No sms account after hard rest - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I just gave my magician (t-mobile mda compact) a hard reset because it was getting a little slow. Because i was going to do a hard reset anyway i decided to install the newest T-mobile rom update 1.13. I didn't want all the T-mobile customization, so i did the softreset trick, and installed the cabs i did need afterwards manually. Everything is working allright except for sms messages. I made a backup of my sms messages with Jeyo mobile companion, and tried to restore. The thing is that the whole sms folder is gone, and it doesnt return by restoring the backup. My guess is that i forgot to install a cab file... If someone knows which cab file I should install or if there is another solution I would be very gratefull.
Greetz Sander
Edit: I found the solution on this forum, the problem was Sprite backup (offcourse) I downloaded their own tool to reset the entire mail segment, it worked. A link for people with the same problem and yeah I know I should've had searched a little better :wink:


I-Mate Jam Stops to receive SMS !!!

I need help my JAM stops to receive sms . I have try with 2 different rom versions (ma_cdlsku1_wwe_10300_143_10100_ship)& (ma_cdlsku12_wwe_10300_163_10100_ship) but the Hard Reset is the only solution.
The bad news are the recover (before & after the hard reset) not fix the problem .
Any help to recover my system or fix the [email protected] problem..
I have try all the backup software exept the new spb clone.
Thanks in advance …
Make sure that - if you're using Spb Pocket Plus - you add the SMS program to Exceptions under the Close button menu.
Loboman said:
Make sure that - if you're using Spb Pocket Plus - you add the SMS program to Exceptions under the Close button menu.
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i dont have install it !!
mine does it too while in a game it comes up with the timer windows thing in the sqaure box till the txt is received so its not really a problem
The problem is Sprite Backup and that you have an old version at least older than 3.1.3! Older versions of Sprite Backup cause that problem after a restore! Try the latest versiom 3.1.4
nowt to do with that its just how the phone works as i dont even use prite backup :roll:
I had the same problem.
Finally I found out that the reason was ActiveSync.
To be sure try hard reset and then choose backup everything but sms folder (or even e-mail folder). And to get rid of that problem in ActiveSync settings mark not to syncronize e-mail (or something like that).

pug's rom is great! however still need some help...

hi everyone! i m a newbie here.
after installing the newest rom by pug to improve the camera quality, i couldn't restore from any backup thru activesync 3.8
can anyone help?
thanks in advance
After a hard reset the partnership is deleted and you have to navigate to the relevant backup file. It's a bit of a mute point if you installed the camera fix as it will go back to how it was before.
If you didn't backup you contacts, try a restore, backup contacts using xbackup on your phone and do the upgrade again.
rom update
i end up re-installing the whole programs again as i couldn't do a restore from the activesync.
1) should i do a backup using xbackup since i tried to backup using active sync & when i did a hard reset, the same thing happens meaning that my pc cannot restore saying that the restore is meant for another equipment. ???
2) is there any cab files that can help that i miss out
3) i m quite fond of using the O2 connect since it gives me "fonix" voicedialling for free. i also use O2 plus beta. However i can edit the icons in the use menu. miss out another critical cab file again???
thanks pug for yr prompt answer...

