I've been with o2 now for 1x month, just recieved my second bill. However I'm not happy with their billing or customer service at all. There are a number of things I have been unhappy including waiting at least 10 minutes in the que before I'm answered by an o2 customer service rep. Even then they contradict each other giving wrong information its rediculas!
Anyway I will put aside my complaints about o2 for now except to say that their online billing is also crap. Towards the end of June I ran out of free minutes which was suspect at the time so I only used my phone thereafter when I had to in order to prevent clocking up a larger bill. Well the day before my free minutes should be renewed my o2 online bill showed me that I had over 3hrs remaining of free calls even though my bill also showed me that I've been billed extra for calls as my free minutes ran out.
The other complaint I have and this is where I'm asking for advice is that o2 claim I've been connecting to their website and downloading data - WHICH I MOST DEFINATLEY HAVE NOT BEEN!!!!
I have disputed this three times with o2 and spent HOURS on the hours on the phone at my expense but they are still billing me for the extra GPRS data. Is there a way to check how much GPRS data has been used on my XDA II?
FAQ from says this...
Question 9:
How can I track what my GPRS usage?
Select Programs > File Explorer > My Device > Windows. Scroll down to the application labelled ByteCounter. Tap and Hold and select Copy. Scroll up and tap the Start Menu folder. Select Edit > Paste Shortcut. This utility is now on your Programs menu , and will report statistics for the last active connection.
Having followed this instruction I have NO "ByteCounter" in which to copy.
you are going to pay
What about using the GSM type connection instead of the GPRS one?
Do you get free GSM minutes as well as a certain amount of free GPRS downloads?
Thanks Rudegar I'm trying out that program now.
davidand1, I'm with o2 on the 200 talk plan. I've not been told if I get free GSM minutes, I doubt it very much.
They don't tell you about it, although it'll be in the small print. I found out I get 500 free GSM minutes a month! It's admittedly slower than GPRS but there's a helluva lot less risk of incurring charges when compared to GPRS.
What do they give us these days, 1Mb free?! What a jip. I suggest you check it out, might be worth it...
SPB GPRS monitor is the way to go... it keeps track of your hourly, daily and monthly usages of GPRS.. it even creates a report for a certain period of time of how much you have spent or downloaded and uploaded.. really a must for mobile people...
GSM web access - but how? Free minutes goin a wastin!
oo that pesky anonymous guest!
Suggesting a fine idea then riding off into the sunset like that!
I get 50 minutes a day free which i used to use to check my email with WAP. Tried to get my XDAii to connect via WAP but despite a soul-destroying series of contacts with Orange customer services and wire-free specialists i ended up non the wiser. If anyone can post the settings for orange WAP access i'll be v grateful.
I seem to remember seeing them on another page in this fine forum sometime in the past. Tried em to no avail.
Sorry if you all already know this, but orange payg are offering unlimited gprs for only £1 per day, i've been using it for about 2 weeks and it's pretty good, it's a full data connection too so you can get emails or sync over the air etc. In my opinion the best part is that you can pick and choose when you want it.
yeah i'm on it too. The Orange Unlimited GPRS extra for £1 thing right?
People signing upwith Orange to get this extra,REMEMBER, the gprs extra runs out at midnight, regardless of what time you apply it!
Applying it at 23:00 is just plain stupid cos you'll have to re-apply the extra at 00:00 anyway.
I've got a contact stored on my XDA that is assigned to a speed dial key. When pressed, it automatically re-applies the extra.
To do the same, create a new contact & give it this phone number: 450p#p3p1p4p1p1
The call to 453 should take about 45 secs, after that your extra should be applied
THE GPRS DOES NOT INCLUDE DOWNLOADING OVER P2P PORTS!!! almost everything else works fine (ftp, http, https, msn messenger, e-mail-etc) but using p2p costs you money, regardless of whether the extra is applied or not.
anyone know of a PPC app that dials a contact at a scheduled time and disconnect after X seconds? would be real useful for this
does that mean i cud use skype on it?
jaceuk said:
does that mean i cud use skype on it?
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No, gprs is to slow for skype. My T-mobile gprs is about 40-50kbits/s. (flat-fee for 9,50 euro's a month )
sorry but what why can i use?
im looking into all thsi mobile net stuff but need to find the facts before i lay out money
if i try to get info in store they just try and sell,me stuff i dont need
Well its about the same speed as dial up, so you can surf the net (albeit slowly) and you can use MSN and collect email. its useful but its no replacement for wifi or 3G. I use it when I'm at work (i do a lot of waiting around)
Are you sure you are right ???? GPRS
Ive just picked up an orange sim and yes the £1.00 per day unlimited offer still stands but its for orange world , not other services . I thought from the original thread that this would give me GPRS access to the web ?
Can you confirm what service you have been getting with it ?
Im looking for a basic internet connection I dont mind slow but I do mind £2.35 and upwards per Meg .!!!
