MDA Compact II won't hard reset, OS not functioning... - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

OK, so I have a Compact II with UK TMob ROM 1.12 (I think), I have not really done anything to it except install a few 3rd party programs from Handango.
I installed MY|Messages and the program did not show up in the programs menu, so I did a soft reset. When it booted up I got a strange screen that read something like:
Windows Sync:
And part of the OS loaded behind this. Pressing buttons or tapping the screen does nothing. I did another reset, it booted and then only half the OS loads, none of the today screen custom programs loaded. Still can't use any of the keys and the touch sceen is non responsive.
I tried a hard reset (power + reset button), and the phone just boots as normal, it does not go back to factory settings.
Any ideas about what I can do with my new brick? Soap dish?

monkeynotes said:
OK, so I have a Compact II with UK TMob ROM 1.12 (I think), I have not really done anything to it except install a few 3rd party programs from Handango.
I installed MY|Messages and the program did not show up in the programs menu, so I did a soft reset. When it booted up I got a strange screen that read something like:
Windows Sync:
And part of the OS loaded behind this. Pressing buttons or tapping the screen does nothing. I did another reset, it booted and then only half the OS loads, none of the today screen custom programs loaded. Still can't use any of the keys and the touch sceen is non responsive.
I tried a hard reset (power + reset button), and the phone just boots as normal, it does not go back to factory settings.
Any ideas about what I can do with my new brick? Soap dish?
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If activesync works, try uninstalling the program that way. Also, will the phone go into bootloader mode?

Activesync can't connect, I can get it into bootloader mode but I don't really understand what to do from there, I am currently search/reading about this now. Perhaps you could explain how I should proceed from here? I should point out that when I am in bootloader mode my PC gives me the "ding dong" USB connection sound but I can't see where the device shows up.

monkeynotes said:
I tried a hard reset (power + reset button), and the phone just boots as normal, it does not go back to factory settings.
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Hard Reset on the MDA Compact II (and I assume on all WM5 devices) is:
Hold down the camera and voice notes buttons (on the MDA Compact II it's the two buttons on the left of the phone) and then use the stylus to reset whilst holding the two buttons down. Release the reset, with the buttons held down for a count of four/five and the screen will display something about pressing "Send" to format the phone.
Press the Send button (the green phone) and all will be well ;-)
The hard reset is a bit of a bugger but once you've managed it, it's dead easy.

brykins said:
Hard Reset on the MDA Compact II (and I assume on all WM5 devices) is:
Hold down the camera and voice notes buttons (on the MDA Compact II it's the two buttons on the left of the phone) and then use the stylus to reset whilst holding the two buttons down. Release the reset, with the buttons held down for a count of four/five and the screen will display something about pressing "Send" to format the phone.
Press the Send button (the green phone) and all will be well ;-)
The hard reset is a bit of a bugger but once you've managed it, it's dead easy.
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Thank you so much, it worked!! Even in the instruction manual supplied by TMo it said to do it the way of the old MDA Compact (power+reset). I don't know how or where you learnt about this new reset but I am glad you came along and shared your knowledge. Thank you, thank you.

monkeynotes said:
Even in the instruction manual supplied by TMo it said to do it the way of the old MDA Compact (power+reset). I don't know how or where you learnt about this new reset...
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I had a Wizard for a couple of days and the manual of that one said to hold the camera and voice notes buttons so I thought it might work with the MDAcII.
Glad it worked out for you.


