gone and broke it - PDA2, XDA IIi, 2020i Software Upgrading

any help is gratefully received.
i was doing a rom update(pugs) and the unit has become stuck in what i think is bootloader mode. the screen is dark and displays "serial v1.01
after much searching on this forum i tried to hard reset then run maupgradeut again.
problem is that activesync no longer detects my device.
ive tried pressing power/reset/action buttons to no effect.does this mean i now have a pretty coffee coaster.

now you were at bootloader mode. try remove the device n put it back on cradle, for sure windows will detect it. after that, try run the upgrade again. The problem that you're having now are same like me when I first bought my device. The answer is good being a newbies n ready to ask question at here. hahahahah

now youve hit the nail squarely on the head. i thought i knew enough to update but when its gone boobies up realised i dont.
ive tried resetting the device and then connecting to my pc several times with no success.
anyone know how to take the device out of bootloader mode. im hoping theres a backup stored on the device that will boot...or...anyone know how to get the pc to recognise the damn thing before i launch it out of the window(all the way to an o2 shop).
im sure im not alone(can hear the voices)

took some brain power on my part. turns out microsoft activesync was the problem.
upgraded to the latest version and everything went as it should.


XDA II Coma like state

Right guys and girls, this "coma" stuff is driving me MAD!!!!!!!!!
okie the latest example is last night i put the XDA on charge not in the cradle as usual as i was not at home, but that seems to make no difference, anyhow i turn the screen off by pushing the power button (top left) yellow light turns on and begins to charge, next morning i pick up the device to use it and nothing.....not a sausage, dead as a doe-doe.
Im not able to power it on, im not able to "wake it up" with a call to it, buttons do not work at all, screen is dead, the yellow light stays on even when charger not connected, however it turns of several hours later.
Ok at this point in the past the only way to fix this was to hard-reset it, which is a royal pain in the arse as you all know, and lost all my info i worked on, on that last trip.
Except this time, it really is dead, Hard-reset dont work, removing the main battery and letter the internal one take the hit dont work, verious combos of reset, hard-reset, with and without battery. nothing
nope, this time it seems totally screwed, anyone have any ideas
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
Anyhow in a bid to remain slightly more sain than i will be i was hoping that some of you guys have had a problem like this or even better know how to fix it
How you can help
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
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well maybe your phone is just broken
being angry at o2 will not help anything they dont make the hardware they dont make the software they just sell the device
Hum, intresting, before i start, O2 is to blame, in the world of retail and more importantly sales contracts, they are my first and direct point of call, in law, when i give them cash and they except it, they are entering in a contract which sticks them in the position to be blamed, however it is not about blame, its about getting somthing done about it, and they are the people who pull the stings, i do understand that they do not make these devices but thats not the point.
16 year old kids may be a bit put out when there phone stops working, however those who need there phone / PDA to work have more issues when things go wrong.
Whats more intresting is that 1 hour ago, the phone unexpectedly turned on by its self, although not surprisingly, all the data was lost. It seems to of woke its self up when the last remaints of power in the internal battery was about to die, to tell me this information.
Whilest i cant conferm this, if the others who have had this problem before
were to leave the phone off the charger for the battery to die, without trying the usual hard reset, i would expect it to wake up to tell you its about to die and then at this point plug the charger back in and hay presto!
well i'm not saying that you cant sue or demand your money back or place the blame on o2 i'm just saying that you cant expect then to solve your problem apart from reporting the issue to thc who again can blame it on microsoft
What ROM version do you have on your machine?
I had the same problem with my MDA2 which came with ROM version 1.60 or something like that, but I managed to upgrade my MDA2 to 1.72WWE that I found somewhere in this forums and the problem was solved ever since. I even had lots of sudden SD memory wipes, so far so good... It's been like 4 or 5 months since the upgrade and counting...
The upgrade procedure was performed via the cradle and not via the SD card. But if for some reason you can't manage to boot your device you can always try the SD upgrade method.
I really don't remember the procedure but you can find lots of information somewhere in this forums.
Have you tried to get into Boot mode and then reset the device just to see what happens?
Press the Power button, the reset button and the joypad down at the same time and you should see a DOS-like screen indicating you are in boot mode, from there just press the reset button by itself and see if that helps. You will loose all your data with this procedure, but at this point chances are that you already lost everything in the device anyways.
Best of luck!

