pls. urgent help - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

i have Orange spv m1000
locked cognito software
only 1 way unlock device: Upgrade rom
i downloded o2 site m1000 rom and trying upgrade rom saying mesage
i want ORANGE spv m1000 rom
pls help...
[email protected]

Dude, see the following posts which give very detailed intructions on altering the desired ROM to your device's country / provider code.

Or edit the rom or download hima_upgrdit_noID.exe and upgrade it with this...

thanx for reply but my problem still :roll:

Yes I know your problem!
Please download my file and put it in your upgrade folder and run himaupgradeut_noID.exe and than follow the step..


Flashing with New ROM and message : COUNTRY ID ERROR

I have an MDA T-MOBILE
Someone Flash it already in French
So I have the rom (see attached picture)
Now I find a new rom in Belgium, I would like to Flash my S100 with
How can I fix this?
I see in my DeviceData.txt : T-MOB101
How can I change the provider in order to have my S100 Flash correctly ?
Do I have to go to all the SD things ?
Thank you
Take a look here...


I hope someone can be kind enough to assist me.
I'm trying to upgrade my SPV M1000 (orange) from WM2003 to WM2005.
I've downloaded the software but when I tried to install it the following error message comes up:
The ROM image you are trying to use is not designed to work with your pocket pc. Please check the vender web site and downlaod the correct ROM update"
Does anyone know what to do and where to download the correct rom? I hope it's something simple because I'm a newbie
Kind Regards

How get orange setting back....

Hi there ! I noob here
i tried to unlock my SPV M3000 with lockiwiz... that didn't work ! it always finish by error "Can't copy file to the RRT"
I tried to install last QTEK 9100 french rom but it never work and finish by ERREUR [296] "modele not compliant".... so i test the last Mr Clean ROM... Update was fine !
But now, its impossible to install french orange rom again!
I read a lot on this forum and on other web site... and i understood that a problem from radio rom.... !?
I have find "ALL BACKUP ORANGE SPV M3000 FR BY [email protected]_$.ZIP" on your ftp. it contain all orange original file and EXT ROM, but how can i use it ? how copie it on phone ?
Please help me !!!
IF I am right:
It's not possible to downgrade again from any 2.xx roms to a 1.xx rom, if your device is CID unlocked with LokiWiz, BUT there are some threads that describe some workaround's.
After long search on some forums i found a solution :
first, I install the custom QTEK rom found at :
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Qtek/CUSTOM__RUU_Wizard_1050412_WWE_101_11210_WWE.exe
then, i have cid unlocked my phone width lokiwiz2 (the 2b version seem doesnt work with this rom :/
Now, i'm able to install all rom from any vendors ! )
It is really cool !
Hope this post will help someone

Help to go from SP3 to c500 ROM ???

My old good friend c500 just passed away and I bought a second hand i-mate SP3.
Now, I would like to get the same feeling i.e. to be able to install my Orange c500 rom on my "new" i-mate SP3 ? fails.
Would any of you be so kind to help me with the necessary steps to follow ?
Thanks in advance.
Any idea on how to install the Orange ROM on my I-mate SP3 ?
I don't even have the T9 with the I-mate ROM....
U need to downgrade your bootloader and then flash with orange official update...
the bootloader U need is 1.1.0064 (hope i am telling right)
but u need to CID unlock your phone first...
U may follow karhoe's guide to install the dowgraded bootloader (remember U require the above mentioned one, not that which is on the karhoe's blog...)
or give me some time to upload it here for U

Please help DOPOD M700 WIN just hanging on to DOS!

Hello you! i have the mobile Dopod M700 and it was not in WIN. My Hardreset tried (several times), the report found it was OK but not in WIN is the only boot screen (DOS) with the parameters:
IPL 1.29.001
SPL 1.29.000
GSM 02.69.90
OS January 29, 2000
My trial is still in bootloader mode to be; Currently I have not done any additional action other (not UPROM or remove anything)
I hope you have had the original ROM for the M700 to ask yourself (I currently have ROM: RUU_Artemis_DOPODASIA_WWE_LOVE_1.28.717.1_INFINEON gsm4.1.13.30_02.69.90_Cmp_Ship_R! But I see My machine is 1:29; 1:28 so this is their not dare Up) or would you show me how to CID Unlock the machine in Bootloader mode (not to be in WIN and without ActiveSync)
Not know much about My PPC; so please save your guide what I should do now?
Thanks to you and thanks to Pro ...
my PPC will be OK! i have original ROM for Dopod M700! anyone need it! email to: [email protected]!
can you please say me from witch site you downloaded the firmware or how you repaire it.
i have also same problem on my phone.
i have also same exact problem can you say me how do you repair it?
only one way: i go to and sign up members then download the file directly from ROM original M700 and uprom for mobile.
If you can not do I'll send you the original ROM file there!
After the original rom is now up; you have to unlock CID then relaxing ROM upgrade!
Thank you very much hanamson1979,
Now iam Downloading the file after install this rom i will inform here what happen.
Thank you Very Much hanamson1979
My Phone is Alive!
congratulations! you immediately unlock CID!
I'm using WM6.5 so that's nice!
can you tel me where u download rom on htc site ,i add my mobile but cant find any rom to download for my m650
