SD Card not always there even when inserted???? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi all
I have a problem with my XDA II that has been with me for quite some time (every since I started using the SD slot). what happens is that when inserting the SD card it can access it and all works 100%, but every now and then it disappears, if I take the card out and reinsert it, it works 100% again…
I’ve noticed that after turning the unit back on (after its been suspended/off) the card is not there.. but only seems to be sometimes.. the battery is always over 50% as its in the cradle most of the day, but every on weekends I have the same problem when I don’t dock the unit…. I’m lost of what it could be…
Any ideas????

I have read on several forums of some people complaining that the Kingston brand SD cards are sometimes not recognized on the XDA II. I used to have a 512mB Kingston and only experienced what you describe once. I lost my unit though and when I replaced the SD card this time I bought a Transcend 45x 512mB SD card and so far have not experienced the missing SD card syndrome.

Thanks for the reply ednap,
Do you know what the best format to use is for the XDA II? could it be a formating issue? I have got Pocket Mechanic 1.49 and have noticed there is many options just wondering what is the best one?
I am also using the Kingstone 512MB, is the problem with the card or the XDA II? should I take the issue up with Kingstone?
Many thanks for the info


SD card disappeared *POOF*

Hi all,
Had my XDAIIi for a month or so now... beside the odd lockup it's been more or less trouble-free.
However, I put the phone in the cradle today and got a strange message from WMP about sync settings... upon further investigation I found that my storage card is no longer recognised by my phone. It a Viking 512mb card.
I can't see it on File Explorer or via exploring on Active Sync. It's as if no card is plugged in... I tried another old 8mb card that I had and it works fine.
What should I do. Try to return the card, or is there a way I can reformat it? Any advice would be helpful...
I got the same problem, this is the second SD, I got the same weird msg.
Did you find a way to fix it?
The SD is not recognize neither in digitals cameras (tried only one) or other pocket pcs (other XDAlli and an HP).
I've heard form some friend that lot of people are getting this problem...
maybe vikings are troublesome..
Yep my new XDAlli killed a dane-lec 512mb card after a couple of weeks.. Couldn't use it in anything. Got another 512mb card this time branded as PRT?? card has been OK for the last 4 weeks but I do get the "storage card detected - search for audio & video files" message every now and then.. I also find the XDA can't see the card sometimes but a quick removal & replacement fixes the issue. I have also notice xbackup now takes around 10 mins..It was taking over an hour with the dane-lec...
I'm sure there is a compatibility issue with somecards..
I just read this post out of interest, casually browsing through the forum waiting for 5 o'clock :roll:, went to my XDA 2 and guess what.... no storage card!!!
Forunately, a soft reset was all it needed but how spooky :shock:
odd my xda2 like all others take a few sec's to reinit the sd card when it wakes up
and if it's needing some batt it dont
i've used sandisk slow version 128MB
and now kingston ultra something something 512MB
never had any issues apart from the sandisk being superslow
So once it's toast, is it really toast or can I somehow reformat it?
I guess I'll try to return it...
Can anyone recommend a card that hasn't reported any issues?
I am having the same problem... I am using PNY cards and am now on my fourth card. I am going to try a new branded card when i get the chance. People seem satisfied with ScanDisk cards so am going to try them.
MMCdata not seen
My XDA II recognize my MMC but file explorer does not show all of the data. Even my card reader does not show the data in MMC. But memory shows that Card is in use and all of the data is there as shown by the memory used... Please help!

Storage Card Freezes Device On Resume?

