Problems with data connection - Touch HD General

Once setting up Wifi, I cannot make my data connection work.
I know it is set up and working properly because Weather and Stock Tabs are updating fine, but all other programs cannot use data connectioin (e.g. error response in Opera, Mail, etc)
I have set up in Connection according to Internet and Company (not sure how this is called in English) but it does not work.
Does anyone have similar problems? And how do i fix this?

can we have some more info?
What happens if you turn the phone connection off in comms manager, but leave the wifi connection on?
What error are you getting?
Is your wifi router set to block any particular type of traffic?

With wifi it works fine, just my 3g data connection does not work.
i have tried numerous settings, changed, deleted, softresetted. nothing can make my HD connect through 3G
H(sdpa) and E(dge) symbols appear next to connection strength which signalizes it is connected after i switch data connection on. but whatever program i try to connect, all give me errors. i assume they keep trying to connect with either wifi or something else.
there were some times where i could update stocks and weather tab, but at same time opera, msn, google maps, etc. all gave me connection errors (could not connect etc.)
sometimes it appears when i delete an entry, it re-appears again. maybe i have to do hard-reset if there is no solution at all.

Get your network to send you a config text with the settings. Also have they activated hsdpa for your account?

sure i tried that all. also tested other prepaid cards (vodafone, o2), with all of them the problem appears to be the same. they all work on my old phone, just not on HD.
im afraid only a hardreset will help.

what happens if you turn wifi off via comms manager (making sure phone connection is still turned on)
does it update weather / stock then?
PS which mobile company are you with, and in what country?

I have a similar problem.
But in my case it often helps to disconnect the 3G connection and reconnect. In most cases Opera can then load the desired page.
Network is O2 Germany.


Network selection hierachy - Wifi vs GPRS (Kaiser)

