a solution for a stupid UNIVERSAL bug - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hello dudes, i ve solved this ****ty ringing problem. now he rings as very normal, no haywire, and i also ve found a solution for freezing on sms recieve.
1- install SPB pocket plus v3.0 and siable its today PLUG-IN from the Today menu in setings.
2- in the settings of the Pocket PLUS, go to the close button exceptions, and add the following, to it
1- Poutlook.exe
2- tmail.exe
3- Wmplayer
3 install photo contacts pro, let it be your ringtone manager, you can assign to this program any kind of ringtone u would dream of.
add (photocontacs.exe) to the exceptions list.
4- reset the phone
eversince ive done that i havent really found any type of problem no hanging, no delayed rings
and just for the record, im using the Qtek 9000 rom, i downloaded it directly from the www.qtek.nl site and i upgraded to radio 1.04
thas all, hope i helped solving some problems guyz. i love this forum, cuz it has helped me alot i wish i can just help everybody back

Can you please let meknow where exactly you see the QTEK ROM on the www.qtek.nl I also have an account there and can not see anything. Maybe it is because I registered a Qtek S110 ?? and not the 9000 ?

Hi guys. That sounds not bad. Problem for me, I ve no Login there and I m not very good in this language.
Is it possible to upload this file on this board.
Thanks a lot.

its just the very same version thas here on the FTP site of XDA developers.
its nothing diffrent, u dont have to have a special login, u can just get it fromt the XDA ftp.

shadykw said:
its just the very same version thas here on the FTP site of XDA developers.
its nothing diffrent, u dont have to have a special login, u can just get it fromt the XDA ftp.
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I know it is the same it is just interresting why you are able to find it on www.qtek.nl and me not. BTW it does not matter which device you register @ www.qtek.nl since I am able to see all the other devices ROMs onle by the 9000 I see no ROM file.

could be wiered
hey churchil, i didnt notice ya fellow dutch buddy, (soms kan ik niet goed zien) lol, i got it as a leak, its not there on the site right now, and the wiered thing that someone has delted it from here as well, anyway, i think u have a copy of it, if u dont anymore, let me know and ill send you a copy of it.
byt he way ill send you some stuff on PM hope u get em


New Kitchen online....

