OPERA v8.5 works great on my QTEK 9000!!! - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

It has more features than the OPERA MINI and works just great. Tested only for a short while using GPRS as its expensive.

can you put the cab here for download and does it render the flash and java websites???
thanks (by flash enabled i mean if you go to www.bmw.com or www.nissanusa.com then you should be able to see the flash animations on their website)

Someone already posted it. Please follow this thread:
I tried it, and it worked well.

I tried the BMW site. No animation could be seen.

Tested on my Dopod 900
It works SUPER FAST 8)
much better than IE and NetFront, but I think its reletively slow when browsing a Non english webpage

It doesn't support porxies
The PIE works great with proxy, but Opera doesn't !!!

you gotta thank des for it

No it does not support flash enabled sites.
The version 3.2 of Netfront though did but it is no longer compatible with WM5. NetFront's latest technical preview version 3.3 release 103 also does not support flash enabled sites but I think this is just a limitation of the technical preview version. Once the commercial version is released let us see if it does or does not support flash enabled sites. I am hopeful though that it will.
Kind Regards

Anyone knows where the cookies, history, favorites, history are stored in the registry?


Which is the best web browser to use?

Which is the best option for a web browser on the XDA Exec. THe supplied IE is quite slow and the pixel doubling insane. I have tried Netfront 3.3 but that seems far slower than IE.
Which is the best browser solution for speed and visibility? Please ;o)
opera 8.5
i have just used the opera 8.5. the speed is slightly slower than IE but it is 100% full born browser. with good view in and out capability.
Opera all the way
I have just started using Opera 8.5 for WM5 and have already forgotten about about clumsy PIE. Works even better if you overclock your jasjar to 624Mhz
I have installed Opera and it is great. EXCEPT all the options are I assume in Japanese as I just get squares instead of text. Is there any way to set it to English?
I installed with help from this forum, and I agree it is the best. All my options are showing up in English with no problem. It does a MUCH better job than PIE. Very close to desktop browsing experience.
Strange. Which instructions did you use to install Opera?
Only "issue" I have with Opera at the moment, is the double-space bug when you are typing into a text box. Find a fix for that, and it's a great bit of kit.
I really like netfront (the latest preview)
I also have the square characteres (Japanese!?).
Tried also to install after regional settings set to 'English UK', but no way.
Anyone who had the same problem, figured out, how to solve it?
No instructions for this issue, found in the forum.
ought & Conchas,
The instructions I used are on this thread:
see the thread Shivafool mentioned (end of page 3).
It seems the file for english language is not distributed within the CAB file.
you have to add it by your own and edit the .ini file.
Know it works for me.
Netfront Latest Preview
Does the latest Netfront suport VGA screens - assuming it now runs on WM5?
Could someone post the en.lng file on the ftp, Im missing it also and dont have time to learn japanese this side of 2007 !
Many Thanks
you can download it from http://www.ratcom.plus.com/files/english.rar
Many thanks, all working fine now.
See this post
It seems it does support VGA but doesn't claim to be fully WM5 compliant yet. The technical preview is supposed to work until 1/31.

Can anybody recommend an alternative web browser?

Can anyone recommend an alternative (Free) web browser for my Vodafone V1640?
A download link would be nice too!
After lengthy discussions with our account manager at Vodafone, it would seem that the standard IE browser that ship has some faults accessing Https:// sites (such as internet banking). Obviously this isnt acceptable for what we need!
I'll let this board know when the faults are resolved. Hopefully i may be able to post a flash which fixes these problems.
Some folks, including me, are liking Opera. See this thread for download and setup info:
Do give NetFront 3.3 (Technical Preview 103) a try. I really like it.
This will also support Flash Player once the commercial version is out.
For people having problems with https sites again try Netfront. My original PIE was unable to open my bank account site but Netfront manages to do so.
Kind Regards
agree with srmz, been using netfront too. Give the 3.3 a try, works till 31 January iirc, when I presume the retail version will come out, so gives you ample time to test it out
revingtosh said:
After lengthy discussions with our account manager at Vodafone, it would seem that the standard IE browser that ship has some faults accessing Https:// sites (such as internet banking). Obviously this isnt acceptable for what we need!
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For the record, PIE handles my Nationwide banking https site wonderfully.
Yup, would recommend NetFront 3.3, its great. Wish they would release the commercial version soon, I would buy it instantly.
Cheers, Vikas.
wytey said:
agree with srmz, been using netfront too. Give the 3.3 a try, works till 31 January iirc, when I presume the retail version will come out, so gives you ample time to test it out
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Netfront Technology (104) is out and I think it is much better than the beta version of Opera.

