Hi all
Firstly apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere. Searching bluetooth returns ... too many results to sift through.
OK, I have this setup. I connect my laptop to the net using either the router OR network cable. My laptop is equipped with BT.
Is there any way to browse the net from my PDA, by establishing a BT connection from XDA2 to the Laptop?
I know it would be a doddle (I hope) if I were to purchase a wifi SD card, but if I can avoid the expense it would be great.
Thanks in advance.
One way would be through BlueTooth ActiveSync. As when in the cradle, when your PPC is connected to your PC through ActiveSync, internet connectivity is through the PC. I use it whenever I am in proximity to my BT laptop. Works well!
If you go to Options in ActiveSync, click the Rules tab, check Open ActiveSync when my mobile device connects. and have the Connection set to The Internet or Work depending how your network is set up. Then establish an ActiveSync connection (USB, serial, Bluetooth or IrDA) and it will allow you use Internet programs like PocketIE, Pocket Outlook, etc.[/b]
I thank you both for your very very quick response.
Yes, both methods work. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I am one happy bunny.
Going insane bluetooth activesync internet
I wish I could be so happy. Let me give a brief overview of the last 6 hours:
Installed bluetooth dongle on the work PC - eventually got it connecting to the XDA2.
I have now managed to get a connection with activesync which seems to be quite robust and synchronises ok.
I am now trying to get on the internet via my active sync bluetooth connection (and tearing my hair out)
My network management is now set to a new connection I have created call 'My Work' no modem set up with the proxy settings set to those required on my work LAN. No VPN set up.
Have set the pass through on the PC to work, internet and open activesync to enable and disable but can't get ti to connect. Please help!!!!!
Going insane bluetooth activesync internet
I wish I could be so happy. Let me give a brief overview of the last 6 hours:
Installed bluetooth dongle on the work PC - eventually got it connecting to the XDA2.
I have now managed to get a connection with activesync which seems to be quite robust and synchronises ok.
I am now trying to get on the internet via my active sync bluetooth connection (and tearing my hair out)
My network management is now set to a new connection I have created call 'My Work' no modem set up with the proxy settings set to those required on my work LAN. No VPN set up.
Have set the pass through on the PC to work, internet and open activesync to enable and disable but can't get ti to connect. Please help!!!!!
maybe it's a firewall issue
try messing around with the ping program
on your pocketpc and see if you can ping the ip of your computer
and on it's gateway and dns
also make sure your dns settings on your pocketpc is set to the same as your pc
pocket ping
Thanks for the advice. Bit stumped really:
My PC has a static IP address ( I run pocket ping on the XDA and it says it's IP address is the network is DHCP enabled. Neither of them can ping the other one (so there is no way I can connect to the proxy from my XDA2). Any ideas why my IP address isn't in our LAN range.
Just out of interest I can use a Dell X3i and connect to the network wirelessly no problem at all.
Further to baffle everyone - If i disconnect bluetooth and cradle it. I get the same Ip address but can connect to the internet no problem! So this would lead me to believe that all the connection and activesync settings are correct.
not sure here are some guides
Thanks for the help but the guides didn't fix the problem.
I eventually got it working (and a better bluetooth connection in the process) by downloading the slightly newer version of the XTND Blue Manager software http://www.windigosys.com/support.htm
I can now suft the internet on the XDA over activesync and syncrhonise files ok. Slightly slow but this I expect with what is basically a glorified serial port!
The only slight niggle I have now is that ActiveSync always reverts back to COM1 as the default port when I reboot my machine. Is there any way to stick it to com3?
it's blazing away at 700K/sec at least so the specs says
Is there a way to do this? I have the pda connected with usb and activesync and I want to share this connection over the ad-hoc wireless network I created on the pda. The best thing would be setting a dhcp server on the pda and a gateway. But a gateway would be enough for me i can set up the ips myself. So how do I set up a gateway on my htc-wizard windows mobile 5 pda?? Internet connection sharing from PDA basically with wifi or bluetooth when the pda is connected to internet with usb and activesync.
are you saying you want the PDA to act as a router?
Today I was able to connect my PDA to Computer over PAN without starting ICS! My PDA do not have "PAN user driver" and might work only as "Network Access Point".
If you change these key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\bluetooth\pan\activateonboot to 1
then while enable bluetooth will start "bluetooth network adapter BTPAN1"
but will be another problem - the windows did not see that connection is established.
I solved the problem by changing the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\comm\btpan1\parms\protocolstobindto from "NOT NDISUIO" to "NOT".
Remained only appoint a static address for bluetooth network adaptor on PDA and Computer. After that start on a computer connection to bluetooth network access point and all is work.
Computer can ping PDA and PDA can ping Computer.
But one problem still remains: Packages go to the computer and no further.
Attempting to use the computer as a gateway to connect PDA to the Internet failed.
Maybe somebody who will help solve this problem?
I apologize for my English. I am from Russia.
Hi, i need help about connecting my Pocket PC and using ICS
So this is what i want to achieve:
1. I have internet connection on my laptop via LAN
2. when i connect my HP IPAQ 114 with usb cable and sync using Active Sync i have internet on my PPC
3. I have another laptop that i want to "give" internet to via my wireless card on PPC connected wireless-ly to Laptop2
4. This is the scenario i like to create:
Can someone help me with this?
I do the same thing as my curent internet is from a usb modem
so i turn on internet sharing on my pc
and set my phone's ip to be on the same subnet in my case 192.168.0.X
set my gateway to the ip on the pc in my case
set my dns to the same dns the pc use
if you don't know your dns
you can get it from a console and typing
iconfig /all
on your pc
tnx but i tried that and then i don't have internet on pc1 because of the mac of it is my password to the internet provider
can i somehow fis that?
ok i set my Local connection1(internet) to ics to the local connection 4 (activesync created and it made its address
this seems to be normal but now my active sync can not connect to my device
and my laptop1 ip must be
I have connected phone to PC and set 'internet sharing' on the phone, to have internet access on the desktop. It works well.
Then I connected other PC to that PC, both through LAN cards and set up home network.
Then I wanted to set up ICS (internet connection sharing) on the host PC, to access internet also on the other PC.
Problem is, that ICS is by default using address, which you can't change in winXP. And also my phone is connected to the host PC with the same address, which if I change, I loose internet connection on host PC.
How can I change this address which phone uses to connect to PC?
Current setup: cable modem w/ wireless beams connection to my PC via wireless LAN. Modem is on LAN, I'm .9, static. I want to setup ICS from my PC to my mob by bluetooth, as the wireless connection in my room is awful so I have to have a USB wireless adapter snaking under the door & out into the hallway.
Problem: ICS setup wants to host the service on but that's the router & can't be changed. Is there any other way to do this? Cheers anyone.
can i circumvent this by connecting to the pc using bluetooth via activesync? won't i still need to setup ICS in the bluetooth config, or does activesynch overrule it?