Password/Locking issues on ROM 1.30.68 - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi Guys,
I have installed the new ROM and radio upgrade. It has made my Universal really fly ! I use it mainly for tomtom 5.21 and it has sped up the refresh screen and made the maps smoother.
The only issue that is really annoying is that the Password program has been replaced by a "lock" program that does not recognise that Tomtom is running and the screen keeps coming on and I need to tap password in whilst driving.
I dont want to downgrade the ROM so does anyone know how to revert back to old password program or know a better one to use?
Thanks for any help

It might be worth just grinning and bearing it. its only a "test" rom, the real one cant be to far away now,
test rom, hmmm,, what of it were they testing???
are there lots of test roms we have not been privy to? i would imagine so hmm.
heh i got it, its tomtoms fault, must be. they should release another patch. surlly its tomtom app thats not supressing the timeout!!!

Guess you are right.
I just wish each rom upgrade would be "better" rather than just "different"

The solution
Seems to be here:

Look here


A newbie's guide to setting up the Prophet for maximum perf

Hey everyone,
I am going to be getting a Prophet (imate Jamin) in the next few days and, although i've searched the forum, I'm kind of confused by the amount of stuff you can actually tweak/upgrade in the phone. So I thought i'd ask you guys what are the key steps i have to take upon reception of the phone to optimize it (I'm sure such a guide would benefit a lot of newbies like me). So, here's what I'm planning to do:
1. Unlock it.
2. Flash the latest ROM (I think it's the Dopod one, right?)
3. Remove any extended ROM crap that could slow it down.
4. Reenter manually all my T-Mobile settings (unless there is an automated cab to do it?)
5. Apply the A2DP patch
6. Load the MSI Blueplayer (is that actually necessary?)
7. Overclock it.
8. Sync it.
Okay, that's pretty much what I'm planning on doing. If you guys wish to add/correct/suggest, please do so. Also, keep in mind that I'm trying to achieve the best speed, not the best battery life or the most apps.
Thanks in advance for the help,
The newest version ROM (any AKU2 version infact) should already support A2DP. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Not to contradict you or anything, but I was under the impression that the official AKU2 updates only contained the Push email upgrade, not the A2DP. Can omeone clarify that for us please?
The latest ROM itself does not connects any device as A2DP. You need to install the Tornado drivers to get it up and running After that, it works.
that's what I thought. Any other suggestions on things I might have missed on my list of necessary enhancements to get the Prophet up to speed?
J.Walker said:
The latest ROM itself does not connects any device as A2DP. You need to install the Tornado drivers to get it up and running After that, it works.
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Where do I get the Tornado drivers from?
Some questions from a newb
I'm in the same boat as tdx (getting an s200 in a few days), and I'm really lost with all the info I've found on this phone. My previous phone was a razr and I did everything to that phone imaginable, but I'm pretty lost with the Prophet so far. When I finally see the device, I'm sure a lot will make sense.
How does one install a new rom or cab updates? Does that require ActiveSync or is it just dragging and dropping these files into the file manager of the phone? Keep in mind this is my first ppc device and I'm very unfamiliar with how they work. Also I'm curious about ringtone loudness, as I've seen some other phones with just a speaker on the back and they're Very quiet and practically inaudible... does the prophet have this problem or is it pretty loud? What hacks are available to get the sound above factory settings?
Also, is the newest dopod rom the Best right now, or are there any major hang-ups or bugs that are really a PITA (pain in the ass)? What about the BT connectivity? Is A2DP just a cab file I'll need to drop into the phone, or how do I get it into the phone, and not where I have to manually run and open up everytime I want it to work?
What about some of your favorite programs or plug-ins for the phone? Any favorite weather, today screen, bank program, etc that you guys absolutely love? There's a lot of stuff out there and I'd hate to miss out on something just because I'm a newbie
Alright last question, while overclocking, is MemMaid the only way to set it up to overclock with certain programs, and go back to native speed after program closes? I was planning on just overclocking to 240mhz while running skype and TCMPT or windows media player, so videos wont lag too bad, and maybe with other programs I notice run a little laggy. I also don't want to leave it overclocked constantly, only when I'll need it... Any other way to set this up without the need of memaid?
I know much of this has been covered, but I feel these are really basic useful questions that many people with a stock, oem prophet could all benefit from knowing, so maybe we can get some walkthroughs on some of these things and get these discoveries organized.
Well thanks in advance for any info!

