VPN Setup - Problematic... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've setup my VPN connection but it seems very hit or miss, more miss than hit...
I'm prompted for my UserID & Password and tick the box to save the password, the VPN connects great. It will connect maybe a couple of time after this, and then suddenly fail.
If I re enter my password it fails, but reentering my UserID & password will normal make it work again.
Am I doing something wrong, once setup I would expect it to not change or is this a common problem ?

I have exactly the same problem!
I usually have to restart the device to get it to work..or go into the vpn menu and tap and hold the vpn connection and choose "connect" to get in..
usually I have to restart though
I have tried everything but cant locate the problem point...it is just as u said..hit and miss!!
I have 2 devices (both qtek 9100) and both do the same thing...and on my universal I cant even get in at all....
do we have any solution to this problem??


WiFi, GPRS & MMS Issues, Cingular 8125 on T-Mobile

I have a Cingular 8125 and I love it, well, if I can get WiFi and the rest of the connectivity to work with my T-Mobile US account. The phone is unlocked.
I had everything working, except for WiFi. This is what I experience, I turn on WiFi, the device gets an IP, but when trying to connect with PocketIE, it just hangs and I get a time out or could not connect error.
Has anyone experienced these problems? I thought it was a one time issue and hard reset the device, and now I can't connect to anything, except to make calls. All data services seem jacked.
Any advice on how to fix this? Should I go with another ROM? If so, whats the best one out there?
Also, am I suppose to be able to use Pocket IE when I'm connected to my laptop via the USB?
i tried out the 8125's ext rom and its basicly making your device connect only through cingular settings. I couldn't get internet access through wifi. Not even Pocket msn, cuz they restricted it with a proxy. What i suggest is you hard reset your device, then when you finish with the intro crap ( align screen, cut & paste, set password) simply soft reset your device and there you go, you know have a Unbranded Wiza100 !!
Go into start/settings/connections tab/connections, under "mediaNet" select "setup my proxy server". Uncheck the box that says "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet."
Hope this solves your problem.
That does it... but with T-Mobile... I need to use a proxy... is there a way around this? I would like to use the proxy...
I can get it to work when removing the proxy... however, if I have the WiFi on and proxy setting on... it won't work. And if I have proxy setting and wifi off, then GPRS doesn't connect.
Any Advise?
try this out. these are the tmobile settings off the clubimate site. they might be out dated but give it a shot. Also don' tthink theres no solution cuz the wizards coming out on tmobile at the end of this month
For some reason, when I install that cab (by copying it to the device and tapping on it), It doesn't seem to do anything. What am I suppose to see after the installation? It doesn't do anything...

O2 XDA Mini S - PEAP WiFi

Hi I have reset my O2 XDA Mini S and run in basic mode (this maybe the problem but...)
I have my University WiFi settings and get as far as WPA/TKIP then PEAP can't do anything from this point on as it asks for a personal certificate.
Someone says they get a pop up asking for a login when tring to connect but I don't it just fails to connect.
Any ideas?
Have it connecting to my home WiFi no problem.
Seems not too many know about PEAP on WM5??
Anyway I hard reset XDA and soft reset to remove customisation and still no luck.
OK Some digging around http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=42721&highlight=peap+certificate if you get the hack let me know
But it seems that my Uni should supply me with a certificate via Exchange (I think!) so wil go back and tell them. WM5 a bit new and I think they don't know what the requirements are.
I know the certificate server but obvioulsy it denies me access as I need to be on the Uni network to get in with my codes.
Also found http://www.jacco2.dds.nl/networking/pfximprt.html suggests you need a client peice of software but other info contradicts this and I don't see why my Uni will not be able to supply me with a certifificate even if they just point me to a web page someplace.?
This is kinda turning into a BLOG... Anyway... Was at Uni on Friday and was in a place that discovered a guest Uni unsecured WiFi spot which was different to the one IT have given me.
So got on that but it was unstable connection - then not a few seconds later I get prompted for login/password it but falied and said the certificate is not valid....?!?!
So my last hope is to wait to try active sync connection when IT come and install it to my PC which will connect me to the main network so will try and enroll on the phone to grab the certificate that way then try WiFi access.

