keyboard menu pullup takes 7 seconds! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am not sure if it's the dialpad skin or CE Star that I've installed, but I've noticed that:
1. The keyboard input method selection pullup takes 7 seconds to appear.
2. Phonepad input method can not be selected. It goes back to straight keyboard.
I did try to uninstall the above two mentioned software, but problem remains.
Can somebody descrive what windows is doing when this menu is pulled up? Is it reading from some directory or registry? I am thinking something is missing thus causing the long lag.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

dunno but mine took ages as well.
i bought something called SKTools which cost five pounds or something, and allowed me to disable the ones i don't use... like block transcriber or whatever the hell that was.
edit: oh yeah, and that made the pop-up quicker. I assume you can do this in the registry itself but i dont like digging around in my registry without some kind of app to do it for me..

Nobody else have this problem?
Where in registry is this menu list stored?

Known issue, which is getting a "bit" fixed in newer versions, mine take 2-3 seconds to pull up with the latest version
It's better but still unacceptable :?


Forgotten Icon to change mode to Landscape

In my Qtek 2020i.
After the installation of some software. The Icon In the Bar of Today Screen for changing the mode from Portrait to Landscape are disapeared.
Some Knows how I can recovery It.
Thanks for all,
Uninstall the software and it comes back...
I had the same with PPCProfiles-Pro...lost the icon after installing. Removed it, the icon came back. It's a shy thing that icon, it's done it before too.
Ok, but I don't Know what of the software that I have Install in the pocket is the cause of them.
I would like to Know, If there a key in the registry that do this action.
Yes please could someone confirm weather or not there is a reg key/tweak/hack for the XDAIIi as the sreen icon dissappearing 'trick' is really annoying.
Would greatly apprecaite a reply soon,
if you search for 'landscape' in the registry you'll find the solution.
In HKLM\System\GDI\Rototion there is a dword key called 'HideOrientationUI'. Set it to zero to unhide/reenable it.
Can you suggest anything else?!?!?!?
It seemed to dissappear as soon as I increased the glyhe reg hack
Remove the SPB Software, I believe it is PocketMon or Space Saver
if it disappears again then there is a tool active which wants to mess with that registry key. I've tried that SPB tool also and it made my landscape icon disappear indeed, as some other tools... so get rid of that tool cause the landscape icon is far more useful.
When I first got my XDAIIi, I did a corporate install.
What is SPB ?!?!
Is that anything to do with the o2 software cd that comes with the XDAIIi!? i.e. the GPRS montor, ZIP etc... !??!
Is there another reg hack anyone?!? :?:
Or a piece of software that actually resolves the problem!?
I would greatly appreciate a reply,
the spb grps toold doesn't conflict with the landscape on the xdaIIi, I've kept it running and it didn't cause any issue.
The only option where it is specified for the landscape icon to be viewed is in the registry key as mentioned earlier... dig the registry.
If then, the icon disappear still not appears or keeps disappearing, as that registry key rightfully specifies the icon's being, then it has to be other (additional) software which prevents it from appearing, e.g. the option to prevent the icon from appearing once the additional program built-in/in is loaded.
Try uninstalling the corp. lot and reinstalling what is necessary I'd say.
as to the fact which application messes which with the icon... at least a few for sure, and as I recalled from tryouts I an spb tool did mess with it.
-scuzi mi errata, pero soy humana-
Is there a program which should be in StartUp to make this work? I checked the registry key (I have the same problem) and it is set to zero, which the previous posts seem to suggest means it should display.
Maybe it has something to do with "Today Timout" ?!?!?
Mine is set to 4 hours.
Does anyone know what the Today Timeout actually does!??!?!
ps. yeah is there any software we can shove in the startup folder which will keep the icon there?!
Sort of solved for me
I removed a bunch of "no longer used" programs last night and the icon mysteriously reappeared after a couple of soft resets. Wierd.....
Yeah but does anyone know what the Today Timeout option does?!?!?!
I ahve searched long time in this forum and cannot find it anywhere!!!
If you leave the device off for longer than the today timeout, you will get the today screen when you switch it back on, otherwise you will get the last application used

Wizard MSN Messenger - Soft Keyboard pops up all the time...

