Messaging app kill ALL IP-based connection - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've having problem where as I am unable to connect to T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE on my MDA. I thought it was caused by bad cell connection, but I tested this with my hx4700 and N90 and I always have good connection.
I did some investigation and noticed that the connection was made, but no data can be passed through. After several days of investigation, I can make an accurate assumption that it was the MESSAGING application that is causing it.
I had the Messaging application to check for mail every 15 minutes and it'll automatically do so without fail all day long. But the connection stays on and if I try to connect via Internet Explorer, Weather Panel update, NewsBreak RSS update, or any other IP-based application, nothing get transferred. Even when I disconnect the connection and reconnect.
THe only way to fix this is to SOFT RESET the device.
Anybody know why?

Is anyone not having this problem? I.e. you set Messaging app for auto-check every 15 minutes and your EDGE/GPRS connection ALWAYS work (except in no-cell- signal area), be it for PIE, RSS, SSH, Telnet, etc.


My phone is constant data transfer, help.

My phone constantly transfers data eating up the battery. I manually turn off data on the comm page. It stays off briefly then begins again. Any ideas?
Try this file, unzip, transfer over, install, open NO GPRS from the programs menu and hit toggle.
That should do it, just hit toggle to re-enable.
This is posted elsewhere, try using search first.
go to activesync, menu->schedule
and set "peak times" and "off-peak times" to "manually"
I once had this when I had an MMS trying to download. Delete the MMS header from your mailbox or specify the network/connection which should be used for downloading MMS.
clarksdv2 said:
My phone constantly transfers data eating up the battery. I manually turn off data on the comm page. It stays off briefly then begins again. Any ideas?
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Check the MMS...
But the big question is... do you have push mail or perhaps a weather program?
Push especially will keep your data connection on as it is constantly polling your email...
The good news is if your are connected it doesn't necessarily mean that you are using data. If you are in a 3G area then an H icon will appear instead of the 3G icon while there is a data transfer...
If you want to stop it alltogether check out MoDaCo's NoData or the GRPS above..
No push email or other data service
I have my personal email on 30 minute retrieve increments other than that I have no other data services. My phone is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred. This subsequently drains my battery awefully fast.
well, what is exactly the problem? is it that your pda
"is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred"
"constantly transfers data" ?
More details.
The phone is engaged in a constant data call represented by 3G with the left and right arrow, however, no data is actually being transferred. The battery is draining within 8hrs on standby because the high transmit to receive ratio. Although no data is transferred the radio constantly interrogates the cell site thus throwing out unnecessary power. If I manually disengage via the communication manager, the phone will hang up the data call for a brief period, but will reengage fairly quickly. I can't find any settings that would create this situation. I downloaded the program in this post, but the phone still continues the data call. This has never happened on this phone until a month or so after installing the ROM flash with WM6, but I can't be sure if there is a direct correlation with the new flash. Thank you all for your help.
clarksdv2 said:
I have my personal email on 30 minute retrieve increments other than that I have no other data services. My phone is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred. This subsequently drains my battery awefully fast.
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try turning off this 30 min email and make it manual to see if this is the cause...
not sure if u have htchome weather, because it will also auto update every few hours... Pocket PC keeps connecting to the Internet.
have you checked the activesync schedule time?
furthermore goto commmanager and disable direct push. if your commmanager does not show you the icon to disable direct push, install schaps advanced config and activate there the icon.
i am pretty sure that one of these two options causes the problem.
what other apps have you installed?
if all this does not help, hard reset your device and install/config one app after another.
Same Problem
I've got the same problem. I'm using the default HTC WWE ROM. At random times, sometimes twice a day, my "Rogers Internet" data connection (GPRS, EDGE or 3G) connects automatically and doesn't disconnect. If I catch it happening and click cancel, it tries again. It will not give up until the connection has been established for at least 10 seconds.
I've gone through every program I have, checking to make sure the auto update option is disabled (if there is an auto update). I do not use the direct push and therefore, activesync schedule is greyed out.
Any ideas?
I'm suprised that it drains your battery so quickly. My phone stays connected at least 90% of the day, and I usually have at least 70-80% battery when I get home from work, usually more. The only time that it gets drained quickly is when I'm browsing the web too much on NetFront 3.5...a notorious battery drainer.
Sorry I couldn't help...but maybe it's a battery issue? Since I'm connected so much and have no battery issues? Or maybe a radio change could help you?
I don't have any abnormal battery drain, just weird auto-connect problem.
are you sure you have checked every single program? there has to be something that's trying to connect to the internet to grab data. weather apps, time sync, quickgps (i know, ridiculous, i'm just throwing it out there). try looking at what processes are running in the background using a task manager. that might help you eliminate suspects.
I have Spb GPRS Monitor on my phone. I've been looking at the logs. There is no pattern to the connections and they seem to be never more than 20k connections. I've installed NoGPRS and will use that while I'm sleeping. Just weird that it connects at all.
I had a similar problem, so I installed KaiserTweak and changed the setting to disconnect from 3G after use and that did the trick for me - no more constant connection and the battery stopped heating up and dying quickly.

