Hi, Since I updgraded to the TEST qtek rom wiht adp2 and push mail, whenever I'm in a call and the sync process with the exchange sever kick off my call gets dropped, is it possible to avoid syncing when on a call?
Does anyone know if there is a way of forcing the phone to play a sound, flash etc when receiving a blackbery message (I have blackberry connect up and running on my (XDA II).
I am using Pocket Zen Phone and have the email configured but I guess the blackberry messages are not recognised as emails!!
I've got my MDA Vario 2, and I'm very happy with it!
But, I have recently noticed that the phone doesn't accept incoming calls when connected to my PC via ActiveSync (I usually leave it connected during the day to keep it charging and so forth). Incoming calls go straight to voicemail. Outgoing calls work fine.
If I disconnect from the PC, I get incoming calls without problem.
Does anybody know if this is something I've done, or how I can get it to work properly?
Wierd problem. Anyway, which version of ActiveSync your using?
Make sure you soft reset your Wizard Often. Since I used my Wizard all the time, I soft reset mines at least once a day. I run push email from my work exchange server so it's always running active sync via Edge/GPRS. I noticed that if I didn't soft reset once in a while, all calls would go to voicemail automatically. But now it seems to work ok with soft resetting often. Not sure why I have to do this.. But it's a solution for me.
I spent some time yesterday trying to find an answer to my continuous problems connecting with Blackberry Connect. This included different ROMS and different versions of Blackberry and Desktop Connect software.
My problem (like many others) is that the initial set-up of Blackberry connect seems to work but as soon as I restart the device or service, it is disconnected and sometimes the service completely shuts with the blackberry icon dissappearing from the tray.
The best success I had (and is still working after 24hrs) is to install Blackberry service without wireless calandar support. Somehow for all versions of ROMS and connect software, enabling wireless calander is causing the disconnects. I can't remember what the service name for this is but for those with similar problems this might help.
On a similar note, does anyone know why wireless calander could be bringing down the blackberry service?
seanrkelly said:
I spent some time yesterday trying to find an answer to my continuous problems connecting with Blackberry Connect. This included different ROMS and different versions of Blackberry and Desktop Connect software.
My problem (like many others) is that the initial set-up of Blackberry connect seems to work but as soon as I restart the device or service, it is disconnected and sometimes the service completely shuts with the blackberry icon dissappearing from the tray.
The best success I had (and is still working after 24hrs) is to install Blackberry service without wireless calandar support. Somehow for all versions of ROMS and connect software, enabling wireless calander is causing the disconnects. I can't remember what the service name for this is but for those with similar problems this might help.
On a similar note, does anyone know why wireless calander could be bringing down the blackberry service?
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I had a similar problem with the BB connect ( client on my Wizard. BB connect works fine without calendar sync. I had similar stability issues when I used the old BB connect client (1.x) when my mailbox got too large, and I have a HUGE amount of calendar information thus I am guessing it is size that is causing the issue. It does not help that the BB connect calendar sync doesn't specify a cutoff date to reduce the number of old entries.
I am running BB Connect on my 1605 and have constant issues with the BB client.
I get the odd VCAL error occuring but these are rare compared to the BB Client just switching itself off on a regular basis. Restarting the client does not fix the issue and I have to softreset the device. The device is generally slow and unstable after a long period of running the BB Connect client constantly.
I send and receive about 200 mails a day and keep a weeks worth of mail in my Blackberry mailbox so yes perhaps this is size related.
However I have a collegue in Austria who is using the T-Mobile version of the Hermes, and a slightly earlier version of BB Connect ( I think) and it seems to be a lot more stable.
Any clues ??
Halfpenny said:
I am running BB Connect on my 1605 and have constant issues with the BB client.
I get the odd VCAL error occuring but these are rare compared to the BB Client just switching itself off on a regular basis. Restarting the client does not fix the issue and I have to softreset the device. The device is generally slow and unstable after a long period of running the BB Connect client constantly.
I send and receive about 200 mails a day and keep a weeks worth of mail in my Blackberry mailbox so yes perhaps this is size related.
However I have a collegue in Austria who is using the T-Mobile version of the Hermes, and a slightly earlier version of BB Connect ( I think) and it seems to be a lot more stable.
Any clues ??
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I run on a Wizard and without PIM, it works reasonably well. The most I've kept in the BB inbox is around 400 mail as that was around when the BB 1.x client used to play up an I got used to deleting the mail from BB (I do not sync deletes with my Inbox for this reason). If you are keeping 1000 mail I would say try and delete the mail daily (including deleting from the "Deleted" folder) and see if it improves. I know that with the BB 1.x client, if I got too many mail the BB client would start chewing up CPU and the device would act strange, and sometimes I needed to soft reset, disable BB, delete the mail, reset again and things would be good again.
