Finding available ports in HTC P3600 / Trinity - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

My first post here!
I use the following in VB.NET 2005 to obtain a list of available ports in my HTC P3600:
Dim s As String
For Each s In SerialPort.GetPortNames()
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", s)
Next s
When I run this piece of code, it only finds COM3. I have a ROM in my P3600 that has the GPS activated. GPS is available on COM9, but I don't see this port in the list of portnames. When I connect directly to COM9, I get GPS data, so I know it works.
Any idea why COM9 doesn't show up with the code above? Is this port maybe hidden for developers?

Nobody able to help with this?


hacking the SD-GPS driver to support COM6

I have the Pharos SD-iGPS hardware (SD card GPS)
It insist on installing to COM4
if it fails, like it does on my XDA II with 1.60 (COM4 = BT)
it reverts to "COM0"
this "COM0" is accessible via software (ZTERM)
but most GPS software can't find it (they are hard-coded COM1-9)
I've searched the SDGPS.DLL, and I can see it exports
COM_Close COM_Deinit etc ... a whole setup of COM io.
I hoped to find, hard-coded "COM4" but I've got no luck:-(
How do I proceed? this is a 19k driver inside s DLL.
Can I disassemble (which tool?) and find what syscall set for COM4?
Can someone tell me what I need to look for in Binary/Hex editor?
Having looked at the way the PPC load devices,
I believe the answer is to add "Index 7" or something similar
to the resitry regarding this driver
It lists
Prefix COM
It is my understading that, "Index" provides the COM port#,
and by default it is the "next up".
The system uses COM1 - serial COM2-phone i/o COM3-InfraRed
so by default it should go to COM4
Yet this causes a problem (MS BUG?) with the COM4/COM5 for BT.
I will try to add to the above registry
Index 7
and see what happens ...
Did this work for you? If so, what registry key did you enter exactly?

How to create a virtual Com port

I am trying to develop an application that allows multiple applications to access GPS co-ordinates from TOMTOM. I have the tomtom control that allows other applications to get the gps location. I was hopnig to create virtual com ports on the PPC and send the gps location to the virtual com port.
Does anyone know how tyo create a virtual com port on the ppc using EVB, or does anyone have a control to create one that I could use.?
Although I don't know how to create what you asked, there is a product called GpsGate that already does what you've just said:
You may find it easier/quicker to just purchase theirs than write your own (Pricing = USD $15 to $30 depending on version) but obviously that's your choice.
I use it to share my GPS between TomTom and WiFiFoFum and works perfectly!
Cool - I've just had a lok it looks fine, I'll try it out for a few days - Thanks

prgrammatically accessing GPS device

can anyone point me in the direction of some info on how to access the current Sat Nav coordinates from a (bluetooth) GPS device, please!
i'm guessing ( / hoping) that its not device-specific - and I don't want to do anything too clever. just need to query the device for the current location.
any suggestions, hints, pointers etc. would be gratefully received!
Most if not all BT GPS devices transmit data via NMEA0183 commands over a virtual serial port (SPP profile). There's lots of code out there for handling NMEA commands (it's a simple ASCII text format).
take a look at this link
OPENNETCF is an open source framework .NET for smartdevice
you could manage GPS device with the OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.GPS class
you just have to open the port com with this class
Does it exist some GPS SDK for eVC++, not .NET???
This might not be exactly what your looking for but it may help -

test my softs for HTC devices

I develop a module GPS under pocket pc to display sentences NMEA.
The objective is to validate my module for the devices HTC
or it can have bug...
This soft is very simple.
Select COM GPS and RATE GPS your device and press TEST.
the soft open port COM serial and read data.
if the sentences NMEA display it's OK !
else i would like to understand why...
If you want to do a test on your device, thanks please tell me the result
(device, port com, rate , and test ok or not) !
link cab file :
??? can anyone ?
Downloading now. Give me a few minutes.
Doesn't seem to work on my XV6800.
I installed to main memory.
I tried with Google Maps on and locked to 6 satellites and with it off. I was set to Com 4 and a baud of 4800. No NMEA shown and lock = no. Left on until the device turned itself off.
My devices GPS need a prime for other software to work (TomTom, etc) but works great with Google Maps.
Another little thing you might think to fix. The text in the selection boxes is huge. Need to move down a few font sizes.
Let me know if I can do anything else.
thanks blazingwolf !
My soft test is ok for HTC touch cruise (Polaris)
But the problem is also P3300 Artemis...
I believe that we must activate some things for Qualcomm chip GPS..
( I do not documentation and web site Qualcomm Link is not valid -> )
GPS is as silent under my soft ->
- Sent a command on the link serial GPS to activate the chip ???
or specific sentence NMEA for activate sends sentences NMEA from GPS ???
- or the chip GPS uses a protocol other than NMEA ???
I am looking...
83stef said:
thanks blazingwolf !
My soft test is ok for HTC touch cruise (Polaris)
But the problem is also P3300 Artemis...
I believe that we must activate some things for Qualcomm chip GPS..
( I do not documentation and web site Qualcomm Link is not valid -> )
GPS is as silent under my soft ->
- Sent a command on the link serial GPS to activate the chip ???
or specific sentence NMEA for activate sends sentences NMEA from GPS ???
- or the chip GPS uses a protocol other than NMEA ???
I am looking...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, i have a HTC Artemis
(T-Mobile MDACIII) i can test the software on mine if u like, but i can only download the cab from these forums, so if u could upload it to here, i'll give it a go
Max Filesize attach for ZIP 8Mo
I can not attach my ZIP FILE has this post sorry
its more than 8mb!!!
yes lol
I do not use the framework microsoft.
fair enough. i'll try and download it this evening, see if it works on my Artemis.

Accessing GPS data on HTC device

I'm developping a program that use the GPS of the Pocket PC. I first start development on a Mio A201 and I just had to open COM port to automatically receive NMEA trames.
I am now on HTC Diamond and my code does not work anymore... I still open the COM port but nothing comes and if I try to write something on port, I have instantly a timeout Exception evenif I set up WriteTimeout to udge number...
Anyone have already uses the GPS on HTC devices and can help me?
I'm using and C# under VS2008. Thanks by advance.
PS: I'm using COM4 at 4800 bauds as Tomtom which works perfectly!
I'm developing a new program with HTC Diamond called "Where is...", and i look that if you open and close and re-open the port it dont work.
Open port after 1 second of start of program and maintain opened during the application work and read all data every 1 second or more or use the Event DataReceived.
Close port when FormClosing.
Thanks for reply, here is my code:
SerialPort spGps;
spGps = new SerialPort("COM4", 4800, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
spGps.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 16;
SerialDataReceivedEventHandler handler;
handler = new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(spGps_DataReceived);
spGps.DataReceived += handler;
And spGps_DataReceived function is never called with my HTC Diamond whereas it works with another Pocket PC with embedded GPS...
Any idea???
Thanks for the help
I've also tried to set RTS (Request To Send) and DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signals but with no results...
Damn GPS
Well I'm quite surprised: When I try to ReadLine() on the port, I receive a NMEA trame! I don't really understand the mecanism... Are the data buffered or generated on demand? Because in a case of buffered data, why my handle doesn't work, and how to know the 'date' of a trame... ?