Any thoughts
I can confirm (with 390 megs of GPRS used under my belt) that it works with any http address.
Haha, if the service worked with P2P, orange'd have been raped for bandwidth by now.
i just got an xda exec on the o2 network.
i was wondering if you guys could tell me how to find out thenumber of free minutes and amount of free data mbs left in the month
with orange i dialed 150 and would get the number of free minutes left. i called up o2 services and they said they did not have any such number.
is that true? is there any way i could check left usage for the month
Use the online bill manager, it's complex but good.
You'll probbly find that you're not charged for data currently.
online bill manager accessed from "my account"
i found it in the unbilled details, does it also have the web usage
what do you mean by "You'll probbly find that you're not charged for data currently."
in the first month am i not billed for data(web) usage?
xda_guy said:
what do you mean by "You'll probbly find that you're not charged for data currently."
in the first month am i not billed for data(web) usage?
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I get 5Mb a month, and I'm well over that for sure. I hewrd a little bird that O2 haven'tr been charging many people for data. I appear to be one of them.
Unofficially call 100 (which is Network Services; it's free) and asked to be transfered to the correct department who can give you a more up-to-date idea.
i called 100 and they said that i should dial the regular 087... number.
i discovered that the 087... numbr is not a toll free number, that's cheeky
hey belfast-biker, you mean havent been charging any people , or havenet been charging many people.
does the monthly bill show the amount of data that one has used ??
It's a known "issue" that O2 don't seem to charge "Online" users for data, but please don't keep bringing it up, otherwise someone from O2 might notice and then get their act together. THey might start charging us at any time and that would NOT be good. Just keep an eye on your unbilled usage and see if the data ever changes... it probably won't. Mum's the word, eh?! :wink:
I'm being billed for my Data Usage I used to get it free.
oooo thanks for the tip
i hope we wont be billed retrospectively
THey might start charging us at any time and that would NOT be good. Just keep an eye on your unbilled usage and see if the data ever changes
at the moment my data is not displayed, just voice and text messages, you mean to say as soon as they start showing data that is when i should be careful about my data usage?
hey themez are you an online user? were you billed retrospectively for data used?
I got the £162 deal, so i am on Data 5 with Data Centric (Voice). For a while it was totally free and then one day i looked at my online bill and i had used 8MB and had been charged an extra £3. I had been told it was free until May and made a complaint to o2. They were pretty good and gave me a £10 customer dispute voucher thing.
Keep an eye on your online bill
thanks for the reply
what is the £162 deal, is it an online deal again
02 had said that you had unlimited download till may? i loked at my online bill and it still does not say anything about data usage in the unbilled calls section
the usage still only has two sectiosn (voice and text)
the inclusive allowance details however has the following
i got double-200 extra anytime minute rollover (nice, did not know they were rollover minutes)
15 messages
welcome browse and download 5 MB(i thought it was 1 MB, will i keep this 5 MB package for some time)
I'm not sure, but i want to ask if is anyone experiencing some GPRS problems. I can connect to inet w/o probs, i can browse web...., but i cannot connect to IRC(using wmirc or pirc), ICQ or MSN(im+435) or i have troubles with ftp(resco I tried passive and active mode) Am I tho only one or something similar is happenig to others? I'm using HTC-Uni(latest WM6 build 17....)
IRC is blocked as far as i know, unless you use wnw+ or wnw-max. IM apps arent allowed just as much as VoIP over webnwalk.
i use wnw, on contract dont know if its wnw+. it worked a week ago?suddenly stopped. ****ing t-mobil.(maybe because they had to pay £200 for inconvenience)will call them
ive heard a few reports of this today, seems tmob might be cracking down on it??
I havent been able to use irc / stream music etc.... since getting my contract (about 3 weeks ago)
i cannot use ftp as well, just thinking if those bastards didnt start blocking all ports except for 21, 80, IMAP, SMTP, POP3 :-( if yes i'll chec my contract and will take some legal actions ( I love compensation for inconvinience)
Hello everyone, ive been trying to follow these T-mobile UK GPRS problems, related post because im in the same boat. My msn messenger wont work and ive given up, (use webmessenger: works fine though). Yahoo messenger will not allow me to make pc 2 pc call any more but works for chatting.
However strange, i am begining to suspect T-mobile UK as they are obliged to do, are cracking down on VOIP / IRC protocols.
Also need to mention that skype and msn messenger works fine from my SPV M3100 so its does confuse me a bit.
Now im wondering should i delete this post A.S.A.P before some t-mobile network engineer see's it and gets to work ? Im only a student(as good as pensioner: financially) who lives on his own, so wNw MAX is mostly out of the way, might need to get a broadband connection
Don't delete the post, they probably wouldn't care what you say. (A t-mobile dude was telling me to flash a different rom to my xda, so it would be fully compatible with them!)