Serious (?) problem...need some help please. O2 XDA Mini S

Hi, I'v got O2 XDA Mini S and a "little" problem with it. I'v just installed Phone Profiles [Second Edition] 8.0 and it crashed my phone. After installation (on my memory card), I could not see it on my today I'v tried to configure it in today screen configuration - but I could not get there - the configuration we're not accessible (it crashed). So after that, soft reset. And the real problem began. After the boot screen and "windows mobile welcome screen" the mobile just freezes. Active sync on my PC connects to it just for a second, then disconnects. The Phone Profiles [Second Edition] 8.0 is installed on my memory card, so I'v removed the memory card - the same problem. It was annoying - so hard reset....does not help. I have Wisbar Advance 2 as well, which is starting first and I can see only the welcome screen of it (sometimes it loads and I can see the whole skin). Sometimes (after reboot) I can see the menu, today screen etc. but the phone freezes. I think that the Phone Profiles [Second Edition] 8.0 is freezing the phone after his process starts. Is there anything like "safe mode" start or something like that, which could help me to remove this soft ? Or any other way to normally start the phone ? Any ideas ? Many thanks for help.
It should start after hard reset - phone profiles, wisbar advance will not load after a proper hard reset - the phone will be back to factory condition.
Did you do proper hard reset? After that it sounds like phone profiles should be installed to device memory not storage card. Most today plugins only work properly on device memory.
I'v done the hard reset (I think it was done properly - comm manager and voice command button pressed in the same time and then reset button). But after I'v pressed these buttons, nothing specially happend....the phone was still off. So I'v turned it on....and there were no changes with the software - still the same. Maybe I'm doing the hard reset wrong ?
leez said:
I'v done the hard reset (I think it was done properly - comm manager and voice command button pressed in the same time and then reset button). But after I'v pressed these buttons, nothing specially happend....the phone was still off. So I'v turned it on....and there were no changes with the software - still the same. Maybe I'm doing the hard reset wrong ?
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Yep sounds like hard reset is not done. Press these 2 buttons but keep them pressed and dont let go - then press reset with the tip of the stylus and then text should come on the screen with black background. Press green (call) button and hard reset will commence.
Or you can first turn device off - then press the 2 buttons and keep them held and press power on to reach the same screen.
Ok, I'v done it. Many, many thanks for help. The phone manual is wrong (!). . Anyway Phone Profiles [Second Edition] 8.0....WTF is that ? This program just crashed my phone and I need to reinstall all the soft. Wrrr. And I just wanted a profile manager . Thanks again for help ! :mrgreen:
Good, I am glad - try the one I use - its free
Nice one, got it. Thanks.

Locked up, please help

I have a tmobile MDA (wizard). I attempted to install some software on it, but disconnected and rebooted before it was complete (it appeared to be just spinning).
Now after a soft reset, screen shows only 'Windows Mobile' after booting, and none of the buttons work and I can't advance from this screen.
Is there a way to hard reset that doesn't involve using the OS (ie, I can't click on anything because it's not getting to that point).
Also in this state activesync isn't detecting device.
Thanks in advance! - Chris
Hold down (and keep holding) the camera button while depressing the reset button. Hopefully it boots into a tri-color screen. If so, plug it into the USB port and, at the bottom of the screen, it should display "USB". If that happens, flash it with a *known good rom*, such as a stock T-Mobile rom. Don't try to be clever, the object is to get the phone working. Once the flash has started, *get up and walk away* for 15 or 20 minutes. Don't check in on it, leave it alone, It takes some time. When you hear it's little chime, it's done, rebooted and ready. If any of the above doesn't happen or the flash outright fails, then you may have trashed it permanently. It doesn't sound like it's beyond hope yet, however.
i have the wizard and im having the same problem after installing a ROM from this just goes to the windows mobile screen with the numbers then shuts really like to save my phone is there anything else i can try because that hard reset thing isnt working
axxeman001 said:
I have a tmobile MDA (wizard). I attempted to install some software on it, but disconnected and rebooted before it was complete (it appeared to be just spinning).
Now after a soft reset, screen shows only 'Windows Mobile' after booting, and none of the buttons work and I can't advance from this screen.
Is there a way to hard reset that doesn't involve using the OS (ie, I can't click on anything because it's not getting to that point).
Also in this state activesync isn't detecting device.
Thanks in advance! - Chris
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Well same thing happened to me a few days back.. I had to Cold Reset [which restored it to factory defaults], but hey I got it working again..
Press Communication Button [Top Left] and Record Button [Top Right] at the same time and use the stylus to soft reset..
You will get a black screen, asking you to press "Send" to reset to "Factory defaults"
Press "Send".
Hopefully you should get your MDA working again ...
I read the "Above" in the HTC Wizard Service Manual [PDF] on the *last page* under the "Cold-reset" Section..

Wizard Broken - Windows Directory Missing

Yes I know it sounds strange.
The only thing I can think of that caused this problem was receipt of an MMS.
When I click the Windows Icon all I can see is: "Today, TimeWizard, calupd, coldinit, and Programs" The middle three don't have icons. When I tap Programs all I can see is 'My E-mail' (a Tmobile app)
None of my hardware buttons launch the app they are supposed to however my today screen is showing what it is supposed to oddly enough
The phone portion works calls and receives
I plugged it into my computer and for some reason Windows Mobile Device Center doesn't do anything but I can navigate through the phones folders just fine. That is when I noticed the 'Windows' folder is missing.
I have tried all the bootloader flashing of the Wizard Love rom (for some reason it shows up in Italian) but it doesn't detect my device (done this on XP and Vista)
Activesync on XP detects the phone but can't connect to it.
I would try the shell loader but it's instructions require an activesync connection.
Is there anything that will help? Maybe a VERY vanilla rom that will load from with the bootloader?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated. My only other phone is a T68i and I can't find the charger
Why don't try to hard reset your phone by punching the reset hole while holding CommManager and VoiceCommand?
starkwong said:
Why don't try to hard reset your phone by punching the reset hole while holding CommManager and VoiceCommand?
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Maybe I'm reading your instructions wrong but that isn't working.
I am pressing the two buttons on TOP LEFT SIDE and TOP RIGHT SIDE while pressing a pen into the reset hole.
The device resets but everything comes up the same.
Is there a way to do a full complete hard reset?
Okay! I found a second way to do a hard reset in this post
Turn the device off completely then hold both the Voice Command and Comm Manager buttons and press the Power On button. Black screen with white text appears and asks if you're sure, pressed send. Formatted! everything is lost but it works again maybe I'll try a WM6 rom now!