When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
Even when its connected to my wireless LAN (which it does with no problems at all - much better than my old Wizzard), if I launch Explorer it automatically makes a GPRS connection. The only way to force it to use the Wifi seems to be to turn the Phone off in the comm manager - which then means I can't receive any calls.
I can't find any setting that dicates the network hierachy i.e. that says if there is a Wireless LAN connection then don't bother with GPRS, or if there isn't, then use GPRS.
I seem to recall there was something similar on desktop Windoze where you could have it automatically use a dial up connection if there was no LAN available.
Can anyone help?
Iain.m said:
When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
Even when its connected to my wireless LAN (which it does with no problems at all - much better than my old Wizzard), if I launch Explorer it automatically makes a GPRS connection. The only way to force it to use the Wifi seems to be to turn the Phone off in the comm manager - which then means I can't receive any calls.
I can't find any setting that dicates the network hierachy i.e. that says if there is a Wireless LAN connection then don't bother with GPRS, or if there isn't, then use GPRS.
I seem to recall there was something similar on desktop Windoze where you could have it automatically use a dial up connection if there was no LAN available.
Can anyone help?
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I'm now getting the same thing using Emoze - the thing is sitting here connected to the Wifi & will sync mail & contacts etc over the wifi quite happily - but as soon as I try & send mail from the handheld it starts up not one but two GPRS connections (!) Much the same as if I try & get a web page up - it automatically goes to GPRS as its default route to the internet despite that fact that its already connected via wifi & the only way to stop this behaviour seems to be to switch the phone off in Comm Manager.
Seems to be something inherrantly odd about the way the Tytn 2 is deciding what network connection is available & which it should use. It looks like it needs a little control application to sit between the IP stack & the hardware so that when a request comes it can be routed according to user preference - i.e. Use WIfi if available, Only use GPRS etc The Wifi doesn't seem to fire up a connection when it feels like it - only the GPRS. Do all the HTC devices with WIfi behave this way?
In the meantime, does anyone know of a simple way to turn off/disable GPRS without disabling the phone?
WHile I have plenty of GPRS data allowance in my package when I'm in the house at my desk (or anywhere else I can get a wifi connection) I'd rather it just used the Wifi to sync itself or if I decided call up a web page.
Besides, it interferes with the hi-fi speakers in my study with that annoying buzzing noise everytime the GPRS gets busy.
Hi guys,
I use 3 different wifi networks during the course of a day, well 2 a day, 3 through out the week probably. Home/Work/Friends house
I have a very small data package (5mb) so i am very choosy about when I use my data connection!
Anyways, did some testing.
I already know that if I have no wifi, no data connection on, then I try and start outlook or Internet Explorer, then my data connection starts up (as it should)
now if i have my data connection on, then i turn on wifi on the phone, the wifi connection takes over and the data connection is not being used, even though it's on.
I also have no problems with when wifi is on and data is off, and if i goto outlook or IE, that gprs decides to go on. this does not happen tome (unless for some strange reason wifi cuts out, gprs tries to take over)
So i dont know if its something with your settings or not, maybe your phone goes to sleep and wifi turns off then gprs takes over, or i could be misunderstanding your question, because now that I think about it, perhaps you are asking something like..
- at home no wifi or data connection is active at that moment
- you navigate to a page in IE and instead of gprs turning on, wifi turns on/scans for lan and uses that
Yeah, that's probably waht you are asking.. haha yahoo for long winded useless post
If you figure it out, i want to know! lol
Iain.m said:
I'm now getting the same thing using Emoze - the thing is sitting here connected to the Wifi & will sync mail & contacts etc over the wifi quite happily - but as soon as I try & send mail from the handheld it starts up not one but two GPRS connections (!) Much the same as if I try & get a web page up - it automatically goes to GPRS as its default route to the internet despite that fact that its already connected via wifi & the only way to stop this behaviour seems to be to switch the phone off in Comm Manager.
Seems to be something inherrantly odd about the way the Tytn 2 is deciding what network connection is available & which it should use. It looks like it needs a little control application to sit between the IP stack & the hardware so that when a request comes it can be routed according to user preference - i.e. Use WIfi if available, Only use GPRS etc The Wifi doesn't seem to fire up a connection when it feels like it - only the GPRS. Do all the HTC devices with WIfi behave this way?
In the meantime, does anyone know of a simple way to turn off/disable GPRS without disabling the phone?
WHile I have plenty of GPRS data allowance in my package when I'm in the house at my desk (or anywhere else I can get a wifi connection) I'd rather it just used the Wifi to sync itself or if I decided call up a web page.
Besides, it interferes with the hi-fi speakers in my study with that annoying buzzing noise everytime the GPRS gets busy.
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You should be able to use the comm manager to turn off the data connection, but as for keeping it off permanently, until you decide you want it to be even allowed to be active again maybe you can try this, it should disable your connection until you see fit.
briggs81 said:
You should be able to use the comm manager to turn off the data connection, but as for keeping it off permanently, until you decide you want it to be even allowed to be active again maybe you can try this, it should disable your connection until you see fit.
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Great little utility , thanks very much for pointing that out - it at least allows me to do what I want manually - i.e. use my wifi without having to turn the phone off.
Although I know you can disconnect GPRS from the Comm manager, it also doesn't seem to have an idle time out so once an application (like Emoze) has started it up it keeps running in the background. Also, as soon as you turn it off, inevitably Emoze turns it straight back on! The NoData application gives much more control so thanks for that.
I do go abroad reasonably often so also happy to be able to use it for its primary purpose of disabling GPRS whilst roaming to avoid silly charges
It would be great if HTC could build a bit more intelligence and control into the network side of these things though.
You may want to look into Schaps Advanced Config or KaiserTweak for wifi/gprs settings.
You can set timers and disconnects, etc, with those applications.
Iain.m said:
When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
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The Good News: I fixed this behavior on the phone w/o any 3rd-party utilities, etc.
The Bad News: I'm not 100% sure how. :-/ My apologies. Here is what I think did it:
Make sure your browser is closed and you have no open data connections.
1- Open the Wireless Manager and make sure "WLAN" is on and "Data Connection" is off.
2- Go to Start>Settings and choose the "Connections" tab along the bottom.
3- Open "Wireless LAN," choose your home wireless network, and make sure you're actively connected to it (should see a signal quality meter, device network settings, etc).
4- Close "Wireless LAN" and while "Settings" is still open and on the "Connections" tab, open "Wi-Fi." Your list of known Wi-Fi networks should be showing: make sure your home network says "connected."
5- Close everything back out to your "Today" screen.
When my Tilt is set this way -- and actively connected to my WLAN -- the Wireless Manager grays out "Data Connections" and doesn't even respond if I tap the icon. IE automatically uses my WLAN, although it won't connect to some of its pre-loaded favs b/c, I think, they're on WAP servers and the Wi-Fi/NAT router assigns/negotiates TCP/IP protocols for your phone.
I think now I accomplish all the above by simply opening the keyboard and pressing the FN/Wi-Fi key.
FYI -- In truth, I solved this problem by installing Opera Mobile and setting it as my default browser. Opera Mobile is a full browser, i.e. doesn't use WAP.
Hope this helps. If not, sorry for this 5 minutes of your life you'll never get back. :-/