hey guys, just wondering if this is a known bug on universals or just several roms or if i have a dodgy universal or sd card in general:
It seems when i bring the device out of standby mode after a long period of inactivity, i enter my password and the device just freezes, locks up - Dead.
When I take the storage card out and repeat, the device is fine which lead me to believe the card was duffly formatted, so i stuck it in my card reader and formatted it into FAT32 and then put all my data back on... same problem!
So i then flashed my device from the QTEK rom to the o2 rom in corp mode to see if i still had the issue... was fine for a short while then earlier today i turned it back out of standby and same problem!
So i've narrowed it not to be the storage cards fault, since the card works fine in my xda 2s, and card reader and it seems to either be a subsequent issue in the o2 and qtek roms, or maybe ive got a duff universal with dodgy card slot?
Is this lockup issue a known bug?
Sometimes when i get lucky the device doesnt lock up but instead the card disappears from the system view, and only removing the battery and then rebooting solves it.
If anyone can shed any light i'd appreciate it!
had similar problem
On my compact and PRO (univsersal) I had 1 1gb SD card that always gave a message improperly removed when the device came out of standby.
Used the card that came with my PRO , a 512mb SANDISK no problem.
Put the 1gb in my panasonic camera its fine. the 16MB that came with my camera but branded panasonic works fine in my PRO, left the 512 in my compact for as MP3 with bluetooth headphones.
I think the compact had less problems after a recent T-mobile ROM update.
I think the Compact and PRO are both fussy what cards they use. My 1gb SD card is a generiic 66x. Also I think that there are some bugs to be ironed out with power management.
BTW should it be flashed in FAT or FAT32, some devices can only read FAT I believe.
If you use standby/suspend and you have media files (music/books/etc) on the SD card and the app in main memory you'll have problems when you re-start. I get this problem with MS Reader and eBooks all the time. Looks like another bug in WM5 to me.
jah said:
If you use standby/suspend and you have media files (music/books/etc) on the SD card and the app in main memory you'll have problems when you re-start. I get this problem with MS Reader and eBooks all the time. Looks like another bug in WM5 to me.
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Funny, I have all of my apps on the Main Memory, and my .prc's, .avi's, and .ogg's on the storage card, and I've never had this problem?
(I'm using a 1 Gig Jessops card that originally came with my camera, no idea what it "really" is though)
the problem only occurs if you use powersave/suspend and you leave a media file open, eg when reading an ebook.
this also happens when you have a 2577 folder on the sd card and do not have a start.exe in it. It will let the device hang.
Ive found the problem to be with the SD card itself, if i use the 128mb Sandisk from my Xda II s it's fine,but within ten minutes of sticking the 512 Lexitar card in, the whole device is ten feet under...
Looks like ill need another
I reformatted my 2GB SD card and one problem I had with WM5 reporting a shortage or RAM went away. Not really sure why the Exec seems to be so sensitive about SD cards.
Actually this reminds me... I used a 1GB KINGMAX SD card in my XDA II Mini and it hangs randomly... Now I'm using a 1GB Sandisk SD Plus USB in my XDA Exec and it hangs randomly too...
I am reverting back to me Panasonic 128mb SD card to see if that helps... Although it's weird that on my Xda Exec it only SOMETIMES hangs when I receive an SMS... don't know whether this is two issues or one.
I have a 4GB Transcend SD Card. I can install and run any application on it but, the camera application can't seem to read or store any pictures on it. It states: "not enough memory"
I tried reformatting it using Pocket Mechanic on my Exec and still the same result. I tried reformatting it on my computer but it can't read the 4GB SD card from Transcend.
funny I have a 1Gb Sandisk card and even if I have no media files open sometimes it just hangs on resume. The only way to get around this problem is to leave the XDA switched on all the time and swithc only the backlight.
However, this way the battery life is shorter. I think this problem should be addressed to someone who is technical (not like me) maybe we get a plausable explanation of what shall we do.
It is very annoying since when the system hangs up the mobile does not have any coverage and in sales it means loosing potential customers!!!!
Same problem Here.
I had a 1 Gig card and I often had to take it out to solve the problem.
Now I have a 2 Gig card (Sandisk Ultra II) and the problem is solved.
I'm not that technical, but wasn't there an issue with dual voltage sd card's?
I too have a memory card problem. I have loaded some pictures and videos on the card but as soon as I try to open them in File Explorer the XD Exec freezes and will only work again if I remove the memory card or reset the Exec. Then it freezes again when I try and read the memory card again. I've tried loading stuff on using Active Sync and using a memory card reader and still the same. I've even formatted the card again. It is a cheap SD memory card will I need a new memory card or is it a software problem?
@jah, my wife has this same problem on her Wizard (vario), she got a 128Mb miniSD with her Vario. If she leaves the card in and allows the device to suspend then wakes it up she gets a white blank screen and has to soft reset to recover. With the card removed the problem goes away. She had her vario replaced because of this fault (tech support thought it was the vario at fault). It was only when the problem occured with the new vario that I had a play and found with the card removed the fault went away. We haven't taken the card back yet, but I am 99% sure it is a card fault.
I might try her card with the adaptor in my Exec and see if I get the same problems as you are getting?
Regards, Simon
It seems like Dopod900/Univeral is sharing the same problem, too sensitive toward particular SD brand/model. My Dopod900 also having a huge problem recognizing the Kingston 2G SD 133x but works fine with Transcent 2G SD 150x.

