Faulty? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi, I am having trouble with my Jasjar and it is really affecting me! The problem is that when I am talking over the phone the person on the other side complains that they can't listen to all the things I say, they loose about 1 of 15 words I speak. I have tried using this on many coverage areas, different hours, with Bluetooth and WiFi turned off, etc... I am have installed and tested on my device the shipped ROM and the ROM version 1.13.53 with Radio 1.03.01 Ext ROM version 1.13.137. (I can't try any other ROM because they will cancel my warranty if I do so) I took it to a Support Center of my Mobile Phone Service Provider (Telcel in Mexico) and they tried with other SIM cards (other phone lines and 3.0, 3.5 Volts version) that didn't helped, they told me to use it in the Band PCS1900 and that also didn't fixed it.
So I want to know if my Jasjar is deffective or if this is a well known issue that will be fixed in the next Jasjar ROM Upgrade or that Microsoft will fix for the Windows Mobile 2005 AKU2, or if this issue will never be fixed for this device. Or of my device is faulty?
It has done this since I bought it from Expansys.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
Rodrigo Gonzalez Balsa

Microphone AGC
Try enabling the Microphone AGC in the Settings > System menu. It May help. If it is already enable then try disabling it and see if it make any difference.

Thank you, yes I already tried this Enabled and Dissabled, it also didn't helped :?
Anyway I think this setting only affects when you are Recording a note or something.
Rodrigo Gonzalez

the mic of the universal is to the left of the instrument. try and flip the instrument so you can talk into the mic. Just ensure you keep track where the mic is when speaking, i think that should slove the problem.

Yes, thank you zillocx I tried that the first 2 days when people started complaining that they were loosing some of the words I speak, I thought I needed more time to get used to the Jasjar, but after 2 weeks I have convinced myself that this is some kind of bug or something?
I have already tried using a Bluetooth headset (Nokia HS-11W) and is the same thing. I think they listen to me clearly when I am not using it since my Mobile Phone Provider changed my SIM card for a 3 Volts version.
This is weird and I don't want to return this unit because I have always encouraged people to get devices like the Jasjar instead of their normal phones and a PDA, but now they are proving me wrong!

Hi, after many months and sending my Jasjar back to warranty without success of getting my problem solved...
I finally have 2 solutions for it:
1) With a Tested and Approved ROM from i-mate-> Rom version: 1.13.53
Radio version: 1.03.01 and ExtROM version: 1.13.137
I managed to solve this problem if I change my carrier, here in Mexico 2 companies offer GSM (Telcel and Movistar) if I connect to Movistar the problem dissapears, but they have few antennas.
2) With the new i-mate Test ROM version: 1.30.68 WWE
Radio: 1.09.00 and ExtROM: 1.30.153 WWE
The problem is solved without changing to another carrier! But! If I install Microsoft’s .net Compact Framework 2.0 the problem returns.
Any ideas what is going on here?

Is anybody is reading this?
Hi, well let me update you and tell you what I have found. I changed from Carrier and everything is working fine now, but yesterday I decided to open my Jasjar to see if there is any chance of improving the original antenna, I opened my device with the HTC Service Manual (There is a copy on the FTP). To my surprise I discovered that the Universal has 3 atennas for the GSM/UMTS Service (I don't know what is the purpose of each one), and my Jasjar is missing one of them!!!! :shock: And a conductive tape (are they really important???)
I couldn't believe it because my Jasjar was returned to warranty at Dubai, they changed the motherboard but they didn't realized that it was missing one antenna! Are they blind????? Maybe they are opening devices very cool with their sunglasses on 8) !!!!!!! :evil:
So I decided to make an antenna for it with the antenna of a Motorola phone I used, and my Jasjar worked perfectly with my past carrier (I haven't been able to cancel the contract so I am paying 2 contracts thanks to i-mate :evil: )
So my question is do anyone of you knows the purpose of each antenna?
What should I do, should I contact i-mate and tell them they are blind and that I will sew them because of all I have been through?
Thank you very much and I hope this time you will help me guys!
Here are the pictures:

Not sure why there are 3 antenea but I can gaurentee that they will declare warranty void as soon as you say you've been poking around with it. Is it not possible to make an aeriel? By the way the conductive tape justs looks like a screening shield which could be replicated with some aluminium foil.

