Sync Notes with Outlook??? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi guys,
how cai I sync me Jam's notes with Outlook?
I'm tryin' to sync my Jam's notes but I can't see the notes in Outlook...

Works fine for me using Outlook to Pocket Informant - check your settings on your ativesync on the PC - maybe you did not check the box to sync the Notes.

I made some test and I found the problem: I usually store the notes of my jam in the storage card and in that way the notes doesn't sync with outlook.
I change the storing setting to main memory and it works!
Is it possible to use the storage card to store the notes and sync it up with outlook?


is there a program other than outlook that can handle cont

that can handle contacts?
do you mean
1 on the pda ?
2 on the pc
3 that can also sync with the pda
i think activesync only sync with outlook
but there are other sync programs which sync with
a great number of other mail programs and the likes
on the pc to edit the contacts.
what are these programs?
i think most mail programs have a kinda of contact
lotus notes, androa or what ever it's called
and windows have some program itself
it's just a matter of sync'ing between them and the pocketpc
try doing a search for them
or for intellisync or something like that

sync NOTES with Outlook

I am new to X1 & need your help in two issues.
1. Can we sync "Notes" as saved in outlook. The same was being shared & updated during regular syncs of my privious Nokia E series phone. I tried doing it using active sync. It syncs all info except "Notes" & shows "need to resolve".
2. what more bare minimum software I need to add up & from where can I get them. My usage is basic mails, Organiser, schedule etc. Picture editor can be useful.
I know I may be bothering you all but need help...
Are there any notes which are strange/unusual?
Perhaps try syncing without the notes, and then add them back into outlook until you work out which one is causing the problem..
about the notes issue, i had same problem.....try unticking notes from the sync partnership, synchronise, then tick notes and synchronise again.......that worked for me.
Good idea - will keep that in mind.
Ur lucky ur not getting the "Activesync encountered a problem on the desktop." error
That one DRIVES me nuts!!

Transfer contacts from W960i to X1

Which is the best way to do this? I have tried by just using sim card but contacts are all over the place!
Please help
The way I did it was to use the Sony Ericsson suite to sync your contacts with your mail application (outlook). Then setup active sync on that mail profile to sync them down to your X1
Activesync will only ever look at your "contacts" folder whereas the SE Suite you could pick your contacts folder. so be sure you sync it to your default contacts folder.
If you already have contacts in their you dont want on your phone (like me!) - I created a new outlook profile and performed the sync from there.
Thanks Craig, so start by connecting W960 to PC then how do I save to Outlook?

Lotus Notes Traveler

Has anyone used Lotus Notes Traveler with Blackstone?
I am using the Notes traveler 8.5 in manual mode (to save battery and data traffic). Hoever I noticed the problem that there is significant contacts update between PDA and Notes server. Even when contacts are not changed, there are usually some updates...
I also dual sync the contacts to my home PC's Outlook. There are also significant conatcts updates to Notes traveler when I sync my contacts to the Outlook (after clearing all contacts in Outlook).
Will like to hear others' experiences...

Syncing Notes into Outlook

I would like to use an app which creates notes that can be syncronized with Outlook Notes.
Can you gimme some piece of advice?
Thank you in advance
i've been looking for this as well without much success.
there's a program called nitronotes which syncs outlook notes but you have to have sync mode set as disk drive ...
Does anyone know how to sync their outlook 2007 notes to their HTC EVO 4G?
as far as I know the only app that really works for synching everything from outlook to the Desire is Companionlink but it costs 40 US$............
expensive but it works great
There is a workaround, to sync Outlook-Notes.
You can use "Note Everything" for use Outlook-Notes.
Export it from Outlook and then import in "Note Everything".
That's not really sync, but it helps to transfer the notes from Outlook to mobile.