I'm in Deep Trouble

I need some help...I'm freaking out...
I cooked a ROM with dcd's version 1.6.9 for BELL a few days ago and it was wonderful and worked great.
Today, I tried to upgrade to version 1.6.10 and I f___ed something up.
It starts the htc boot up screen as usual, then the Bell screen comes up as usual, then a Sprint screen comes up briefly and then the Windows Mobile screen comes on and HANGS........
I have tried cold reboots, and nothing. I cant connect to it with USB.
I can kick myself for making an error because I was rushing......
Can anyone please help............................
Search the forums here, there's a way to have to phone boot into the bootloader where you can reflash the phone.
P.S. Have you tried hard reset?
BThunderW said:
Search the forums here, there's a way to have to phone boot into the bootloader where you can reflash the phone.
P.S. Have you tried hard reset?
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If I recall correctly isn't it power, camera reset button????
Hard Reset:
With the Sprint Mogul I believe its holding the 2 soft buttons, the ones with dots on them, above the Red and Green phone buttons. Holding these down, push the reset button with the stylus and hold the two soft buttons for a few seconds, until something comes on the screen, which I can't recall at the moment....

Dead Hermes 100, Dopod 838, How did it happen??

I have this weird phone, I should say BRICK. My phone stopped working this morning after I cleaned the screen with a piece of cloth....the phone was in standby mode, when I did this.
Here is the story so far:
I was having problems with the hardware buttons, (messaging, internet explorer, the call and hang up buttons) the ones that everyone is been having problems with; so i decided to dismantling the unit following the steps shown on a Japanese website, basically by just looking at which screws to remove. By doing this all buttons functionality come back to normal so I had I fully working phone for about 3 days.
Now, all of a sudden the phone stopped working and refuses to go pass the "loading" message on the screen.
I decided to carefully dismantling the unit again, (I am now and expert in dismantlig dopos) but the problem persist.
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....
The phone was running Windows 6.1 (the stable version)....and now I am PHONE LESS...This is just incredible.....
Any help would be much appreciated....
If you are getting a message on screen saying "loading", taht does not go away, then your problem is not hardware but software.
The thing to try here is a full Hard Reset. (not a soft reset, have you tried this?)
Is this a Full Hard reset??
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....
Hard reset:
Press and hold the Left SOFT KEY and Right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the bottom of your device. You will be presented with a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit', if you press R Your device will be set back to factory default settings.
I have done the hard reset, however the Soft keys do not work, hence I dont get a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit' it basically continues directly to CRC's ROM loading message...just as before...and it gets stuck there......
I tried the other option,....Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus, and this options does work, but there is no mesagge only a screen with 4 color bands, red, green, blue and white...and nothing else.
If you don't get the message to reset yor phone then you didn't hard reset.
Oh well....thats what i the problem is since the soft keys dont work, then I cant do a hard reset....and the more i try the battery gets and will eventually run flat, (since the phone is not recharging either) in another words my dear dopod is slowly dying.....
Well the reason it's probably not booting up and the fact the keys don't work are likely the same problem. One of the flexcable connectors is most likely not seating in fully. I'd dismantle and take great care with all of them. Make certain of the central one - the one with the tape on it.
Exactly .....but i dont really know why these phones have this I said before I did clean up the contacts about a week ago and presto...everything started working fine again, but after 24 hours the buttons started playing up it is impossible that things will change in such a short time......
anyway coming back to my current problem, I tried and tried to hard-reset the unit and this time I pulled the keyboard out and pressed hard on the softkeys and after a while it did work I managed to hard reset the only had 14% left in the batterry.....lucky me!!!! I went home and started carefully adding all the extra bits needed, and guess what???? right in the last update the phone, again, did lock up........Luckily now I have a degree in dismantling dopos....anyone would like to hire me???? and I am an expert in hard-resetting dopos with actitude.......
I am happy now with my resurrected doppo but I am still a bit weiry about the soft keys not working......
FINALLY ......A big thanks to you guys for your help and comments.....

