Universal becomes forgetful?! - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Ever since I got my Qtek 9000, a small but annoying problem has been plaguing me. I figured that switching to a different ROM such as i-mate's JASJAR would have solved it, but it seems to happen there, too...
My Universal becomes forgetful.
After a while of successfully toggling the Wi-Fi connection, it forgets all my access points/wireless routers and prompts me to connect and authenticate with their keys. I used to think it just forgot the WPA keys, but the available access points list just goes completely empty!
After a while of successfully using making calls or using the navigator, it needs to rediscover and re-pair my Bluetooth devices, such as my HS850 headset and my GlobalSat BT-338 GPS. The "paired" Bluetooth devices show up in the Bluetooth > Devices tab, but the headset icon never activates in the Phone applet, nor does the headset activate Voice Command. Also, when I launch my GPS software, I get a tone and a notification pops up asking me if I want to add the Bluetooth GPS device to my list.
After a while of successfully ActiveSync'ing with the 4Smartphone.net Exchange Server, it forgets the password and prompts me for it. This is just starting to happen now. I have the settings saved in a .CPF file I received from 4Smartphone.net, but why its starting to forget even this is starting to concern me.
Is anyone else having these issues, or is it just me? Am I going MAD?! :doh:

I have found that if you need to reset when certain processes are running (eg Messaging) data does get lost. I wonder if this explains your issue. PS - I have not suffered the BT issue you describe and I use 2 BT headsets.

configure ur device (add ur access points, bond ur bluetooth devices...etc.) and do a clean soft reset using psShutXP or anyother software based soft reset....
after the reset, is it all gone?
(i'm guessing the problem is, the device crashes and hasnt written ur customizations onto the flash disk...if this doesnt work too, u might have to try another rom! )

Dreamtheater is right.
Remember that the WM5 keeps a certain amount of data in a cache in volatile RAM. If you reset your device without this data being written to the non-volatile flash, it will be lost.
This is usually recognisable if you reset the device soon after copying a file, or receiving an email or SMS. The file/sms/email will have disappeared.
The WM5 dev blog has said that there are a few ways around this:
1. Turn the WM5 device off for a few seconds (5-10 seconds should be enough) before you reset. The operating system will write any data in volatile memory to the non-volatile flash.
2. Any application that programmatically soft-resets the device with the correct commands will force the write-to-memory to occur as well.
So try to set up your device, sync, and then TURN IT OFF for a bit, before you do a reset. If in doubt, TURN IT OFF!