Why do people keep upgrading ROMS?

I know I am going to cause some trouble by asking this but why?
On taking my new Orange SPV M600 out of the box, I have to agree a bit sluggish, but this was mainly due to Windows.
After a little tweaking with the registry and some third party software it is now flying.
I originally thought that putting third party software over the top of the system would slow it even more, but know, the opposite was true. Using the standard windows task bar and start menu was dreadful. I tried a number of third party softwares such as True Toolbar, Handyswitcher etc, finally settling on Wisbar deluxe.
Everything now opens as soon as it is selected no nasty lag like windows. With some skinning and removal of Customised Today the phone looks great and is performing great. That is apart from my wired hands free. I can now answer and close calls with the button, but it does not activate voice dial when pressed, so I can't dial out hands free. All prevoius phones, Nokia and SE did this no problem, so why not this phone?
Anyway, back to the point of ROMS, why keep flashing?
I just got me one of those SPV M600 things and its not that slow, but I havent added anything else to it yet. Would you care to elaborate on "registry tweaks"? Im new to XDA/phones and havent started messing about yet.
I can not remember all of the tweaks I used, but there is a big section somewhere in here listing them. I have them somewhere on the computer but my filing is a mess and I can't remember what I called the text file or where I put it.
Basically the tweaks are just simple things like increasing cache size for fonts, programs etc. Moving file storage off main memory to SD card, disabling and enabling etc. It is claimed by doing this that the system will speed up a little. I am not sure if any of these actually did anything or if it is just down to Wisbar. All I can say is that when I click on a program it fires up straight away, before it could take a second or two.
Spenner said:
I just got me one of those SPV M600 things and its not that slow, but I havent added anything else to it yet. Would you care to elaborate on "registry tweaks"? Im new to XDA/phones and havent started messing about yet.
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check out this tread and application
good luck
Actually, the rule about flashing is: If it's not broken don't fix it.
People upgrade because they want to get rid of bugs or add features like AKU 2.0 that includes push mail and some other stuff.
Also some brands are better that others in some ways, and worse in other ways. There are several ROMs for the Prophet: Dopod, i-mate, Qtek, Orange. Finally some people cook their own ROMs throwing out useless stuff and adding apps they 'must have'.
All in all if you are pleased with your phone there is no need to change the ROM. When I got my Jamin it had the i-mate 1.xx ROM so I upgraded to 2.13 to get the AKU 2.0 goodies.
I always belive the latest is the greatest, even if its not. I still run the latest. While the release notes say "Added this, fixed that" they also contain a lot of fixes and changes not documented.
Hi all.
Thats actually a very good question. From my experience you dont really need to change anything. Maybe as you said some registry tweaking or some basic settings. However as someone already said, the golden rule should be if it is not broken dont try to fix it.
On the other hand you might want to change things with no reason, just because you can.. and I have to admit that it is hard not to do. Then you have to make sure that you know what you are doing cause otherwise you might end up spending your day in forums try to fix whatever you &^%$ up..
Take care.
Thanks for the replies.
I have to admit, when I first got the phone I started tweaking, then I found this forum and others. Once I discovered unlocking and flashing ROMS, I was very close to doing it. Then I remembered what I used to be like on my PC. With old systems like Win ME, I used to spend about 70% of my time tweaking and fixing, and only 30% actually using the damn thing. Not what I want out of a phone.
Just by messing around with skins, I have already managed to lose my phone dialer all together, I was left with a blank screen, so I had a phone that could not phone. I have it nicely skinned and running now, but I was never able to get the Orange dialer back.
Guess the only time I will flash my ROM is when there is a genuine update and it is covered by warranty, that way if the ROM is bad, Orange can give me another phone.
I look at it same way as i look at windows.
My windows isn't broke but I always use Windows Update.
Why do YOU update windows, if you do at all. I guess im not sure if this is advisable, but that's just the way i do it.
Regarding upgrading ROM, MOST of the time, it makes the device faster and adds more features ( i never install extended ROM ) so I always upgrade when there is a new one.
I've downgraded ONCE. And only the RADIO because 1.11 didn't agree with my device.
There are ways to Backup the device, change to a different BRAND/VERISON of ROM then restore the backup. This makes changing ROM very easy.
Anyway, I have nothing better to do with my time so i upgrade whenever a new ROM comes out.