Firmware Upgrade Gone Wrong

I tried to upgrade my xda's firmware earlier but something went badly wrong. It got stuck on the "Upgrading. This will take approximately 5 minutes" screen, on 0%. I tried doing the upgrade again, but now my computer can't establish a connection with the device, via USB I might add.
If I hold down the power button whilst I push the reset button, it takes me to the colourful, yet useless, "Wallaby Bootloader" screen.
Is it possible for me to recover my xda? If so how?
Any help would be much appreciated!
^ Bump (original post was 4 years ago!).
I just found the xda in a drawer and decided to try and revive it. I plugged it in, ActiveSync tries to connect, the phone makes a chiming noise, but it can't actually establish a connection (since the firmware is toasted), therefore the Programme A ROM utility won't work.
Is there any way I can recover this device without needing a special serial cable? Would it be possible to boot from an SD card, even without a functioning firmware? Is there anything else I could try?
Quick update: I picked up an SD card this morning and booted from that, managed to reflash the ROM courtesy of the Rom Kitchen.
Only bad thing.. I snapped off the plastic cover from the SIM card slot, which unbeknown to me holds down a pin that controls the device's power - so I now need to tape it down.. honestly if it's not one thing it's another!
plaggypig: (if you ever read this) just wanted you to know I found the 4 year bump hilarious. I'm glad you salvaged your machine, sad about the cover with hidden switch! I always lusted after an xda but couldn't afford it back then. Am now the proud owner of a Topaz (TD2).

