Unable to dismiss/snooze/disable K-jam alarm - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

on my gf's K-Jam, she is unable to change her alarm and also dismiss/snooze it when it rings. For example, she originally made one alarm for Monday-Friday @ 5:00am. Later, she edited the same alarm to go off at 7:00am. but instead of only going off at 7, it also rings at 6.
also, when she unchecks the alarm box to disable it, it still rings regardless.
When this alarm problem happens, each time you turn the k-jam off and turn it on again, the alarm signal rings every 20-30 seconds for the first 3-5 minutes the phone is on.
soft resetting does not change it, nor does a hard reset. I flashed it with KJAM_WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship.exe and it worked fine for a few days, but then the problem came back.
i'm assuming it is a software problem and hopefully the new IMATE ROM will fix this...or is this a hardware problem?

Sounds like a duplicate notification. You have several options to get in there and manually remove it.
You can try running CheckNotifications.
You can use MemMaid, find the notification and delete.
You can do the same with SKTools.

jurassic5 .. I had exactly the same problem ... Wizard was driving me nuts. I tried almost anything to get rid of the alarm but NO. I was close to call support. But then I found a official ROM WWE upgrade ... and the problem was gone.

I have same problem, I try to remove them from the running queue, but, it is always come back after a soft reset. for people who has this problem and don't want to flash his rom, my stupid way is, hard reset once, then never ever use the build in alarm, try to use SPB time or something instead.

I have same problem, I try to remove them from the running queue, but, it is always come back after a soft reset. for people who has this problem and don't want to flash his rom, my stupid way is, hard reset once, then never ever use the build in alarm, try to use SPB time or something instead.


Freezes and no alarms

Hi all
I have been experiensed a lot of freezes lately wich renders my wizard completely unresponsive. I usually takeout the battery or reset with a pen or something.
Also more an more the alarm doesnt go off. This used to work fine. Like this morning, I wake up (late) and grabb my phone, is shows time 0630 althou its like 0700. When I tap the screen it changes to the correct time and all the alarms go off (i have several alarms, due to a serious snoozing problem).
I have WA2 and WAD on it and alot of other nice apps.
Tips hints or comments anyone?
Maybee its just time to clear it completly to get rid of all the junk i installed but I really dont want to.
Alarm Problem:
I too use the phone to wake me up in the morning.I had this exact problem with the stocc ROM and some installed apps. Once I upgraded the ROM I haven't had the problem.
Freezing Problem:
At times it seem like I'll get this problem especially when I hit the bed for the nite. Not sure why but for me I've link the problem to ActiveSync. For some reason that is the only thing on my phone that kills the ram and makes it freeze. Even if you shut it down it will start up again. I haven't had this problem lately since I upgraded teh rom and I perform a soft-reset about every 3-5days. What I did to make sure everything would be ok would be soft-reset of the device before going to sleep.

I have a strange issue with my Vario II !

When I re-set my phone, I get one of the alarms going off, and the vibrate alert.
This happens about 4 or 5 times in succession for no apparent reason when Windows loads.
It then happens intermittently, but not as often, for about 5 minutes – again sounding and vibrating.
I do not have this alarm sound set up for any action in the sounds settings. It doesn’t matter if I have an appointment or not. I do not have an alarm set-up.
One additional point (which indicates a software fault) is that I had my phone replaced for SA issues and I did a full backup before I changed the phone (this problem also happened on my old phone). After a full restore, the problem was copied to my new phone.
Does anyone know / or has anyone had this issue and resolved it?
Thanks all.
Anyone any ideas on this (other than a hard reset)? It's driving me CRAZY!!
since youre still using the old restore... youre just moving the problem...
You can try to uninstall your apps one by one...
But it's faster to hard reset and re-install it one by one..
You could try installing alarmtoday by pocket max, this will list each alarm/notification/every sounding event on your system, you can then see what's causing this and hopefully cancel it.
if you find out, let us know. Good Luck
Thanks guys -- I figured that my worsed case scenario my be my only option.
Just a thought but if you go into Sounds and Notifications do you have 'vibrate' set for Activesync?

