Storage Card Freezes Device On Resume? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hey guys, just wondering if this is a known bug on universals or just several roms or if i have a dodgy universal or sd card in general:
It seems when i bring the device out of standby mode after a long period of inactivity, i enter my password and the device just freezes, locks up - Dead.
When I take the storage card out and repeat, the device is fine which lead me to believe the card was duffly formatted, so i stuck it in my card reader and formatted it into FAT32 and then put all my data back on... same problem!
So i then flashed my device from the QTEK rom to the o2 rom in corp mode to see if i still had the issue... was fine for a short while then earlier today i turned it back out of standby and same problem!
So i've narrowed it not to be the storage cards fault, since the card works fine in my xda 2s, and card reader and it seems to either be a subsequent issue in the o2 and qtek roms, or maybe ive got a duff universal with dodgy card slot?
Is this lockup issue a known bug?
Sometimes when i get lucky the device doesnt lock up but instead the card disappears from the system view, and only removing the battery and then rebooting solves it.
If anyone can shed any light i'd appreciate it!

had similar problem
On my compact and PRO (univsersal) I had 1 1gb SD card that always gave a message improperly removed when the device came out of standby.
Used the card that came with my PRO , a 512mb SANDISK no problem.
Put the 1gb in my panasonic camera its fine. the 16MB that came with my camera but branded panasonic works fine in my PRO, left the 512 in my compact for as MP3 with bluetooth headphones.
I think the compact had less problems after a recent T-mobile ROM update.
I think the Compact and PRO are both fussy what cards they use. My 1gb SD card is a generiic 66x. Also I think that there are some bugs to be ironed out with power management.
BTW should it be flashed in FAT or FAT32, some devices can only read FAT I believe.

If you use standby/suspend and you have media files (music/books/etc) on the SD card and the app in main memory you'll have problems when you re-start. I get this problem with MS Reader and eBooks all the time. Looks like another bug in WM5 to me.

jah said:
If you use standby/suspend and you have media files (music/books/etc) on the SD card and the app in main memory you'll have problems when you re-start. I get this problem with MS Reader and eBooks all the time. Looks like another bug in WM5 to me.
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Funny, I have all of my apps on the Main Memory, and my .prc's, .avi's, and .ogg's on the storage card, and I've never had this problem?
(I'm using a 1 Gig Jessops card that originally came with my camera, no idea what it "really" is though)

the problem only occurs if you use powersave/suspend and you leave a media file open, eg when reading an ebook.

this also happens when you have a 2577 folder on the sd card and do not have a start.exe in it. It will let the device hang.

Ive found the problem to be with the SD card itself, if i use the 128mb Sandisk from my Xda II s it's fine,but within ten minutes of sticking the 512 Lexitar card in, the whole device is ten feet under...
Looks like ill need another

I reformatted my 2GB SD card and one problem I had with WM5 reporting a shortage or RAM went away. Not really sure why the Exec seems to be so sensitive about SD cards.

Actually this reminds me... I used a 1GB KINGMAX SD card in my XDA II Mini and it hangs randomly... Now I'm using a 1GB Sandisk SD Plus USB in my XDA Exec and it hangs randomly too...
I am reverting back to me Panasonic 128mb SD card to see if that helps... Although it's weird that on my Xda Exec it only SOMETIMES hangs when I receive an SMS... don't know whether this is two issues or one.

I have a 4GB Transcend SD Card. I can install and run any application on it but, the camera application can't seem to read or store any pictures on it. It states: "not enough memory"
I tried reformatting it using Pocket Mechanic on my Exec and still the same result. I tried reformatting it on my computer but it can't read the 4GB SD card from Transcend.

funny I have a 1Gb Sandisk card and even if I have no media files open sometimes it just hangs on resume. The only way to get around this problem is to leave the XDA switched on all the time and swithc only the backlight.
However, this way the battery life is shorter. I think this problem should be addressed to someone who is technical (not like me) maybe we get a plausable explanation of what shall we do.
It is very annoying since when the system hangs up the mobile does not have any coverage and in sales it means loosing potential customers!!!!

Same problem Here.
I had a 1 Gig card and I often had to take it out to solve the problem.
Now I have a 2 Gig card (Sandisk Ultra II) and the problem is solved.
I'm not that technical, but wasn't there an issue with dual voltage sd card's?

I too have a memory card problem. I have loaded some pictures and videos on the card but as soon as I try to open them in File Explorer the XD Exec freezes and will only work again if I remove the memory card or reset the Exec. Then it freezes again when I try and read the memory card again. I've tried loading stuff on using Active Sync and using a memory card reader and still the same. I've even formatted the card again. It is a cheap SD memory card will I need a new memory card or is it a software problem?