new trinity

Hi, I have just received my new (to me) SPV M700 from a guy on the internet.
It was originally locked to Orange. Has been flashed a few times by previous owner and has Ausdim on it (don't know what I'm talking about as am new to this stuff). It's been unlocked and upgraded to WM6.1, also has Tom Tom and European maps.
I put my O2 sim in and turned it on. What I got was a white screen with the words HTC, also MO5, BO5, DO3 Ausdim, and a tune played, then windows 6.1 screen came up. That's it. Nothing else happens, phone doesn't work, in fact nothing works. Oh yes, a green light at the top right hand side flashes occasionally.
Also, l had three new styli shipped from Japan. Pushed the white end onto the pen and inserted it into it's appropriate place on phone. Came to get it out and the end has come off leaving the stylus in the holder inside the machine. Oh dear. Not my day is it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have experience of flashing psp's and using pandora batteries so the prospect of fiddling with flashing is not totally scarey to me. But I did get to know the machine first and read a lot before trying it. Don't want to rush into such stuff with this phone if there is a simpler solution.
Hi guys,
I realise I may have upset people by posting a question before I have contributed anything to the forum.
Will be happy to do so when I have the phone up and running.
Here's a quick introduction......... if that's the protocol.
Am a retired aged person who loves tinkering with new technology. Was first introduced to computers with the Sinclair ZX81 which had 1k of ram, yes 1k!
I even got a 16k rampak for the back. Such wonderful technology, I also had a fiddle with machine code programming.
Then I got a Commodore 64, more fun. Later on, I got a Psion, again more programming and compiling fun. Then laterley I have a couple of pc's and a laptop. Also got recently a psp and liked it so much that I bought another one with custom firmeware on it. Have had lots of fun upgrading and such.
Just got a garmin for the car too for when we go off to France for a few months with caravan.
Just a quick introduction as to who I am. Have had a look at some of the posts and I have lots to learn. Thanks for making it happen to a golden oldie.
Puddle ('cause my hobby is scuba diving)
Hmmm....I feel for you. My Trinity has the original wm5 rom, when I boot it up it starts with the white HTC screen you described but then kicks into windows. I doesn't sound good!
As for contributing first...don't stress about it. We all have to start somewhere
Thanks for the reply, the chap who sold me the phone is going to ring me tomorrow to see if he can sort it out.
My sim is a non 3g, is it possible that this could be the problem?
If it's something so simple I should be lucky.
I was really excited about getting the phone - a bit of a bummer that it isn't working.
I don't think it is the sim! Does the device boot without the sim? If not then it something deeper!
No, it is exactly the same with no sim in. Oh dear.
Perhaps it can be remedied by re flashing ??? The guy who previously flashed it may have the solution.
puddlediver said:
Hi, I have just received my new (to me) SPV M700 from a guy on the internet.
It was originally locked to Orange. Has been flashed a few times by previous owner and has Ausdim on it (don't know what I'm talking about as am new to this stuff). It's been unlocked and upgraded to WM6.1, also has Tom Tom and European maps.
I put my O2 sim in and turned it on. What I got was a white screen with the words HTC, also MO5, BO5, DO3 Ausdim, and a tune played, then windows 6.1 screen came up. That's it. Nothing else happens, phone doesn't work, in fact nothing works. Oh yes, a green light at the top right hand side flashes occasionally.
Also, l had three new styli shipped from Japan. Pushed the white end onto the pen and inserted it into it's appropriate place on phone. Came to get it out and the end has come off leaving the stylus in the holder inside the machine. Oh dear. Not my day is it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have experience of flashing psp's and using pandora batteries so the prospect of fiddling with flashing is not totally scarey to me. But I did get to know the machine first and read a lot before trying it. Don't want to rush into such stuff with this phone if there is a simpler solution.
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Before thinking about reflashing, try Hard Resetting. Be warned: you will lose all data on your phone! ...but it could be a solution for your problem.
Thanks for the advice, will speak to the guy I bought it off tomorrow evening and if we don't get anywhere consider the hard reboot. (under guidance).
It was my phone you bought so hello again! It's very strange that it's not getting past the Windows 6.1 splash screen even without a SIM as it was booting fine when I sent it and if it isn't getting past their even with the SIM removed then it may be something more intrinsic although I don't know what.
Hard reset the phone by pressing and holding both the soft keys and then using the stylus to reset the phone and follow the prompts, it will erase TomTom but you have all the back ups to reinstall that and I'll ring you and talk you through the process.
If the hard reset doesn't work then I'll shove a Mini SD to SD card converter in the post to you and walk you through flashing a new ROM from the memory card and if that doesn't fix it then I'm stumped and I'll give you a refund, but I'm sure it won't come to that.
Sorry for all the hassle!
Or if you're still awake feel free to ring me (don't mind returning the call to save your phone bill) and I'll try and talk you through everything now as I'll be up for an hour or two yet, you should have my phone number in the PM I sent you on YD.
Thanks for the reply Mike, would have been tucked up in bed when you posted so will speak with you tonight. Give me a bell on my landline, notified on yd site pm. I could ask a silly question.......did you load WM6.1?
Oh dear, all our efforts failed Looks like it's dead. Could have been dropped in transit, thank goodness for insurance.
Will have to look for another phone now.
not even flashing the firmware again helped ?
Soft and hard resetting does nothing. I tried connecting the device up to my pc with the usb cable but xp didn't have the drivers so can't access via that method.
Thanks for the reply anyway.
You need to download and install Active Sync (at least version 4) before Windows XP will recognise the phone.
Get it here
Thanks IK, will download and try again. I was on an older version of activesync from when I used to use the IPAQ.
Upgraded my activesync to 4.5 and connected trinity. xp detected that a usb device had been added and activesync attempted to connect. At the end it gave up with a message that the connection to the windows mobile device couldn't be made.
The device itself had the red light at the top to show that it was taking power from the usb and the wm6.1 splash screen is still showing.
No joy, must be dead.
Thanks for help
I shall be writing a long, complaining letter to Royal Mail
From what the OP has said it sounds like the phone's reset button isn't working at all as she can't get the phone to enter bootloader or hard/soft reset the phone and the only way to power it down is to remove the battery so it sounds well and truly bricked.
I'll have a play when it gets sent back to me and may ask you guys for some help sorting it but I'm not hopeful.
Hi Mike,
Money arrived in Bank account. I've posted your phone etc back to you today, special delivery, so you should get it tomorrow or Saturday at the latest.
Hope you get some joy from PO.
Still looking for a phone ...... ah hum, am even thinking of the mda vario II
Got a new phone on the way now - it's an xda trion. Yes, I know, not one of yours.
However, I'm sure I will get loads of fun out of it.
Over to the Hermes sub forum for me.