Wifi looses WEP key

Hi. This happened to me twice on my Dopod 900 so I'm guessing something is wrong here. I have a 128bit WEP enabled home WiFi network. The Dopod works well on this network but I was asked on two occasions to enter the WEP key again. I enter it and it works for a few days and then all of a sudden it is asked of me again... Anyone else seen this behavior? Any ways to avoid it? Thanks
You're not the only one.
The Universal loses my access points (completely disappears from the list) and wants to re-pair my Bluetooth devices (GPS and headset) (sometimes they are listed, sometimes they disappear from the list, too) every so often. I'm surprised no one else has talked about this either.
I've seen it also. If your universal seems unusually slow to connect ot the access point, you better have to stop it, or it will loose your access poitn info. After a soft reset, everything goes back to normal.
This behaviour is appening rarely though, and is not a major bug to me, as it only appens once every 100 connections. It can also depend on your access point.
I connect my o2 Exec with my own and four different customer's ADSL-router/gateway/WiFi devices and have not experienced this, even when a couple of weeks elapse between my site visits. I normally configure full WPA-PSK/TKIP encryption, MAC address restrictions and use DHCP allocated addresses. A VPN is then used to connect from the wireless side through another firewall to the internal network.
Is there any correlation between the WiFi routers that have given you all problems. I use various ZyXEL models.
Getting really strange... All of a sudden, I'm getting prompted for my Exchange password that I connect to 4Smartphone.net... It seemed to have forgotten the password?
lose wep
same for me
So it is not only my ****ty non -updated sfr rom ;-)
Are you getting a NO GSM message on your boot screen and/or is your IMEI missing from the Device Information applet?
I'm trying to see if the two issues are related.
I got the NO GSM message, and from that point forward, I lost the pairing of my Bluetooth devices and the wireless access points.
My theory: Any passwords or authentications are encrypted using the IMEI of the phone portion. When the IMEI is not present (shows a blank under Device Information) due to the NO GSM issue, the Windows Mobile OS instantly wipes out those "invalid" passwords or authentications or simply invalidates them, causing you to reauthenticate the device to other devices.
BeyondtheTech said:
Are you getting a NO GSM message on your boot screen and/or is your IMEI missing from the Device Information applet?
I'm trying to see if the two issues are related.
I got the NO GSM message, and from that point forward, I lost the pairing of my Bluetooth devices and the wireless access points.
My theory: Any passwords or authentications are encrypted using the IMEI of the phone portion. When the IMEI is not present (shows a blank under Device Information) due to the NO GSM issue, the Windows Mobile OS instantly wipes out those "invalid" passwords or authentications or simply invalidates them, causing you to reauthenticate the device to other devices.
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I don't know if it is relevant, but in the last 10 days I've come up with the PHONE OFF display without any reason. When this happens the phonepad appears out of nowhere, instead of my carrier's logo, it says Phone Off and the 9000 freezes.
Only soft reset solves the problem No I didn't have any problems YET with the WEP keys in my wifi connections...
Should I be worried though??? :roll:
I'm not getting a NO GSM message on my boot screen or my IMEI is missing not from the Device Information applet. Sorry for not being able to confirm your hunch. The only times this happened to me was when I was at an extreme edge of the WiFi coverage and signal was very low. I was flipping in & out of it and eventually the WEP key prompt popped up. Very strange. Moral of the story for the time being for me, stay near that AP... Oh by the way, its a Netgear for what its worth.
Save and Restore Wifi Settings
My understanding is if there is any problem connecting to Wifi, WM6 deletes the Wifi settings for that access point. I think my friends have come up with a quick solution to this problem. Wifi Hero is a little application you can get for $2 that saves and restores your wifi settings using standard Windows Mobile APIs. Search for "Wifi Hero" and you should find it or the direct link is http://www.wireless-apps.net/desc.php?d=d1&id=246823
The coders work for Implicit Software (www.ImplicitSoftware.com) if anyone is interested in a site licence for this tool you can contact them through their web page.
Have you guys tried going to start>settings>connections>wifi>power> and putting it at "best performance." I've heard of similar (also experienced) issues when the bar was at best battery.

Connecting, connecting, connecting.......

