Full formatting the Jam.... - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I made an hard reset on my Jam but I think that some configurations are still present after that.
Is there a way to make a full reset in order to restore the original settings and cleanup ALL the user's info/configurations?

What kind of settings do you mean? A hard-reset should clean-up everything. Don't forget that after the hard-reset all ext-rom apps & settings are loaded. To skip this, you need to soft-reset just after the initialization end. this is when the default windowsbackground shows & before the pop-up with 'customization' shows.
regards, M

after full formatting of ppc,the storage looks like clean and empy,but 3 mb is not free.Have anybody the same problem?

You may have flashed or been flashed with a custom rom/extended rom.
If that was the case, you are hard resetting, but to the custom storage that is built into the ROM. You might want to flash with a standard operator ROM.

the rom is 1.12,and I download it from this site...


?Dissapeard Storage&ExtendedROM folders?

Anybody help me, please!
After I tried to use i-mate ROM 1.72, I realised it had some big bugz that causes when U use/install some kinda' applications it freezes totally and when you want reset your device the XDA2 doesn't boot the system, and you just see the bootimage and booting stops. It happens accidentally not depends on you at first sight.
Ok, I thought, I restore the system after a hard reset from my SDCard with XBackup. But after restore (XBackup said: "restore is complete") that freezing happend again. Just the bootimage, not more.
That's why I downgraded the ROM to O2_1.60 and tried to restore my backup file on SDcard created by XBackup. It worked, but it has another problem: after restore process xda2 can't see the 'Storage' and 'Extended_ROM' folders although after hard reset it seemed.
In the registry (\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Storage Manager\Profiles\TRUEFFS_DOC & TRUEFFS_DOC2) everything is normal and values the same than before the hard reset.
So, anybody has an idea what's happend and how can I get to visible this two folders ('Storage' and 'Extended_ROM')?
I have the same problem. After upgrading to 1.66 my "Storage" disappeared. How do I get it back?

Hard Reset doesn't reinstall ext rom cabs

Hello there,
just wanted a fresh start with wm5 after recieving my 1gb minisd. because i didn't got the hardreset by pressing the buttons to work i used clean storage to hard reset, but afterwards it asks for calibration and timezone settings but doesn't install the cabs in the extrom. does someone know why and how i can fix this?
Ok, found out how hard reset by presing the buttons on the device works. But it's the same thing. Windows Mobile 5.0 setup starts (time zone and popup menu howto) but after this it says setup is completed and returns to the today screen.
But The cabs in the extended rom are stil there. I never touched them but copied the as backup to my pc. I#m able to manually install them when unlocking but they do not install by default. Why?
Can someone of the german XDA mini S users send me a copy of their original ext rom? I'm completly confused why my device ignores the complete cabs and autoexec from ext rom
hello there,
just inspected my extended rom a little further. There is no config.txt. I may have accidentially deleted this file.
Can someone who own a GERMAN O2 XDA mini S send me hiw original config.txt?
Thanks in Advance,

WM 5.0 reinstallation - memory formating

On my O2 Atom my WM 5.0 installation is corrupted. When I reinstall the latest ROM on that unit the behavior stays corrupted.
On a second unit I have installed the same ROM and everything is working fine.
The problem that I have is that all applications I install give me a message that the author is not know or that these are not PPC applications but only after the first soft reset.
Is there a way to ensure that the memory that holds WM 5.0 in the device is working correctly :?: Is there a way to format this memory :?: Does a reinstall of the latest ROM really erase all of the old ROM bits and pieces :?:
thanks for your help, I am aware that the atom is not and xda but I am also aware the you guys are the most profesional community out there.
chuckchuck: on the Universal and Wizard, we have a tool built in called ClearStorage, that is the equivalent of a hardreset, wiping out all memory. Does the atom have a similar app?
vijay555 I have not found such a file on the atom or function on the atom. Would there be a software tool out there that could do it ?
I am a bit puzzled, I always thought that after a ROM install all the old stuff is out the window. This might still be the case but then I guess it would be the memory that is bad.
Hard reset Atom
Try hard resetting the Atom.
With the Atom off, use the stylus to press the reset key at the bottom while at the same time pressing the power-on button.
You will be prompted if you want to do a hard reset (warning - this clears all you device data so make sure you backup what you want first)
press both the "call" and "hangup" buttons and a hard reset will be done.
If you do nothing, after a short while it times out and a normal reset is done.
Thanks for the info, I have done that already, but what I was wondering is whether it is possible after such a hardreset that there will still be code left overs in the memory that could prevent a true clean install.

Full format including registry

I'll buy a P3600 next month. I have a lot of software to install on it. But after I'll try all the software and select only what I like, how can I format the device? I want a full format including registry. Is there a software like Drive Image or Noton Ghost for Trinity to back it up? Please enlight me! Thanks
you have to make an Hard Reset.
Go to
and select Erase Arcihive or Full Reset ( i have italian P3600 with CANCELLAZIONE ARCHIVI)
This operation restore the Factory Settings.
You can install SPB Backup to make a backup of your system after the re-installation of your program

Changing Hard Reset Rom

I was just wondering , is there a way to change the backup rom stored on your phone so when u hard reset it installs that rom, because i hav a t-mobile mda rom, and thats ll i can hav since i cannot ujpdate my phone via usb so im jus wondering if there is a way somebody please help
There is no such thing as "hard reset" or "backup" ROM on your phone. There is just one ROM, parts of which are loaded to RAM when the system runs and parts are used as is (it called XIP - eXecute In Place).
What happens when you hard reset is that all the settings you changed and all the data you added to the phone are deleted.
Question is why can't you update via USB?
There are options where you can flash a new ROM from a specially formatted SD card, but I am not sure if such thing exists for your device.
I suggest you check the WiKi.