Unfortuneatly on t-mobile they do not allow IM services on their web 'n' walk internet I think you'd have to find a wifi point.
i read fair usage policy, its not alloved for w'n'w but for w'n'w plus is no mention of IM. i sent them a letter via their web, so i'm awaiting answer
phsnake said:
I'm not sure, but i want to ask if is anyone experiencing some GPRS problems. I can connect to inet w/o probs, i can browse web...., but i cannot connect to IRC(using wmirc or pirc), ICQ or MSN(im+435) or i have troubles with ftp(resco I tried passive and active mode) Am I tho only one or something similar is happenig to others? I'm using HTC-Uni(latest WM6 build 17....)
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Which WnW package are you on?
btw before people start complaning that they cant get on msn,etc check which WnW package you have
WnW Plus
Wnw Max
then check the TnC to see if it allows you to use that service
Flext + web'n'walk plans
Subject to connection to Flext or U-Fix + web 'n' walk. Minimum term contract and credit check apply. Subject to coverage. Compatible handset required. Roaming charges apply. Not applicable to connection via CSD. *To ensure a high quality of service for all our customers a 1GB (of data both sent and received in the UK) per month fair use policy applies. If you exceed 1GB per month, we may tell you to reduce your future use. If you again exceed 1GB per month, we may tell you that we are going to apply network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed for 14 days. If you exceed 1GB per month for a third time , we may tell you that we are going to apply further network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed until you upgrade your price plan to include a larger data allowance. We do not permit use of this service to provide modem access for a computer or for peer to peer file sharing, internet phone calls or instant messaging. Roaming charges apply.
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Flext + web'n'walk Plus plans
Subject to connection to Flext + web 'n' walk Plus. Minimum term contract and credit check apply. Compatible laptop and handset required. Not applicable to connection via CSD. Subject to coverage. To ensure a high quality of service for all our customers, a fair use policy of 3GB (of data sent and received in the UK) per month applies. If you exceed 3GB per month, we may tell you to reduce your future use. If you again exceed 3GB per month, we may tell you that we are going to apply network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed for 14 days. If you exceed 3GB per month for a third time, we may tell you that we are going to apply further network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed until you upgrade your price plan to include a larger data allowance. We do not permit use of this service for internet phone calls. Roaming charges apply.
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Flext + web'n'walk Max plan
Subject to connection to selected Flext + web'n'walk Max price plans. Minimum term contract and credit check applies. Compatible laptop and handset required. Not applicable to connection via CSD. Subject to coverage. *To ensure a high quality of service for all our customers, a fair use policy of 10GB (of UK data both sent and received) per month applies. If you exceed 10GB per month, we may tell you to reduce your future use. If you again exceed 10GB per month, we may tell you that we are going to apply network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed for 14 days. If you exceed 10GB per month for a third time, we may tell you that we are going to apply further network protection controls, resulting in a reduced network speed until you upgrade your price plan to include a larger data allowance. Roaming charges apply.
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so if your using skype, msn,etc on the basic WnW and they block that, no point in complaning as you wont have a leg to stand on
i'm on wnw+ so im pissed off. i sesnt them a mail on sund. i do not use skype as viop client only for IM. but i cannot use im+(icq...), mchat, msn messenger, irc. pinkies in callcenter are stupid, they told me that they dont provide supp for 3rd party apps (except the **** in tmo's rom - and U must have extrom installed-so no way to have icon for msn). they sent me back nice letter that they recieved my complain and i will get ans within 5working days. its friday 2:11am and still nothing. BTW IM was reason for wnw2wnw+ upgrade. they are ****ing bastards.
Go to connection settings and clear the checkbox beside "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet"
Well, I am a cheap guy, for the most part. With that stated, I wanted to know if it is free (i.e. no text charges) to send and receive email using the provided outlook application on the 8125 via wifi. I believe AIM costs money, regardless of wifi (using regular AIM). Anyway, I dont care about AIM, but I was just curious about the email situation. Thanks in advance!
using wifi
Whenever I use wifi, there are no hidden fees. For instance, when I'm at home and use my own wifi access point it would be quiet doubtable if I have to pay someone else for using my own gear. But then again, I pay approx 10 euro for unlimited use of gprs. so no data limit.
Well i love gprs but the costs Pi** me right off.
i downloaded about 1.7mb and i got a AU$25 bill for JUST that data.
Well, me being a cheap b***** myself have been doing some testing regarding this. Using WiFi does not charge anything, assuming the HotSpot is free. Using GPRS on my provider (Orange DR) set me back about 30 mins. off my plan per Mb.
BTW Unlimited Data is not an option for me so far, US$50 plus taxes is not cheap.
gprs costs
i pay approx €30,- a month
this is including my flat fee for the data use via gprs
for me in the Netherlands, this is cheap.
of course this is completely dependable of what is affordable for one or another.