3 Antenna maybe because,...

Re: Is anybody is reading this?
bogusiano said:
Hi, well let me update you and tell you what I have found. I changed from Carrier and everything is working fine now, but yesterday I decided to open my Jasjar to see if there is any chance of improving the original antenna, I opened my device with the HTC Service Manual (There is a copy on the FTP). To my surprise I discovered that the Universal has 3 atennas for the GSM/UMTS Service (I don't know what is the purpose of each one), and my Jasjar is missing one of them!!!! :shock: And a conductive tape (are they really important???)
I couldn't believe it because my Jasjar was returned to warranty at Dubai, they changed the motherboard but they didn't realized that it was missing one antenna! Are they blind????? Maybe they are opening devices very cool with their sunglasses on 8) !!!!!!! :evil:
So I decided to make an antenna for it with the antenna of a Motorola phone I used, and my Jasjar worked perfectly with my past carrier (I haven't been able to cancel the contract so I am paying 2 contracts thanks to i-mate :evil: )
So my question is do anyone of you knows the purpose of each antenna?
What should I do, should I contact i-mate and tell them they are blind and that I will sew them because of all I have been through?
Thank you very much and I hope this time you will help me guys!
Here are the pictures:
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Ithing the missing one is GSM antena ... because wifi antena is locator on the side of your device

GSM Antenna
Yes you are right guys, it is definitely a GSM Antenna, I think it handles the outgoing data on a call (my voice), but only on some types of networks, because with my current operator (Movistar) it doesn't matter the missing antenna, the other person can hear me crystal clear, but no on the Telcel network. I think Telcel network is older, maybe I-mate just "deprecated" this part of the antenna, haha.
I know that I shouldn't have opened my device, but I knew something was interfering my GSM antenna, I thought maybe the wifi and the gsm antenna were very close on my Jasjar and that's why I was having this problems.
I will try to contact I-mate and ask them for the antenna, I hope they at least apologize, because had a lot of problems because of this little piece of metal!!!
I will keep you updated...

Download link?
bogusiano said:
Hi, after many months and sending my Jasjar back to warranty without success of getting my problem solved...
I finally have 2 solutions for it:
1) With a Tested and Approved ROM from i-mate-> Rom version: 1.13.53
Radio version: 1.03.01 and ExtROM version: 1.13.137
I managed to solve this problem if I change my carrier, here in Mexico 2 companies offer GSM (Telcel and Movistar) if I connect to Movistar the problem dissapears, but they have few antennas.
2) With the new i-mate Test ROM version: 1.30.68 WWE
Radio: 1.09.00 and ExtROM: 1.30.153 WWE
The problem is solved without changing to another carrier! But! If I install Microsoft’s .net Compact Framework 2.0 the problem returns.
Any ideas what is going on here?
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Could someone direct me as to where I can download these ROMs? I've been looking to no avail..
thank you.

Awesome Find!!
bogusiano said:
Hi, well let me update you and tell you what I have found. I changed from Carrier and everything is working fine now, but yesterday I decided to open my Jasjar to see if there is any chance of improving the original antenna, I opened my device with the HTC Service Manual (There is a copy on the FTP). To my surprise I discovered that the Universal has 3 atennas for the GSM/UMTS Service (I don't know what is the purpose of each one), and my Jasjar is missing one of them!!!! :shock: And a conductive tape (are they really important???)
I couldn't believe it because my Jasjar was returned to warranty at Dubai, they changed the motherboard but they didn't realized that it was missing one antenna! Are they blind????? Maybe they are opening devices very cool with their sunglasses on 8) !!!!!!! :evil:
So I decided to make an antenna for it with the antenna of a Motorola phone I used, and my Jasjar worked perfectly with my past carrier (I haven't been able to cancel the contract so I am paying 2 contracts thanks to i-mate :evil: )
So my question is do anyone of you knows the purpose of each antenna?
What should I do, should I contact i-mate and tell them they are blind and that I will sew them because of all I have been through?
Thank you very much and I hope this time you will help me guys!
Here are the pictures:
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DUDE!!! YOU ARE THE MAN!! People have been complaining about me not receiving calls, so I finally started to investigate and after a long search stumbled across this post!! I opened mine up and bingo, I am missing this antenna as well.
I'm going to try to fabricate a replacement and see if things go better. Someone ought to pin this post or put it somewhere obvious as this is a big find!!
Thanks again dude!
OK... I've been trying to fabricate a new antenna using some sheet aluminum, but it is too flimsy to keep the contact. Also bloody hard to cut to the right size (took me four attempts) and finally succeeded size-wise after measuring with a micrometer.
Can anyone please suggest an alternative? Is there a place to get a replacement antenna with all 3 in place?