Hi All
I've got an O2 XDA Mini S which I've set up using the corporate option, so I no longer have the O2 Software running.
Whenever I start a new conversation in MSN messenger, the soft keyboard pops up, even if the real keyboard is exposed.
This is really annoying as I have to minimise the soft keyboard on every new conversation.
Can anyone help?
Driving me mad! :roll: LOL
Just tried to make a word document and it's doing the same thing!!!
I have tried setting the input options from keyboard to phonepad and it's still doing it.
just start typing (DON'T click it away!). for me after that it remembers that i don't want to use the onscreen keyboard.
OK, so I just rebooted the machine and it's not popping up now.
However, the MSN chat window is all squashed up at the top of the screen... As if there was a softkeyboard there.
I think I'm going to have to get used to the occasional reboot on this!
Thanks for your quick response!
Clicking on the SIP button in the bottom right should disable the soft keyboard, and according to some, it should retain that setting. I don't have a Wiz so I can't confirm, but one way or the other, it might help you to install a dummy SIP. PHM Tools installs one.
PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy
The PHM Ext. Keyboard is an empty input panel you can use when you have an external keyboard connected (such as thumb, collapsible, foldable, wireless, ... keyboard) and do not want an input panel to take valuable screen estate.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yah this annoys me as well, when browsing in landscape and BOOM this keyboard that covers have the screen pops up! you can't even see what yoru typing...
anyway i remember reading a fix for this somewher, but it was before i got the device. anyone know where its at?
Hey, I changed mine from keyboard to the transcriber, it doesn't seem to popup now and it also give a full screen while on msn rather than only half screen where the keyboard should be.
Just tried this... Thanks!
It gives more of the screen available to MSN, but still not full screen for me.
If I click on the transcriber icon at the bottom of the screen, then click on it again to minimise it, I then get full screen.
Weird problems!
want to try the PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy but theire website is down since some time. Could anybody please upload the files in this forum or somewhere else? (eg,...)
PHM tools
I think they're all down for updates.
Here's a zip of all of them.
so what exactly does that do? i don't want to install anything that can be solved by a reg edit. (dont have a mem card yet)
Fone - one of the cabs installs a dummy SIP called external keyboard or something. It's for people that use external keyboards, basically don't one the built in ones popping up all the time.
It's small, I'd install it if you have a need. If you really don't need the built in keyboards and want a registry only solution, you can disable the SIPs through the registry. Not recommended though.
Alternatively, as it's just 1 install:
( could probably hack apart the PHM tools CAB just as well )
thanks a lot, just what i needed!!
Excellent! Works a treat!! Thank You.
Ahh, null keyboard is by beemer. He's a great coder, check out his today plugins for wondrous pleasures.
These null keyboard type things do pretty much the same thing, ie nothing. However, if you're really geeky, Brighthand forums has a large review of a number of them. Use whatever works though.
its ok, i'll go ahean and install it. i just thought somehow someone could make a couple regedits that would tell the device if in landscape dont show onscreen keyboard. but i guess its more complex than i thought.
short of intercepting it, I don't think so
Technically, software needs to check they keyboard status, and then suppress the SIP from popping up when activating text entry elements (stuff's in MSDN somewhere). Thing is - most people are either too lazy to do so, or aren't aware of any need to do so, or just don't know they -can- do so
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.

problem with using keyboard and changing it

ive installed phraze-it, tengo thumb, even blimkeys but they dont come up.
only the keyboard shows!
even when i select them, they dont come up.
is there any registry thing i can do get them to pop up and stay there and not revert to keyboard?i havent even been able to see what they look like because they just wont come up!!!!
anybody any ideas?
I have confirmed the same behavior. After a new flash keyboard works fine after using almost any tweak that alters the keyboard registry entries it starts taking 10 to 15 seconds for the sip change menu to pop up.
Anyone know where thye keyboard registry entries are? I thought I would back up the whole section and then test a little.