Data Connection Problems?

Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
JetMouse said:
Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
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yeh iv been getting that problem for sometime now, its frustrating, sometimes i even have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error,
its very similar to the problem you get on your home broadband, your router shows its connected and your dsl and everything is active yet you get a white page on your browser and then you have to reset your router, very very frustrating, so i understand your problem exactly.
I'm wondering if this is anything to do with changing cells on your network?
When you travel to a different cell location although the network says you are still connected (and you can still send/receive calls) the data network has actually dropped and needs refreshing?
I suppose what we are after is a program that can refresh the data network every few mins - don't know if this is possible though?
Here in Germany o2 has a problem with the Qualcomm Chipset. I also have hanging connections. A workaround is to disable HSDPA. Maybe you have the same problem?
same problem here (also o2 Germany)
the 3G icon is there and the bubble says there is a connection for x minutes but opera or google maps mobile report a missing connection after a short time of usage. i have to kill the connection manually and after the connection is reestablished it works again for few minutes...... this is so frustrating...
Same problem in Czech republic with O2 provider.
At this moment I found as a fastest way to switch off and on the radio.
I'm using most of the time GPRS connection and this problem is about two times per day so reconnection every day two times is really annoying.
Hopefully somebody will find solution soon...
My problem is slightly different. Sometimes (after using Opera or not) I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work. Any solutions or similar experiences?
Blackstone data connection problems
I have been getting the same problem for sometime now, it is very frustrating, I always have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error.
I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work.
I am also wondering if this problem is limited to Blackstone (HTC Touch HD) or extends to HD2 also?
I have noticed that no one ahs posted any solution.
Comeon senior guys PLEASE help us out here.
Many thanks in advance.
Kam2kam, question, What rom are you using, and are you using activesync? If so, have you downloaded any email attachments? I was having the same problem where a couple of times a day I would have to soft reset. The connection would look fine, but if you tried to update anything or browse the net you were met with an error. It was frustrating. I finally narrowed the issue down to activesync and the new manila documents tab. My theory was that when I downloaded an attachment to view in the documents tab activesync would continue to sync the attachment each time it polled for new mail. Since activesync is often slow to sync attachments, my connection to the VPN would timeout before it could finish syncing causing the dreaded "waiting for network". My thought was my VPN connection would freeze thereby preventing my carrier internet from being able to connect; since, at least for me, you cannot have two different data session running simultaneously, i.e. VPN connection and the carrier's connection. The only cure was to soft reset. Ultimately what I did was hunt down any and all email attachments that I had dowloaded, and deleted them all. Since then my data connection went from freezing up twice a day to zero times a day and it's now been over two weeks.
You may not have the same set up as I do, but perhaps there may be something similar going on.
I hope that helps a bit.

How do you force WiFi connection ?