Sorry to but in again but I simply must disagree with the Windows update analogy.
I have my PC set to auto update as well, but Windows XP runs updates in the background and doesn't delete you data in the process.
ROM upgrade means HARD RESET, and unless you have a good backup a long restore process.
Also there is the danger of communication / power interrupt during the flashing and a bricked device as a result.
Finlay, like with your radio ROM, some OS updates have new bugs as well as fixes for the old.
But I do wish it was as simple as updating windows - then I would say, update away, couldn't hurt.
My analogy was based only on the reason for updating, not the process itself that you are stating.
What I mean is if your windows works, why update?.... This thinking... Not the "ritual"...
Sorry i did not explain that clearly. The guy just asked why update if you are content with what you have.... It has nothing to do with "I would update only if the process were simpler" like what you stated.
Sorry for the misunderstanding
I upgrade because I can cook my own ROM with better application suite
Jorgee said:
What I mean is if your windows works, why update?.... This thinking... Not the "ritual"...
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Because it's full of holes and most of the updates are plugging them.
I think the main point is you dont have to upgrade, you can if you want, its a matter of choice.
I like to always update, some like to keep the same and have never hard reset in their life. Im on my 9th this week :S but it is a new device and im still figuring it all out.
TheBrit said:
Jorgee said:
What I mean is if your windows works, why update?.... This thinking... Not the "ritual"...
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Because it's full of holes and most of the updates are plugging them.
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Hmm, then i guess your advice to NewSPV is to upgrade.
Me too, as i said in earlier post, i will always upgrade to the newest ROM, then just downgrade if i don't like the changes. Unfortunately it isn't as easy to downgrade from Windows SP2 hehehe
Jorgee said:
TheBrit said:
Jorgee said:
What I mean is if your windows works, why update?.... This thinking... Not the "ritual"...
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Because it's full of holes and most of the updates are plugging them.
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Hmm, then i guess your advice to NewSPV is to upgrade.
Me too, as i said in earlier post, i will always upgrade to the newest ROM, then just downgrade if i don't like the changes. Unfortunately it isn't as easy to downgrade from Windows SP2 hehehe
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I was talking about Windows, not WM5.
My phone came shipped with an AKU2 rom and it's fine - after a little tweaking. I'm not going to risk bricking my pride and joy with a rom upgrade - as so many people have done already on this forum. :wink:
Can anyone name some good places to read about how to flash your device with a new ROM?
Also, I was wondering about what the "extended ROM" is. Is it basically partitioning part of your storage card for use as "internal memory" ?
Thanks for the info guys!
brounstoun said:
Can anyone name some good places to read about how to flash your device with a new ROM?
Also, I was wondering about what the "extended ROM" is. Is it basically partitioning part of your storage card for use as "internal memory" ?
Thanks for the info guys!
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Look at the top left of this very page and you will see a link to the wiki section of this site. How to flash is in there.
The extended rom is where the operator adds thier own customisations (over and above what M$ provide) to the device, for example Orange and O2 add their own options in there and they install when the device is powered up for the first time or when it's hard reset. If you get access to the extended rom (again look in the wiki) you can manipulate what gets installed and if you're really clever, add some of your own stuff.
Don't ask me how to do these things as I have not tried myself, the risk of bricking the device is too great for my liking.
cool, thanks paul
TheBrit said:
Don't ask me how to do these things as I have not tried myself, the risk of bricking the device is too great for my liking.
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Actually, it is virtually impossible to brick your device by manipulating the contents of the extended ROM. It is only accessed once, during first boot, and event that can be avoided by quickly soft resetting the device.
Basically it acts exactly like "file store" used to on WM 2003 devices, the only difference being it is hidden so ordinary users won't get rid of the operator junk.
In my case it was very nice of i-mate to provide various goodies there like voice dial (should be in ROM) anti virus (not only useless but damaging crap) Skype (could have just downloaded from their site, but nice thought) and backgammon (toys are always welcome).
But now ofter the initial installation it makes all the sense in the world to save these cabs (9MB~) to my PC and have extra 10 MB storage on the device.