Hello XDA-Users.
Now i´ve got my new internet connection and i think it´s time to share it with you. I set up a ROMkitchen for the good old XDA I.
It might me an alternative to the kitchen of Yorch.
In the moment i would say my kitchen is not perfect, but who is perfect?
The workspaces are limited, since i´m only using an good old PII with 266Mhz and 64MB RAM. Maybe in the future i will upgrade it.
Also there is a limitation in "Opening Hours". It will be available from Mo. - Fr, 8pm - 8am and all of the weekend. Timezone is Europe / Berlin.
If you´re out of time you will see it soon, with an different layout.....
If there are problems, hints, or wishes concernign the kitchen, please write me an PM.
The Link to the Kitchen is:
Hope it will work allt he time....
PS: Who wants me to add some software or maybe will donate me some better hardware can contact me via Email [email protected]
Thank you, but where can I find a french rom ?
THis is cool alternative to Yorch site
Which ROM is the original AT&T WM2003 (i.e. not BETA/ Test version)?
Are the software such as Omegaone BatteryPack , Spb softwares etc. etc. demo version or already registered?
is it just me or does this thing take along time to make a rom ive tried 2 times waited like 10 min but nothing still says making rom....
kitarolivier said:
Thank you, but where can I find a french rom ?
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Don´t know where you find a french rom....
But i´m also interested to insert it into my kitchen....
andhy said:
THis is cool alternative to Yorch site
Which ROM is the original AT&T WM2003 (i.e. not BETA/ Test version)?
Are the software such as Omegaone BatteryPack , Spb softwares etc. etc. demo version or already registered?
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The software are the demo-Version, so you need to registrate dem to use it unlimited....
gazzaman2k said:
is it just me or does this thing take along time to make a rom ive tried 2 times waited like 10 min but nothing still says making rom....
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That´s what i meant with poor Hardware.
Just in teh moment i´ve got:
Load Averages 3.66 3.81 3.03
I think it will be better using an faster processor and more RAM.
If anyone have better hardware and a fine Internetconnection, I will help to transfer this Kitchen to him.
I preffer an Debian Linux to install it....
no worries working now downloading as i speak lol crappy 56k modem i blame lol :roll:
wow how did u manage to fit Voice Command and Calligrapher in there,, not sure if they work as i an still cooking mine (as i type) but when i chech/uncheck the s/w it does not affect the rom usage???
tagenda !! excellent today plugin plz try to add it if possible is a freeware
also total commander (excellent file browser) http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities/totalcommander.shtml
If those file sizes are correct they wont fit into the available space, I have chosen the voice command and the available space stays the same, it will be interesting to see what kind of it produces. Regarding the tomtom, how will the reg code work if its in rom, and also how will it be affected when updates from tomtom have to be applied.
built my rom and 100% totally happy with it cheers LumpiStefan for allowing me to make one
one program the kitchen could really do with....
Button plus v2.0 from yorchs site in thedownlaods section
i dont think voice commands or the vb files will fit into the rom
also no point in putting tomtom gps in as when you come to update it you wont be able to meaning a new rom will have to be cooked without this in
cant get connect 4 or snake to work even with the runtime file things they just dont load up
but great work man keep it up
If you want to add software that requires a key, you have to add the complete "group" firts. if you don`t select "add Software that needs to register" the sotware won´t be added, and because of this, the required space won´t change....
Hi, can you describe which rom works with O2/europe T-mobile and which rom is for USA market?
I just cooked my own rom, and added GPRS-Monitor and Pocketplus. Pocketplus is installed correctly, including the today-plugin, GPRS-Monitor works, but without the today-plugin. Is there anybody out who can tell me how to get the plugin?
Bye, Dennis.
GSM tools said:
Hi, can you describe which rom works with O2/europe T-mobile and which rom is for USA market?
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All this ROMS are working with all the devices. Difference between Europe and USA are the radio stacks, that ar not included with the ROM...
ok, so the latest rom A.30.09 ENG is safe flash to any device XDA1?
LumpiStefan said:
GSM tools said:
Hi, can you describe which rom works with O2/europe T-mobile and which rom is for USA market?
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All this ROMS are working with all the devices. Difference between Europe and USA are the radio stacks, that ar not included with the ROM...
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Will you be adding the official WM2003 upgrade from Siemens/ATT.
cruisin-thru said:
Will you be adding the official WM2003 upgrade from Siemens/ATT.
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The A30.09 must be the official VErsion from Siemens/AT&T....
My eyes are failing or something, I see it now, thanks.
Thanks. I've been looking for 4.01.00 in a Kitchen.
Please help as the d/l button never appears.
ebswift said:
Bah, I click the button to build the ROM, it goes through the making process... then nothing . I dunno about it being slow, but I left it overnight. It'd be faster to row a boat over there, copy it onto my USB disk and row back.
How can I get this kitchen to work?
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why dont u freaking do it... get the boat out and set SAIL
this guy is trying to contribute for free... and spending his time/money for ur benifit and u still complaiin... ppl have managed to get ROMS, i have too so obviousely it seems to be USER ERROR!!!
plz get a life and be more polite, ask what us did wrong instead of blaming the kitchen
lets see u set one kitchen up for 2 hrs only... then u will know the pains it takes...
just get it to run then we will talk abt letting others get to it....