"remove programs" list empty and cannot install an

i'm having an odd problem. i am unable to do many things
1) sync with activesync. i can explore and transfer files to and from the device, but only as a guest, i cannot truly sync.
2) remove programs - the list is empty and i cannot remove anything
3) nothing new will install. when i send a cab over, and i try to install it, it will tell me that the installation was unsuccessful.
i belive this all started when an installation over activesync (tomtom) failed, though i am not sure.
i have rebooted my computer, uninstalled and reinstalled activesync, soft-resetted my 8125, tried serial/rndis. nothing seems to work.
the pda is usable right now, from what i can tell. the programs that are already on there work fine. its syncing that is all messed up.
thanks for any help you can give.
and i have managed to fix it, in a fashion
1) make a full backup (except for the sd card) with sprite backup. (i made this backup while i was having these problems)
2) hard reset, let ext rom run
3) restore from backup
everything seems to work, so i can say that i'm happy with it
norelidd, I had your exact same problem last night. Active sync was uploading a CAB file onto the device and I pressed cancelled. No big deal I thought because it cancelled during the uploading process. When I tried to sync it later, nothing worked except for the "explore" files option. I wasn't able to sync, remove, install or even change my today theme. The device itself still functioned normally, made calls normally and got on Cingular's EDGE fine. Just wouldn't sync or install/remove or change the today theme.
I performed several soft resets, deleted any files files on the device created within the last hour of my previous sync incase anything was corrupted, nothing worked. Only solution, I finally bit the bullet and did a hard reset. :x Reinstalled everything and it works fine after the hard reset. :wink:
my mini s wont install cab files from the file explorer. you see, ive recently been admitted to hospital (dislocated hip from a rugby tackle, 4 weeks on traction ) and thought i'd download some games to play. but ive tryed downloading loads of different cab files, as obviously i dont have access to my pc, but when i click on them, nothing happens. any ideas??
This has happened to me twice
I am having the same problem. I thought it was an activesync problem but the first time it happened I was installing .cab files and there was a problem with the install. I had to fix the problem with a hard reset.
My problem now is that I just loaded a whole bunch of programs and I was looking for a good back up program but I do NOT have one on my 8125 yet. How can I back up my programs (or can I) if I must do a hard reset. Is there any way of fixing this problem without doing a hard reset?
Please help!
Still looking for help...
I am really trying to avoid a hard reset. Can anyone help us with this problem? I am thinking it may have been caused by installing programs designed for PPC 2003 and not WM5. But who really knows with microsoft.
I'm having the same problem!
The thing is, I CAN'T make a hard reset because I don't have Sprite Bckup installed on PDA and I simply can't installit now! I don't have backup of my PIM data...
Can you help me???
Deiota said:
I'm having the same problem!
The thing is, I CAN'T make a hard reset because I don't have Sprite Bckup installed on PDA and I simply can't installit now! I don't have backup of my PIM data...
Can you help me???
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Hi again!
Just did the hard reset, but I found out a way to backup my PIM data.
Just copied the PIM.vol file that is on the root of the PDA and then, after the hard reset, restored the file. Done!
Best regards,
I'll try it - thanks!
I did the hard reset and everything (except syncing through the exchange server is working). I will copy the file over. I am going to install the backup program first. It seems that my problems came from installing third party programs to the minisd card.
ARrrrrrrrrrrrr I have the same problem, canceled an install from activesync during the file upload...
I still don't see why this would cause an issue because the file had not started the install yet but obviously it has done somthing that I don't know how to fix... does any one know what the device does on a WM5 system when an app tries to get installed? is there a way to reset what ever it has changed?
Many thanks
This is the exact same problem, as I described here:
It is a problem with policies getting screwed up all by themselves.
I just had to do a hard reset and as I didn't have enough permissions neither a backup app, I've lost ALL my data.
I hope I won't have the same problem in the future.
Same problem for me last week. I obviously had to hard reset...
Same problem for me last week. I obviously had to hard reset...
Get yourself a registry editor and make sure that your Policies (on HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\ ) are exactly like these:
This is probably the only thing that can prevent us from a hard reset.
I had the same problem on my HTC Mogul (Titan, Sprint PPC-6800).
1.) Before I started, I made a backup with SPB Backup, after I had my problems, but before importing a clean policies registry from another Mogul.
2.) I imported the file, but that didn't seem to help, so I thought maybe there might be some new policies that weren't there before, so I was going to rename the old policies tree, and then re-import the file. BAD IDEA. As soon as I renamed the tree, Windows Mobile kicked me out and required me to set a device password. It wouldn't run any applications or communicate with Activesync saying I didn't have enough permission. Nor could I re-run Resco Registry Editor.
3.) Someone else here said that he made a Sprite backup after the problems, did a hardware reset then restored, and it solved his problems. That didn't make sense to me, but I did have that newly created SPB Backup image, and my PDA at this point was pretty useless. So I hard reset and restored the image of my device and all the problems are now gone! I don't understand why, but I'm glad it's working.
If I didn't have backup software already preloaded I would have been screwed, because when my PDA got initially messed up one of the symptoms was that I couldn't install any new applications. I should do backups more often, but the fact that it takes 20+ minutes makes it a unfun process.