Reflashed my Jade from UK Orange to JADEMAN rom recently...
I don't think this is a ROm related problem (unless you know otherwise !) so I have posted in general part of forum.
Can anyone tell me how to force the phone to use Wifi to connect to the internet.
It connects via GPRS fine but i want to disable the GPRS DATA for travels abroad so I don't run up a huge data bill. I can stop the data with "NoData" app, but if I now try to connect to internet with Opera or Internet explorer if fails..
Is there something I am missing, to tell it either to connect via wifi before using GPRS data or to only connect via wifi. Do I need to create a connection ?
The create new connection page doesn't list using WiFi, bluetooth is the only "WIRELESS" type connection that appears to be offered.
Also when the wireless AP list is shown and I try to connect to an AP showing available that I have previously setup with WEP key etc, it fails to connect.
I am sure to be missing something but I can't spot what the problem is...
Any help appreciated.....
Normally Windows Mobile connects via WiFi first, if available, and only when not present it uses GPRS. That means that you do not need to disable GPRS if an WiFi-connection is established.
I have no personal experiences with "NoData". Perhaps someone else can help.
phil-w said:
Can anyone tell me how to force the phone to use Wifi to connect to the internet.
It connects via GPRS fine but i want to disable the GPRS DATA for travels abroad so I don't run up a huge data bill. I can stop the data with "NoData" app, but if I now try to connect to internet with Opera or Internet explorer if fails..
Is there something I am missing, to tell it either to connect via wifi before using GPRS data or to only connect via wifi. Do I need to create a connection ?
The create new connection page doesn't list using WiFi, bluetooth is the only "WIRELESS" type connection that appears to be offered.
Also when the wireless AP list is shown and I try to connect to an AP showing available that I have previously setup with WEP key etc, it fails to connect.
Any help appreciated.....
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MvBoe said:
Normally Windows Mobile connects via WiFi first, if available, and only when not present it uses GPRS. That means that you do not need to disable GPRS if an WiFi-connection is established.
I have no personal experiences with "NoData". Perhaps someone else can help.
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AFAIK the moment you invoke any app that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc) That's how it works on my set. Unless you invoke Wi-Fi connection first, then data connection is ignored.
I have had a bad experience that even if all setups are ok Wi-Fi conn thru Ap fails.
Corrected such a way;
Under 'Wireless /Lan' settings
Power mode should be brought to 'best performance'
azahidi said:
AFAIK the moment you invoke any app that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc) That's how it works on my set. Unless you invoke Wi-Fi connection first, then data connection is ignored.
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That's what I meant: You have to activate WiFi by yourself to prevent jade using GPRS (etc.). Your description is more precise, I did not make it clear enough. Thanks for correction.
Hi and thanks for replies so far...
I have just done a hard reset to make sure I haven't loaded anything that may mess up the wifi connection... Even when wifi is on and I am connected to a wifi access point OK it still uses gprs/3g not wifi..
Back to the "drawing board" I think...
Any more ideas please...
with this app you can disable or enable data connections as you please.
there is another app here in the xda that will disable data when roming automatically, but i don't remember the name.
faria said:
with this app you can disable or enable data connections as you please.
there is another app here in the xda that will disable data when roming automatically, but i don't remember the name.
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Hi faria
Unfortunately I find it better to go into connection manager, select airplane mode, then enable wifi. Then do any surfing, live messenger etc. Then once finished go back into connection manager, re-enable phone.
Like others, I'm on Orange, wifi no longer stays the internet source even if it is connected. I have it on all the time, but if I use the internet, I have to go through the above procedure or it costs me credit through Orange.
janeway said:
Unfortunately I find it better to go into connection manager, select airplane mode, then enable wifi. Then do any surfing, live messenger etc. Then once finished go back into connection manager, re-enable phone.
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The only disadvantage is here is that, you'll miss calls when there are incoming calls because your phone is inactive (while PDA is). You can just disable data connection (CommManager - Data Connection - off) and leave wi-fi connected.
Like others, I'm on Orange, wifi no longer stays the internet source even if it is connected. I have it on all the time, but if I use the internet, I have to go through the above procedure or it costs me credit through Orange.
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Just wondering.. how you identify which connection is being used, wi-fi or 3G/GPRS when both are connected.
What if you disconnect data connection (3G/GPRS) without activating the airplane mode, can you surf using wi-fi connection.
One possible reason - set connected to the AP via wi-fi but AP is not connected to internet, thus set seeks 3G as another route to internet.
Hi azahidi, thanks for taking time to reply to me . Your points as follows:
Yes, missing calls is the disadvantage, but I use my pda more for data and hardly any calls, so not so important for me, but obviously we be much better if that were possible as I do sometimes forget to swich back. If I disable the data connection, it automatically re-initializes itself as soon as ANY data is being transmitted - even with just wifi active - except when it is in airplane mode. This is a new thing for me with the Jade, didn't have that problem before with my previous HTC phone.