Help! Slow input type selection window!

When you need to input text, you can click on the icon at the bottom of the screen to bring up the text entry area. You can tap on the little triangle beside the icon to bring up a window to select between block recognizer, keyboard, letter recognizer, phone pad, and transcriber.
On my 8125, it is taking a long time for this window to pop up after tapping the triangle. It is taking a few seconds, when it used to take maybe 1/3 of a second. It is quite frustrating!
Why is is doing this? And what can I do to speed it up like it used to be?
This has happened before. It was when I first got the phone and was installing apps and games on it. One day I noticed this slow behavior, and I ended up doing a hard reset and slowly adding my apps and registry tweaks back on one at a time to see what would cause the problem. Well, nothing caused the problem and it stayed fast for a long time.
Then yesterday I updated to Summiter's latest ROM and started adding my apps back on. This text entry type window was working just fine through most of it, and suddenly as I'm finally finished putting everything back to where I want it, this problem is back!
Help! I don't want to do another hard reset already!
I have the same problem, I use transcriber as SIP but since it takes so long to show up when you click the triangle, I just put a shortcut to transcriber.exe in the start menu folder. So, I just use the Programs menu, it's much faster
I like to switch between letter recognizer, keyboard, and transcriber. I suppose I could put links to them in the start menu, but it would be so much nicer if I could just figure out why it's being so slow!
Any ideas?
I've read this is due to having MS Voice Command installed, although I haven't confirmed this myself.
I have the problem and never installed Voice Command, so there must be another explanation
anyone idea what the keyboard exe is called?
This is supposedly caused by a bug in the OS. I use an application called 'Smartskey'. There is a setting that talks about reboot notification for a Wizard. This affects the time it takes for the input method choice popup-. See the text about it from the manual:
Only for HTC Wizard. The function is originally not related to SmartSkey. The HTC Wizard contains a program called sddaemon that is the voice command program for wizard. It contains a bug that it will automatically create one more
notification for each reboot. It will make the program slower and slower after a number of reboot and overflow the notification system. To set this to 1 will automatically remove the duplicated notification event. If you are a user of Wizard, it is suggested to set it to 1. The flag is harmless for other machines.
I cannot remember where I downloaded the program, but if you search this forum, you should be able to find a copy.
i dont use smartskey, so is it something else causing my slowdown? i dont understand.
is that a reg key your talking about there?
funy said:
i dont use smartskey, so is it something else causing my slowdown? i dont understand.
is that a reg key your talking about there?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Smartskey isn't the problem. It solves a problem with the OS. zIt appears that every time the device restarts, it makes a record in a log file somewhere. Eventually, the log is so full, it takes longer and longer to pull up the menu. I don't recall all of the details, but I found it here. You can probably search to find more information.
The setting I put in the post is a smartskey.ini setting to resolve the problem.
thanks, might give it a try then
mrschwarz said:
Smartskey isn't the problem. It solves a problem with the OS. zIt appears that every time the device restarts, it makes a record in a log file somewhere. Eventually, the log is so full, it takes longer and longer to pull up the menu. I don't recall all of the details, but I found it here. You can probably search to find more information.
The setting I put in the post is a smartskey.ini setting to resolve the problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just put that ley in but stil doesnt seem to have done anything