[Help] Rom 1.66 and sms :(

I, i already searched a lot for my problem, and I do not know where exactly post my problem, so I'll post it here in hope for a litle help
Here it goes: I have update my wwe Leo to 1.66 rom a few days ago, and because I have tons of paches installed that I downloaded here ( by the way, thanks alot for your explendid work ) , I used SPB Backup to restore all the stuff.
When I finished to flash the phone, everything was fine, but after re-load the backup, the sms list has become a mess. When I open the sms list, the characters are HUGE, and I can't even read the text. I have put the character size to the minimum, and it does almost anything.... :'(
Is there a problem with the backup, or should I hard-reset the phone and install all the programs manually?
Fallen_Seeker said:
should I hard-reset the phone and install all the programs manually?
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Yes, that´s the way.
What I would do is to hard reset your phone then restore th SPB Backup file as follows:
- Go to Customized Restore and click on it
- Then select PIM, Emails and My Documents
- DO NOT tick the System Data option
Restore as normal, soft reset you phone and see. Any problems, come back.
Thanks a lot, I'll do it like that
It will be a mess to re-install all the programs, but it will be worth

Problem restoring SMS with PIMBackup on Alex-V ROM (WM6.5 23529)

I just flashed my Orbit 2 with the W6.5 ROM from Alex-V. Followed the howto from
fktsndr (Thread ID: 384084). Then I restored my SMS via PIMBackup. I just chose SMS to restore. However I got weird results. The SMS have wrong date stamps, cut text, wrong mapping of SMS body text to sender. When I go to my SMS folder it seems that their is an ongoing process which adds messages. After a while the system hangs. If I reset after 10 mins. I just see the O2 Splash screen and system hangs, so I have to do a hard reset.
I' ve got around 1500 SMS. Restoring contacts and call history works fine.
I tried wm6.5 German com5 23529 alex-V (flip clock)_10.02_input 2.1.rar and wm6.5 German com5 23529 alex-V 10.02 input 2.1 lite.rar
Hope somebody can help me. Thanks in advance!
Best regards
andreaswnm said:
I just flashed my Orbit 2 with the W6.5 ROM from Alex-V. Followed the howto from
fktsndr (Thread ID: 384084). Then I restored my SMS via PIMBackup. I just chose SMS to restore. However I got weird results. The SMS have wrong date stamps, cut text, wrong mapping of SMS body text to sender. When I go to my SMS folder it seems that their is an ongoing process which adds messages. After a while the system hangs. If I reset after 10 mins. I just see the O2 Splash screen and system hangs, so I have to do a hard reset.
Restoring contacts and call history works fine.
I tried wm6.5 German com5 23529 alex-V (flip clock)_10.02_input 2.1.rar and wm6.5 German com5 23529 alex-V 10.02 input 2.1 lite.rar
Hope somebody can help me. Thanks in advance!
Best regards
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Why you make a new thread for that problem...for things like rom thread is the right place for this...!!!!
but anythere...i don´t have problems with this...but can you try install pim backup new...
Hope it help....
edit: have you flashed like this...the way you flash is very important
If you have problems after flash my rom....restart....flash Orginal rom + hard reset if you see the calibration screen after that flash my rom also with a hard reset....after a complete boot a soft reset
edit 2: in your previous rom have you threaded sms or normal ...??
edit 3: try a other backup file...and is it the same with a other file..??
Thank you for the quick answer!
I'll repeat the flashing and I will carefully follow your instructions. Hope this helps. Actually since you have the same device. I come from W6.1 (original O2 branded) where I had threaded SMS. When I try other backup files or even I use the same file again I got different results. All are weird.
andreaswnm said:
Thank you for the quick answer!
I'll repeat the flashing and I will carefully follow your instructions. Hope this helps. Actually since you have the same device. I come from W6.1 (original O2 branded) where I had threaded SMS. When I try other backup files or even I use the same file again I got different results. All are weird.
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Click to collapse please try a reflash with the flash´s very very important to flash this way...i have also problems if i flash any rom and make it not like the explained way...
but if the problem after flash is the same...try to reinstall pimbackup...and let me know...
edit: have tried again and restore a pim backup file...and it´s problems...
So I followed your instruction, but same result. The step where I am not sure is after I did the the hard reset after installing the original rom. You wrote I should then flash your rom. Does it matter whether I boot with original rom, connect with ActiveSync and then flash according to the instructions of the Flash Tool or shall I go into boot loader and then flash?
It all sounds strange for me. Because according to my experience with other computer stuff it either works or it doesn't. Strange behaviour like restoring half the sms on a weird way and at same time Windows, Internet, and all the tools, I tested, operating (slow) but reliable doesn't sound like a flash problem as more as an incompatibility of PIM Backup with W6.5. May be the bug occurs only with a certain number of SMS.
Problem nailed down: I figured out that I cannot restore my SMS even on the original ROM so it seems to be more a problem with a corrupted archive.