There is an icon for the 3G - when its in use it shows it - it goes from being a large G in a square to a smaller one with signal bars.
Wifi is definitely connected, I surf online with it all the time.
Its like 3G has priority over wifi - there should be a way to change that.
Hope the above makes sense.
I'ven been using 'Nodata' succesfull the last past months, it does it's job well, but i'm not on Orange as you are, that might be the difference.
Just to be sure i've also changed my settings:
start > settings > connections > connections > advanced > select network > My work network (twice).
start > settings > connections >advanced network > uncheck HSDPA and in SMS choose 'GSM'
(all is translated from Dutch, hope i used the right words)
Thanks Nirak.
One of my settings was wrong - I should have known that from last time, but my brain's elsewhere at the moment!
Must have upset it when I flashed
Cheers for now.
phil-w said:
Hi and thanks for replies so far...
I have just done a hard reset to make sure I haven't loaded anything that may mess up the wifi connection... Even when wifi is on and I am connected to a wifi access point OK it still uses gprs/3g not wifi..
Back to the "drawing board" I think...
Any more ideas please...
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Phil, can't you simply switch the "Data Connection" on/off switch to 'off' ?
I have it in the Comm Manager right at the bottom. The Wi-Fi and Phone could be left 'on'. I can't try if it works because I only use the phone on 2G.
jfranek said:
Phil, can't you simply switch the "Data Connection" on/off switch to 'off' ? I have it in the Comm Manager right at the bottom. The Wi-Fi and Phone could be left 'on'. Joe
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That's how it should work actually. Either one, Wi-Fi or 3g/GPRS. But what phil is saying is that it also activates data connection (3G/GPRS) even when wi-fi is connected.
On my set, and in my network (not Orange but standard GSM).. this is how it works :
The moment I invoke any application that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera, etc) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc). Unless if I invoke Wi-Fi connection on first, then data connection is ignored, it will stay off.
So what I normally do is, whenever I want to use internet, I connect using wi-fi then browse the internet. If there is no available AP, then I turn off wi-fi and continue browsing , which is then connected using 3G/GPRS/EDGE?HSDPA
azahidi said:
(...) The moment I invoke any application that requires internet connection (weather update, activesync, opera, etc) Jade invokes data connection first (3G, GPRS, etc). Unless if I invoke Wi-Fi connection on first, then data connection is ignored, it will stay off.
So what I normally do is, whenever I want to use internet, I connect using wi-fi then browse the internet. If there is no available AP, then I turn off wi-fi and continue browsing , which is then connected using 3G/GPRS/EDGE?HSDPA
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This is the way it normally works and should work under WindowsMobile. The Orange-ROM seems to be "manipulated" by the provider (?) not to work in this desirable way. All (or some?) Orange-ROM-Handsets seem to activate the data connection (3G/GPRS) every time ignoring the established Wi-Fi-connection. This rises the providers business volume.
It would appear to be correct about orange having had the method of connection changed.
I have just found and installed a different RADIO.ROM to my Orange Touch 3G and now it appears to connect as required.
Still not 100pc happy but will post my observations later with the rom numbers if it helps anyone else out..
Look on the HTC JADE reflashing on this site
Hi All,
There is no way around the Orange apps to enable WiFi, but I successfully reflashed the Roms in my Orange touch 3g yesterday.
Have a look here for the details on what to do:
Follow the instructions carefully, and I chose to install the Stock HTC ROM 1.40.721.2 from the ROM post.
Wifi is then free....
Well I appear to have got around the Orange Unique problem.
I upgraded the Rom on my Orange UK Touch 3G to the Jademan SuperRom V3. That got rid of the Unique side of things but with no improvement with Wifi connectivity.
The connectivity problem with wifi still caused problems, the internet connection would NOT use wifi even if I disabled the GPRS / 3G data connection with "NoData" It just returned a message saying it had failed to connect.
I decided to find a new radio rom image which I managed to on this Jade forum. I flashed the new rom and tested the same connections again. This time the wifi connected via Wifi first and without any problem... It would appear that flashing the Jademan rom didn't update the radio as well, I needed to update the radio as well.
The clue may be in the radio rom version number,
Original orange 0.29.30.U23
New Radio rom
A assume that the U in the orange rom refers to "Unique", which now I have replaced it, it appears to have cured the wifi problem and it is working just as any other Non-Orange Jade / Touch 3G does....
I have not noticed any problems with any other radio related issues since the upgrade, GPS, 3G/GPRS etc all seem to be fine.
I do find that the phone does struggle to connect with some Dlink AP's though... It may be a problem with the Dlink more than the phone but I still need to do more tests on that.
May be that will help a few other people out there...
Hi Phil,
I had exactly the same problem!
Started with an unlocked HTC Touch 3G with Orange customised ROM and then replaced it with the SuperROM. WiFi was unusable so (having read your post) I re-flashed with the standard ROM released from HTC and then re-flashed the SuperROM. This gave me the same Radio ROM that you show above however the WiFi problems seemed to be no better.
While I liked the idea of having the SuperROM I have gone back to the latest standard HTC ROM and all seems to be well.
Hi John,
My wifi now seems fine except not liking Dlink AP's for some reason.
I don't even need to stop gprs data with NoData etc, if there is a wifi connection available that I have setup previously it will use that rather than GPRS..
I appear to have "de-Oranged" it !!!
What probs do you still have on your Touch 3G ??

setting connection preference ???

is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
+1 good idea, anyone got anything on this?
The solution I would use would be to go to Settings>Wireless Controls and simply switch Data Connections off, Wifi On when at home.
You would have to remember to to reverse this when done if you want to access 3G services.
u could use G-Profile.. It allows you to set up different profiles and switch them automatically based on your current cell id. Wifi on/3G off when at home, other way around when not. Works like a charm for me
thanks for the tip but when I do that it then automatically turns it back on even when I'm connected to the wireless hub, all of a sudden they both are on . . . . . . .?? any ideas ??
i have the same problem... it keeps using my 3G/EDGE network even if WIFI is available... and i dont get it how can HTC afford not to give us an option to set that the phone asks you for permission when connecting to 3G/EDGE network... this **** costs and im not really happy about the fact that my phone can connect to a network whenever it feels like.
(and yes this **** keeps happening even tho i disabled automatic updates in weather/time applications.)
In BSB tweaks if you press options I think there is an option to disable all data connections. I have never tried it but maybe it will override all connection attempt? Give it a try. Also, I flashed to the 2.01 ROM and I think the data connections are a little less persistent, though I don't wan't to guarantee anything!
andi1977dog said:
is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
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does it not do that by default? i cant send emails through t-email when i'm at home - I just presumed this was because i was connected through my wireless router. turning off wifi allows me to send emails.
thus I presumed wifi takes preference?
I am wondering the same thing. The idealist situation would be to have both connections active at the same time, and let the HD2 make sure that wifi is used when the connection is there. Is there some kind of application to verify which connection is being used?
Great thread - I am not the only HD2 owner who is annoyed with the problem with the HD2 switching on its GRPS data connection without my approval!!!
Could it be that the HD2 turns off the wifi when it goes to sleep and then tries to connect to the web using the GPRS network? In that case how do I prevent turning off WIFI when in sleepmode?
I read somewhere else in this forum about a G-profile. Being a newbie with HTC I have no idea what this is. Any clue?
But overall: Yes, it would be great if HTC added an option to set network connection preferences.
WiFi does take preference if it's connected! Dont forget when you are at home and you turn your phone on from standby it will take 10sec or so to connect to your WiFi router, if you try and use IE, Opera, Twitter, Weather Update, Email, etc... before it's connected it will fire up your 3G data connection!
The phone does not how ever turn off your data conn when it's idle which is annoying! You need to use Bandswitch or CommManager from here;jsessionid=103F335931311F019BD540B82E479383 or WMLonglife from this forum (do a search).
there must be someone out there with ghe know how and expertise to solve this ?? glad to see its an issue for othet folk, i like the idea for selecting wi fi over gprs if its there to be selected.......
I found out that my HD2 automatically closes the 3G connection when I have wifi active. I'm not sure why it does that, I know pretty sure that it had not always done that. But I'm quite happy with it
It turns 3G on again after disconnecting from WIFI, which is what I want.
so if you tap the notifications tab and the "contratc internet" is counting and the wi fii is connected it is using the wifi and not the "contract internet" even though the timer is counting ???
Can anyone confirm ???
p.s tried using the G-Profile software, it seems very inconsistant and didnt always turn off what it should when you select the profile so im going to unistall it.
for some reason the automatic internet settings from vodafone messes up/hides the "The Internet" or "MyISP" connection that is in the phone originally.. I even hard resetted but you just can't seem to stop the automatic settings..
disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc..
the same with email only checking through 3G and not wifi.. but set the server settings of your account to "The Internet" after you disabled the proxy.. (advanced settings at the smpt server tab)
hope this helps.. but a thing worries me, as I don't know anything about proxies, why does vodafone specify a proxy if we don't realy need one.. to port us over their live portal or something? (on my old sony ericsson the track ID service didn't work because of that)
"disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc.."
thanks but how do i do this ??
anyone know how i do this ? thanks
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
tnyborg said:
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
Josan123 said:
I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, forgot to mention this - but in order to save battery power I have asked the unit to close down the WIFI when in sleepmode (using BsB Tweaks). And indeed it gives me more battery life.