Strange HD2 SD Card Problems

My HD2 worked fine for the first few months I had it, but then one day my SD card unexpectedly crashed... completely... no reformatting, no salvaging, it wasn't recognized by the phone or my computer or any other device I tried it in.
No big deal, I thought, it happens.
I got a new SD card. Used the opportunity to try a new ROM (dZenkins 1.80.0515).
Started reinstalling stuff and after about 2 days, the new SD card started losing data, in less than a half a day it died too. Same thing, completely fried.
So I got another one. This one, in less than 6 hours, has started showing the same symptoms. I'm expecting it to die any minute.
All 3 cards were 8 GB, Micro SD. Seem legit (even if they're not 100% genuine cards, its unlikely all 3 would experience the same failure).
Also, it happened on my original ROM and now on the new ROM, so I think it's unlikely to be software related...?
With this last (3rd) card, I was very careful to always plug it in to the computer as a "hard drive" and to always eject it through Windows before taking the USB out.
So, I'm totally stumped. Any thoughts?
I did some research and it seems like from time-to-time HTC phones have had a problem with destroying their removable storage cards. Has anyone experienced this with the HD2?
Living in Kunming, China, its going to be tough to get an HTC repair on this thing...
Have you tried another MicroSD Brand?
Yep, tried different brands, still the exact same symptoms.
Same here. My card last only 2 days after purchased. Same problem, it just crashed, not even able to be reformatted or read by pc. It just "gone". Now I'm using 16G, and still working on the replacement. By the way, I'm in Jakarta.
same problem here
i use 16 gb micro sd
i started to have acces troubles to some of my folders
my firts card died 2 days ago
is not recogised anymore what so ever
Contacted HTC, they said try hard reset.
Of course I already did that, no change in the problem. I hard-reset after each failure, but the problem keeps recurring.
Other people who have experienced this problem: Did changing to a different size card help? Or changing how you synced your device?
Today I gave the HTC distributor a visit. They said that they HAD ALREADY WARN ALL THE SELLERS ABOUT SANDISK PROBLEM WITH HTC HD2!
Wow, that's quite a revelation!
So, maybe next time you better buy memorycard other than Sandisk.
I've had problems with the HD2 and microSDHCs. Decided to disable the storage card power saving features on a just in case basis and haven't had any problems since (touches his wood). Purely anecdotal but it worked for me.
Answer is here !!!
Hey Guys !!! I have HAd the same problem when i newly got my Leo ... three 8GB sandisk cards were ruined .. read only 30 MB ... i have changed to kingstone 8GB and now i have been working very good using my new card for more than two months !!
yep same thing happend to me last nite . i had a sandisk 8 gig card , and try to format it though my pc and still nowt .
i wont be buying a sandisk card again.
I'm using kingston 8Gb card since ever, no problem with it.
I been using a transcend sd card 8 gig and works fine, never though the cheap brand would be so good
Me too, Using free 8G scandisk .. 2 week gone, then change another 8G scandsk 1 mth gone, then downgrade to 4G scandisk .. 2mth usage gone, now change to 4G kinsgton, already 2mth old ...hope that fine ..
but my old Tytn II, from already 3 years old ..the 2gb kinsgton never let me down ...
Is it the phone structure cause the Sd card burn??? if I not wrong the HD2 processor is under the memory card ....
Reformatted card in my NIKON
Hi, I have had the same problem with my 16Gb SDHC card in HD2. Neither Windows or Linux could reformat/read/write the card correctly.
Tried my camera (nikon) which can reformat the card. Success!
Still the card failed when i copyed the old rescued /backup contents.
Then I removed the exchange sync to the card and moved the thousands of pictures and videos (Camera folder) (renamed folder).
And now the card seems to work again?!?
now I am able to take pictures and videos without getting a corrupted card...
hi,i'm from nanjing,china,maybe you got three 括容卡,i just buy two cards which were you described. Now i am using a real 8G kingston SDHC card and a 4G card
this problem also happen to me, twice ...sandisk and transcend still looking the best SDHC for my HD2
SD card will not format
Hi -
I recently flashed my phone to the android market after i previously flashed windows7. The phone works great.. love it!!!
Only thing is it does not read my card?? I cannot format it or anything.
I have a micro sd 4gb (co4g).. am i using the wrong size sd card?
Thanks for any help!?
egates81 said:
Hi -
I recently flashed my phone to the android market after i previously flashed windows7. The phone works great.. love it!!!
Only thing is it does not read my card?? I cannot format it or anything.
I have a micro sd 4gb (co4g).. am i using the wrong size sd card?
Thanks for any help!?
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If you were using WP7 then switched to Android than the WP7 is the problem. WP7 formats your SD card with a funky format, I forget what it is called. You see WP7 uses the SD card as the internal memory, WP7 native devices also do this to as they use SD cards for internal memory. Anyway the easiest way to fix this is to SD card in a adapter and put it in a digital camera and formatting it then format it on your computer with Fat 32. The digital cameras can remove that funky format and you will not have to get special software to do it.
Stupid WP7!!!!
I destroyed 2 SD cards so far within 1 day. It happened when I installed that new updateable YukiXbmod Windows phone 7.5 ROM. It just RUINED my Stock 2GB Sandisk and my 8GB Transcend!
I really hope that it isn't the phone f*****g those Sds up! Otherwise I don't know what to do!
---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------
Pls if ANYONE else has issues related to this ROM or WP7 in general tell me if you have a solution!
EDIT: I feel stupid... My SD cards are both functioning and they are NOT ruined. They are only locked by that WP7 ROM. I find it embarrasing I missed out on the part with the 1:1 chance of locking your SD.
EDIT2: And it's quite easy to retrive the cards
I had 2 8Gb cards 'killed' by Xbmod Yuki Mango + Gingerbread Android off SD. One card lasted a week before just dying. Had it formatted in Nokia N95 phone, but even though the format went ahead, the message read that the card is locked and demanded password. I formatted again, after which it was no longer functioning at all - nothing could be done. So I got it swapped for the same, which lasted 2 weeks - the same story - it just died. When I came to the shop to see if they'll swap it again, they questioned the chances of 2 cards just failing within a short period of time like that. Now on a third card, different brand, but if it goes, I say it's the ROMs, not the cards.