Problems with data connection

Once setting up Wifi, I cannot make my data connection work.
I know it is set up and working properly because Weather and Stock Tabs are updating fine, but all other programs cannot use data connectioin (e.g. error response in Opera, Mail, etc)
I have set up in Connection according to Internet and Company (not sure how this is called in English) but it does not work.
Does anyone have similar problems? And how do i fix this?
can we have some more info?
What happens if you turn the phone connection off in comms manager, but leave the wifi connection on?
What error are you getting?
Is your wifi router set to block any particular type of traffic?
With wifi it works fine, just my 3g data connection does not work.
i have tried numerous settings, changed, deleted, softresetted. nothing can make my HD connect through 3G
H(sdpa) and E(dge) symbols appear next to connection strength which signalizes it is connected after i switch data connection on. but whatever program i try to connect, all give me errors. i assume they keep trying to connect with either wifi or something else.
there were some times where i could update stocks and weather tab, but at same time opera, msn, google maps, etc. all gave me connection errors (could not connect etc.)
sometimes it appears when i delete an entry, it re-appears again. maybe i have to do hard-reset if there is no solution at all.
Get your network to send you a config text with the settings. Also have they activated hsdpa for your account?
sure i tried that all. also tested other prepaid cards (vodafone, o2), with all of them the problem appears to be the same. they all work on my old phone, just not on HD.
im afraid only a hardreset will help.
what happens if you turn wifi off via comms manager (making sure phone connection is still turned on)
does it update weather / stock then?
PS which mobile company are you with, and in what country?
I have a similar problem.
But in my case it often helps to disconnect the 3G connection and reconnect. In most cases Opera can then load the desired page.
Network is O2 Germany.

Data Connection Problems?

Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
JetMouse said:
Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
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yeh iv been getting that problem for sometime now, its frustrating, sometimes i even have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error,
its very similar to the problem you get on your home broadband, your router shows its connected and your dsl and everything is active yet you get a white page on your browser and then you have to reset your router, very very frustrating, so i understand your problem exactly.
I'm wondering if this is anything to do with changing cells on your network?
When you travel to a different cell location although the network says you are still connected (and you can still send/receive calls) the data network has actually dropped and needs refreshing?
I suppose what we are after is a program that can refresh the data network every few mins - don't know if this is possible though?
Here in Germany o2 has a problem with the Qualcomm Chipset. I also have hanging connections. A workaround is to disable HSDPA. Maybe you have the same problem?
same problem here (also o2 Germany)
the 3G icon is there and the bubble says there is a connection for x minutes but opera or google maps mobile report a missing connection after a short time of usage. i have to kill the connection manually and after the connection is reestablished it works again for few minutes...... this is so frustrating...
Same problem in Czech republic with O2 provider.
At this moment I found as a fastest way to switch off and on the radio.
I'm using most of the time GPRS connection and this problem is about two times per day so reconnection every day two times is really annoying.
Hopefully somebody will find solution soon...
My problem is slightly different. Sometimes (after using Opera or not) I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work. Any solutions or similar experiences?
Blackstone data connection problems
I have been getting the same problem for sometime now, it is very frustrating, I always have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error.
I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work.
I am also wondering if this problem is limited to Blackstone (HTC Touch HD) or extends to HD2 also?
I have noticed that no one ahs posted any solution.
Comeon senior guys PLEASE help us out here.
Many thanks in advance.
Kam2kam, question, What rom are you using, and are you using activesync? If so, have you downloaded any email attachments? I was having the same problem where a couple of times a day I would have to soft reset. The connection would look fine, but if you tried to update anything or browse the net you were met with an error. It was frustrating. I finally narrowed the issue down to activesync and the new manila documents tab. My theory was that when I downloaded an attachment to view in the documents tab activesync would continue to sync the attachment each time it polled for new mail. Since activesync is often slow to sync attachments, my connection to the VPN would timeout before it could finish syncing causing the dreaded "waiting for network". My thought was my VPN connection would freeze thereby preventing my carrier internet from being able to connect; since, at least for me, you cannot have two different data session running simultaneously, i.e. VPN connection and the carrier's connection. The only cure was to soft reset. Ultimately what I did was hunt down any and all email attachments that I had dowloaded, and deleted them all. Since then my data connection went from freezing up twice a day to zero times a day and it's now been over two weeks.
You may not have the same set up as I do, but perhaps there may be something similar going on.
I hope that helps a bit.