Apps that require connectivity defaulting to dial-up

The issue I have is that I live in an area with minimal mobile coverage so have to rely on wi-fi connection when at home. Just today my HD2 has started acting up with an issue that I have experienced previously. When I try to update weather, stocks and other apps that require connectivity I get the error message about the dial-up modem being disconnected - the cause is fine as I have no signal but I don't understand why these apps are not swapping to the wi-fi connection. Browsing the internet is fine as is the YouTube app but all others (including email) are failing as they are trying to dial-up.
I have done some experimenting with mixed results:
1) If the phone radio is off (aerial followed by an x) - then the phone will fallback to wi-fi and applications that require connectivity seem to work.
2) If the phone radio is on and it is trying to find a signal (aerial with 3 dots cycling) then it will not issue the dial-up disconnected error - instead it will try to connect but then either time out (for apps like Omarket and Sky Mobile) or will work with mixed results (stocks and weather - although it only updates locations other than my location).
3) If the phone radio is on but there is no signal (aerial followed by exclamation mark) - then I get the dial-up disconnected error on apps that require connectivity (with the exception of Opera and YouTube).
Does anyone have any thoughts on what causes these inconsistencies and if there is a way to resolve them? When I had this issue before I did a hard reset which seemed to do the trick although with hindsight I am not entirely convinced whether it made any difference - especially if Apple's excuse for their iphone4 signal issue is to be believed (i.e. at times I could have a signal even though the phone is indicating that I do not have one).
I presume in the real world i.e. one where one has decent mobile coverage - this issue is unlikely to occur or certainly less obvious to spot
If you set up your dial-up connection as part of your WiFi connection ( ISP or Work) and then set "programs that automatically connect to the internet" to the WiFi connection the automatic program will no longer try and connect if you are connected by WiFi.
go to settings-menu-all settings-connections-connections and add a new modem connection to your Work network. You need to get the settings from your service provider or copy them from the existing data connection.
once done, got to advanced and select networks and choose the work connection for programs that automatically connect.
that should help
So in short I would have a single config that contains both the wifi and mobile settings as opposed to the two separate configs that I have at present. I will give that a crack and see what happens.