SD Card gone

Woke up this morning and my stock unmodified DHD told me Backup Everything has failed (normally scheduled @ 4am every day). Logs revealed it could not write to the SD card mount point. In addition to this notification bar was displaying "SD card removed unexpectedly".
Initially I thought this would be related to the recent OTA update and SD card issues being reported by various forum members with relation to it.
However upon further reboots and detailed examinations the phone could not find the card at all. This prevented me from being able to format the card even after a reboot. Same results with multiple card readers on different PCs and even in other phone handsets... Nothing detects the card anymore.
Looks like the HTC bundled 8GB microSD card (class 2) is broken for good... Lost all my NYE photos and videos... Restored from an older MyPhoneExplorer full SD card copy onto a spare SD card and seems to be working ok now.
What I'd like to know is whether anyone else has experienced similar hardware failure on their bundled SD card.
I didn't expect such a card to fail within 3 weeks of purchase. And shipping the phone back for SD card replacement would not be worth the postage fees for me. Overall I'm finding Android platform very unreliable.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I had frequent dismount on my class2 microSD 8 gb card by HTC (made by Samsung). It got so irritating that I need to reboot my phone to gain access back.
I changed over to a Sandisk 8gb class 4 microsd card, and the problem is solved.
Think the microsd card is crap, and has nothing to do with the android OS.
I (and many other users, it seems) have the same problem with the SD card being fried. The fact we are all getting the problem now indicates that it defintitely the result of a recent update, and not because the "card is crap"....
well as stated in another thread I had this problem from the very first day I got my DHD, after changing to anothe uSDHC the problem is gone
See existing thread...
It appears that replacing the SD card with a new one is the way forward, try to get one off HTC if possible. I havent heard of any replacement cards being fried yet.
Wow, a Samsung SD Card that dies, unheard of... (former Galaxy S i9000M owner....)
I'm so far doing alright with a spare SanDisk microSD. Which card did HTC issue as replacement?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