Data Connection goes bezerk/dead!

Hi everyone...
I have an odd problem with my ToucH HD data connection. Usually it happens by the end of the day.
When I arrive home, I disconnect HDSPA/3G and connect Wifi because my data plan comprises only 100Mb per month.
At the end of the night I disconnect Wifi and connect hSDPA/3G again, but the connection goes crazy.
Usually the weather widget still works (at first), but no other app that needs web connection. No Opera, no MSN, no mail... everything with connection error. Then even the weather widget too...
In the commManager the DataConnection is active and when i click on the H on top of the screen i can see that HSDPA is connected and there is a time counter... counting. I've even tried the "Connection wizard" (i suppose it's its name, since my TouchHD is in portuguese), then a soft-reset, but nothing. Is stays the same apparently connected, but no application being able to connect the internet. Just as if some communication layer that serves the applications had been disconnected from the HSDPA network.
The only way I have to "solve" this problem is by doing a restore of an image i created while the HSDPA connection was working. But I suppose having to do this at least once a day does not seem to be a good remedy, at least in my humble opinion.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm running the latest HTC official ROM for Europe, release Apri 7th.
Thank you in advance.

What app tries to call out?

I want to be in control on when phone tries to connect to network via other ways then WiFi. Do not want to get surprise bills, if the phone tries to connect to internet while I am abroad, for example. So I insterted empty prepaid SIM card (has zero balance, so you can't call from it) and just keep it for some time like this.
Data Connection is off
MS Direct push is off
However, phone still tries to reach internet for some reason. I get this "very imformative" message that you can see in attached picture, that informes me about failed attempt to dial out, but it does not tell which app tries to do that.
Very annoying. Any idea how can i figure out which app is calling out?
It is possible that it may be ActiveSync. I do get it connecting to the internet although all e-mail settings are set for manual syncing. I really should look into how to stop it.
A very nice app called NoData stops any program accessing the internet (except via WiFi).
I can't even see where those ActiveSync settings are, where should I look for those? Will try to find NoData app.
did you mean this one?
This one - NoData
thanks, will try this one
It is most likely because you have something on in Sense that is wanting to see the internet. Things like the weather, and email accout, etc.. will try to update itself from time to time. Make sure you have all automatic updates turn off.
weather and email are set to update only when manually requested, so that should not be a problem. Installed NoData from above post, so far so good, will keep an eye for couple of days.
unhappy to report that still some app uses internet via mobile network without my knowledge. How annoying Nodata certainly removed the message that was popping up, but does not seem like it resolved my problem. Why this has to be so difficult ?
not sure if it will work, but -
try WMLongLife, which (AFAIR) should pop-out a question whether you want to enable 3G - each time when new app is trying to make network connection - this way you could find out which it is