Phone automatically triggers Navi-Panel.

Firstly,i would like to apologise for making another thread with the same topic if there's any.I've searched the forums and most of the threads seem to be 'Dead'.
Last week,my phone had something strange going on.When it's at sleep mode,it automatically lights up.I picked it up and i see this thing called the 'Navi-Panel'.The screen was in landscape mode.The only thing that i can access was the phone.I managed to exit the Navi-Panel through the task manager but the problem's still there,my phone and my SMS are in landscape.Also,the phone calls that i make and received are always on loudspeaker mode.I also cannot connect the phone to the computer via the USB. I've tried various ways to fix the phone such as hard reset and rom flashing but it's still the same.I'm currently on the Stock rom version 1.66.707.1(76641) WWE. Can someone post a solution for my problems?
It happened to me twice when a tiny drop of water dropped on the micro usb slot, creating a temporary short circuit.
Make sure the slot is clean, (no conductor material inside).
It may be a small chance, but it is still a chance...
I have the same problem
My phone got wet last night due to rain. And the Navi panel kept coming up. So I set the option for Navi panel not to have an automatic launch. Thats fine now, but I got another problem to sort through. When ever I pick up a call the speaker is automatically turned ON. Its embarrassing now. I am just hoping its temporary..
If anyone has an idea on how to turn off the automatic speaker on call pick up, pls let me know.. Thanks in advance.
Whats more is: I cant connect to the Activesync now. The phone is charging well though.
I can probably live with that since I can connect through Blue Tooth. Hoever, if someone has any idea on how to turn off the "Auto external Speaker mode", pls let me know .. any registry key ... or any other means.
Thanks in advance.
This happened to me a few months back now on a wet evening, assuming the phone must have got wet through my pocket. Tried everything to fix it, left it to dry out for 24 hours near radiator with the battery out to no avail. But then flashed a new ROM and it started working. (Had to flash the same ROM three times till it started working. Every ROM since has been fine)
Hope this helps.
Thanks .. That gives me a hope. Could you pls tell me what ROM you flashed.. may be its something to do with that specific ROM..
Activesync died...
Thanks all of you who contributed to the forum. My HD2's activesync stopped working yesterday... and main challenge was to put shipped ROM and send it to the repair...
There is only one thing that I could not explain... When OS is up and running (regardless whether it is cooked or shipped) there is no active sync can be established (only charge function is working). However, when phone is in boot loader (RGB screen) I could connect it thru USB and install ROM from computer...
switch off quick sync on HD2
XAH said:
switch off quick sync on HD2
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Thanks for trying to help XAH, but this was the first thing in my troubleshooting process. Usually it helps when you plug in the phone, computer acknowledges it, but pop in warning sign that USB device is not recognized. In my case there was no reaction (on multiple computers) - like nothing is plugged in... Will see what repairer says... I'll post an update as soon as I'll hear from them.
got my HD2 from repair centre
I've got my HD2 back from repair centre... and it works fine... most bizzar part is paper say that nothing was done...
a friend of me hat this problem some time ago. it disappeared after about 1 or 2 weeks iirc.
Same problem for me, but i've changed 5 diferent rom's and nothing...i will try the airdryer now