Opera 8.5 for WM5

This is not the Sharp version that has to be patched with a modified .dll to work, this is the real thing. Unfortunately, only a beta so far, and only a 45 Day Testversion at that, but very nice to look at nontheless, and it natively starts in VGA Mode.
http://www.opera.com/download/mobil... Pocket PC phones running Windows Mobile 5.0.
Thanks Rapax,
Just downloaded it and will soon install.
Thanks once again for sharing this vital information
Kind Regards
After a brief trial:
Page rendering is probably the best (better than PIE and Netfront 3.3)
Does not handle mail attachments in web based e-mail accounts such as Gmail. Both PIE and Netfront 3.3 do support file attachments.
Does not support flash sites though I have Macromedia flash player 6.0 on my Jasjar and PIE uses it. Netfront will take advantage of flash sites once the commercial version is available.
In terms of speed Opera appears to be the fastest compared to PIE and Netfront 3.3
Don't know if there is a way to define a user-agent because in its current form it forces us to mobile versions of web sites. I could not visit my hotmail site and it forces me to the mobile msn site. Likewise for www.handango.com
So all in all I have mixed feelings regarding this browser. Good in some areas but not the best. For my needs Netfront is still the overall winner. (However these are just my views)
Again may be it is only me but after I have used and closed opera (really closed) it prevents Planmaker to start up. I have to reset the Jasjar to be able to use planmaker again.
Sweet Lord, it's gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.
THIS is the browser that should be included with WM5.0.
EDIT: TAB doesn't work to move between fields...minor point.
Sharp version - new version
What's the difference compared to the Sharp-hacked one?
Do you see any improvement?
I have that, and it's working well.
The major problem I have is in using java applets. Unfortunately it seems a problem only Nefront 3.3 will be able to solve.
Opera looks good on initial usage.
Seems very kind to the RAM, did not see any leakage unlike with PIE
I ve tried it but it doesnt start. I ve installed in sd and ram but doesnt start. Any idea?
No errors. the clock spin 4 times and nothing hapens.....
Is there a way to import my PIE bookmarks?
Has this version fixed the double-space bug when entering stuff into text fields?
I am using it too. I think this browser looks especially nice on these model of phones because of the landscape screen orientation, and VGA.
it seems to work very quickly, as well and I did not have a problem with java applets. in fact I went to my bank site and alot of other sites that used java with no problem. Not sure how they manage to fit everything and resize everything to that small screen but for right now it will be my browser of choice.
It handles new windows very well and like other said doesn't take alot of ram. i do find it runs better when installed on storage memory as oppose to memory card storage.
i am going to continue to test it though. I have not played with netfront 3.3 as much.. but i like opera alot better.so far.
those that have not tried it I highly recommend it.
I didn't like Opera 8.5. Personally, I prefer PIE with Multi IE... can't find any better!

Opera Mini MOD - great improvements..