@jah, my wife has this same problem on her Wizard (vario), she got a 128Mb miniSD with her Vario. If she leaves the card in and allows the device to suspend then wakes it up she gets a white blank screen and has to soft reset to recover. With the card removed the problem goes away. She had her vario replaced because of this fault (tech support thought it was the vario at fault). It was only when the problem occured with the new vario that I had a play and found with the card removed the fault went away. We haven't taken the card back yet, but I am 99% sure it is a card fault.
I might try her card with the adaptor in my Exec and see if I get the same problems as you are getting?
Regards, Simon

It seems like Dopod900/Univeral is sharing the same problem, too sensitive toward particular SD brand/model. My Dopod900 also having a huge problem recognizing the Kingston 2G SD 133x but works fine with Transcent 2G SD 150x.


SD Card not always there even when inserted????

Hi all
I have a problem with my XDA II that has been with me for quite some time (every since I started using the SD slot). what happens is that when inserting the SD card it can access it and all works 100%, but every now and then it disappears, if I take the card out and reinsert it, it works 100% again…
I’ve noticed that after turning the unit back on (after its been suspended/off) the card is not there.. but only seems to be sometimes.. the battery is always over 50% as its in the cradle most of the day, but every on weekends I have the same problem when I don’t dock the unit…. I’m lost of what it could be…
Any ideas????
I have read on several forums of some people complaining that the Kingston brand SD cards are sometimes not recognized on the XDA II. I used to have a 512mB Kingston and only experienced what you describe once. I lost my unit though and when I replaced the SD card this time I bought a Transcend 45x 512mB SD card and so far have not experienced the missing SD card syndrome.
Thanks for the reply ednap,
Do you know what the best format to use is for the XDA II? could it be a formating issue? I have got Pocket Mechanic 1.49 and have noticed there is many options just wondering what is the best one?
I am also using the Kingstone 512MB, is the problem with the card or the XDA II? should I take the issue up with Kingstone?
Many thanks for the info

SD card disappeared *POOF*

Hi all,
Had my XDAIIi for a month or so now... beside the odd lockup it's been more or less trouble-free.
However, I put the phone in the cradle today and got a strange message from WMP about sync settings... upon further investigation I found that my storage card is no longer recognised by my phone. It a Viking 512mb card.
I can't see it on File Explorer or via exploring on Active Sync. It's as if no card is plugged in... I tried another old 8mb card that I had and it works fine.
What should I do. Try to return the card, or is there a way I can reformat it? Any advice would be helpful...
I got the same problem, this is the second SD, I got the same weird msg.
Did you find a way to fix it?
The SD is not recognize neither in digitals cameras (tried only one) or other pocket pcs (other XDAlli and an HP).
I've heard form some friend that lot of people are getting this problem...
maybe vikings are troublesome..
Yep my new XDAlli killed a dane-lec 512mb card after a couple of weeks.. Couldn't use it in anything. Got another 512mb card this time branded as PRT?? card has been OK for the last 4 weeks but I do get the "storage card detected - search for audio & video files" message every now and then.. I also find the XDA can't see the card sometimes but a quick removal & replacement fixes the issue. I have also notice xbackup now takes around 10 mins..It was taking over an hour with the dane-lec...
I'm sure there is a compatibility issue with somecards..
I just read this post out of interest, casually browsing through the forum waiting for 5 o'clock :roll:, went to my XDA 2 and guess what.... no storage card!!!
Forunately, a soft reset was all it needed but how spooky :shock:
odd my xda2 like all others take a few sec's to reinit the sd card when it wakes up
and if it's needing some batt it dont
i've used sandisk slow version 128MB
and now kingston ultra something something 512MB
never had any issues apart from the sandisk being superslow
So once it's toast, is it really toast or can I somehow reformat it?
I guess I'll try to return it...
Can anyone recommend a card that hasn't reported any issues?
I am having the same problem... I am using PNY cards and am now on my fourth card. I am going to try a new branded card when i get the chance. People seem satisfied with ScanDisk cards so am going to try them.
MMCdata not seen
My XDA II recognize my MMC but file explorer does not show all of the data. Even my card reader does not show the data in MMC. But memory shows that Card is in use and all of the data is there as shown by the memory used... Please help!

Help! Storage Card suddenly not showing - dead?