[Q] HTC Universal PU10 Orange SPV M5000 completely dead

A few weeks ago I purchased an Orange SPV M5000 (HTC Universal) from a company in the UK (I'm South African). It was running perfectly and I was quite happy with the windows mobile 5.0, but I wanted to be able to run Whatsapp on it, so I tried to upgrade it to windows mobile 6.5, but as I was trying to upgrade it using the suggested roms and programs on this website and it's now completely dead. Before it would show "serial" and "version" on the screen, just the back light was off, I managed to fix it when is that mode following advice from your community by merely running the program "nuetty" and reset the device, both hard and soft. It was running perfectly even though I messed it up, but now I can't even get my Windows 7 starter edition to even recognize the phone when I plug it in as a usb. It says "USB device not recognized" and nothing I do can get recognized or even turn the phone on.
I love the phone and I'm a film maker and playwright and I'm supposed to be in contact with a few producers about having my work shot and filmed, but alas since I broke the phone (it seems) I can't get in contact with them, and that's bad news.
Please anyone please I am so desperate, what do I do? It's not a hardware error I'm certain, but here's what happened: I downloaded a few roms I expected would work, but none did. When I would run them my Mobile Device Centre just exits and though my phone is connected. via usb it just can't be picked up by the Device Center. It seems as though I wiped everything from the phone, not just the data, but the OS and everything, I imagine because the screen is completely blank (not even serial written on it) and resetting does nothing. This at least is my theory. I hope I'm wrong.
I am so desperate, please guys help me! There's no place I can take my phone to to repair it where I live, so I need your professional, and kind help. Please save me guys!
Jack-of-Plays said:
A few weeks ago I purchased an Orange SPV M5000 (HTC Universal) from a company in the UK (I'm South African). It was running perfectly and I was quite happy with the windows mobile 5.0, but I wanted to be able to run Whatsapp on it, so I tried to upgrade it to windows mobile 6.5, but as I was trying to upgrade it using the suggested roms and programs on this website and it's now completely dead. Before it would show "serial" and "version" on the screen, just the back light was off, I managed to fix it when is that mode following advice from your community by merely running the program "nuetty" and reset the device, both hard and soft. It was running perfectly even though I messed it up, but now I can't even get my Windows 7 starter edition to even recognize the phone when I plug it in as a usb. It says "USB device not recognized" and nothing I do can get recognized or even turn the phone on.
I love the phone and I'm a film maker and playwright and I'm supposed to be in contact with a few producers about having my work shot and filmed, but alas since I broke the phone (it seems) I can't get in contact with them, and that's bad news.
Please anyone please I am so desperate, what do I do? It's not a hardware error I'm certain, but here's what happened: I downloaded a few roms I expected would work, but none did. When I would run them my Mobile Device Centre just exits and though my phone is connected. via usb it just can't be picked up by the Device Center. It seems as though I wiped everything from the phone, not just the data, but the OS and everything, I imagine because the screen is completely blank (not even serial written on it) and resetting does nothing. This at least is my theory. I hope I'm wrong.
I am so desperate, please guys help me! There's no place I can take my phone to to repair it where I live, so I need your professional, and kind help. Please save me guys!
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Hi I'm relatively new to flashing etc etc and have just managed to resurrect one of my HP6915 which locked after an attempted WM6 upgrade.
I used "Uni_Exitbootloader" perhaps this will bring yours back to life, also try another OS perhaps XP as w7/Vista are a little fussy about port release/control i believe.
Also which rom/s have you attempted to flash ? i have an SPV 5000 lying about some where if i can find it ill attempt one of your upgrades.
Good Luck