WM5 Alarm Problem

I know there was a thread for this a while back as I read it when searching for something else. Now I can't find that thread (the search function in forums is never great!) but I suddenly have a huge problem with the built in Alarm function on my Wizard...
I've had a few issues before where when the phone is charging overnight it soft resets by itself and then sticks on the initial O2 screen. In the morning, I disconnect the phone from the charger and the phone then boots, I enter the password and the alarm goes off (usually later than the time I set it for). This is annoying but I can live with it.
However, this morning I had HUGE problems. It did the same as usual, phone was stuck on O2 initial screen so i unplugged the charger and the phone began to boot. I entered my password and the alarm started to go off but I was unable to switch it off at all. It does not come up with 'Notification' in bottom left of the screen like it normally does when the alarm goes off. It just kept going off even when I unset the alarm. I did a soft reboot but the same thing happened again. Also, the right-hand light at the top was orange even when the charger was not connected so the phone seems to think it is charging when it isn't.
I have managed to get it to stop thinking its charging by enabling wifi for a few minutes whilst charger is connected, then disabling wifi and disconnecting charger. But, every time I soft reset, the alarm starts going off and wont stop and the orange light comes back (while not not connected to charger). Also, none of my calendar items are reminding me 15 mins before the appointment like they normally do.
Is there anything I can do? I really don't want to hard reset if possible and certainly not just to stop the alarm! I am using Molski's latest 30Mb free WWE ROM. There isn't much installed, just PocketMax PhoneAlarm (great app!), TCPMP, handy Switcher, OMAP and OMAP+, Resco file explorer and Salling clicker. But I have had these apps for a while now. There is also SoftKey which appeared after upgrading ROM and I have changed my left button (directly above the call connect button) to Notes, perhaps this is why the Notification does not come up?
It is so embarrassing that a £400 phone cannot do something so basic as waking you up at the right time
I know a lot of people have had this problem with WM5 but has a fix ever been identified? Sorry about the huge post btw but any advice would be hugely appreciated
I'd say try reflashing that ROM or try another ROM...
The $400 phone was designed to work with the ROM from the manufacturer and MO that it was sold under... If the problem still persists under those circumstances than the problem is most likely hardware related and you should be seeking a warranty repair (if that option is avalible to you). Although, you were made aware when you loaded the cooked ROM that it could cause you problems and voids any warranty.
I had the problem (although not as severe as today) when I was using the default ROM that was installed from the phone company...
Also, from the last thread about this it seems a large number of people with different ROMS/devices have had the problem...I'll reflash if I have to but I'll try a hard reset first....
try removing phone alarm and see how it will now behave.
Read my post in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=275189
Thanks meschle, I think it's fixed, I had to soft reset then delete the notifications several times, but now it has stopped sounding the alarm every time I soft reset...
Saved me a hard-reset - much appreciated
on my Tytn it says "Clearing Duplicate Events Processing 67 of 66 events" and basically stays like that.
Any ideas?
warmkiwi99 said:
on my Tytn it says "Clearing Duplicate Events Processing 67 of 66 events" and basically stays like that.
Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi it froze - try deleting the duplicate notifications one by one (click on the notification in question) or try trial version of memaid http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=14279

Notifications keep coming up after reset

When I use my alarm (clock and alarm) there is no way of clearing the notification. Even after a soft reset the alarm keeps going off. The only solution I have is to go to the Sounds and Notifications and turn it off, then reset.
I have used Memaid but with no luck. Any suggestions?
I am using the GPS ROM.
I have the same problem here, any solutions yet? Don't have any annotions or alarms active but it still thinks there is something everytime I softreset. It stops after a couple of minutes, but very anoying. Don't want to hardreset it=(
I ended up hard resetting my device. Problem solved.
Sorry, bet you didn't want to hear that.
had exactly the same issue...
only way to get it working again was an hard reset....
There are Tools for deleting notifications on a low level. Try SK Tools...
SK Tools makes no difference
Made no difference, even though I purchased SK Tools in order to try to resolve the issue. I went even better than doing a hard reset. I upgraded to WM6 instead!

Alarm Bug, Ringing Even Though Its Not Set.....

The title pretty much says it all......
After a hard reset 2 days ago, I set my phone up as per usual, few reg tweaks, few apps, nothing I hadnt done or used before......
Tested the alarm as I always do, set to go off in a few mins and waited, it worked fine so I set it to wake me up the next morning (whch it did).
However......... when it got to 10.38pm the next day (the time I used to test the alarm) the alarm started going off .........
Checked the settings to make sure I hadnt left it set at that time......I hadnt.....
I only ever use the first alarm and that was set to 4.20am...
I dismissed it as just a bug and forgot about it, last night 10.38pm stupid alarm goes off again (still set to 4.20am and not even turned on...)
Then..... heres the really good bit.... 4.20am this morning, despite the alarm being turned off....... guess what happened......... yup
Ive been through the reg and couldnt see any reason why this is happening...
Its never happened before after any one of numerous HR's.......
Anyone else ever had this problem / know of a fix??
No suggestions to use g-alarm please.........
Just a small advice
I've had similar problem in past on stock ROM with several official patches. Also another problem when alarm did not started at all.
I got advice from HTC to check and set alarms direcly in WM environment, without using HTC aplication. I did it ones at it was really a help for me.
I think there can sometimes happend some sync issue which is not resolved with simple restart.
What you can do imediatelly: just try to check and set alarms directly in Settings-> Menu-> All Settings -> Clock&Alarms
(In my case I saw here a different time settings than in HTC Sence)
What you can do later: I am on custom ROM without this issue, but maybe it is already solved in latest official ROM releases. So if you did not update it yet, you should
Thanks man, I already went though the WM settings and it didnt work.
Ive never had a problem with the alarm before even when I was on a stock rom...
Ill try clearing everything and resetting it all through WM to see if that helps.....
If not........... hard reset
Thanks again.......