Help! Storage Card suddenly not showing - dead?
Has anyone had problems with the Storage Card completely dying? I cannot read my 1GB miniSD card on my Wizard device at all any more. It started being weird yesterday but after a reset I was able to access the data, but today it is totally gone.
A 16MB one works fine. :? These cards don't generally die that easily do they?
Could this be a driver issue or something else so I can get my data back? I have tried many resets both with and without the card in place.
I've the same problem (I guess) with my card. I'm not able to read my card on the vario. When i inserted my SD card in a PC he cant read the card. When i start my PC with the card insered system hangs on loading windows.
When I restart my phone with the SD card inserted WIFI wont go on, do you have th same problem CJSnet ?
This looks like the SD disk is something like an (unreadable?) bootdisk ?
I had the same problem with a SanDisk 1GB card recently. I sent it back to the supplier and they replaced it.
Before my "Mini S" I had a "2i" and it was well known that it would "eat" cards. On that forum they compiled a list of "never eaten" cards and recommended staying away from anything not on the list.
I suspect the Wizard may have a similar problem.
i've also got a problem with my miniSD, sometimes it doesn't recognise the card. But when i remove it and re-insert a few times it does work again.
A common problem with the SD-cards is that their contacts are dirty, cleaning sometimes helps.
Thanks mmm_ok, can you provide a link to that list of 'never eaten' :lol: cards please?
Mine is an unbranded type from Viking, so that could be the reason.
zawoot, I had no problems with WiFi and the card inserted.
Have now solved it. When I loaded the card on a PC and ran chkdsk, some of the files were corrupt (plus the boot partition I expect). I copied the salvagable files to the PC, formatted the miniSD which took about an hour (!), and now the PPC can read it again. Now I just copy back the files from the PC, and the lost ones from a recent backup.
What a pain in the backside. HTC not fixing the 'eating cards' bug has cost me 3 hours of my life. What price technology!
SD card problem
I'm facing the same problem. The last thing I tried was format the SD Card
using Pocket Mechanic "Logical Format" - "do not use quick format", format it
two times and just that. Also, as a test, I'm not using the full SD Card
capacity, my SD has 1 G and at this time I'm using 700M and since 10 days ago
everythiong is fine. As an additional test I leaved the battery goes to a
very low level and reseted the device to see it it corrupt the data .. but
is still ok.
My 2GB Adata myflash card has done this. I'm so mad, it has to go all the way back to china for repair.
This is really wierd behaviour for a phone. HTC in all its shoddy glory.
CJSnet said:
Have now solved it. When I loaded the card on a PC and ran chkdsk, some of the files were corrupt (plus the boot partition I expect). I copied the salvagable files to the PC, formatted the miniSD which took about an hour (!), and now the PPC can read it again. Now I just copy back the files from the PC, and the lost ones from a recent backup.
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SO is there any other issues after you did the format?
I have an ATP 1Gb MiniSD and sometimes my MDA just said that it can't execute an application (that's installed to the miniSD card) because it was "usigned". When I run Resco Explorer, I noticed that the card is NO LONGER shown (???). So I took out the card, re-inserted it and it's now shown in Resco Explorer as "Storage Card2" ! So of course none of the program works since the links (in registry especially), pointed to "Storage Card", not the one that ends with 2. So my solution (for now) is to just shutdown the device, wait for a few minutes, then turn it on again.
I have had 2 cards from mobymemory 1gb and now 2gb - not one problem run well. Can highly recommend mobymemory the use single density cards or something that many of the other manufactures don't use. my advice stay away from cheap cards.
I used a backup utility my card died, and windows could not open it, I reformatted on my digital cam and it works again. It's the software loaded on it.
My MiniSD card popped out of its slot spontaneously last night. Ever since my Qtek 9100 would not recognise it any longer. It still worked on my card-reader attached to my PC. In the end I decided to format the card (not quick format) and now my Wizard recognises the storage card again. Losing all my downloaded attachments during the process. FYI It is a SanDisk 1GB MiniSD card.
sandisk 1g card is almost 2-yrs old and was first for typhoon and now serves faraday and wizard and just started acting wierd on wizard. every so often device does not read card upon waking. pulling it out and reinserting fixes it but i've moved programs to device. poo!!!
Storage Card seemed dead
I had a simuliar problem with my original qtek 1.6 rom until I upgraded to the latest imate 2.17.
Having worked 5-10 minutes with wi-fi, the storage card became invisible and unaccessible. To make it visible once again it was necessary to soft reset the device.
This and some other problems disappeared once I upgraded to 2.17.
Hope this help