Activesync just keeps trying to connect and is never successful. I have re-installed Activesync on my pc but it didn't help. Also, my work pc doesn't connect either. Definately a problem with my 8125. All has been well for a couple months and I have added no new software before the problem started. This problem also happened about two weeks after I got the phone and the only resolution was a hard reset. What a pain reinstalling all the software and settings I have now, it's customized just the way I like it. Anyone know how to re-install Activesync on JUST the phone or have any other ideas?
Try the latest activesync 4.2 beta and disable any firewalls if possible on the pc. On the device start activesync application and go to menu\options - delete pc that you are syncing with and try again.
Deleted profiles on both pcs installed beta on one. Still no connecting. Tried clicking SYNC on phone, pauses for a second then nada. No connection.
Have you deleted profiles on the device? and disable firewalls, and if you have a network adapter enable it because latest activesync treats the connection with device as a network - there are many posts on this issue do a search and read through some - seem to be many different factors involved.
First- Thanks for the replies Mark
I removed the PC profiles from my 8125. Also reinstalled Activesync 4.2 on my work pc. Nothing. Although this time I got an error message- Cannot find the file "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=65257&clcid=0x409" (or one of its components) Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all libraries are available". Like I would know what that means. Anyways, no firewall enabled. Besides, this should not be happening, all of a sudden, on 2 separate pcs. That kinda rules out a pc problem. It has to be in the phone. That, and the fact that a hard reset fixed it last time. I'm thinking something corrupted in Activesync on the phone???
And searching on this forum is useless. I type in "connecting Activesync" and every post with either word shows up. 614 in just Wizard forums alone. Is there a way to search so that ONLY posts with both words show up? That way I can modify my wording until I find something useful. Search for any terms or use query as entered is ticked. On other forums you can just use quotation marks but not this one. It makes searching very difficult. ROB
Oh, and yes my network adapters are still enabled as always.
Yes best to search with the word AND cuts out all the other stuff i.e. activesync AND connection would do it. Yep sounds like it may be the device.
found couple of posts that seem to be relevant
Happy reading, the last post is about connecting activesync via bluetooth so maybe thats an option.
Thanks Mark. I think I may try the bluetooth connection when I get home tonight. Or I may just throw in the towel and do a hard reset. that worked last time. Plus, I can install the latest ROM upgrade. Shame theres no way to uninstall and reinstall Activesync on the phone. Seems that should do the trick (maybe). Just tried my friends 8125 on my work pc- syncs just fine. So much for all the pc fixes everyone seems to be trying.
I had the same problem with AS refusing to connect via usb or BT.
In the end i went & purchased (although the demo version would have done) Sprite backup. installed on the PC. Browsed to the install dir to find the cab file. copied to my wizard (wifi, or sd card reader etc).
Insatlled & backed up to SD card
Hard reset
stop here if you're happy, if not
AS to sync calender & contacts to pc
hard reset
update ROM
AS contacts, cal, docs etc back to wizard
install SW & settings
Yep. Had to hard reset. All is working again. Crappy Activesync. What's up with this P.O.S. ? Trying to setup bluetooth now and the pc finds the phone but AS won't connect. The phone finds the pc (HomeCenter) but it shows no services available. I'm assuming that there should be some listed (maybe Activesync?) Guess I'll have to do some searching for bluetooth problems with AS now. Did I mention that AS is a P.O.S??? But you all knew that already. :lol:
Dont forget to open a port in you BT settings (on the pc) and tell AS (also on the pc) to accept connections on that port.
Then your wizard should be able to see the AS service on the pc (you initiate the sync from the phone, not the pc)
I have had this problem since day one, and continue to have it despite several (more than 15) hard resets, multiple ROMs, multiple pertnerships etc. I plug in my PPC USB, and it just says "connecting" forever. Every time, after plugging in my USB, I have to shut off my PPC, and turn it back on. Then my laptop finds and connects with my PPC, and syncs all my data like it should. If I do this more than 3 times, my laptop crashes and reboots. If anyone has figured out how to fix this, let me know.

Very forgetful XDA IIs

I have XDA IIs and on it, have a few annoying symptoms on network connection setup.
My wifi, bluetooth and GPRS do work. I type in the necessary information (network key, user name, password, passcode), they all work.
When I remove the battery (for putting in a SIM card or just replacing it with the spare battery), these information is lost.
(1) Wifi
Network key of WPA-PSA is always lost after the battery replace. I have to put in wifi network key every time.
(2) Bluetooth
It often forgets the paring with my PC. I have a USB Bluetooth dongle on my laptop and pretty much every time, I have to start from paring, discovering "ActiveSync" service to do the syncing.
(3) GPRS
I have these working yesterday.
I just tried today and user name and password are gone from my GPRS (wap.cingular) and isp.cingular settings.
All these losing network settings is killing me.
Please help!
Try this:
Click Start --> Settings --> System Tab --> Permanent Save
Ensure that 'Connection Setting' is checked. Everything that is checked on this screen is backed up to a protected area of memory that survives a reset. When you perform a reset (by removing the battery) it will restore info from this area to main memory.
My XDAII has taken to performing a full reset whenever I take the battery out, which is most annoying as I often have to change SIM cards. I believe that you should be able to force a reset by moving the battery lock switch to the locked position with no battery in, but mine appears to be a bit too sensitive.
Hope this helps.
Alec, what ROM version are you using to get that setting? Have seen no such setting in any ROM that I've tried although I've never had problems with the wizard "forgetting" anything after taking the battery out...
EDIT: keep mixing up the names for all these devices
You're not using WM5 are you?