Hi all - have been looking around but have not seen any talks about OPERA MINI MOD, so here it comes.
A modded version of OPERA MINI...
A Russian guy DG-SC are doing lots of improvements on Operamini and has created a version with far more functionality than seen in official versions.
I belive its build is based on version 2/3, released july 07.
Some improvements / changes:
download support,
landscape mode,
traffic manager,
file manager with picture/text viewer,
saving pages,
ability to assign shortcuts,
auto refresh,
"shadow connect" feature,
bookmarks import/export,
text selection from webpages,
FTP client,
uses Google as search engine,
hide bottom bar,
change screen size,
page templates and more.
--- and the lost function in the newest version of the official - change of layout colors...
Most of what is written is in Russian but Google helps...
I am a fan of OperaMini but I must admit that I am quite impressed. This mod is by far much more like a normal browser but still has the speed of the normal Mini.
How on earth do you get it into english?
are the test versions in english?
how I did it - i belive..
well. I started by installing version 2.00. Thats in english. Then I opened opera and opened the opera mod link and installed 2.04. It then kept the settings - and english language..
I guess that was what I did, but I will try to reinstall later to see.
Where can I get version 2.0 of Opera Mini?
The Offical site only shows version 3 and above.
kismat1970 said:
Where can I get version 2.0 of Opera Mini?
The Offical site only shows version 3 and above.
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If you look for the modded versions just follow the link in the first post
This looks ace, but how the hell to get it into english so we can play with the settings. your method didn't work for me, perhaps you can describe where it is in the settings (if it's there?). I've tried changing everything that's selectable, but it's still in cyrillic.

Watch YouTube videos in Opera 9.7 - easy solution!

I was struggling with the flashOperafix - it didnt work properly, was crashing my browser, etc. I also did not find any plugin which would start the videos in the build-in YT app. But by pure luck I found a solution which is... Opera 9.7 .
Actually it is not the same Opera 9.7 which is provided in HTC HD2 - it is some tweaked or newer version which I think is available only in some networks. Anyway I installed this Opera as mine stopped working completely...
The first thing I did after install was checking out YT and the funny thing - it works like charm! But the best thing is that the video starts in the YT app and when you close it it goes back to the browser! So it works even better than on Safari and the iPhone!
Maybe sb already found it but if not... you need to check it out . Now I'm really happy with my Opera browser and I will try some more pages . I wanted Flash only for YT videos anyway...
I couldn't attach the file (bigger than 8MB) so here's a direct link:
If the link stops working it's called "Miri_Opera97_TMO201" so you can google for it.
EDIT: Dailymotion works too! It says it is not compatible with our devices but I ignored and all videos work . The only downside is it does not support embeded videos on other sites but you can't have everything .
Does it support all the functions of the default Opera on the HD2,like multy touch or text page rendering etc.
Does it replace the original opera or I can install it on the storage card an have the best of the two worlds!! as is the case with the Opera 10 which I have installed it on my SC.
hagba said:
Does it support all the functions of the default Opera on the HD2,like multy touch or text page rendering etc.
Does it replace the original opera or I can install it on the storage card an have the best of the two worlds!! as is the case with the Opera 10 which I have installed it on my SC.
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Works exactly like standard Opera 9.7, supports multi-touch, etc. - and it seems to be a little bit faster and more stable. On my phone it replaced the original Opera 9.7 and I'm very happy with that - I think you can install it without worrying as it is exactly the same Opera only better .
Thanks i am already downloading it and will try it soon,my only concern was that if i dont like it I had to HR my device to get back the original Opera,now that seem to be unecessary.
I installed it and it works like a breeze!
Just for your information:
The concept it uses is very simple. It adds a m. in front of the youtube link like: m.youtube.com so it basically redirects you to the mobile version of youtube and saves you the hassle of adding the m. yourself (wich worked very well in the original version of Opera)
I tested the ROM artemis 26 ESN, but seems to no work.
I must say that I have customized registration User Agents to be "Desktop" and can influence it, to others of other changes ...
Maybe that's what you do not work for me, anyway thanks for the link.
Wop2k said:
I installed it and it works like a breeze!
Just for your information:
The concept it uses is very simple. It adds a m. in front of the youtube link like: m.youtube.com so it basically redirects you to the mobile version of youtube and saves you the hassle of adding the m. yourself (wich worked very well in the original version of Opera)
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Exactly .