SD card unreadable

The data from my SD card became partly unreadable, some prgms could not be started and when looking at the root folder of my card I found some items named like ç!é”è((é§éç. Putting the card out and back in didn’t help, only a soft reset did the job. All data was still intact. This thing happened twice untill now. I use a Sandisk 1GB card.
Has anyone had this problem before? I remember reading about the same problem on a forum but couldn't find the posting.
I also experienced the same problem
I had this problem before. When I pulled my Sandisk 1 GB Micro SD and pushed it back in, the System did not recognize my Memory Card. I did it several times and suddenly it came back again.
The trick I used was pushing the Memory upward (against the back of the phone) until the memory was not completely inserted. Roughly about 1/10 of the memory sticks out of the memory slot
I believe this is a major hardware problem with the Memory Slot.
I have had this problem with my 2GB miniSD on my MDA Compact- the first time i had no choice but to re-format the card and start over but second time, re-inserting the card solved the problem.
May be something to do with the card not getting proper contact.
It doesn't work at all anymore!
I've had the same problem with my 1gb SD card since I bought it 2 years ago. It's crap, because copying a movie for instance through the phone (MDA compact) takes forever.
Now I reformatted it, and copied some stuff to it through my card reader. But after putting it back into my phone, the card now is not even seen at all by my phone, and putting it back in my PC doesn't work either... now it's not recognised anywhere anymore...
Anyone, now how to get this fixed?!
Re: It doesn't work at all anymore!
The Fittest said:
I've had the same problem with my 1gb SD card since I bought it 2 years ago. It's crap, because copying a movie for instance through the phone (MDA compact) takes forever.
Now I reformatted it, and copied some stuff to it through my card reader. But after putting it back into my phone, the card now is not even seen at all by my phone, and putting it back in my PC doesn't work either... now it's not recognised anywhere anymore...
Anyone, now how to get this fixed?!
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Try using this utility (or similar) to format your card from a card reader: I've used it many times on various cards and seems to do the trick.
Re: It doesn't work at all anymore!
sh500 said:
Try using this utility (or similar) to format your card from a card reader: I've used it many times on various cards and seems to do the trick.
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Hmmm, thx for hint, but that didn't work either. Since the drive isn't recognised, so does this tool... weird enough the adminstrative tools in windows (drive managament) does see a 1gb drive, but assigning a new drive letter causes an error.... damn... looks like I'll be buying a new SD card.
Does anyone know which brands/types (I now have a 1gb Kinston) have less problems with this, so I can copy files to and from my card though my card reader instead of my phone, without srewing my card up?
Edit: Ha! I formatted my SD card with my digital camera! Leaving just the problem of not being able to copy files to my card through my cardreader...

Tytn freezes because of micro SD card, help!!

My device switches on by itself and then crashs with the screen on, it is not possible to access any thing and the only thing it responds to is to do a soft reset.
The only difference between now and when it was working fine is the usuage of a micro SD card. My device works perfectly when there is no SD card installed, if I install a SD card the device starts to show the stange behaviour straight away.
The SD card which I am using is a 1 GB Sandisk card. What do you think? Do you think it is a device hardware problem or what?
Thanks in advance for any offered help!
eldali said:
My device switches on by itself and then crashs with the screen on, it is not possible to access any thing and the only thing it responds to is to do a soft reset.
The only difference between now and when it was working fine is the usuage of a micro SD card. My device works perfectly when there is no SD card installed, if I install a SD card the device starts to show the stange behaviour straight away.
The SD card which I am using is a 1 GB Sandisk card. What do you think? Do you think it is a device hardware problem or what?
Thanks in advance for any offered help!
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Have you tried reformatting the card in a PC card reader? FAT32, allocation size of 512. and make sure contacts on card are clean.
I did that already but with no improvement. What I don't understandis, why my device switchs on by itself, as if it detects a new SD card inserted while it is off!!
I don't want to be fast concluding it is a hardware problem, it is still under warranty, but I would like to send it only when I am sure it is hardware problem!
eldali said:
I did that already but with no improvement. What I don't understandis, why my device switchs on by itself, as if it detects a new SD card inserted while it is off!!
I don't want to be fast concluding it is a hardware problem, it is still under warranty, but I would like to send it only when I am sure it is hardware problem!
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Need to establish if it's the card or device. Don't suppose you can access another card?
I have only one card, it seems I will have to buy another one, just to do the test! I will do that today in the evening, unless someone has better ideas.
There's a bit discussion going on already... see this thread:
Well, I had some similar problems. Now I make sure that EVERY application & service running is on the main device memory (RAM). eMail attachments, browser cache, all today add-ons and all applications that run with a schedule (like Backup etc.) - Only documents, Tomtom Maps and Games are left on the SD card. Reduced freezes to one in a week.
Well, and I just ordered a Kingston card and will compare it to SanDisk. Both 2GB.
I tried another 512 Mbyte card, it seems better so far (only since 1 day). I didn't have any freezes, but the device wakes up by itself from time to time, although the option to wake up when a key is pressed is disabled. I can't understand this!!
Kingston 2GB card working perfect so far. Running WM6 (check my signature).