Add ons and fixes for Mogul

I know there are a few threads similar to this, but most of them quickly get off topic and are not all that useful. I was thinking about having everyone post what fixes and add ons for people have, and their overall experiences with each. Then we can have a single source to see which dialers work best, if any of the so called fixes actually work... all without searching 10 forums on 15 different sites.
Heres mine
Sprint Mogul
Pocket CM 0.15
jpl4 touch dialer
xda-developers power bar
the 8 button comm manager
spb mobile shell today add on
sms text sent notification disabled
I have noticed that my mogul is slower... especially when changing to landscape to use the keyboard, but i feel like this is pocket cm... please make additions... i think i am not the only one sick of looking through at least 5 different forums
I did away with PocketCM as it has some lag when opening. I switched over to iContacts and love it. Loads fast, does what I need which is to find contacts one handedly and when i hit OK or the top right X it closes it out completely. PocketCM stays open and running which can slow device down.
i meant to mention, right now i can't get redial to work properly with my dial pad... i have to go to call history and hit the hard dial button. Other dialers have worked, but i like the setup of this dial pad best... not sure if i'll change back to the mogul big button or not.
x button 2.0
todayAgenda (MT software)
tomtom navigator 6
total commander
lordsmiff battery level
all works
sms text sent notification disabled
How did you do this... I have been searching around and havent had much success
"sms text sent notification disabled"
every1isevil said:
How did you do this... I have been searching around and havent had much success "sms text sent notification disabled"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
should be done with this regkey:
petervbeck said:
should be done with this regkey:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if you do that you will also disable your vibrate function. There is a cab file that will stop the notice.
Here's one:
so i changed back over to the "mogul big button dialer" which i don't like the looks of as much, but it works perfectly.
Also 2 days ago I installed the task manager 2.0 I found over at the hermes forum... suddenly my battery doesn't need to be recharged!! More like I unplugged it yesterday morning and a full 25 hours later it said 80% charged this am... maybe just a fluke. Anyone else get better battery with this addon? (
nursemm05 said:
if you do that you will also disable your vibrate function. There is a cab file that will stop the notice.
Here's one:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oops, sorry! I was referring to the wrong thing! If you disable the light, you disable your vibrate function! Sorry for th confusion!
I like the concept
I've been looking for a thread like this for a while. If I could make a suggestion, could you please list or attach the freeware files along with your posts. I'm having to do just as much searching to find out what a certain program does and download location as before.
I got rid of PocketCM... way too slow for me.
I'm running:
10 button CommManager
SPB Mobile Shell, Phone Suite, and Backup
Arcsoft MMS
dcd's touch dialer
Disabled SMS Sent Notification
Plus a bunch of other irrelevant stuff.
I notice lag sometimes when I go to send a text message and pop out the keyboard. Seems to have some lag going to landscape, and lag opening up the new text message window. Other than that it's fine for the most part.
I've used the following registry tweaks and gotten dramatically better battery life:
A couple of us have tested this and found a nice increase in battery life. On my Treo 700 it seemed to do nothing but on the Q it greatly helped (I ran for 12 hours yesterday push email in a low signal environment and stayed at 4 bars battery--normally would have been at 2 or 3)
"...simple registry trick and hack that will enable power management on several communications protocols to save and conserve the battery life, and thus extend and prolong the battery of the Windows Mobile devices."
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\AsyncMac1\Parms
Default value type and value are
Change to
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Irsir1\Parms
Default value type and value are
Change to
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\PPTP1\Parms
Default value type and value are
Change to
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\L2TP1\Parms
Default value type and value are
Change to
(Again, use at your own risk -- I disclaim any liability -- except to say I've tried the above and it works well for me with no apparent downside).
On memory use, I found that people have tried removing the HTC_CM_Guardian and dddaemon from the \Windows\StartUp folder. I personally moved them to a "save" folder so I can restore them if I run into problems. One of them loads the voice dialer function and the other prevents certain changes to the system --- both appear to be memory hogs. I don't use voice dialer (I think even without this program the voice dialer will loan on demand anyway). Removing these two has improved my memory usage.
I use tMan as a task manager --- very handy and fast to close and manage running processes. Also very lightweight and easy to use.
Another REALLY useful tweak, the FlashVideoBundle along with the TCPMP player --- enables full screen YouTube videos launched from PIE. Is not compatible with the Flash plug in however, you can only have one or the other installed. See here for details:

