missing select all funtion on win mob 2005 k-jam & jasja - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Can anyone help with finding a patch or a work around for selecting all the contacts at once in the conacts page? I cannot get ctrl a or a stylus drag to work.Does anyone else have this issue. I am using a K-jam and a Jas Jar there is no problm doing this on my Jam.


Pocket GVC; Sonicwall

I've got a problem:
My company uses a Sonicwall firewall; i have to acces my exchange server through a VPN client. It worked on my Blue Angel, but I can't install it on my JJ. I get an error:
"This program can only be used for Pocket PC 2003 or higher"
I tried to get Sonicwall to fix the problem, but they are not doing anything! I got my JJ so I could have fast email on the road (3G) and now I'm stuck with a VGA device, that I can't use for the one thing I bought it for in the first place!
I have the cabfiles for the Pocket client, is there a way to remove the "version check" from it? If so, please let me know, I'll send or post the cab.
can you send it to me ?
Ill have a look..
If anyone can get this to work, please post here. I'll probably need to get this sonicwall client to run on my Jasjar in about a month. Maybe by then they'll have updated it for WM5.
Hi got a newer version, but still no luck, waiting as well.
Wounder if there r other sw that work with sonic ?
PM not working?
Soft, I tried to PM the file to you, but it doesn't work!
Could I email it to you?
If the installer is a .cab would it not be possible to repackage ti using wincecabmanager to remove the os version check?
Buzz lightyear tried to fix it, but it didn't work. Anybody else have a clue?
I'v rtied it no luck, go a newer version, no luck :-(
Someone said something about using the oddesy client, working with sonic ?
anyone ?
Any updates on this?
Does anyone have more info on the sonicwall client?

Any One With A Vario - Need A File Please

Re done my Vario with out the Tmobile stuff. All OK but for some reason its not showing the MSN messanger exe. ( Not the MSN Menu thing - the direct exe ). Can soem one attach it here ? I think its either \windows\msnmngr.exe or pmsnmngr.exe or some thing like ... its NOT pmmsn.exe / pmsnlauncher.exe or pmsnserver.exe.
Thanks in advance.
I Appoligies - I found it... its \windows\instmsgr.exe

TyTn deployment

I have to deploy around 100 tytn's to users with support for japanese and total commander. I managed to get the softwares installed in 1 cab, but now I'm looking for a way to configure the devices with settings like GPRS, proxy server, Owner information, change HTC Today screen to the normal WM5 one.
I configured one tytn with all correct settings, exported the registry keys which were changed, combined them in a cab but it doesn't work. Not even when exporting each key to one cab.
For example, I set in the Owner information the address, the end of the email, a general phone number, export the reg keys in HKCU\ControlPanel\Owner, create a cab. When I import the cab on another pda all goes fine, everyhting is ok in the registry but not on the today screen. All the settings are empty there. With all other settings like gprs it seems to be the same, it seems that the today screen needs a refresh but even a soft reset doesn't solve it.
Does anyone has some experience with this or with deploying large amounts of smartphones?
Thank you for your help
use spb backup, create a exe backup run it on all the tytns
for pc's I use norton ghost
darky said:
use spb backup, create a exe backup run it on all the tytns
for pc's I use norton ghost
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Better yet: http://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/products/clone/?en

Need application to turn off ActiveSync

Before I had an unfortunate episode with my Cingular 8125, I had a little application that you could tap to make ActiveSync go away so you could use the device as a hard drive. Tap it again, and it returns to ActiveSync. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the application. Can anybody help?
You can choose between the commercialware Card Export II or freeware wm5torage.

WM6 Voip Client in PDA not SmartPhone

Hi all,
I've installed cab files wm6voip.cab and wm6-sipconfigtool200.cab into a Siemens Loox N560 Pocket PC.
After restarting the device the following message appears:
"The file ':MSCprog' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists try reinstalling or restoring this file"
Phone symbol is shown in top bar but when I try 'Settings', nothing appear.
'Internet Calling' is show in Today settings but nothing appear in Today screen.
I've successfuly installed these two cabs in an E-TEN X500 - wm6 and is working great with voip calls.
So I think I need a phone application. Where can I find one? Does wm6 voip client work without a phone application?
There's no cprog (phone dialer) on PDA, you need a smartphone.
MS WM6 VoIP/RTP stack may exist somewhere for PDA, but it's not the same as the smartphone version you are trying to use.
Thanks for the reply.
I googled so far but only xda appears with wm6 voip... Fujitsu-Siemens has dropped PocketPC line.
Do you know where can I find such version of wm6 voip for PDA?
Thanks in advance.

