not able to do an active partnership at all..!!
as stated earlier... it is going in as default guest...!! HELP..!!
all my s/ws worldmate pro.. avantgo..satPPC and ofcourse the outlook is nto getting synced..!
i would uninstall and reinstall activesync and outlook
making sure it's version 3.7.1
I am having exactly the same problem.
My XDA II synchs as a guest.
Did you figure out how to solve this problem?
I have found a way out!!
1. Go to Active sync without connecting your device then delete all partnerships available.
2. Connect your device and create a new partnership.
Thats it.. :wink:

Can't install programs over active sync 4.1

Suddenly i can't install programs tru active sync anymore.
It worked until yesterday i wanna install a program but i didn't apear on my vario.
Try it for some times but it would not work.
Today i want to install another program this would also not install on my vario.
What is the problem?? does anyone know.
Did Activesync stop synching before that ? Or did it crash during some install ? I had this too, my programs list on my wizard went empty, couldnt install/deinstall/synchronise anymore. Reinstall of ActiveSync did not work so I was forced to hard-reset my device in able to work with it again .... thanks ms activesync ...

Qtek S200 Active sync not working Drivers needed

Hello all,
I have bought qtek S200 recently and i have spent a lot of man hours trying to get this thing to sync with my desktop computer. it works fine with my laptop however doesn't want to sync with my desktop.
I get an new hardware wizard when i plug my pda into the USB requests for me to point to the drivers because windows was unable to find drivers.. I have gone through troubleshooting steps where disabling firewall / ant virus. Uninstalling active sync reinstalling / downgrading active sync and upgrading no luck. doesn’t matter if i try 3.8 or 4.2 it doesn't want to recognize my device and asks for the drivers.
i have windows xp with service pack 2 installed. so at this point i am wondering if someone has the driver files for it ? or what should be next step, any help would be appreciated.
Don't even try with activesync 3.8. It doesn't support WM5. Use 4.1 or 4.2...
Can't help beyond that...
I tought I had tried everything as well, when I found this utility over at Modaco (apparently included in the latest Dopod ROM).
Install and switch from RNDIS to Serial using the program and voila - worked like a charm for me!
Hope it helps!
After fighting with this device and my system for about 2 weeks. i noticed that my system had become so unstable that it wont' accept any new hardware. I tried installing a new 3COM network card and mostly 3com NIC's dont' require drivers however my system poped a window stating can't find drivers and put the device in system not working properly status.
so then i decided to format my computer and after the format, installed service pack 2 for xp and tried ACTIVE SYNC. without a problem it worked fine.

Downgrade from WM6 to WM2003SE activesync problem

i have just downgraded from WM6 to WM2003SE (o2 XDA offical rom 1.40 for AUS) and i cannot sync the device.
i have completely set the device back to it's original state, ext rom, main rom, radio rom. it works fine.
i receive an error when i try to sync with my laptop.. (which it used to sync with when i put WM6 on the device).
the error is - cannot verify the version of activesync on your device, a program such as a firewall may be blocking a port activesync uses to connect to your device, you may need to upgrade to a more recent version or activesync
i have removed activesync, deleted all the registry entries, folders and files relating to activesync that i could find. reinstalled activesync, still no luck.
-> i can get the device to sync with my desktop without any problems (i never used the desktop to sync to it when WM6 was installed)
however all my data is on the laptop.
Any ideas ?
what version of activsync are you using??
i think with WM2003SE an older version of activsync is required.
i'm using activesync 4.5 and it has worked before..
it's like the laptop still thinks it's WM6..
the PDA will sync on the desktop (which i don't use) but won't sync on the laptop which has all my data.
Does anybody know what the value of the registry entry under
HKLM/software/microsoft/windows CE services/version should be ??

ActiveSync / WMDC issue solved

Posting this so maybe other people can profit from my experiences.
The last couple of days I've been strugling to get my HD2 synchronized again with Outlook on PC after flashing a new ROM. Never had problems getting Active Sync running after flashing.
Just so you know......I'm not a noob, I've flashed new ROMs many times, and YES, I also do a Task 29 before flashing.
Anyway, after flashing the latest Energy ROM, I tried to connect to the PC again, but WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center) just showed a big red cross with a nice comment that said: ERROR. I could see the HD2 in My Computer, could access both the Device and the Storage Card, but I was not able to set up a Partnership to be able to Sync my Contacts and Calendar.
I started troubleshooting, looking in the Windows Eventlog, Googling for Active Sync / WMDC errors, and tried all things below to get it to work again:
- disable Fast Data Sync in ActiveSync on the HD2
- deleted the Windows Mobile Network Adapter and the HTC Leo devices from Device Manager, and let them install again
- uninstalled and re-installed WMDC
- Soft Reset of the HD2
- Hard Reset of the HD2
- Did a System Restore in Vista to a point BEFORE flashing the ROM
- Flashed to other versions of the Energy ROM (including the one that was on the HD2 when it Synched without problem)
Nothing worked, so I was really getting desperate because I need my Contacts and Appointments
I then dug up my old HTC Wizard which connected without a problem
So, it had to be something in my HD2, it couldn't be the ROM because the same ROM worked before.
I didn't sleep very well last night, constantly thinking about this problem
Then this morning it suddenly hit me........
I've been using XDA-UC on the Energy ROM, but I realised that since the last time I flashed a new ROM, I had included an XML file to setup my GMail Sync via Exchange (created by Makisu).
I deleted the XML file from XDA-UC, did a Hard Reset, connected to my PC and YES !!!!!!!!
I have now established my Partnership and synched my Contacts and Calendar succesfully.
I also manually added My Exchange settings for GMail and that's working too.
Maybe it's time to start using Change Management for my HD2 so I won't have problems like this in the future
Anyway, hope this may be of help for other people that have Activesync issues.