Newbie Upgrading Confusion

Hi all
I have been reading posdt on this forum for a few months and u people have opened my eyes and thank u for that
But i am also very confused.....
I would like to upgrade the os on my XDAII (dont know why but i wanna)
But i dont know which version to go for 2003 or 2005 and what are the problems associated with it.
which on would u people go for ( i mainly use it for contacts, Daily Diary, also for Tomtom 3, and the calculator, i also use a bluetooth hands free)
what do u people rekkon (can u tell me where to get the latest version or both os) and educate me in upgrading
u have many choices for upgrading ur device...lots of 2003,3 SE,and 5 or 6 WM2005...
U can find them on ftp and u can find WM2005 on http://www.buzzdev.net
I advise u to read everything about Magneto(WM2005) before upgrading,I think TomTom 3 won't work,but I heard that TomTom 5 had no problems...
RAGO :lol:
hi mate
I went onto buzzdev
there is a 2003se and it says orginal, does this mean it has come from O2 or is a copy of a offcial release (i.e. does not have any problems )
let me know ASAP as i am waiting for your expert opinon before i try ton install it
there is a 2003se and it says orginal, does this mean it has come from O2 or is a copy of a offcial release (i.e. does not have any problems )
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Hi Neel...
there is no official release of 2003SE for Himalaya devices,though,this version and others(3 different versions of SE for Himalaya),are stable and their problems where solved perpetually long time ago...I personally tried all of them and was using them for a long time before I upgraded to Magneto,no specific problem to mention...
For further help in upgrading,read the wiki page from here,it's on the top left of ur screen....
Good luck...
RAGO :lol:

A notifications vibrate problem, please help

I have searched google and xda forum for a few days, there is some people have the same problem with me, but i can't find any solution.....so i need a help><
My problem is...
My mobile (Dopod 818pro) can vibrate and ring at normal mode, but it cannot vibrate when it receive a MSN messege in suspend mode, it can only have a ring to show it receive a message. I have tested it in many way, eg: set in "sounds & notifications", upgrade/downgrade roms(AKU 2.3, 3.3), use pocket MSN and windows live messenger mobile, edit the notifications in registry..........but it's still the same.
Can anybody here help me? Thanks very much><
PS: sorry for my poor english, since i'm chinese ...XD
I should test this... never noticed that the phone didn't vibrate when you recieve an sms message in suspend... well I'll have the answer for you later
EDIT: Just tested it and it vibrated normally...
try a backup followed by a hard reset or a ROM change... It could be a problem with your ROM...
c3l5o said:
I should test this... never noticed that the phone didn't vibrate when you recieve an sms message in suspend... well I'll have the answer for you later
EDIT: Just tested it and it vibrated normally...
try a backup followed by a hard reset or a ROM change... It could be a problem with your ROM...
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thankyou for your testing...
I mean...
When there is a phone call, SMS receive, it can vibrate when i set it vibrate in"sounds & notifications"....
BUT , i can't vibrate by "MSN messeger event", even i have set it in "sounds & notifications"........
BY MSN messeger can't vibrate><
Sorry I was tyiping during a class on my phone and I wrote SMS, what I mean is MSN lol sorry... nevertheless it works
c3l5o said:
Sorry I was tyiping during a class on my phone and I wrote SMS, what I mean is MSN lol sorry... nevertheless it works
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Thanks, it's the OS problem? or IPL, SPL ? or radio rom?
I user
IPL 2.15.001
SPL 2.20.0001
GSM 02.47.21
extrom : PDAMobiz.com AKU3.2 v2.1
last time a use (AKU2.3)_lvsw_edition_ still have this problem, so what rom should i upgrade?
try mine! I use the Jesterz custom AKU 2.3 rom
please pay atention to wich version of phone U have... G3 or G4... wrong type and you'll brick it...
c3l5o said:
try mine! I use the Jesterz custom AKU 2.3 rom
please pay atention to wich version of phone U have... G3 or G4... wrong type and you'll brick it...
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I have tested many OS yesterday.... I found that....
only a few OS can work with this, and it seems that none of the AKU3.X OS can work (include Jester version and pdamobiz version...)........
i want to know what is the problem and can we solve it?
hmm guess you'll have to use some AKU2.X rom... Sorry but I don't know how to find the difference or where to look for it... maybe some registry key or something... don't know... sorry mate
c3l5o said:
hmm guess you'll have to use some AKU2.X rom... Sorry but I don't know how to find the difference or where to look for it... maybe some registry key or something... don't know... sorry mate
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But I really hope I can do this in AKU3.X....
Thanks v much anyway