New Antenna, no help...
I managed to make a more sturdy antenna using pop can metal. I ensured that the contacts were actually conductive and placed it in. However, I don't see a noticeable improvement in signal strength.
May I suggest that the 3 antenna's are for EGSM (900), DCS1800 and PCS1900? Presumably, that would also explain the different sizes in the plates...I'd say the largest one is 900, the second largest is 1800 and the smallest is 1900.
The GSM mode sets EGSM and DCS1800 which are the modes I used. The second largest antenna is the one that appears to be missing. I'm going to try service on PCS1900, but I don't think my carrier uses it.
Still looking for an OEM antenna if anyone can direct me there.


Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion

I Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion every now and then. I have radio version 1.01.00 and rom version 1.03.00 WWE. My provider is Vodafone in sweden.
If I go to flight mode and back to normal then I can connect to GPRS again. Should I uppgrade my I-Mate to get it to work? Any Ideas what to do?
I've heard of people with similar problems, you need to upgrade your Rom, if you wanna stay relatively safe, upgrade to:
Rom Version: 1.72.00WWE
U can get this from club imate
I'm afraid I can´t find the rom on the Imate Club site. But you belive my problem will be solved by uppgrading the rom right? I´ll have to search for it then. ;c) Thanks.
I sure don't see any version 1.72 on Club iMate at JAM Device Support. The latest available upgrade I see is:
Radio 1.01.00
ROM 1.03.143 WWE
Where do you see version 1.72?
I believe he's referring to the wrong device. 1.72 was for the I-Mate Pocket PC - not the Jam.
Ok. I have posted a case to Imate and they where about to send a file to correct the problem but I got an emty mail.
Imate support don't know what this is. I'm back on the hunt. Anybody else having the same problem with theirs? Please let me know in this thred
Sincere Apologies, I was in fact dreferring to the I-mate....didnt realise this thread was under magician
Got an ansver from Imate. They sent me an PDF file where they showed me how to set up the GPRS connection. The problem is, been there and done that. I’m totally lost here. Is it only me who has this problem with “magican” and Vodafone? (In Sweden). Frustrating! ;c(
Note: With my P800 and the same location and same SIM = no probem at all.
I have the exact same problem with Vodafone gprs in Sweden
Hi Robert
I have the exact same problem with GPRS. I am also a customer of Vodafone in Sweden. I have this problem regardless of the device I am using. I have been running Qtek 2020, 8010, 9090 and S100 (magician) devices with the same problem for quite a while now.
I have started to think that this is not a device problem. It is probably a problem with Vodafone GPRS. I have contacted their tech support a couple of times about this. So far we have tried disabling/reenabling GPRS on my account and switching to new Sim-cards. None of this has worked so far.
I am using their twin cards service switching between different phones, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the problem.
best regards
Thanks a lot for giving me this feedback. I'll talk to Vodafone right away.
Solution: I know that Telia supports the magican device because they have them for sale. My solution was to call Telia and tell them that I wanted to use them instead. Its a covards solution but Imate blames Vodafone and Vodafone blames Imate.
I have an old Qtek1010 on Telia, and it is behaving just like your Magician on Vodaphone. Sometimes I have to actually remove the SIM and put it back in again to be able to reconnect.
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
bamse said:
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
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My gprs connection seems to stay connected ok even when the machine is switched "off". I have an imate jam on o2 in the UK.
I don't know if it stays on forever because i tend to log off gprs so i can go on line through bluetooth.
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
I have several collegues who are not experiencing these problems with Qtek devices on Vodafone network. So it does not seem to be a general problem.
RobertDahlberg said:
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
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I just talked to Telia today as my GPRS broke down totally and there was just nothing that would make it connect. The person I talked to was very helpful and professional and we managed to isolate the problem to my SIM card. Being a brand new SIM I received just two weeks ago I though that just anything but the SIM would be more probable. It was very evident though as my SIM would not work with GPRS in neither mine nor a colleauges phone but the colleauges SIM would work just fine in both.
My new SIM will arrive on monday, and then hopefully it will not be too long before my S100 arrives as well
Ok, thats somewhat god news. Then there is hope to accually use this expensive piece of toy as it is suppose to.
Some input…
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
Re: Some input…
Johnny said:
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
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It will not. For two reasons:
1. There can only be one network connection at a time, and the activesync connection counts as a network connection (you can use network passthrough to use the activesync connection for network access from the PPC).
2. You can not have a GSM voice connection and an active GPRS connection simultaneously because they share the same radio hardware. Simultaneous GPRS and Voice would need two radios in the phone, and although it has been part of the GSM specification for quite some time there are no such device available on the consumer market yet.