SOS !!! Help !!! Cingular 8525 and WifFi

I am desperate and I need help - I have had a Cingular 8525 for about a month now. Everything was going fine till Christmas day -
exactly a day after my 30 day return period :-(.
The issue is that every time I turn on Wifi, my device finds countless connections (I live in an apartment complex filled with
young professionals). From here, I go nowhere but downhill. If the phone goes to sleep while the WIFI is turned on, it does not wake up
at all. I do the only one thing that remains to be done and that is reset the phone. This time the device boots up however
the WiFi is still turned on and the phone shows a big exclamation where the bars are supposed to be. Then I get an
error "The Operation failed". Even a clear storage does not solve the issue. If I keep the phone turned off for about a day
and go to a location where there are no Wifi networks, everything is fine again.
I got Cingular to send me a Warranty Exchange device and Lo and Behold, I have the same problems with the second phone
too. I spoke with data device support and they asked me to go to a Cingular store where the device works fine as there are
no WiFi networks there.
I cannot return, cannot use my phone to the fullest extent and am in despair. Can someone tell me if there is any miracle that
I can utilize at this time. Please help !!!
p.s. - I have never installed any third party apps on the phones.
Cannot take time to answer this right now but, the answers are alraedy posted on this board. It does not sound as if there is anyting wrong with the phone except the not waking up part which is a known issue and also documented here. Also try the Wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Hermes
I will check in again later
Any help is appreciated. None of the topics below cover issues with WiFi. Once I turn on the WiFi, it will not turn off even with a hard reset or soft reset and then the phone shows the exclamation "!" !!!
Well just for starters I'm going to suggest that you DO add two applications - most importantly Magic Button
With this tool installed you will be able to see from the task bar what programmes are running on your device. (You may or may not know that applications that are opened and then shutdown with the X at top right corner are NOT actually closed but running in the background. Magic Button will allow you to see these and close them down - particularly Active Sync which will get in the way of your WiFi connection.
I think you are not getting any wifi connection but you are detecting networks from folks around you?? Does it detect your own network? and if so at what stage do you have a problem.
If your own network is being detected but the usual means of connecting e.g. by entering WEP key is failing then you might want to install an application called Hitchhiker http://www.kasuei.com/hitchhiker/ this application resolves various conflicts and will re-establish IP address and will allow you to enter the WEP key or even copy and paste it in. Once run and connected hopefully, you can close down Hitchhiker (if you want to) and connect to wifi by your normal route (Hitchhiker will have saved the connection information to the standard locations so you don't need to use Hitchhiker each time you want to connect) (Note you must also download and install the .Net Framework a link for which is also given on the Hitchhiker page given above)
Finally (for now) you say Wifi is on all the time even after soft reset. But you can switch it off, in more than one way. Here's one way, below the on/off switch right hand side is another hard key for the "Communications Manager" . On the screen that comes up you will see an aerial with waves radiating from it. Tapping will close and tapping again will re-open. Here you can also open and close the phone function, though I never close mine.

Annoyances and bugs in Xperia X2 MR2-Release [Updated 3 July 2010]