How To connect to a wanadoo live box?

First off Hi to everyone
I received my o2 mini XDA a few days ago and have not left this site since so much info here (Alot of which is way over my head :? )
I would like to connect to the internet at home but just can't get the settings right (I have searched, but feel free to redirect me if I missed it).
Can anyone make a step by step guide or give me a bit of direction?
I managed to link my sons PSP and that was a nightmere but need help with this!
Thanks in advance Matt
more info i think....
- are you talking about wifi on the phone to use your existing broadband?
- are you wanting to connect your phone to pc to act as a modem to connect to the net?
Sorry I wish to access my existing wirless broadband connection. I thought I had it sussed as my phone asked me for my wep number so I placed live box in pairing mode and entered number but it still is trying to connect?
I had the same problem, (sorted now) it's to do with the security of the live box. it uses mixed WEP and WPA
Here's the solution
1. Open the configuration page of the live box User name and password are admin
2. Go into Confiuration > Advanced > Wireless
3. Select WPA Security Only
4. Tap on submit
5. Finally tap on Save configuration to Livebox
Then put your live box in Pairing mode ( button underneath )
Wifi on your phone
Enter your security Key and away you go
Sorry where do I enter my security number?
I have configured livebox as instructed and turned my wifi on, on my my handset it does't ask for a number?
If I try to connect to internet it conects via GRPS
I'm sure this is so simple, but it's always the little things that trip me up!
Make sure your live box is in pairing mode
Once it's on switch on the wifi on your phone and let it search for a wifi connection
Once it has found your live box a pop up should appear on your phone asking you if you want to connect to work or internet
select Internet and it should then ask you for your network key (which you find under the live box)
Enter this key and it should connect then
let me know how you get on
I think I have messed this up when I was trying to work it out on my own. Perhaps I should do a hard rest, I have hadly anything on the phone and start a fresh now I know what to do
Do you think that's the easiest way forward?
If you havent got much on your phone then a hard reset may be best.

8125 Cingular internet help

After I successfully updated to the latest WM6 rom I can no longer connect to the internet on the cingular network. I have tried to reprogram all the connection information from another source on the internet but my browsers are not picking up the settings.
If anyone can shed some light on the situation I would be very grateful.
thank in advance.
Try applying this cab file to restore your settings. It should work for connecting through the wap.cingular APN.
Thanks for the quick reply I tried applying this cab file and installed very smoothly. Do I need to go to the connections settings and change something because it stil did not work.
I also have an issue with the sim manager, it will not start and I get a message that "phone is not ready please try in 15 minutes" have you encountered these problems when you upgraded?
thanks again!
I haven't had any problems after upgrading to any of the ROMs I've flashed. What you might want to do is set up a new connection using the isp.cingular APN. The username would be [email protected] and the password is CINGULAR1. Call it My ISP or REAL ISP, whatever you want. Then, go to Start>Settings>Connections>Connections>Advanced. Tap "Select Network" and choose the isp.cingular network as your default. Tap and hold on that network and choose "Connect". Can you now connect??
nevermind I didnt know I had to go to the connections setup and change it to MyISP, and now it works great.
I restarted the phone and the message that the "phone is not ready" went away but the problem comes back when I turn the wi-fi on and the phone goes on stand by. If I turn the phone back on I see that the wi-fi is disconnected and it has to reconnect everytime, and I also get the message (cannot execute\windows\nrdwakeup.exe).
Do You have any idea what could be happening.
thanks again

ICS continues to error out

when you try and use ICS it tries to connect to the sprint server but kicks it back saying user name and or password are not correct. but the sprint and pam accounts do not let you manually enter username and password. so you cant connect and it seems that when running active sync it overrides the netork connection
I get the same error when trying to use ICS. You can change the sprint connection settings if you go to Connections in the Settings and click advanced but that doesn't seem to work for me either. The only way I can get ICS to work correctly is open up IE and go to a webpage, once Vision makes the connection, close IE and then go to ICS and hit connect and it will just tell me to plug in my phone. This is the first day I had my Mogul and I'm already finding stuff I don't like over my 6700.