I9505 - SD Card unmounts and mounts again when using it

Hi all,
I have an I9505 and I'm having some problems with my microSD card;
When I'm using the SD Card with a file browser, after approx. 20 seconds it unmounts and mounts itself after a couple of seconds.
Tried multiple file browsers. All are having the same issue.
When listening to mp3's located on the card, the same thing happens.
The microSD is a SanDisk 32GB class 4 card.
Then I replaced the card with one that I've had laying around.
A 4GB Samsung micro SD. Also class 4. Same thing happens here.
I've originally used FAT32 but formatted it to exFAT just to try. Again, same thing happens.
The SD card is not the problem because I've used it for a year on my S3 I9300. Never had problems.
The phone is not yet rooted. (don't think it's relevant though)
Not sure if it is a software issue or hardware issue.
Anyone having similar problems?
I'm thinking of returning it for repar but peraps a sfuture firmware update might solve it?
Do you guys have any suggestions?
dinci5 said:
Hi all,
I have an I9505 and I'm having some problems with my microSD card;
When I'm using the SD Card with a file browser, after approx. 20 seconds it unmounts and mounts itself after a couple of seconds.
Tried multiple file browsers. All are having the same issue.
When listening to mp3's located on the card, the same thing happens.
The microSD is a SanDisk 32GB class 4 card.
Then I replaced the card with one that I've had laying around.
A 4GB Samsung micro SD. Also class 4. Same thing happens here.
I've originally used FAT32 but formatted it to exFAT just to try. Again, same thing happens.
The SD card is not the problem because I've used it for a year on my S3 I9300. Never had problems.
The phone is not yet rooted. (don't think it's relevant though)
Not sure if it is a software issue or hardware issue.
Anyone having similar problems?
I'm thinking of returning it for repar but peraps a sfuture firmware update might solve it?
Do you guys have any suggestions?
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Sounds like a dodgy card i had that issue. No firmware update will solve it because i got a different card and its worked fine.
I actually tried another card. I had the same problem.
It was a class 4 as well.
Perhaps a class 10 would be better.
This card worked for over a year on my SGS3.
dinci5 said:
I actually tried another card. I had the same problem.
It was a class 4 as well.
Perhaps a class 10 would be better.
This card worked for over a year on my SGS3.
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Clearly i can't read, sorry its written in the first post i am just dumb i guess. Anyway i doubt class 10 or class 4 would have any effect. Could be just a problem with the phone's card reader.
live-evil said:
Clearly i can't read, sorry its written in the first post i am just dumb i guess. Anyway i doubt class 10 or class 4 would have any effect. Could be just a problem with the phone's card reader.
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You're probably right.
I will return it for repair and see what they say about it.
Btw, when connecting the phone to the computer and when I try to transfer files it works for about 20 sec and the card is unmounted.
So basically, whenever you try to rea/write to the card it unmounts.
But when puting the microSD into my computer directly (with an microSD to SD adapter) it works just fine.
dinci5 said:
You're probably right.
I will return it for repair and see what they say about it.
Btw, when connecting the phone to the computer and when I try to transfer files it works for about 20 sec and the card is unmounted.
So basically, whenever you try to rea/write to the card it unmounts.
But when puting the microSD into my computer directly (with an microSD to SD adapter) it works just fine.
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I and other people in the forum are having the same issue with SD cards previously working fine on SGS3 (my card is a SanDisk, 64 GB, class 10).
I guess is a SGS4 issue, I hope a software issue to be solved soon! :fingers-crossed:
jolivera said:
I and other people in the forum are having the same issue with SD cards previously working fine on SGS3 (my card is a SanDisk, 64 GB, class 10).
I guess is a SGS4 issue, I hope a software issue to be solved soon! :fingers-crossed:
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I've searched the forum for other similar topics but didn't really find something.
I guess I have to improve my research skills
I'll wait for the next update to see whether it'll solve the problem.
btw, I checked yesterday with my brother who also has the SGS4.
We bought them together, the very same day.
He doesn't have any problems with it. It works just fine.
But he didn't install the latest update via Kies...
A small update regarding this issue.
I've read a lot of bad reviews about SanDisk microSD cards so I decided to buy a new one.
I've bought a Transcend Class 10 32GB microSD.
I didn't have any problems with this one ever since.
I'm using it for two days now without any problems.
dinci5 said:
A small update regarding this issue.
I've read a lot of bad reviews about SanDisk microSD cards so I decided to buy a new one.
I've bought a Transcend Class 10 32GB microSD.
I didn't have any problems with this one ever since.
I'm using it for two days now without any problems.
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I was using sandisk 32 gb class10 on a i9300 with no problems, but in my i9505 is mounting and unmounting alone... same sd card.... :silly:
This is a bit old sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, plug the card in a digital camera (any camera is ok) and format it. There is no logical explanation why it works but this helps bring back to life dodgy cards or you can try a low level format, there were a few freeware tools floating around, just give it a try before buying a new card
Reseating the card?
Last week my wife started using a 64GB Sandisk Ultra memory card in her S4. The next day she complained about battery and part of the phone heating up.
I stopped by this thread to read all your advice, and figured I'd file a support ticket with Sandisk. While doing that I removed the card to write down its serial number. I re-inserted the card and from that point onwards, battery life is back to normal and that area of the phone no longer heats up.
Is it plausible that some of these problems stem from improper insertion..? (Alternatively: the card holder is a bit iffy) I notice one suggestion here was to reformat the card in a camera. Well, I suspect that the mere act of removing the card and re-inserting it plays a role here. (if the way the card was formatted would factor into this, it would be easy to reproduce -- besides, FAT32 isn't that complicated to get right from a developer's POV, and I suspect the same holds true for exFAT)