My O2 -Hermes drives me crazy. Help !

Since a few weeks I have following issue with my O2 Trion:
Even though the antenna signal shows 100% strenght, I have 1 chance on 2 being unable either to make a call or to receive (same counts for SMS send/receive) When people call me, the call is forwarded directly to my voice mail like my telephone is shut of. When calling someone, I got 3X dong-dong sound without getting through
I have changed the SIM card , uninstalled a lot of applications but problem remains.
What other tests can I do to see if it is a soft or hardware problem?
The sof onboard is the original delivered on + pocketmechanic pro WM5 and Pocketmusic.
My O2 was originally German with QwertZ layout, got the 1.23.707.1 ROM, the radio version and protocol 32.37.7010.01H.
Before I hand over my so precious tool, I wanted to know of some experts here have any suggestions?
Thanks upfront!
I've had several phones in the past that show maximum signal when actually they have virtually no signal at all!!
I wonder whether it's worth trying to limit the connection (as a test) to GSM band only, just in case you've got the band switching issue.
Start>settings>personal tab>phone>band and only selecting GSM in the drop down boxes.
mikechannon said:
I've had several phones in the past that show maximum signal when actually they have virtually no signal at all!!
I wonder whether it's worth trying to limit the connection (as a test) to GSM band only, just in case you've got the band switching issue.
Start>settings>personal tab>phone>band and only selecting GSM in the drop down boxes.
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Thanks, but I tried all options in those settings already. Auto + Auto, GSM +Auto, GSM + UMTS etc.. nothing seems to be stable. There is no rational behind to clarify this issue...
What i do notice is that when my network goes from GSM to UMTS depending of the strongest network, UMTS shows less issues( I believe)
I had similar radio problems with my German TyTN (E-Plus), that are resolved now that the device was replaced.
The E-Plus hotline confirmed there are some devices with unrepairable radio problems.
So before you or your callers go crazy with calls dropped by your TyTN or not being able to find a network or you're tired of the quick battery drain, the mediocre CPU performance or obscure crashes, get it replaced.
Would it help if I boot to another radio version only, or is it hardware related?
Issue is that O2 Trion is not supported / distributed in Taiwan (as all WM5are Chinese here)
Does someone knows if DOPOD would do the repair for a O2 XDA trion german version in another country than they distribute their devices?
Any hotline to ask?
No, they probably won't. Upgrade the ROM, and flash the new radio. Read the wiki's and ASK FOR HELP before you do anything you are unsure of.
Follow these instructions to the letter and you'll be okay. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=285586
Let me know if you have problems with the bootloader version
Good luck