What baffles me is why people keep so many emails on their BB's I read a message, if it requires an immediate response I send a note from the BB and then maybe follow up later on the PC, I then delete the message, if its not relevant I read and delete it, if it can be dealt with later, I read it, then mark it as unread and then delete it from the BB, I do not sync my mailbox with the BB thus all mail is still in my Outlook inbox...
tonyb15re said:
What baffles me is why people keep so many emails on their BB's I read a message, if it requires an immediate response I send a note from the BB and then maybe follow up later on the PC, I then delete the message, if its not relevant I read and delete it, if it can be dealt with later, I read it, then mark it as unread and then delete it from the BB, I do not sync my mailbox with the BB thus all mail is still in my Outlook inbox...
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I think it just depends on how people work. I tend to read on the run (between meetings) and I delete when I remember sometime at home or on the train on the way to work or something like that.
For the 3rd time my phone has lost all my contacts...
This has happened with 2 differnt ROMS.
Does anyone have any ideas?
You could save your contacts to your sim card.
just backup with google synce or myphone?
Thanks guys, I have my phone set up with an Exchange Server, but I have to set the phone back to factory settings eachtime becuase the Activesync software fails to work once the contacts have been lost.
I'm really looking for a solution or reason why this is happening to me so I can avoid it.
All of your contacts should be pulling from your exchange server... Are you trying to sync by connecting it to your desktop? Are the contacts disappearing during a sync?
wow! I annotated even joking..... i just lost all my contacts again!
when I attempt to run ActiveSync itopens briefly and shuts down.
i have also lost my imap4 email too....
WFT, could I really be the only one having this issue?
SO are you syncing with it attached to your computer or doing it with the data connection wireless? An exchange sync doesn't work if you are connected to your PC.
Also curious if your data connection is poor or if you have tried connecting to a wireless network before syncing?
Do you only lose your contacts when you are trying to run active sync and it crashes?
I never sync directly with the PC - gsm/wifi connection only.
I have had Windows CE devices since the begining of time... Other than the odd software bugs, etc I have never come across anything like this... Four times I have lost 100% of my contacts, email accounts cleared from my phone etc.
Only a full factory reset will allow me to connect with ActiveSync again. Yesterday it happened waiting to see doctor - good thing I had a long wait.
I am not "running" ActiveSync. I have it set for Push, so it syncs all the time.
Maybe try turning off push at first and using Active Sync to pull in everything in the beginning?
I have hard reset my HD2 several times and each time I set up my exchange I manually ran active sync. it takes like 4 times running it to bring all 1500 of my contacts and all of my work related emails into my phone, but it's never crashed on me yet during the sync...
I could do that, but if I turn push off I won't get my email updates, contacts won't get updated/backed up.... :/
Just initially leave push off... Not forever. Once all of your contacts are in there, after doing a manual active sync several times possibly, turn push back on.
I use push mail every day during the week, but when I first setup my phone I run a manual active sync to get all of my contacts and emails on my phone because if I just rely on push to do it initially, it won't import everything. I think I just have way too much to sync or something?
oh, the loosinh of data happens several days after the initial sync. maybe 3 to 6 days later. i think 6 days is the longest It's gone without loosing all the datda.
It might look like a stupid question but one of my users can't get past this problem so I would like to see if there's a solution.
So we only recently gave some users HTC Snaps to see how it adjusts to their needs, we have a hosted Exchange server (also has been only a few months) so we set-up ActiveSync on the Snaps to synchronize directly with the server.
It seems to work perfectly, it synchronizes following schedule (every 30min from 7AM till 6PM) on weekdays and doesn't on the weekend, but then on monday morning, it doesn't start the automatic syncing again as it should.
Almost every monday morning, the user comes to me at 8.30-9.00 to tell me he doesn't receive his mails. A simple Send/Receive in the mailbox or go to ActiveSync and press Sync starts the syncing again and everything seems to work fine during the rest of the week but still the user is annoyed that it won't sync as scheduled.
I can attest that it works perfectly on my own Windows Mobile 6.5 device (SE Xperia X1) although I do sometimes lose my synchronization schedule (but that could be related to some app I have or to the tinkering I do with it - if anyone has an idea though - the user doesn't do anything else on the Snap than make phone calls and check his mails and occasionally write one).
The Snap has the latest official updated ROM from HTC.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
IP chabges
I have a similar problem. Your provider obviously changes your IP.
Go to Commmanager/Connections, disable Direct Push and enable it right away again. Sync will work afterwards until the next new ip.....
We don't use Push as it seems to work worse than with a fixed schedule.
I will check for the IP if I have the opportunity but I don't understand why that should be a problem (you do mean the device IP, right ? Our server IP doesn't change).
And the problem doesn't appear every single week ... So I think I'll just go with "That's the way it is" ...
Thank you for your help.