Best Performing ROM to date

I just got my hermes back from being repaired. They had to change the whole board inside and thus there is a new (Chinese!) rom on it. I need to install an English ROM again as well as change the keyboard layout (what fun!).
Can anyone tell me which ROM seems to have the least problems right now? I looked through a number of threads but its hard when they are 10+ pages each.
Thanks in advance.
I found LSV's WM6 was heaps heaps faster than other roms I've used in the past....navigating on it felt very quick and responsive.
Only problem I had with it was I had to apply the ATI fix from a thread Slueth posted to resolve. I found the ATI bux only affected the mediaplaying program Coreplayer. And I also had to apply Slueth's A2DP fix as well...after that perfect skip free music from both bitpool set to 30 and 48 (can be set by TweakUI in Start->settings->system->TweakUI).
Can anyone help me out with a recommendation?
See my signature for the link, but it is the BEST one out there, VERY stable, excellent battery life, etc, etc
I think the best ROM is Black 2.5... no wait it's Custel... hmmmm maybe I'm wrong and want to vote for LVSW or even wait for Kyphur to re-surface (sorry I nearly forgot my favourite Dutty).....
Oops, Chinese alcohol taking over brain, but seriously, no one can really answer this. The people who think XXXX is the best rom do so because it is the best for them - works well with their radio, applications, service provider, Hermes variant etc etc.
The only way to find out is to try them AND try for a few days at least to get a real feel for the stability based on your own useage.
Personally I've now stuck with the LVSW rom for a while (on a UK vodafone VPA1605). I guess that you may have an X01HT because of the Chinese rom and I've just read that some other user had problems with this rom on his X01HT - so even there I can't recommend something which works so well for me.
BUT, have lots of fun trying them all - I did.
Marlz said:
I just got my hermes back from being repaired. They had to change the whole board inside and thus there is a new (Chinese!) rom on it. I need to install an English ROM again as well as change the keyboard layout (what fun!).
Can anyone tell me which ROM seems to have the least problems right now? I looked through a number of threads but its hard when they are 10+ pages each.
Thanks in advance.
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Looking for a new ROM.

So after a month of issues with my Wing locking up anytime I try to use the keyboard, it apparently is an issue with the stock ROM. So here's what I'm looking for and cannot find ANYWHERE (yes, I've searched and asked before in another thread and got no where).
I want a calendar option where I can have multiple calendars on the phone. At work, I have 3 schedules/calendars I look at and would like one for personal use. My problems with the phone started when I tried to use the calendar for the first time and it only has been worse since. I'd like to correct that and give me the option to keep updated with multiple schedules.
I also do not want to give up MS Excel/PowerPoint/Word. I use the Wifi quite a bit, well did before I couldn't type anything without freezing, so I can't lose that or MMS/SMS texts. I need all the basic stuff but wouldn't mind trying out the slide to unlock or the cube as everyone says. My buddy has the Touch and the cube is kinda cool but it's not a must. Games, I'll take as many as I can get! I've tried using emulators for SNES games (Punchout rules!) and it just never worked right. I'm a solitaire junkie (84 seconds, beat that!) but wouldn't mind others like freecell, tetris, bowling, Hold'Em or whatever would be good "sitting on the john" time killers.
Can anyone here help me? The main thing is the calendars which I cannot find with searching for almost an hour at work today. haha!
oh yeah, and if something could overclock it for faster speeds, I'd be happy unless the new ROM is fast enough. The weather feature would be really nice as well. Any other cool features I should know about??
At the moment I'm using TTran's open touch biggy 4.0. I was using itje's touch it 2.3 before, and liked it alot, but that phone broke and when I got the new one I wanted to try something new. Pretty much everything you need is included in it, and it runs very fast and smooth. I highly recommend it.
So with that, I can have multiple schedules? Is it possible to relabel them?
Am I looking for something that just isn't made or does no one understand what it is I'm looking for? I'm trying to get this to work for my work but I need multiple schedules.
It doesn't exist that I know off... unfortunately, ActiveSync and pocket outlook will not allow multiple mailboxes/addressbooks/CALENDARs. I wish it did... but it doesn't. At least there isn't any way that I'm aware off.
Ugh! someone should get to modding! I bet enough people would use it to justify the time. Plus, I'll throw in $20. haha
screw it. I'm going to flash the Open Touch 4.0 Biggy in a day or two when I have time. My only question is, do I download the file to the computer and put it as it is on the Wing or do I unzip it then put the "MyFirstROM" folder on the wing? It just says d/l it then open. Open on which machine? Also, I did a backup of my contacts to the card but if I flash it, will reloading from the software give me all my contacts back? What do i need to do so I don't lose a TON of contacts?
I am assuming you haven't used Hard-SPL yet? You have more to do than just flash a ROM
I've read on here you don't have to Hard-SPL to go with a new rom unless it calls for it and the Open Touch 4.0 supposedly doesn't need it. Am I wrong?
I had the stock tmobile rom, and I updated to Open Touch 3.0 without Hard-SPL and mine runs fine. I think for other roms, you may have to, but usually the rom will specify it.

Sony ericsson panel add speed dial bugs

Does anyone have this problem?
i've had my phone for about a month now, never use sony ericsson panel that much except when im using wifi, and yesterday i just notice a bug on it.
Go to options (bottom right) then go to the launcher tab. Whenever im trying to add a speed dial the screen would just shows that error reporting thing saying that paneloption.exe has encountered a problem or something.
Is this a bug?
i never use the speed dial thing, so it shouldnt really be a just curious to know the cause...
so far the software that i have installed are :
all the panels
Xperia tweak
HTC enlarge start menu
Garmin Mobile XTSchaaps advance configuration tools
any of those might be conflicting?
Something seems to be wrong with your phone but I can't say what it is.
The speed-dial is working without problems on my phone.
I use Xperia Tweak and HTC enlarge start menu too so these should not be conflicting.
Have you updated your firmware to R2A?
Maybe that would be a possible solution and it's always better running the latest software.
Its not that important of a problem, im just crious to find the answer.
I've never touch that area before (Speed dial in the launcher thing) and i was just surprised to see that it just gave me an error report thing.
Im still running the R1A, im still a bit affraid to try any custom ROM..
although itje's ROM might be tempting me in the future..
Just a quick question though, do i lose all my contacts, program, information etc when i upgrade my ROM to R2A?
and im still running the old schaap advance config tool, might that be the problem? i'll try to update it later...
mr_sheen said:
Just a quick question though, do i lose all my contacts, program, information etc when i upgrade my ROM to R2A?
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You lose everything on the phone's memory when flashing to a new ROM.
All the things and programs on the storage card will still be there but you will have to make new links to the windows programs folder.
cheers mate...thanks for that...
i notice someone else is having same problem as me on this thread:
maybe its just some bugs that sony needs to kinks out...but i doubt they'll do it cause they seems to abandon the panels thing now