Incomplete Internal Antenna

I am entering this as a new post as I had a very hard time find this one and I think it's important. Also, I haven't been able to fix a replacement yet...
This is a continuation of this thread.
Originally Posted by bogusiano
Hi, well let me update you and tell you what I have found. I changed from Carrier and everything is working fine now, but yesterday I decided to open my Jasjar to see if there is any chance of improving the original antenna, I opened my device with the HTC Service Manual (There is a copy on the FTP). To my surprise I discovered that the Universal has 3 atennas for the GSM/UMTS Service (I don't know what is the purpose of each one), and my Jasjar is missing one of them!!!! :shock: And a conductive tape (are they really important???)
I couldn't believe it because my Jasjar was returned to warranty at Dubai, they changed the motherboard but they didn't realized that it was missing one antenna! Are they blind????? Maybe they are opening devices very cool with their sunglasses on 8) !!!!!!! :evil:
So I decided to make an antenna for it with the antenna of a Motorola phone I used, and my Jasjar worked perfectly with my past carrier (I haven't been able to cancel the contract so I am paying 2 contracts thanks to i-mate :evil: )
So my question is do anyone of you knows the purpose of each antenna?
What should I do, should I contact i-mate and tell them they are blind and that I will sew them because of all I have been through?
Thank you very much and I hope this time you will help me guys!
Here are the pictures:
DUDE!!! YOU ARE THE MAN!! People have been complaining about me not receiving calls, so I finally started to investigate and after a long search stumbled across this post!! I opened mine up and bingo, I am missing this antenna as well.
I'm going to try to fabricate a replacement and see if things go better. Someone ought to pin this post or put it somewhere obvious as this is a big find!!
Thanks again dude!
OK... I've been trying to fabricate a new antenna using some sheet aluminum, but it is too flimsy to keep the contact. Also bloody hard to cut to the right size (took me four attempts) and finally succeeded size-wise after measuring with a micrometer.
Can anyone please suggest an alternative? Is there a place to get a replacement antenna with all 3 in place?
So, what do you all think guys?
Antenna Theory
I managed to make a more sturdy antenna using pop can metal. I ensured that the contacts were actually conductive and placed it in. However, I don't see a noticeable improvement in signal strength. It may just be an issue with the contacts though.
Could it be that the SPV M5000 was intentionally designed to omit one of the antenna's to discourage use on another provider's service??
May I suggest that the 3 antenna's are for EGSM (900), DCS1800 and PCS1900? Presumably, that would also explain the different sizes in the plates...I'd say the largest one is 900, the second largest is 1800 and the smallest is 1900.
The GSM mode sets EGSM and DCS1800 which are the modes I used. The second largest antenna is the one that appears to be missing. I'm going to try service on PCS1900, but I don't think my carrier uses it.
Still looking for an OEM antenna if anyone can direct me there.
I have compared my mainboard to the picture in the service manual, and not only am I missing the antenna for DCS1800, but it appears that even the mainboard may be MISSING components to support the DCS1800 antenna! Can anyone comment on this? Where the picture in the service manual has little black dots which I presume are components, mine only has the gold connectors. This seems bad as this could basically mean that Orange phones are crippled to PCS1900 and EGSM(900).
Can anyone who is qualified please comment on this??
More Info
Ok, after getting more info on the provider, probing around in the phone and playing with settings, it ACTUALLY seems for MY case that I WAS using PCS1900. My provider uses 850 and 1900. I had always selected the setting for EGSM & DCS1800 and presumed that was the frequency actually being used. However, the EGSM for Orange is 900, not 850. SO, that must mean that despite the settings I had manually set, it must have been automagically switching to PCS1900 anyway.
That being said, I presume I must be getting poor signal in certain places because my phone can't roam to the 850 frequency when it loses the 1900 one and therefore just drops signal.
Now I'm on a hunt for a 850/1800/1900 OR 850/900/1800/1900 Universal.
Hope this post helps someone someday. It's been one heck of an adventure for me.

Second problem with my Hermes

Hello, I post this problem in sepparate thread because it's completely different from the first (the slider).
The problem:
When the UMTS network is enabled I can make and receive calls without any problem. If I turn the UMTS/3G off from the menu or if there is no coverag I can't receive calls . If somebody calls me he receives recorded operator message "the subscribers telephone is not switch on". After that I receive notification that somebody called me.
I have flashed the latest radio rom, but no change .
Please give me some ideas
Thanks !
Mistake sorry.. The problem still not solved
Nobody with same problem ?
it's not your phone but your phone company's which equipment have the issue
nothing you can do well apart from changing phone company
mine is never like that
Rudegar said:
it's not your phone but your phone company's which equipment have the issue
nothing you can do well apart from changing phone company
mine is never like that
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It's OK, but how other Hermeses works with this network ?
all gprs able devices would work the same way with your network
Which Radio ROM did you flash?
The best is to flash the shipped Radio ROM back to your phone.
This one should work on your phone.
Hello, I was on vacantion last week. Thank you for your replies ! I've tried most of the radio ROMS and it seems to be a hardware problem. I've opened the phone and there are 3 issues:
1) The yellow element in the center of this photo seems to have broken corner ( maybe it's antenna switch ):
2) Some 0 Ohm resistor is shorted with wire ( may be this is not problem ) :
3) There are two missing capacitors near the flex cable connector:
Please give some suggestions. Thanks !