Hi all!
I started again a new thread where i write down my findings in the MR2 release of the X2. It's originally on the Esato-forums, so i just put the link over here:
Nice THKS.
7. When hanging up a phonecall, the phone makes three loud beeps via the rear speaker. WHY???
same here... but only if the person u talk to hangs up first. its so annoying.
Lerka said:
7. When hanging up a phonecall, the phone makes three loud beeps via the rear speaker. WHY???
same here... but only if the person u talk to hangs up first. its so annoying.
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YEp, and having the phone on silent does not make things better either...
i used registry editor and changed the value of calldrop from p(play) to none.
when you hear 3 tones after call finish - is bluetooth activated in this moment for your x2? For example, do you use BT connection to your X2 in your car (handsfree)? Do you think that there is some special requirements for BT headset using to generate this sound on main unit if call was finished?
when you see bad power consumption results - is wifi activated in communication manager in your X2? I think that if you activate wifi - it can be reason for huge additional current if unit can't find appropriate wifi network for some reason.
For example, I found that if I activate wifi - I always should connect unit to charger every day. Then I found that this is specific issue only for me. The specific way of my wifi using is followed - I use 2 different wifi connections to my X2 (on home - secured network through router and in office - open wifi network). I do have connection issues every morning in office and every evening in home. Even if my X2 reports that it's connected to office network - I can see in status bar in Today screen that it's trying to conect again and again - and also I can't use browser or Goggle maps because no data connection is available through wifi. After I power off/on my unit - it can really connect to office wifi network and I can use browser and receive mails e t.c. When I return to home, I see that unit still be connected to office network - but it's impossile. And again - I can't use browser or receive mails by using my X2. After I power off/on unit - it can connect to home network. I can't fix issues in office and in home just turn off/on wifi in communication manager - issue still be actual after this. So, what I do every day - I turn off/turn on my unit every morning after arrive to office and again power on/ power off unit every evening when arrive home So I should spent 2 minutes every morning and 2 minutes every evening to reboot unit. On other hands I think that this is step to avoid more serious issues after couple of days of Windows using - you know usially you can see performance degradation after 1 week of using of any WinMob device - looks like this is result of lot of memory leaks, memory corruptions inside MSFT SW.
if we are talking about unexpected password issue or issue when you can't unlock unit by LOCK icon sliding left or right after press on power on button - for me it looks like memory is corrupted in MSFT lock app. As result some password is requested even if user never activates this password for lock screen. But it's clear that in reality, unit doesn't story in memory any password to compare with entered one - otherwise after power off/on sequency unit still ask password from you. But as I see in the same situation with my X2 - after I remove/insert battery and power on unit - I never see again this issue just after unit goes to Idle.
I think that memory, which is used by MSFT Lock code, can be corrupted only in scope of the same Windows process (of cause if memory is isolated for all processes in WinMob - I hope it's true) - so only other MSFT code can corrupt this memory. Do you know about any public forum where we can ask help from MSFT to see in this issue? I never see that Aaron wrote anything about any contacts in MSFT - but I think that MSFT should be also responsible for any product if Windows logo is applyed to device with WinMob?
To reduce the probability of this issue I never use AutoLock and always lock unit by click on Lock icon in Today panel or by long press on right HW kwy (with key sign).
darkbuster5 said:
i used registry editor and changed the value of calldrop from p(play) to none.
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thank youuu
Hi! I have a similar issue with the wifi that PanichUS described.
The phone sees the network, tells that it's available, but I am not able to connect to it (so I can not do internet browsing, read the emails, etc.)
This happened to me while switching from one network to another, which were in two different places (and the phone was showing the network still available of the place I have already left). But in my case rebooting the phone did not help.
This is not the only case. The same thing also happens to me after I use bluetooth. The phone is connected to the wifi network (I could do internet browsing, etc.), I use bluetooth, and after that I can no more recover the connection. Again it shows that the network is available, but I can not connect to it.
The only thing which helped by now was restarting my house router.
Is the MR2 the last release of the firmware by date? I have bought my phone recently, and for me it seems that it was updated: I have radio, and the theme with grey background (X2 Titan) was activated in the very beginning.
MR2 is last update for X2. Don't wait another update.
Try turn off Wifi in Communication manager before power off and turn on Wifi back in Communication manager after power on.
I have discovered that in fact I don't have problem to connect when using an open network, while with the protected one is always an issue.
Reboot of the phone doesn't change anything even if before doing it I switch off wifi in the connections manager and delete all the settings. Nothing - only reset of the router what helps.
I also tried to use other software (Wifi Monster) - the same thing.
The phone is really wonderful, it really has it's spirit with all these panels and generally the interface, but the wifi issue is really annoying!
My advice - don't install Resco Photo manager on X2.
Great app but works very bad on X2.
I instaled older version Resco.Photo.Manager 7.03. This work good.
Wisbaradvance 4.05 is verry unstable,problems and problems.