Fortunately I have a fallback with a dumped ROM respectively a Sprite Backup. Cross fingers that that works. ****y PIM Backup.
andreaswnm said:
So I followed your instruction, but same result. The step where I am not sure is after I did the the hard reset after installing the original rom. You wrote I should then flash your rom. Does it matter whether I boot with original rom, connect with ActiveSync and then flash according to the instructions of the Flash Tool or shall I go into boot loader and then flash?
It all sounds strange for me. Because according to my experience with other computer stuff it either works or it doesn't. Strange behaviour like restoring half the sms on a weird way and at same time Windows, Internet, and all the tools, I tested, operating (slow) but reliable doesn't sound like a flash problem as more as an incompatibility of PIM Backup with W6.5. May be the bug occurs only with a certain number of SMS.
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it sounds very strange for me too...because i tried myself...pim backup and it works ok for me...i try a 2. attempt with a other file...and all something is wrong on your phone...
in pim backup i take the option for add only database...and after the backup process the left softkey says..exit....after that i go to sms and all is ok....
for flash...after hard reset the original boots and the calibrtion screen comes again...i flash my rom....
andreaswnm said:
Problem nailed dow: I figured out that I cannot restore my SMS even on the original ROM so it seems to be more a problem with a corrupted archive.
Fortunately I have a fallback with a dumped ROM respectively a Sprite Backup. Cross fingers that that works. ****y PIM Backup.
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Ok...sorry for the corrupted archive...yes...pim backup is not the staple(sed) program...Cross fingers
Thank you for your support. I appreciate that!
andreaswnm said:
Thank you for your support. I appreciate that!
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I´m here for questions and answers....
edit: hope next time i can help you more
In my case PIMbackup is not trully wm6.5 compliant. I think it has a high peak of resources consumption so sometimes is simply gets the ppc frozen, At least in my case, the same backup file gets loaded or freezes the ppc, depending on how many things load at the same time, etc. Most of the times after a soft reset everything is there so it is not a big issue in my case.
Have you tried MyPhone? I do not use any more neither PIMBackup nor ActiveSync since I tried MyPhone ... (I resisted since windows software tends to turn my skin red!)
cruiserrr said:
In my case PIMbackup is not trully wm6.5 compliant. I think it has a high peak of resources consumption so sometimes is simply gets the ppc frozen, At least in my case, the same backup file gets loaded or freezes the ppc, depending on how many things load at the same time, etc. Most of the times after a soft reset everything is there so it is not a big issue in my case.
Have you tried MyPhone? I do not use any more neither PIMBackup nor ActiveSync since I tried MyPhone ... (I resisted since windows software tends to turn my skin red!)
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i use both...myphone is nice and all but you need connection...ive tested pimbackup to the max and have yet found any issue...currently it restores more than 300 contacs, more than 4000 sms, plus emails, logs, seems lockedup but its uses alot the cpu so it may seem locked but its still working...great software...but as always use whatever works...
I have found out, that for some reasons PIM Backup is not working correctly all the time. During Backup it throws sometimes some messages, that it cannot access certain files. After that it ends normally but I cannot find the backup file anywhere.
In the end I managed somehow to restore my SMS. However I did this using Megan ROM. Therefore I restored the original system, did the backup again as plain text (not binary), had contacts and SMS in anextra file. Flashed the new ROM and restored everything. Now I am too annoyed of all the flashing, so that I won't test it with Alex's ROM again.
andreaswnm said:
I have found out, that for some reasons PIM Backup is not working correctly all the time. During Backup it throws sometimes some messages, that it cannot access certain files. After that it ends normally but I cannot find the backup file anywhere.
In the end I managed somehow to restore my SMS. However I did this using Megan ROM. Therefore I restored the original system, did the backup again as plain text (not binary), had contacts and SMS in anextra file. Flashed the new ROM and restored everything. Now I am too annoyed of all the flashing, so that I won't test it with Alex's ROM again.
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no problem but can you make the thread as solved..?? ( the headline of this thread->advanced edit first post)
I did face similar problems with my SMS too
but I made peace with it
UnholyGod said:
I did face similar problems with my SMS too
but I made peace with it
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i can only say that i tried it again and again and again....and 100 % Ok....i have no problem with pim backup not in my english rom and also not in my german i don´t know whats the problem...sorry
I tried a hell lot of ways , but finally adb pull worked for me
In Recovery mode with data mounted use the pull command
adb pull /data/data/
Try it as the last option if nothing works