HTC P3450 Network Connection Problem

I am having a problem with my HTC Touch P3450 phone for the past 2 weeks. Although the GSM signal looks good, I am not able to make/receive calls. I am on "Phone" mode (not Flight Mode or similar). Everything else (WiFi, programs etc.) works fine.
My operator is Turkcell and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. The phone was purchased from the United States.
I have done a ROM update to ROM version 1.17.707.2B WWE but the problem still exists.
Has anyone else experienced this kind of problem? I suspect that this issue has something to do with the 3G upgrading process going on in Turkey.
Can you try to use your friend's sim card and see whether it works.
Is it something like a dropped call?
I tried two different SIM cards, one with my operator and one with another operator. I am still having the same problem.
The problem is that I cannot make any calls at all, rather than dropped calls.
Also I cannot take any calls, when I call myself from another phone it goes to voice mail as if the phone is turned off.
I guess it is a hardware problem then.
turbulence2009 said:
I tried two different SIM cards, one with my operator and one with another operator. I am still having the same problem.
The problem is that I cannot make any calls at all, rather than dropped calls.
Also I cannot take any calls, when I call myself from another phone it goes to voice mail as if the phone is turned off.
I guess it is a hardware problem then.
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I think its time to change your phone's radio. go to the elf-upgrading section to find out more.
I have the same problem
Hi, i have the same problem. When I make a soft-reset on my Elfin it has signal, but just 3 or more minutes after i cloud not make any calls and if someone try to call me they receive the message that my cellphone is off. Rigth now i am performing a radio upgrade and i will let you know if this is the solution for the problem, if you are done with this please let me know how to solve this.
Hi I have the same problem with this phone, can some one of you tell me witch is Radio ROM is the best for HTC ELF.
Thank you guys
I think that this is a common problem on Htc Touch, cause i have exactly the same problem.
I have this problem too
I upgraded new radio 3.34.90 but the problem still make me angry
Call ended itself, i tried 3 4 sims from 3 4 operator
Same problem.
i have same problem sometimes network gone automatically but signal shows full but after reset it starts perfect. thn after somtime same prob?
is thr any solution?
same problem here (P-3452 Elfin)
bsnl sim not working
Hello there.....
I am from Bangalore,India. i was using BSNL SIM for 2years. suddenly one day the Sim was dead. i thought sim problem so replaced 2 times after that got AIRTEL Sim. now its working fine. the problem is with 2 or 3 carrier operators. STRANGE!!!!!!!!
i have this problem too nobody to help pelease
please some one help me.....
I have been investigating this issue on and off for a few months now on one of my elf’s. I originally bought this phone off eBay to test stuff, and found no signal was being received when I got it. The auction did say this so fine. Checkmend says it is not blocked in any country, and is not stolen etc. Therefore, it is definitely something on the phone opposed to networks.
The phone can pick up signal, it noes networks exists, and can identify them, however, when registered and "connected" it does not pick up messages, and when I try to make a phone call the signal completely drops.
I like others have tried many roms. I have even tried every signal radio. I have also tried 6 different working Sims across a number of operators.
Basically, I think this issue is hardware, I mean, there really isn't anything else that I can think off. I have done some reading, and I *think* it may be down to the PA chips. There are 2 off these in the phone, one for Radio signal, and the other for Bluetooth, and wifi. (I think that is it).
These are located just above the battery on the back of the circuit board from what I can see, protected by 2 parts. One removable (two top screws - also contains the speaker) and one fixed into the middle part of the body.
I've done some playing, and it seems may be easy to break, either by dropping the phone, or even possibly by something as little as keeping the phone in a pocket and sitting on it.
I am not sure where I can go from here. I may need to investigate this further, but it is looking like it is going to be a dead end, considering I am not able to BGA solder to replace it, and expect the cost in doing so outweighs buying a new phone. I'm going to look into signal amplifiers, and see if I can find one that’s not just a piece of tin foil, and actually works. It will be interesting to see if that will improve the signal far enough for the phone to be usable once again. I may even just try with some kitchen foil, or by plugging in an external aerial (which I do not have yet, and may be costly, and therefore no point). If the external aerial works, I guess the chip could only be damaged, and not able to get enough strength itself.
This is only a theory on what I think is wrong with my Phone, and may be different to what everyone else’s is. But i thought I should put it out, to see if anyone else is able to confirm/kill my idea. It is a theory after all, they are made to be proven!
If anyone else has any ideas, feel free to pitch them, I like hearing what others are thinking, and it may be possible, although I admit very unlikely, that we could find a resolution to this issue!
@ashkan62 , can you provide a detailed problem please, this may give me something more to look at that I have missed.
wow. that's really informative. I've done upgrading radio roms too and even the spl. but nothing happened. hope your investigation on this works. thanks for the info.
or how about upgrading the o.s.? did someone tried that? coz I'm planning to upgrade my elf wm6.1 to wm6.5 and onyx 4 to onyx 6. would that work? what do you think?
cnergy_14 said:
or how about upgrading the o.s.? did someone tried that? coz I'm planning to upgrade my elf wm6.1 to wm6.5 and onyx 4 to onyx 6. would that work? what do you think?
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I think it can't harm to try, be sure to follow the right procedure.
Yeah. I'll try to do the upgrade this week. I'll inform you if anything happens. (like bricking my phone. )