WM5 rom for Alpine!!!(testing,and looking for test)

here i found a rom claimed WM5 Rom of Alpine come from http://www.aRAY.cn, the guy say it is being testing, and looking for anyone
who can test it together!
that is all ,and paste the links into your download tools and get it!
i use a download tool named sogou,if you cannot get the rom ,
use it
It's asking for a rar password, any idea what it might be?
eillie said:
i use a download tool named sogou,if you cannot get the rom ,
use it
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WARNING my anti virus software detects a Trojan in the software above
I will test it out, hope that it's working ...!
rar code:aRAY.CN
to 600bhp:
the sogou tool is safety enough,and i used it for a long time,and i used kapa6.0 virus sofeware didn t report any hurt,so i think u virus software could give a wrong report.
What a ****, that's no WM5!!! This is the normal Dopod WM2003SE Update!!!
dude...dis website is AWSOME...ders so many stuff 2 download...specially da games....thanks man...
bloody typical, so its not wm5 for the alpine, and its just nafo spam. typical ;[
..be Calm...
It's April, isn't...?
ya but that only counts for the first 12 hours on the 1st this was teh 4th so dont count.
still evil
Nice joke.
Dead Alpine...Need urgent help!!!
Please I tried upgrading my alpine but while upgrading after it had done the radio rom getting to extended rom upgrade an error 113 (extended rom update error), tried 3 different rom same error message.Please could anyone help me? Device is just showing serial and someone help with detailed step how to upgrade with sd card. Thanks
I'll trust WM5 for Alpine if that was from buzz....

Universal qtek 9000 Problem. What im doing wrong?

Hello good friends,
Im from Portugal and i have a qtek 9000 since 2006. In the last days i decide to improve my universal performance...
i try everything to update my qtek since the software is very old ( windows mobile 5 2005)
After a lot of hours searching in this forum, i download a lot of software from all the posible tutorials.
From evk to updatev2, kitchen, etc.
With the kitchen in the last part i always get an error of the extended rom.
With the update, it only appear the nk file.
I try to download one of the radio files, but without sucess and i donw know what to choose
I dont know what to do more, since i use the romupgradeut, but now the qtek only start in the first image where tells the version of rom and hang up, freeze, dont do the all restar.
The only thing that work it is the soft and hard reset. With the bootloader appears usb when connected and serial disconected.
Can you guys help me find a full package including the last windows mobile, the last radio definitions, the extended rom and all i need to upgrade my qtek.
I really dont know what to do more, even the qtek logo image not appear any more.
Sorry for all this questions, but i see in this forum you are my only hope.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot
jus to help us..
could you post the error message?
I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from qtek.nl, but i still dont have good news
Can anyone help me?
I dont know what to do anymore
cybervtec said:
I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from qtek.nl, but i still dont have good news
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did you read and answer Simon request ?
what are the error message ?
I currently have a qtek9000, and i made my first upgrade late 2006.
I was using XP sp2, activesync, and a software called uniextROM...
Later, I have tried using vista and win7, both requiered installation of USB Mobile Modem Driver and disabling activesync or mobilesync.
so be more precise when you post you issue.
Welcome to forums
have a deep read in my signature link
Most likely you´ll be able to solve the problem.
If not please give us more detailed info so we can help
Read, Search, Respect and Enjoy!
Simon_WM said:
jus to help us..
could you post the error message?
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Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on
cybervtec said:
Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on
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Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash
Simon_WM said:
Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash
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Hello Simon,
Yes, i can get in the bootloader. When i connect appears usb.
The problem is i dont know what files i should load.
Can you give me the links to the files i should use. Sorry for the trouble.
