prgrammatically accessing GPS device - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

can anyone point me in the direction of some info on how to access the current Sat Nav coordinates from a (bluetooth) GPS device, please!
i'm guessing ( / hoping) that its not device-specific - and I don't want to do anything too clever. just need to query the device for the current location.
any suggestions, hints, pointers etc. would be gratefully received!

Most if not all BT GPS devices transmit data via NMEA0183 commands over a virtual serial port (SPP profile). There's lots of code out there for handling NMEA commands (it's a simple ASCII text format).

take a look at this link
OPENNETCF is an open source framework .NET for smartdevice
you could manage GPS device with the OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.GPS class
you just have to open the port com with this class

Does it exist some GPS SDK for eVC++, not .NET???

This might not be exactly what your looking for but it may help -


How to create a virtual Com port

I am trying to develop an application that allows multiple applications to access GPS co-ordinates from TOMTOM. I have the tomtom control that allows other applications to get the gps location. I was hopnig to create virtual com ports on the PPC and send the gps location to the virtual com port.
Does anyone know how tyo create a virtual com port on the ppc using EVB, or does anyone have a control to create one that I could use.?
Although I don't know how to create what you asked, there is a product called GpsGate that already does what you've just said:
You may find it easier/quicker to just purchase theirs than write your own (Pricing = USD $15 to $30 depending on version) but obviously that's your choice.
I use it to share my GPS between TomTom and WiFiFoFum and works perfectly!
Cool - I've just had a lok it looks fine, I'll try it out for a few days - Thanks

Wedge software

I need some code to take occasional data from an external spp bluetooth device (eg rfid scanner) and stuff it into the active window as pseudo keystrokes. Doesn't matter what main application is running, this software will run in the background processing anything that comes in from the bluetooth port. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Check out the articles on
If you have further questions do not hesitate to start a new topic

HOWTO: programmatically determine BT device type

hi all,
When I use comm manager in my PDA to scan for bluetooth devices it can detect the BT device type and shows different icons for PDAs, phones or workstations.
I want to implement this capability in my BT program, anyone knows how to do this or have some tips or links or anything useful????? I use eVC++ 4.0, 2003se sdk.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot
look for WSALookupServiceBegin
tons of lines of code

Finding available ports in HTC P3600 / Trinity

My first post here!
I use the following in VB.NET 2005 to obtain a list of available ports in my HTC P3600:
Dim s As String
For Each s In SerialPort.GetPortNames()
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", s)
Next s
When I run this piece of code, it only finds COM3. I have a ROM in my P3600 that has the GPS activated. GPS is available on COM9, but I don't see this port in the list of portnames. When I connect directly to COM9, I get GPS data, so I know it works.
Any idea why COM9 doesn't show up with the code above? Is this port maybe hidden for developers?
Nobody able to help with this?

Asus VivoTab Smart GPS port

The built-in GPS works fine with the map/GPS programs from Win8 Microsoft Store. I have several desktop map programs (e.g., MapPoint, Microsoft Streets 2013, OziExplorer, etc.) which look for a serial or USB port in order to talk to the GPS unit. Does anyone know how to get these programs talk to the internal GPS unit (e.g., COM port #, baud rate, etc.)? THANKS.
That information may be available in Device Manager. An alternative, somewhat silly but actually viable option: hunt up a copy of Hyperterm (or similar) and, assuming it runs on Win8 (I haven't tried), check your COM ports for GPS traffic and tweak the baud rate until it looks like NMEA (I assume that's what your software expects).
With that said, it's possible that the internal GPS doesn't use the standard ports at all, and instead just uses the new Windows Location APIs. That would probably mean you would need to write a cross-over program that uses the new APIs to retrieve the location, translates them into NMEA, and pushes them to a virtual COM port. Probably possible to write, but not trivial. I hope/assume that the Location framework can be used in desktop apps, but I haven't actually checked; Metro apps may not be able to access COM ports in which case you would need to write to some inter-process-accessible resource that can be reached from the AppContainer - a loopback network connection or possibly a file may be workable, I don't know if named pipes are reachable - and then a desktop application to connect the metro app to the virtual COM port. HUGE kludge, I know.
GoodDayToDie said:
That information may be available in Device Manager. An alternative, somewhat silly but actually viable option: hunt up a copy of Hyperterm (or similar) and, assuming it runs on Win8 (I haven't tried), check your COM ports for GPS traffic and tweak the baud rate until it looks like NMEA (I assume that's what your software expects).
With that said, it's possible that the internal GPS doesn't use the standard ports at all, and instead just uses the new Windows Location APIs. That would probably mean you would need to write a cross-over program that uses the new APIs to retrieve the location, translates them into NMEA, and pushes them to a virtual COM port. Probably possible to write, but not trivial. I hope/assume that the Location framework can be used in desktop apps, but I haven't actually checked; Metro apps may not be able to access COM ports in which case you would need to write to some inter-process-accessible resource that can be reached from the AppContainer - a loopback network connection or possibly a file may be workable, I don't know if named pipes are reachable - and then a desktop application to connect the metro app to the virtual COM port. HUGE kludge, I know.
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so there is no app that will work with the built in gps even for desktop mode? I tried Maps(that comes with windows 8) and only locates my ip not gps position

